By Christina England
Activist Post
Activist Post
Parents in South Africa are facing life in prison for the murder of their baby girl who died just days after receiving routine vaccinations. Baby A had received all her vaccinations on time. On September 25, 2012, when she was aged just five months, her parents took her to their local clinic, where she received a total of eight vaccinations before being sent home.
Baby A’s mother told VacTruth that the vaccinations were administered extremely harshly, with the nurse appearing to stab their daughter viciously with a variety of needles. Baby A received eight vaccines in total, the five-in-one vaccine Pentaxim said to protect against diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, haemophilus influenza type B (Hib) and polio; the hepatitis B vaccine; the rotavirus vaccine; and a vaccine said to protect babies against pneumocococcal and non-typeable haemophilus influenzae disease, Prenevar/Prenvar.
Her mother explained that after her ordeal, Baby A was irritable, upset and had difficulty in settling. That the following day, she was unable to move her legs, which remained hard and swollen around the injection site for several days.
Amazingly, this was not the first time that Baby A had suffered from this side effect.
Her mother told VacTruth that her legs had become swollen after vaccinations before, when they had remained swollen for several weeks. When Baby A’s parents asked the nurses at the clinic why their daughter’s legs were swollen, they were told that it may have been due to the technique that was used at the time of vaccination.
The nurses recorded this reaction on Baby A’s vaccination card and told Baby A’s mother to use a warm face towel and massage her legs. When Baby A suffered the same side effect after vaccinations given on September 25, 2012, Mrs. A immediately used a warm face towel to soothe her daughter’s legs and lessen the swelling.
So, why weren’t the healthcare providers concerned about this reaction?
On October 9, 2012, Baby A appeared to be her normal self, playing, kicking and smiling; however, the next day things were very different. Mrs. A explains:
Baby A woke up and appeared to be crabby and running a high fever. She was only was happy if we were holding her and carrying her. That day, I gave her Panado and was dabbing her with a cool face towel to bring the fever down. At about 15:30 or so I had just finished feeding her and gave her to my husband to burp and as he was burping he heard her gasp for like a breath of air and when I looked at her she had collapsed on his shoulder and wasn’t breathing. She turned blue and we tried to give her CPR but as we were doing that she was throwing up and still was not breathing.We decided to rush her to the nearest hospital but we were unfortunate as there was traffic at the time and only got there at about 16:00. I could be off a few minutes, we took her into the trauma unit and they took her from us and told us to wait in a separate room. They managed to resuscitate her and put her in the NICU, they then took her to get a CT scan and then said they needed to take x-rays as well.

When Mr. and Mrs. A asked the doctor what had happened to their daughter, the doctor was abrupt, saying, “I don’t know, I wasn’t there, why don’t you tell me?”
Mrs A. told VacTruth that she felt that his comment was uncalled for and insulting and that she could not understand what he was implying. She said:
We were so upset, how could he say that? What was he implying? That was our baby there and we didn’t know what had happened.
She told me that she had turned to the doctor
treating Baby A and said to him:
You are the doctor; you are supposed to help us. All of a sudden everything we had got taken away, our life, our 24 hours a day, we have nothing left to do now but wait for some sort of answer as to why our baby is lying there. I don’t know what this shaken baby syndrome is, no one shook our baby. We were there, that’s not an answer, and we need an answer.”
Sadly, Baby A’s parents never got an answer and three days later, they noticed that their daughter’s hands, feet, head and eyes appeared swollen. Worried, they asked the nurses what was wrong and they were informed that the swelling was due to the lack of oxygen reaching the brain.
Mrs. A said that around this time that the pediatrician requested a biopsy to test the collagen for brittle bone disease. The results of this test are not known because Baby A’s medical records have since gone missing.
The next day the doctor suggested to Baby A’s parents that it might be time to switch off the ventilator. He explained that Baby A was not going to wake up and asked her parents whether they would consider organ donation, which the devastated couple refused on religious grounds.
On the fifth day, the swelling had became much worse and six days after Baby A’s admission into the hospital, hospital staff could no longer open the little girl’s eyes. It was at this stage that Baby A’s parents decided that their precious daughter had suffered enough. Mrs. A explained:
Sadly, Baby A’s parents never got an answer and three days later, they noticed that their daughter’s hands, feet, head and eyes appeared swollen. Worried, they asked the nurses what was wrong and they were informed that the swelling was due to the lack of oxygen reaching the brain.
