ED Noor: Not to be terribly flippant considering the gravity of the situation but, where is a good pharaoh when you need one? (If such creatures ever did exist.)
“We didn’t oust Morsi for his diplomatic or economic failures- you’ll be surprised to find out how adaptively everyday Egyptians, over the heavy years, learned to live with such failures. We ousted him, by a revolution, for his loyalty to the MB was far more than to the state of Egypt”
By Dr. Ashraf Ezzat
21, 2013
Now it has become clearer than ever that Aljazeera is waging a war against Egypt. Well, actually to be specific and avoid any hint of exaggeration, Aljazeera and a bunch of others, e.g. The White House, EU, Tel Aviv and Western Zionism … oh my gosh, almost forgot, our beloved Qatar ~ that cute little Gulf county is so tiny it’s almost ½ the size of Tahrir Square.
we live in the so called world of information, yet we are soaked to the eye
brows in total deception and misinformation.
need, more than ever, to know what’s really happening next door and everywhere
on the globe. And instead of properly and ethically satisfying that human need,
MSM has become the main stream of distorted truth. A lot of factors and powers
are at work here, but the benefit of those controlling the media has become the
only authority deciding how and when this distorted truth hits the market. And
we are currently witnessing the big time to flood Egypt with MSM propaganda
A blatant example for this distortion is the Qatari Aljazeera. Besides manipulating the truth by being selective which side to shed light on and which to dim to complete darkness, Aljazeera decided to fabricate the whole thing all together.
fact that Qatar is one of the main sponsors and financers of the Muslim
Brotherhood is no secret. Since the fall of the MB by the Egyptian uprising in
June 30, and the channel’s anti-Egyptian attitude has aggressively taken new
dimensions and shape.
And since
the pace of developments in the Egyptian scene has been hectic, Aljazeera staff
had to breathlessly keep up with updates and sometimes ahead of them – By
fabricating non-existing stories.
rapidly trying to cover nonstop events and updates, Aljazeera staff, in the
Doha headquarters and on Egyptian ground, had to sometimes lose their
subtleness, operate sloppily and to forget to cover their tracks.
all MB rallies Aljazeera makes sure that one of its correspondents, and if not
available one of the MB experienced members, is inside the event equipped with
live streaming gadget- smart phone, laptop or ipad and high quality audio Mic.
The live stream is of double benefit; transmitting the event from the
side and MB/Aljazeera perspective … and also to take instructions from
Aljazeera headquarters as how to act and what to say in front of cameras in a
certain situation to achieve the desired effect.
Friday August 16, the MB rallied to downtown Cairo, Ramses square, in what they
called the Friday of rage.
of MB assured the Qataris and the American embassy in Cairo which closed for
the day, that the rallies will be so powerful and sweeping that once they reach
Ramses square, they will declare their regime re-instated.
rallies included units of MB militants plus foreign agents from Hamas, Syria
and Pakistan. Rounds of live bullets were heard and sometimes caught on camera
targeting the armless civilians on the street and onlookers from windows and
balconies in a way that would invoke fear and panic amongst the Egyptians.
managed to finally reach Ramses square, because they were allowed to rally as
equal Egyptian citizens, but the minute they reached the square they acted as
citizens of another nation and with different identity.
excited MB crowd, all of a sudden, encircled a small car that we later knew
harbored one of the MB leaders, Saad Emara, and one of the crowd around the car
grabbed a flag from the trunk of the car and raised it amidst tides of jubilation
and arrogance.
did they raise the Egyptian flag or the MB one, no; they raised and started
waving the black flag of Al-Qaeda in a victorious way. That’s for me is
terrorism in the wind.
video of MB militants shooting firearms and rallying under al-Qaeda banner
hidden target of the MB, which the western media and political circles are
aware of but prefer to put a lid on, is turning the republic of Egypt into an
Islamic emirate similar to the Taliban emirate.
This is an international crime
against the people of Egypt.
This is tantamount to national identity cleansing.
is a monstrous conspiracy that no democracy of the so called free world should
subscribe to, that’s why this solidarity with MB has to take more appealing
titles and more deceiving media coverage. This whole depraved politics has to
aesthetically look pro-democratic.
Wake up free world.
is Ladies and Gents the core of the current Egyptian issue, this whole thing is
not about breaching the norms of democracy and it’s not about some coup, many
of the conspiracy addicts are currently and brilliantly exposing its funding by
some covert US or Saudi government department.
