Teasing? Aarathi Prasad argues the case for a sexless future
beautiful genetics expert above, Aarathi Prasad, urges us to embrace a future
of virgin births (for women AND men) in which sex and marriage are redundant..
IS THIS “TYRANNY OF THE WOMB” that gives life?! THIS term sticks in my craw and leaves a dirty taste in my mouth; it angers me that these arrogant creatures think they know better than billions of years of natural development, that they know better than the god most of them deny exists.
However, Aaratha is a highly educated and clever geneticist so we normal
folks don't know nuffin'. After all, what is just one more potential nail in the coffin of heterosexual relationships?
By A N Wilson
By August 17, 2012
do it, bees do it, even educated fleas do it. The wonderful Cole Porter song,
Let’s Do It, Let’s Fall In Love, lists many of the species who enjoy pairing
off: 'Even Pekinese at the Ritz do it!'
Pekinese are not alone: 99.9 per cent of higher animal species reproduce
themselves sexually. Species capable of reproducing themselves without contact
between male and female are in the distinct minority.
lizards and some hammer-head sharks apparently do it. Or rather, don’t do it.
But so far no one has written a song about them and their lonely sexual
a research geneticist from Imperial College London, Aarathi Prasad, has tried
to do the next best thing. Not only has she written a celebration of those
eccentric creatures who are capable of reproducing by themselves without sexual
contact, she controversially claims that sexless reproduction is the way of the
future for humans, too.
generation ago, test-tube babies were the stuff of science fiction: now, we
accept these things as realities. In the same way, suggests Prasad, we could
well be looking at a future in which human babies could be born without any
sperm donors, let alone contact between the sexes. The future is sexless.
her publicity photographs show a beautiful young woman with bare shoulders
posing coquettishly for the camera, some readers might feel that Aarathi Prasad
is teasing them just a little.
her book, Like A Virgin, is exploring
a fundamentally serious theme, and one at the heart of Western liberal
It is that we human beings are in control of our own destiny, and there is nothing sacred or special about life itself.This is because we live in a world where science means we can manipulate everything ~ even the process of reproduction.
the central tenet of her story is that virgin births are now almost within the
grasp of science.
she really be serious?
while she watches our jaws drop, she reminds us not to be prejudiced. If women
can do it, why not men, she asks.
in Australia, they have pioneered an artificial womb ~ a plastic container
specially designed to hold fluids and bacteria found in natural wombs.
Admittedly the creatures being developed in this artificial womb are grey nurse
sharks ~ but, where sharks lead, humans could follow.
to Prasad, it will one day be technically possible for a man to develop a child
in one of these ‘wombs’ without the co-operation of any female partner.
by now, you are beginning to echo Captain Mainwaring’s words to his corporal in
Dad’s Army: ‘I think you’re getting into the realms of fantasy here, Jones.’
Prasad points out that science has already developed artificial sperm. And that
such sperm has produced offspring. How far behind can be the synthetic egg?
Prasad with her 8 yr old daughter Tara and ex partner Robin. She believes
long-held taboos and traditions should be forgotten to progress
far the synthetic sperm has been confined to Japanese laboratory mice,
resulting in a baby mouse called Kaguya in 2004.
was conceived after the genetic content of an egg from a young mouse was
modified to make it appear as if it were sperm, which was then used to fertilize
a mature egg from another mouse.
was the lucky one which survived from 371 synthetically fertilized eggs. But
the point is that science will ensure the technique improves, and it may become
viable for human use.
book also comes up with all kinds of freak case histories which appear to
suggest that a virgin birth might not be beyond the bounds of science as new
techniques develop.
tells of cases where growths in the ovaries simulate the properties of a
foetus. We read of weird ‘ovarian teratomas’ (tumours which grow from unfertilized
egg cells) which can develop humanoid features such as teeth and hair.
such malformation discovered inside a young Japanese virgin in 2003 had a
doll-like body with an eye which had lashes.
idea is that with more understanding of the processes behind these freakish
cases, we could learn how to reproduce without the aid of any partner.
warns such research may well be necessary. Infertility is on the rise in the
world, she claims ~ which means that the normal means of reproducing the
human race could actually be under threat in the very long term.
warns that the Y chromosome ~ the strand of DNA which helps shape the male of
any species ~ is ‘hurtling down the evolutionary road towards extinction’.