Mrs. A said that around this time that the pediatrician requested a biopsy to test the collagen for brittle bone disease. The results of this test are not known because Baby A’s medical records have since gone missing.
The next day the doctor suggested to Baby A’s parents that it might be time to switch off the ventilator. He explained that Baby A was not going to wake up and asked her parents whether they would consider organ donation, which the devastated couple refused on religious grounds.
On the fifth day, the swelling had became much worse and six days after Baby A’s admission into the hospital, hospital staff could no longer open the little girl’s eyes. It was at this stage that Baby A’s parents decided that their precious daughter had suffered enough. Mrs. A explained:
We decided to switch off the ventilator and let our baby rest in peace, we had a meeting with the nurses and doctors and told them that we would switch off at 7am the following day and the nurses said that there would have to be an autopsy and the paediatrician then said, no, that was not necessary, and the nurses insisted.Day 7 came [on] October 17, 2012 and as soon as we got there, they took Baby A out of her bed and told us to sit, put her in our arms and switched off the ventilator. They didn’t even give us five minutes alone with her to say goodbye to her.We then sat alone with her after she had passed on and waited in the waiting area for them to release her body. We waited between two and three hours and they told us they were waiting for the police to come and pick up the body to take it to the morgue to do the autopsy.
"Baby A's" vaccine records
This is yet another tragic case in which parents
have been accused of shaking their baby, after a possible vaccine injury has
occurred. Baby A’s vaccination card showed that at the tender age of five
months she had received a total of 21 routine vaccinations. This is a vast
number of vaccinations and it is becoming evident that many babies of this age
cannot tolerate an onslaught of toxins, chemicals and poisons of this
It is important to recognize that some parents do physically abuse their children and while I appreciate that this is not acceptable, doctors must appreciate that not every injury is the result of child abuse.
Over recent years, there has been a dramatic rise in the number of parents being accused of shaken baby syndrome after a possible vaccine injury has occurred. In 1998, Dr. Viera Scheibner called this rise an “epidemic.” In a paper published by Nexus, she wrote:
It is important to recognize that some parents do physically abuse their children and while I appreciate that this is not acceptable, doctors must appreciate that not every injury is the result of child abuse.
Over recent years, there has been a dramatic rise in the number of parents being accused of shaken baby syndrome after a possible vaccine injury has occurred. In 1998, Dr. Viera Scheibner called this rise an “epidemic.” In a paper published by Nexus, she wrote:
Some time ago I started getting requests from lawyers or the accused parents themselves for expert reports. A close study of the history of these cases revealed something distinctly sinister: in every single case, the symptoms appeared shortly after the baby’s vaccinations. [1]
I would go one step further than Dr. Scheibner and
say that this epidemic has now become a “pandemic of shaken baby syndrome.”
Baby A’s vaccine card states that on the September 25 she received the Prevanar vaccine, a vaccine that has been known to cause severe adverse reactions, including convulsions, difficulty in breathing, swelling of the face, hands and feet and death. [2]
Could it be possible that the swelling of Baby A’s hands, feet, head and eyes was in fact evidence that she was suffering from an adverse reaction from the vaccine?
Many may argue that this swelling happened two weeks after the vaccine was administered, but I would counter argue, stating that there is no set time frame for an adverse reaction to occur. Remember, Baby A’s legs had swollen up shortly after she received the vaccine and had remained swollen for some weeks.
According to Reuters, in 2009 the Dutch authorities banned the vaccine Prevenar after three infants died within two weeks of receiving the vaccine. This was the same time frame that occurred between the administration of the vaccine and Baby A’s death.
A spokeswomen for the Dutch health institute RIVM stated:
Baby A’s vaccine card states that on the September 25 she received the Prevanar vaccine, a vaccine that has been known to cause severe adverse reactions, including convulsions, difficulty in breathing, swelling of the face, hands and feet and death. [2]
Could it be possible that the swelling of Baby A’s hands, feet, head and eyes was in fact evidence that she was suffering from an adverse reaction from the vaccine?