What has taken place in Egypt is not about crucifying the MB and ousting an elected president, it is about hijacking a nation and its identity by a terrorist group whose interests are compatible with the Zionist American agenda for the Middle East. What has happened in Egypt, believe it or not, is a revolution. It is as bloody simple as that.
Some of the pro-Morsi writers and analysts, including European and American, often build their pro-MB thesis by saying “look we admit the man did mistakes, he failed to tackle the economic and political crises of Egypt but that doesn’t give the army the right to kick him out by a coup.
this is completely the wrong thesis; we didn’t oust Morsi for his diplomatic or
economic failures- you’ll be surprised to find out how adaptively everyday
Egyptians, over the heavy years, learned to live with such failures. We
ousted him, by a revolution, for his loyalty to the terrorist group of MB was
far more than to the state of Egypt.
Again, MB, unlike any political party in the so called free world, doesn’t feel like related to the Egyptian strategic interest or security ~ simply because the MB organization has its own agenda and goal. And ironically, MB used the Egyptian presidency to reach and fulfill that goal.
doesn’t believe that citizenship should be defined by belonging to one’s
homeland and sharing and cherishing its history and traditions, but rather by a
citizen’s religion. MB doesn’t see that all citizens have equal rights and
obligations. Non-Muslim Egyptians, be they Christian Orthodox, Catholic,
Baha’is, Shiites, or even Atheists are citizens of a lesser god. And again,
that’s for me is the very definition of terrorism.
don’t wait, gullibly, until people take up arms and then, only then, you start
yelling “terrorism”
(watch video of MB armed militias shooting on civilians in downtown Cairo)
(watch video of MB armed militias shooting on civilians in downtown Cairo)
This is a medieval and obscurantist tribal definition of citizenship. This kind of definition that has been applied before in other countries that subscribed to MB political Islam, e.g. Sudan, is bound to ultimately divide Egypt into two states, exactly like what has taken place in Sudan.
dear western analysts, political experts and pundits; any MB member usually
defines himself as a fundamentalist Muslim who happened, by the rule of mere
genetic coincidence, to dwell on Egyptian land. In other words, a Muslim from
Afghanistan or Yemen or Somalia could be closer to him than, say for instance,
an Egyptian Coptic Christian.
dear sophisticated western intellectuals, in your fervent support for the MB,
you are quite painfully blind to the fact that MB might go along with you as
long as you’ll assist them to rise to power once again, and maybe foolishly
subscribe to the foreseeable UN sanctions on Egypt.
any MB will not hesitate, not for a second, to slaughter you and your likes of
the infidels, and leave you to rot hanging by the neck, as the MB perverted
dogma preaches- May the soul of Vittorio Arrigoni, if you still remember him,
who was slaughtered by MB of Gaza, rest in peace.
this point some will hastily and disapprovingly comment: oh no, you’re
mistaken. Arrigoni was slaughtered by Islamist extremists and they are not
exactly Hamas.
response: Reeealy. How interesting.)
My dear western intellectuals and staunch human rights watchdogs, you’re simply patting the head of the big bad wolf.
if you are let in on the filthy deal the west is in with the MB, you will soon
discover that it is worth the risk of instigating a civil war in Egypt; for
selling a big chunk of the Egyptian land, namely Sinai to the Israeli/Hamas
side is the price of re-instating the MB in Egypt.
financed by the satellite country of Qatar, and backed by the White house, EU
and Tel Aviv, is trying to gain hold once again of the Egyptian state. And in
doing so all kinds of dirty diplomacy, intelligence and propaganda are being
played out in day light and with unprecedented political debauchery.
to Ramses square, and when the local community of Ramses and adjacent
neighborhoods saw this al-Qaeda rally getting more violent and way out of line,
they were so provoked they started dispersing MB rally and chasing the
militarized group with the al-Qaeda flag.
Police forces joined the local community and the al-Qaeda flag group found no
way to run, and the only place for them to hide was inside a big mosque in the
periphery of Ramses square, known as Fateh Mosque.
The MB
militarized unit took refuge inside the Fateh mosque and since this group was
the front- line in the MB rally, it had to include a leading figure of the MB
and of course Al Jazeera live streaming unit.
trapped group refused to go out of the mosque fearing they might get arrested.
