ED Noor: The following comes from NewWorldWar.org,
where you'll find information on a technologically advanced, covert program of
persecution and control that the author alleges has been happening for decades
all over the world, and is covered-up by our societal institutions. This piece
contains his brief explanation of what is happening, starting with a
description of those who influence world events. Although he never comes out
and names races, religions or other diversionary tactics, he does mention the
money men and we all know who they are, who and what they represent, and what
they strive for. And that goal is beyond the factors used to divide and conquer
humanity as things stand at present.
By Mark M. Rich
August 11, 2013
our observable personalities there is a vital set of information that contains
wisdom and moral values. Also encoded on this level is an emotional content
that allows us to experience high-level emotions such as empathy and love. This
is the place where our conscience resides, as well as the need to want to
contribute to humanity. This information is critical for the survival of the
human race.
There is a
group of people who exist partially estranged from the rest of society known as
psychopaths, who lack this information. Although the traits exhibited by these
people appear in diagnostic manuals, it is less accurate to describe them as
mentally-ill than it is to say that they are not human as you know it. There is
usually no curing them. By any decent person's standards they would be
considered very sick.
They are
deceitful, manipulative, perpetual liars, who steadily seek positions that they
think will allow them to control others. The fundamental trait of the
psychopath is the need for absolute power over others.
individuals, they spend a significant amount of energy constructing a facade to
conceal themselves as they attack others, who they see as objects and prey.
Because it is taken for granted that we're all the same on a basic level, it is
almost effortless for them to do so.
normal people are complicit in large-scale atrocities, they are often conceived
and directed by psychopaths. Most of them are not in prison and do not
technically break the law. Depending on the political circumstances, they may
be the ones running your town.
A lack of a
conscience creates a wide division in the human race between the psychopaths
and the normal people. Those who have studied these people are now seriously
recommending that the human race be divided into two subspecies.
usually form alliances during a relentless pursuit of control over a society.
Just as individuals use illusory displays to conceal themselves, on a larger
scale a group of them constructs a frontage to hide their efforts.
describe societies under their rule as having attributes similar to a
biological disease. It starts at the top and ultimately infects every single
city. During what can be described as a systematic and continuous pursuit of
complete control, the leadership positions in every town are eventually
replaced by people with psychological defects and those who are loyal to the pathocracy.
Our way of
life has been under sustained attack by an active network of wealthy
psychopaths, consisting of unified dynasties functioning through a variety of
interconnected think tanks, tax-exempt foundations, and transnational
corporations. Although their names do not appear in history books circulated in
the public school system, any astute researcher knows who they are.
their various front groups, they have been working vigorously over a period of
decades in all of the major areas that influence society, in order to setup a
system of control. Observing the groups which they use to promote their
agendas, we find evidence that their efforts have been notably destructive. A
study of these events reveals the same names over and over again, using lies,
deceit, murder, and subversion as they’ve funded dictatorships, overthrown
governments, and instigated wars.
Because the
groups which these people have been using to carry out their deeds are visible,
many have noticed their efforts and warned the public. There have been numerous
declarations by historical figures, including presidents of the United States,
that lies, deceit, and secret proceedings were being used by a wealthy elite
who intended to setup a global dictatorship.
Jefferson and Jackson were able to perceive attempts by this group to overthrow
the US Government in the early 1800s. In the mid 1800s Lincoln noticed the same
thing, as did Garfield in late 1800s. They alerted the public of what was
happening. We all know that some of these people were assassinated, but it is
not commonly known that they had ongoing battles with the international bankers
for control of the republic.
investigations into the tax-exempt foundations during the early 1900s
discovered a severe danger consisting of a wealthy elite that had attained such
power that it was capable of carrying out anything it wished in any part of the
country. Later, Congressman Charles Lindbergh spoke of an invisible government
that had gained control of the nation's money supply, and had therefore taken
over the country.
When the
think tanks and foundations used by these people were investigated again by the
US Congress in the 1950s, it was discovered that they were interlocked and
functioned as a single unit with the goal of creating a global government. It
was reported that because this network had attained unlimited financial resources,
it represented a concentration of immense power which was capable of invisible
In the early
1960s Presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy were able to glimpse this network as
well. Eisenhower cautioned that it was capable of influencing every city,
state, and office of government.
spoke of a common danger that threatened every area of our society. He
specifically mentioned that we were under attack by a ruthless,
highly-efficient machine, which had accumulated vast wealth, and was using
infiltration and subversion to establish control of the entire planet.
