Has the Prince of
Darkness taken over the world?
Posted by Montecristo
ED J.S. Montechristo: This
dialogue is based on a review by James B. Phillips of Hugh Akins’ book Synagogue Rising and various comments in
response to that review. Lasha Darkmoon has edited and abridged this dialogue
by intercutting selected comments in a creative collage ~ so as the give the
impression of a live debate. To read the original article, click here.
A few Jewish
psychopaths ~ those behind the French and Russian revolutions, the two world
wars, Vatican II, 9/11 and the phony War on Terror ~ are clearly not the Jewish
people as a whole. As Hugh Akins argues in his outstanding 750-page tome, Synagogue
Rising, these revolutionary Jews must be exposed, resisted and defeated,
lest Organized Evil emerges triumphant.
I know all
about what’s going on in Catholicism in Texas, so I can say with absolute
certainty that to call this a “Catholic Book” is misnomer. Catholics around
here genuflect before the Israeli flag. Some of the old ladies wear Star of
David necklaces instead of the traditional crucifix.
What must be
understood is that the Catholic Church of the Inquisition, and the belief that
Jews lost their covenant with God for rejecting Jesus, no longer exists.
Vatican II
is the general marker for the replacement of traditional Catholicism with this
new dumbed down simulacrum version.
If anything
is meticulously documented in Synagogue Rising, it is this first fact:
the Catholic Church has no equal throughout history in waging a just and
powerful counter-offensive against the Synagogue of Satan in all its
manifestations. The testimony of history speaks for itself.
Judaism never had a more formidable enemy than the Catholic Church ~ and they
know it
Here’s what
Catholic children are now being taught and what even adults believe: the idea
that the Jewish Covenant is forever. Jesus came for the Jews first, but
when they rejected him, he accepted Gentile converts ~ to make the Jews
jealous, so that they would eventually see the error of their ways and repent.
are just “grafted in”. So we better be careful, because when the Jews return to
Jesus on Judgement Day, they might kick us out! This nonsense is a gateway to
Christian Zionism. The current Pope Benedict XVI came up with this stuff, which
I have no doubt is why he is Pope today.
Catholic papacy, sub-hierarchy, clergy and lay leaders have not just reneged on
their moral duty to militate against World Jewry but have appallingly lent
themselves ~ mind, body and soul ~ to the vast propaganda machine of the
diabolical Elders of Zion.Since the internal rupture that took place at the Second Vatican Council (1962-65), the Church has sold its soul to Talmudic Judaism, esoteric Freemasonry and Rabbinic Bolshevism.
This “New Church”, as it is called, has emerged as one of the Jewish cryptocracy’s most valued allies, completely reversing not only Biblical teachings on the Jews but twenty full centuries of Catholic resistance to Jewry’s Luciferian Masterplan.
This master
plan is aimed at destroying Christianity and building a new international
social order. And it is based on the Talmud, which has aptly been described as
“the preeminent hate literature of all time.”
Yeshiva student studying
the Talmud. Here the student will read about Jesus Christ being boiled in
excrement in hell and how it is okay to have sex with 3-year-old girls.
religions are all political entities. They massage how their members are
supposed to think to suit current political agendas. Make no mistake, the
insiders of the Vatican and Zionism are working toward the same end:
I think you
are missing the point about the infiltration of the Masonic/Judeo cults into
the Church. It took centuries; it did not ‘just happen’. It was a coordinated
effort to bring social upheaval through revolutions and two World Wars to what
once was Christian Europe. Added to these social upheavals was the plan to
subvert the teaching orders of the Jesuits, Dominicans and the Franciscans by
recruiting homosexuals and promising them a career path in the Church.
ED Noor: Left: Zionized Jesus in a Mexican Church.
The New
World Order under Judaic hegemony is what was envisioned by just about every
prominent Talmud-poisoned Jew throughout history:
from the first-century sage Rabbi Simon ben Yohai to the highly venerated Rabbi Moses ben-Maimon, both of them leading advocates of the extermination of all non-Jews.This group includes the philosopher Baruch de Spinoza, the so-called “father of 18th century Enlightenment”, a movement that helped to launch the emancipation of the Jews.It also included Mayer Amschel Rothschild, founding father of the financial dynasty that today literally rules the world,not to mention the Rabbi Shneur Zalman, founder of the Chabad-Lubavitch, one of the most powerful anti-Christian sects on earth today;Moses Hess, a pioneer of modern socialism;and Isaac Roenbourg, William Renau and Reuben Rodacher, co-founders of the supremely powerful Judaic-Masonic B’nai B’rith.
onslaught on Christianity, I believe, will soon come to an end. Our Blessed
Mother has given us warnings since her appearance in Quito, Ecuador, in the
early part of the 17th century. She warned about these secret societies
plotting against the Church, and against Christian culture and morals ~ which
would come to fruition, she said, in the latter half of the 20th century. She
promised a resounding defeat of this evil cabal when all seemed utterly lost.
apparitions of Magna Mater at Fatima are of far greater importance than
previous apparitions. To this day, along with the Turin Shroud and the
miraculous cures at Lourdes, the miracle of the sun at Fatima remains
The “miracle of the sun”
at Fatima … October 13, 1917, witnessed by 70,000 people
“Before the astonished eyes of the crowd, eagerly gazing up at the sky, the sun suddenly trembled and started gyrating, making incredible movements outside all cosmic laws. It literally started dancing.“ ~ Columnist Avelino de Almeida, in O Seculo, Portugal’s most influential and anti-clerical newspaper.