And while the majority had nothing to fear, certainly Saad Emara, the MB leader
was bound to get arrested for instigating violence and acts of terrorism.
contacting Al Jazeera, the trapped group was told to calm down and do as the
headquarters tell them. They were told that the only way out is to pull a
big stunt, a live make-believe show for the whole world to see.
Group was told to make some of their members act like they were severely
wounded; their forearms and heads wrapped with bandages. And moreover, others
were told to play the dead; yes the dead, lie on the ground with their eyes
shot and clothes soaked in red anti-septic solutions and make believe they were
shot dead in the head and abdomen.

her answers to the Doha broadcaster she tried to convince the millions of
viewers who were watching the live Aljazeera coverage that the mosque had been
hit by Egyptian military helicopters that were hovering over the mosque and
that the planes blasted the mosque, which believe it or not was in downtown
Cairo, with deadly missiles. And afterwards the aired interview went as
Shaima, in an intermittent transmission: there is around 1000 people trapped; hungry and thirsty and some are wounded and dead
Aljazeera broadcaster: let me repeat what shaima said, there are thousands trapped and they refuse the military proposal to leave the mosque for fear of arrest and persecution.
Shaima: I have with me some of the brothers who want the whole world to know they are armless and have nothing on them except the Koran.
Aljazeera broadcaster: The hostages implore the free world, the NGOs, the UN and the Security Council to intervene and save them.
few minutes later, and as our Shaima was taking 5 to rest, she gave the
ipad to one of the brothers to do some panning of the mosque and
zooming on the wounded and those playing dead lying on the floor.
as I mentioned before, and due to sloppiness of some of Al Jazeera crew and the
MB inexperienced members, the viewers were in for the surprise of a life time.
the camera was panning, it suddenly zoomed in a young man lying on the floor.
He was motionless he nearly seemed like in a death coma. He was wounded in the
head and his shirt was stained with what seemed like a large leaking abdominal
looked like the poor man was hit by a live bullet that somehow penetrated his
size of the bloody stain and the state of unconsciousness of the wounded man
made one of the brothers who was not aware of Al Jazeera scheme try and check
on the fatal wound. And as the MB fellow was pulling up the bloody shirt guess
what happened; the wounded man, taken by the surprise, woke up from his coma
and kicked the hell out of his MB fellow for revealing the deception. And guess
again what; there was no wound, not even a scratch; his abdomen was normal and
ok. His bare abdomen allowed the bare truth to unravel.
video of Aljazeera and MB deception caught on camera
ladies and gentlemen, the wounded MB man who was bleeding to death on the
ground of the mosque was pulling out a stunt. Wake up ‘free world’ … Al
Jazeera, the MSM and the American and European Zionism are pulling a cheap
trick on you and playing you all for a bunch of fools. Don’t fall for the
MB is a terrorist group, with an appetite for religious fascism, endorsed by an
international terrorist mafia. What is happening in Egypt is history in the
making. Don’t stand on the wrong side of history, for what happens in Egypt
will not eventually stay in Egypt.
"Wisdom knows this. Wisdom is not thinking about how to manipulate affairs so that events work out in its favor. Wisdom performs none of this. Wisdom just knows that we are being manipulated. To stay connected to wisdom through awareness, we need simply to stay in the moment. This involves doing NOTHING. This involves NO PRAYERS, NO MEDITATION, NO MANTRAS, NO RITUALS, NO JOINING,… NO THING. All practices, be they MEDITATIVE or PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES, are exercises in remaining OUT OF THE ONE ETERNAL MOMENT. This is not to say that meditating is bad or wrong, just as physical activity is not bad or wrong. On this site it will be repeated many times, that there is no such thing as good or bad, or right or wrong. However, these exercises avail no benefit in reconnecting to the wisdom state. Only emotional detachment, which is to place NO REAL WORTH or REAL VALUE in anything 3 dimensional, is true reconnection to reality.
ReplyDeleteThere is no such thing as TIME and SPACE, and to enter into activities where you confess, and admit, disconnection from wisdom, simply by entering into that activity whereby you hope to reconnect to wisdom, (or as some call it, ENLIGHTENMENT), then you have not RECONNECTED WITH your original WISDOM STATE."
Peace Out :) DS888