Many may argue that this swelling happened two weeks after the vaccine was administered, but I would counter argue, stating that there is no set time frame for an adverse reaction to occur. Remember, Baby A’s legs had swollen up shortly after she received the vaccine and had remained swollen for some weeks.
According to Reuters, in 2009 the Dutch authorities banned the vaccine Prevenar after three infants died within two weeks of receiving the vaccine. This was the same time frame that occurred between the administration of the vaccine and Baby A’s death.
A spokeswomen for the Dutch health institute RIVM stated:
On average, about five to ten deaths are reported annually after babies get vaccines. We now have three cases in a short period; that is unusual, and the reason for suspending the batch. [3]
The deaths in Holland are not the only deaths that
have been reported.
In 2000, Michael Horwin, MA, reported that while conducting the clinical trials for Prevenar, twelve children had died.
In Part 3 of his paper entitled "Prevnar A Critical Review of a New Childhood Vaccine," Horwin wrote:
In 2000, Michael Horwin, MA, reported that while conducting the clinical trials for Prevenar, twelve children had died.
In Part 3 of his paper entitled "Prevnar A Critical Review of a New Childhood Vaccine," Horwin wrote:
Furthermore, the insert tells us that, “Twelve deaths (5 SIDS and 7 with clear alternative cause) occurred among subjects receiving Prevnar.” This number was less than the '21 deaths (8 SIDS, 12 with clear alternative cause and one SIDS-like death in an older child)' that occurred in the control group. However, both groups (Prevnar and control) received some form of experimental vaccine. Therefore, all we know is that 33 children are dead and at least 13 died of SIDS. [4] (Emphasis added)
This paperwork also revealed that several doctors
involved in the clinical trials were reported to have had conflicts of
interest. If this is true, then the efficacy of this vaccine was questionable
before it was ever approved and this was borne out by the website ‘Flu
Prevention and Treatments – Naturally’ who stated that during a search of the
Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a total of 28,317 adverse
reactions had been reported since the vaccine had been approved in 2000 which
- 558 deaths
- 555 life threatening conditions
- 238 permanent disabilities
- 2,584 hospitalizations
- 101 prolonged hospitalizations
- 8,166 emergency room cases
- 16,155 “not serious” [5]
As with so many of these cases, Baby A did not just receive just one vaccine, so it is therefore difficult to pinpoint exactly which vaccine, if any, may have led to her death. However, it is vital that the doctors involved in this case as with all cases, consider the vaccines as a possible contributory factor.
Sadly, these parents have been accused and charged with the murder of their daughter without any substantial evidence of foul play. There appears to be no evidence of external head injuries or bruising to the upper body to indicate that Baby A had been shaken.
I believe that if this child had been shaken there would have been evidence of either back or neck injuries because a baby of five months does not have full head control.
All vaccines and drugs carry a risk of adverse reactions and after receiving 21 vaccines it is highly possible that Baby A died of toxic poisoning. If so, her death was caused not by her parents but by the huge number of vaccines sanctioned by the government and the fact that the hospital failed to recognize the possibility that this little girl may have been suffering an adverse reaction to vaccination.
Editor's Note: Names have been changed for legal purposes.
As with so many of these cases, Baby A did not just receive just one vaccine, so it is therefore difficult to pinpoint exactly which vaccine, if any, may have led to her death. However, it is vital that the doctors involved in this case as with all cases, consider the vaccines as a possible contributory factor.
Sadly, these parents have been accused and charged with the murder of their daughter without any substantial evidence of foul play. There appears to be no evidence of external head injuries or bruising to the upper body to indicate that Baby A had been shaken.
I believe that if this child had been shaken there would have been evidence of either back or neck injuries because a baby of five months does not have full head control.
All vaccines and drugs carry a risk of adverse reactions and after receiving 21 vaccines it is highly possible that Baby A died of toxic poisoning. If so, her death was caused not by her parents but by the huge number of vaccines sanctioned by the government and the fact that the hospital failed to recognize the possibility that this little girl may have been suffering an adverse reaction to vaccination.
Editor's Note: Names have been changed for legal purposes.
"Baby A" died shortly after being given multiple vaccines. Her parents are now being charged with her murder.
This article first appeared at VacTruth
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