Photo of the stunned
crowds at Fatima, October 13, 1917
“The sun stood forth in the clear zenith like a great silver disk … which they could look at without blinking. While they gazed, the huge ball began to ‘dance’ ~ that was the word the beholders applied to it. Now it was whirling like a gigantic fire-wheel. After doing this for a time, it stopped. Then it rotated again, with dizzy, sickening speed…. Madly gyrating in this manner, the fiery orb seemed to tremble, to shudder, and then to plunge precipitately, in a mighty zigzag, toward the crowd. A fearful cry broke from the lips of thousands of terrified persons as they fell upon their knees, thinking the end of the world had come.” ~ Another eyewitness account.
To subvert
Christian values has been the goal of such revolutionary Jews as:
Asher Zvi Hirsch Ginzberg, strongman of Zionist fanaticism, who is believed to be, along withLord Rothschild, one of the authors of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion;Theodor Herzl, the founder of Zionism;Max and Paul Warburg, the moneymen that bankrolled Hitler and created the Jewish-owned Federal Reserve bank;Rabbi Judah Magnes, co-founder of the American Jewish Committee and the Order of B’nai-Zion;Felix Lazerus Pinkus, one of the founders of the Judaic-Masonic Ordo Templi Orientis;Isaiah “Si” Kenan, founder of AZCPA, which later morphed into the American Israel Public Affairs Committee known as AIPAC ~ an organization which today controls the White House and Congress and both Republican and Democratic national committees.

An article in Haaretz (“Israeli Jew turned Catholic priest named head of papal court”) describes one David Maria Jaeger who “converted” from Judaism to Catholicism and will now become a member of the highest court in the Vatican. The word ‘converted’ is in quotes because it’s apparent that Jaeger has in no sense ceased being a Jew. Jaeger was born in Tel Aviv and had a Jewish religious education before assuming his high position in the Church.Beginning in the 15th century in Spain, people like Jaeger were called Conversos or Marranos (pigs) ~ Jews who had the appearance but not the reality of having converted to Catholicism. The Inquisition was designed to ferret such people out and subject them to penalties. Indeed, a major problem in the eyes of the Inquisition was that the Church itself had been infiltrated by Jews pretending to be Catholics.In the contemporary world, crypto-Judaism in the Church results in high office and, who knows, perhaps election as the next pope.” (Ellipses omitted, see here)
When I was
growing up in the 1970s we still had nuns in habits who gave their lives for
God and the Catholic Church. Nuns used to be models of humility and obedience;
convents flourished across the world. But as time went on the liberation of
women struck at the Church too and began to undermine it.
By the 1980s
nuns were becoming extinct. The new nun was liberated from the veil and the
interior life of contemplation and sacrifice. In her place appeared your
fierce, in-your-face feminist nun who wanted to jockey with the men for
position and power.
Soon girls
were allowed to be altar boys, in obvious preparation for eventual ordination
to the sacred priesthood. Here is where we are today. Increasing pressure is
being applied to the Church. The great liberalization of modern society wreaks
its destruction on traditional values.
If it goes
on like this, I will be forced to embrace Islam.
ED: The designer of the European flag claimed to draw inspiration from the above statue in Strasbourg, France. The Virgin has always been associated with blue, the globe, stepping on a snake, a halo of usually 12 stars about her head. These are remnants of her earlier incarnations before her present form.
Some may
ask, why doesn’t God expose this foul sect? He does. He allows the stench of
their hypocrisy and sexual sins to rise to Heaven. He exposes their diabolical
heresies to the four winds.
He has
revealed to us their connections to Judeo-Masonry. Those who fail to notice
will be punished. Because they don’t care. Why should God enlighten them if
they care nothing for Christian values and teachings?
is the clandestine and criminal work of the same Judeo-Masonic master planners,
the criminal overlords known as the Elders of Zion.
has many manifestations: Bolshevism, Nazism, Fascism, Zionism, as well as the
fast-developing American autocracy wearing the deceptive mask of Homeland
Security and the Welfare/Warfare State of the Left-Right Axis of Evil.
In 1917,
Illuminati Jewish banker Louis Marshall said,
“Zionism is but an incident of a far reaching plan. It is merely a convenient peg on which to hang a powerful weapon.”
Zionism is like the Queen in a chess game. It is an essential weapon, but the
ultimate goal is a satanic monopoly over human life ~ political, economic and
The question
is: what can we do to throw off the shackles of our new masters? The only legal
recourse we have, while we wait for deliverance by a military coup or
revolution, is the inner jihad, self-conquest: to acquire knowledge and
wisdom and transmit these to others in our daily lives.
It gives me great hope whenever I hear about the Blessed Mother and her apparitions at Fatima etche..People are so quick to say that these apparitions are satanic and false, serving to reestablish Mary as the ancient goddess worship of preChristian days. People fail to realize though that the goddess worship is based on EVE who disobeyed God and ate of the forbidden fruit in hopes of being like God. Mary is the mother of the living as Eve was the mother of the dead; the Gospel says that all generations will call her Blessed because she submitted her will to God. The significance of the Fatima event is beyond coincidence when you look at Revelation and the "woman clothed with the sun" who is the mother of Christ. What is more amazing is the association of the Sun with the miracle of the sun at Fatima. The description of Mary by the children being as bright as the sun and red dragon who pursued her is also prophetic. Bolshevism was considered to be the red dragon and it led to the death of 60 plus million Christians. The Revelation scripture is also 11-19 which when reversed could almost be 9-11 except for the extra one digit.
ReplyDeleteI have studied the Bible and it seems that the world is made up of opposites - Eve(dead) Mary(living) good/bad Christ/antichrist Jews(satan's seed)/Christians(Christ's seed)
The depiction of God in the Old Testament is def corrupted by the lying pen of the scribes which makes God as an evil tyrant while the God of the NT is nothing of the sort. God is purely Good and Satan is evil but deceives Jews and others into thinking he is good n bad.