Tuesday 10 April 2012


The gentleman below speaks wisely; his analysis is bang on.  Note: Who is behind the rise in racism in North America? You guessed it! The bankers ~ the leading men of whom are Jewish. Who runs the media promoting all of this filthy crud? You know the answer to that; I don’t need to tell you.

This fellow below speaks of a NeoNazi demonstration that was held and no one had ever heard of the organization involved. Many, if not all, of these organizations are either spearheaded or funded by Jews.  Stir up the people however possible.  You will find all racist groups heavily laced with, or led by, Jews. Including the KKK. All in the name of poop-disturbing, something these “chosen” meddlers excel at.
Jews are the most racist people on the planet, and yet they use racism to divide the rest of us, so they may rape us at will. Naturally, we must stand united before them, if for nothing else than rational self defense.

Red, white, black, and every other non-Jewish race are stuck on a sinking raft together. We can either fight with each other as we ride our limp dingy down into the darkest depths of the sea, or we can recognize we are sinking because of the Jew with his ice pick, poking all the holes in our dinghy. If we’re smart, we can work together to throw their asses overboard, and finally get on with patching the raft, before we never see dry land again.


Neo-Nazi Gang a Malignant Growth in Israel


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