Research has shown that the genetic information contained on it has been
disintegrating over time.
if that is the case, if the Y chromosome really is dying out, then does this
not mean that the human race itself is slowly dying out ~ unless scientists can
devise artificial means for the human race to reproduce itself?
is it not clear that, if this were to happen, the human race will opt for
Prasad’s idea of virgin birth?
It is not good for man to be alone: Aarathi Prasad's book
suggests that we could learn how to reproduce without the aid of a partner
so many scientists, Aarathi Prasad believes long-held taboos and traditions
should be cast aside in the name of progress.
She wants us to drop all our prejudices about sex, sexual difference, reproduction and foetuses, and to allow science to develop in any way it chooses.
‘Why can’t a man be a mother?’ she
‘Why do we care so much about what it
means to be a 'mother'
rather than to be a 'parent'?
all reasonable estimates, in the near future we will conquer the tyranny of the womb. The question
remains if we can also conquer the tyranny of human prejudice, too.’
course, she is being contentious so that her spirited book will sell. But
Prasad is not a neutral research scientist: she is an out-an-out liberal
campaigner in favour of taking research on human embryology and fertilization
as far as it will go.
her vision of the world, it is only fuddy-duddies who would question why anyone
~ elderly women, men, you name it ~ should not become pregnant if they choose
to indulge the whim.
is a brilliant scientist, and I know nothing about her subject. But the
greatest problem facing this planet isn’t the slight dip in human fertility in
the West. Rather, as any third world charity worker will tell you, it is the
vast problem of overpopulation, especially in parts of the world scarcely
capable of feeding themselves.
sub-Saharan Africa, the issue is not that a few selfish older ladies or gay men
cannot have babies. It is that the babies who have already been born in vast
numbers do not have enough to eat. Prasad’s book provides a very strong example
of how scientists can ignore the blindingly obvious in an attempt to brainwash
doubt there are some people who love to contemplate the brave new world in
which the messy business of relationships between the sexes is done away with.
probably rejoice at the idea of a future in which human beings are made from
artificial sperm; a future where the ‘best’ baby is selected from 371 fertilized
laboratory eggs and the others are chucked away.
Aarathi Prasad is to be believed, such a concept does not belong to the realms
of fantasy, but is, on the contrary, just round the corner.
Prasad and those who think like her, it goes without saying that science offers
us choice, and choice is always a good thing. But is it?
we really have a better world if we had been able to select our children in the
way we might choose a pet in a shop?
there not something healthy and adventurous about accepting what comes?
there not something creepy ~ almost Nazi ~ about the idea of trying to create
for ourselves a perfect child who does not inherit Uncle Sid’s dyspepsia, Aunt
Mavis’s wonky teeth, and those weird knees from Charles’s side of the family?
not the attempt to make babies into designer items remove any of the adventure
of being born?
Yet, above all, is there not something sinister and joyless about the notion of going it alone when it comes to reproducing ourselves?
the old myth about the Garden of Eden, God says that ‘it is not good for man to
be alone’.
Who needs a woman? Or "the tyranny of her womb"?
Modern science disagrees. It thinks there is nothing wrong with this
generation ago, we watched families breaking up in large numbers for the first
time, and the breakdown of marriages. Nearly every observer of society agrees
that this was calamitous, especially in the less privileged parts of our
cities, where
of family structure is the major background and cause of crime, psychological
dislocation, and anti-social behaviour.
What appears to be a scientific exploration is actually a political tract, saying that we can do without a patriarchal, male-dominated society, do without Dad, without family, without any of the structures which have hitherto shaped the human destiny.
subtitle of Prasad’s thesis is How Science Is Redesigning The Rules Of Sex. To
my mind, this book is not so much redesigning the rules of sex as suggesting
sex as we know it should be abolished.
is a good example of something purporting to be a work of science but is, in
fact, as brimful of prejudice as any religious text, and as biased as any loony
author is a clever geneticist, and I know nothing.
I very much doubt whether human beings ever will be able to reproduce without
the time-honoured meeting of male and female. But even if she is right, how
boring life would be without the mutual attractions of the sexes, and the
complexities, joys and frustrations of family relationships.
Sounds like a plot from an upcoming episode of "The Big Bang Theory".