These and
many other historical figures detected this group and issued public warnings.
Some of them died under suspicious circumstances while doing so. Unfortunately,
this advancing alliance was never stopped. It kept expanding around the globe.
Factions of
this network funded Communist Russia and Fascist Italy; placed Adolph Hitler
into power and built the death camps in Nazi Germany; and made at least one
attempt to overthrow the US government by force.
Now they are
poisoning millions of people with psychiatric drugs for profit and control as
part of what is obviously a global eugenics program that goes back to the early
1900s. They have used your politicians to pass repressive laws in order to
reduce your civil liberties. It has been one deliberately created crisis after
another to further their objective.
At this time
the US government has been entirely overthrown. It is now run by a network of
wealthy psychopaths who control your elected officials like puppets. Only the
appearance of what America was remains. To conceal the system that they have
established, they have taken over the core institutions that people rely on to
expose macrosocial injustice, such as the mass media, NGOs, and the mental
health system.
Those using
common logic would probably consider their goal of controlling the planet to be
unnecessary, unlikely, perhaps even foolish. Rational people observing their
consistent harmful activities might ask questions such as: What are they after?
How they can do this to people? When will they have enough?
using a common outlook without an understanding of the nature of the
phenomenon, would make it difficult to comprehend what they want. Furthermore,
such an explanation has features that cross into the spiritual realm.
They seek to
beat the human race into complete submission. Because the psychopaths see
normal/decent people as a separate species who are a threat to their survival,
the psychological and physical destruction of as many normal people as possible
is absolutely critical to them. It is a matter of necessity for them to defile
They want a
world where they no longer have to hide, where their vile ideas can be openly
expressed and the decent people must submit to their demented minds. They have
no illusions about what they're doing or why they're doing it. They are totally
aware that their goal is to have complete power over all people. The New World
War is part of a larger war being waged by the psychopaths against all that is
good about humanity.
They are
relying on you to consider them pleasant people. They want you to trust that we
all want what's best for humanity. They want you to believe their big lie. The
central mental obstacle that contributes to their concealment is that most
people have trouble accepting how utterly monstrous they are.
Now that they
are almost finished using the US military and allied forces to conquer nations,
they are focusing on groups and individual citizens who might oppose their
rule. The new war-form that they're using has been adjusted to attack people in
countries which profess democratic ideals.
The weapons
and methods used by the multinational force against civilians were designed by
the best scientific and military minds on the planet. They leave no visible
wounds and are concealed by resembling activities that occur normally in
civilian settings.
identified as enemies are placed under persistent surveillance during
indefinite bogus investigations. Rather than being used to gather evidence for
a genuine legal proceeding, these investigations serve as an excuse for them to
use the resources of the state against citizens.
The attacks
recurrent noise,directed-energy weapons,psychological operations,computer network operations (sabotage, spoofing),financial destruction,isolation,weather warfare,chemical and biological weapons,microwave hearing,holograms,frequent aircraft visits, andutility disruption.
These are
used in combination over an extended period of time against civilians who may
have no idea that they are military targets.
There have
been many names for these types of wars, a few of which include:
Civil-Military Operations,Unconventional Warfare,Military Operations Other Than War,and what I call New World War.
campaigns are run by the military, working with NGOs, and federal agencies. It
is happening in all developed countries. The battleground is no longer in some
distant land. It is in your cities and towns ~ –your homes and workplaces.
In order to
maintain a dictatorship the streets must be controlled. Visible troops are not
necessary to accomplish this. Since the early twentieth century a civilian
security force has been working with the military to monitor people. It has
grown to such an extent that it is now entirely fused into our society, similar
to ones that existed in East Germany and Communist Russia. Targeted people are
persistently swarmed (group stalked) by large gangs of civilians.
Instead of armoured
tanks and trucks, the military uses civilian and commercial vehicles as ground
forces during swarm and noise attacks. Rifles and missiles have been replaced
with directed-energy weapons that are silent and invisible.
Although there is no obvious military presence, in reality, a powerful military force is upholding their rule in your cities.
Their media
informs us that the invisible and silent weapons, which go through walls and
leave no evidence of their use, will be used for humanitarian purposes.
However, the predictable behaviour of a typical psychopath, as outlined their
personality profile, gives us an accurate indication of how the technology is
really being used.
subversive network that we were repeatedly warned about, no longer needs to use
blatant methods of murder when they have traceless weapons that cause heart
attacks, strokes, and cancer. We'll never know for sure how many they have
already killed under conditions which appear perfectly natural.
In addition,
it is likely that they have been using the state's resources to provide
themselves with a type of deranged entertainment, where they identify people in
your cities, place them under surveillance using advanced technology, and
attack them with these weapons and methods, simply because they find it
This is what the microwave directed energy weapon has the potential to do when used as a tool for torture
So far they
have been able to do this with complete impunity, partially because the type of
repugnant thinking which gives rise to that behaviour is inconsistent with the
thought patterns of most decent people, and therefore uncomfortable for them to
These are ideas that we'd all rather not entertain.The majority of decent people don't do these things.But the psychopaths do.
And the
unfortunate truth of the matter is that this technology is in the hands of
This deviant
usage of the state's resources would be a perfect reflection of their
characteristic behaviour. It is exactly how they would use it. And it is
probably very common.
As part of
their methodical pursuit of power, all of the leading institutions that our
society relies on to warn it of such things are now controlled by the
psychopaths. Their NGOs, media, and politicians will make no public
announcements to accurately describe this. They will not properly expose this
because they are part of the sick system.
organizations have received many complaints from individuals and groups
pleading with them to stop the torment. They all know about this. They are
standing-down as this atrocity occurs worldwide.
Street's mental health system, which is all about profit and control, is
providing complete cover for this.
Many people
understand that such a mechanism exists, although they may not be aware of all
of its features or exactly who runs it. They participate in the harassment, but
don't mention it because they are terrified of losing their jobs, having their
lives destroyed, being persecuted, and attacked with technology intended to
drive them insane.
There was a
time when people doubted the existence of an agenda by a wealthy elite to
enslave the citizens of the world. However, it has reached such a stage that
concealment is no longer possible. Their intentions are so obvious at this
time, they can't be denied. They can no longer hide.
It is up to
the people to stop them when the institutions that they rely on for
representation have been corrupted.
They are counting on younot believing that this is possible.They want you to thinkthat the situation is hopeless.
all of this "jew" worshipping insanity begins with one big fat "JEWISH" lie...
ReplyDeleteGod is "jewish"....sista
the simple solution is to KNOW the Truth. . .
about the TALMUD & what makes someone stay in the stool sculpture deity cult compound...
no one on Earth HAS to live in the spiritual dungeon that is the "JEWISH" narrative
thanks for the toons, it was a humor climax desperately needed...
Wonder why the author didn't "go there"?
ReplyDeleteThis essay basically describes what the Jews, er, psychopaths, are doing. And who could really argue that Jew and psychopath are not interchangeable in this essence? A hack and shill might or the stupid.
It is obvious that psychopaths run things and it is obvious that Jews are in control. What kind of leap does it take to suggest that Jews are psychopaths? And even if all Jews aren't psychos, they are too silent to stop them, so guilty in their silence.
Sometimes I wonder if people writing these kinds of articles are trying to target the unwashed or just muddle the waters. Overall I think it is a pretty lucid evaluation of current affairs sans naming the culprits.
ReplyDeleteA little anecdote about people moving to Canada from Communist Eastern Germany. You know, they all had a job in EG and showed up for work. But if their job was to paint a building and the paint wasn't there because of central planning, they didn't have to work but got paid anyways. So they never got to think for themselves.
Anyways, this couple came to PG, bought a Deli and the husband figured he didn't come to Canada to work. His wife was running the kitchen and serving customers while he was socializing. After the Deli was bankrupt they bought the Newspaper Business next door. And guess what?
What I am trying to get at is the communist lifestyle, supported by the state, is not conducive to people's own imagination and will to succeed.
Directed Energy Weapons Against Civilians Exposed!
ReplyDeleteWatch extremely graphic pictures, educate your self and others.
We are all victims of Hitler Part 2: the effect of Corporate Greed, Collective Madness and Collective Cowardliness.
"All man-made BIG DISASTERS started with a mad man's obsession with money and power and his ability to corrupt others"
Marin Pitu -
Second time political refugee, last from U.S.A - victim of the Globalization of Madness - Google my name, learn from the victims, to avoid becoming one!
My experience as target individual: http://chomikuj.pl/joker_king/Galeria/grafiki+i+zdj*c4*99cia/fotki+r*c3*b3*c5*bcne/2014/zwalczanie+opozycji+laserem,3
ReplyDeleteCould one of these weapons have disintegrated the "planes" that hit the world trade centers. DEW. http://www.neonnettle.com/features/1459-9-11-plane-distress-signals-show-they-crashed-before-hitting-wtc