Noor: This is not a new article. I cannot seem to find a working link for the
original although Crescent and Cross archives were among the links I tried. Joanna
Francis’ blog is a closed blog so I could not contact her. Going by the original date,
July 29, 2006, I gather she speaks of the atrocities of the attacks on Lebanon
by Israel that included a ground war in which Israel was soundly beaten by the
men of Hezbollah.
Israel still licks its wounds knowing full well that those with eyes which can
see saw what happens when Israeli cowardice comes face to face with righteous
headlines from Israel include four Israeli boy soldiers injured on “night time
activities" behind Lebanon borders with the impression given that the Israelis
were wounded in combat or by attack. What is omitted is that allegedly these
men triggered one of the explosives left by departing Israel in 2006 which still
cover the Lebanese landscape.
headlines from Syria also paint Hezbollah in evil terms for their activities against
the criminal “Free Syrian Army”. These men are there to support their brothers in
their struggle against the soulless proponents of corrupted Islam and as such
are painted as enemy yet again by the Jewish media. Oddly, these same media people tell their readers that Al Qaeda is both our enemy and our friend depending upon their deployment.
We grew up with politically incorrect Western movies in which brave pioneer males and a few females took to arms to protect their wives and families from the ravaging hordes of savages. These men were painted as pure of intent in their fighting against the forces of evil. We were taught to honour and hone these traits of protection and strength against adversity. We were taught the value of righteous indignation and anger translated to proper actions. Think Mel Gibson in "The Patriot". Now those things are not taught in the west and those traditions are laughed at ~ honour, goodness, etc. We all know by who and why but that is for later. What we must remember is:
We grew up with politically incorrect Western movies in which brave pioneer males and a few females took to arms to protect their wives and families from the ravaging hordes of savages. These men were painted as pure of intent in their fighting against the forces of evil. We were taught to honour and hone these traits of protection and strength against adversity. We were taught the value of righteous indignation and anger translated to proper actions. Think Mel Gibson in "The Patriot". Now those things are not taught in the west and those traditions are laughed at ~ honour, goodness, etc. We all know by who and why but that is for later. What we must remember is:
Before Joanna Francis' article I have posted a few Hezbollah quotes you might find interesting.HEZBOLLAH REMEMBERS AND BEHAVES ACCORDINGLY.
you are a person who does good videos, take these words and run with them
please! Consider the actions of Hezbollah today and spread this around. The
time is ripe. The words and power portrayed herein are bound to stir your heart
and soul to the truth your honest and unbiased intellect cannot deny.
It is our pride that the Great Satan (U.S.) and the head of despotism, corruption and arrogance in modern times considers us as an enemy that should be listed in the terrorism list...I say to every member of Hezbollah (should) be happy and proud that your party has been placed on the list of terrorist organizations as the U.S. view it. (United Press International, Nov. 4, 2001)The Hezbollah are very active in all the areas that the regime has been blind in, or unable to advance from ... From now things will continue to turn in Assad's favour. ~ SOURCE: Guardian Unlimited 2013-08-08 18:52:00They don't know Hezbollah. We're ready to fight on all fronts. The Salafis in Syria flee from us. ~ SOURCE: The Atlantic 2013-08-08 13:38:00The Saudis are doing what Israel can't do publicly ... They want to push the conflict against Hezbollah as far as possible. They tried going the political route; now they are trying to mobilize against Hezbollah militarily...they have enlisted the help of various radical Sunni and Salafi organizations, in Syria and Lebanon, to push the Sunni-Shia conflict as far as it can go. ~ SOURCE: The Atlantic 2013-08-08 13:38:00Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said once that the Americans, through an ambassador, offered Hezbollah full control over Lebanon in 2001 if they would sign a peace treaty with Israel.SOURCE: The Atlantic 2013-08-08 13:38:00Americans see us as Bin Laden, as terrorists ... But when the world talks about Hezbollah, they call them a militia. We have brains. We know the Americans are behind everything that's going on. They're sitting watching the blood of Muslims being spilled, and they turn a blind eye..SOURCE: The Atlantic 2013-08-08 13:38:00Hezbollah is a mini-state within the Lebanese state, and this mini-state contributes to impeding the formation of a successful state.SOURCE: Lebanon Daily Star 2013-08-08 10:36:00O people, our beloved and our dear brothers in Palestine, I want to tell you that this Israel, which possesses nuclear weapons and the most powerful air force in the region, by God, it is weaker than a spider web .... (May 26, 2000)“We will consider every hand who will try to take our weapons, as an Israeli hand.” ~ Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, Voice of Hezbollah: The Statements of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah“If you want to judge if a party is a Lebanese enough, let me say we take up arms and fight against the occupation of our land, is that Lebanese enough?”
~ Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, Voice of Hezbollah: The Statements of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah
Joanna Francis
August 8, 2013
As I watch the genocidal war crimes being committed against the Lebanese people, I’m struck by the images that come across my television screen. I see women and children badly burned by the illegal chemical weapons our tax dollars provide to the Israelis for the incineration of their enemies; bridges, homes and roadways bombed into oblivion; hundreds of thousands of internal refugees; and death and misery palpable from halfway around the world.
As I watch the genocidal war crimes being committed against the Lebanese people, I’m struck by the images that come across my television screen. I see women and children badly burned by the illegal chemical weapons our tax dollars provide to the Israelis for the incineration of their enemies; bridges, homes and roadways bombed into oblivion; hundreds of thousands of internal refugees; and death and misery palpable from halfway around the world.
But I must confess that what strikes me the most profoundly is the sight of young Lebanese men marching proudly, as they trample an Israeli flag underfoot. Hezbollah.
Many of them don’t even look old enough to shave,
and yet, they are truly men. The rest of the world hems and haws at the carnage
the Jews have wrought on the once modern and beautiful country of Lebanon.
But the average (so-called Christian) American
merely echoes the mantra of his Zionist masters as he has been trained to do
all his life. Americans confidently state that the Khazar Jews have a right to
“defend their country” and that Hezbollah are terrorists, militants, and now,
What they fail to mention is that those Khazar Jews have about as much right to Palestine or Lebanon as the Chinese have to France, i.e., none.They are simply Jewish squatters on Arab land. And the Arabs intend to evict them. That is not terror. That is justice. And that is manly.
So, Mr. Brave Christian Weekend-Warrior, call
Hezbollah terrorists if you will, but one thing you cannot call them is:
With few exceptions, they are the only people brave
enough to stand up to the Jew and spit back in his face. They are willing to
fight to the death for their homeland, their honour, their religion, and their
women. Yes, I said “their women.”
You see, unlike you, they will not let the Jewish
pornographers and abortionists defile their culture and turn their women into
whores. You have been brainwashed into believing that Muslim women hate their
plight of being protected from sexual predators, getting married young,
becoming mothers, being treated with respect and dignity, being taken care of
in their old age by their children, and living like innocent, strong, beautiful
To your surprise, they do not seem to miss the
beer-guzzling, Playboy reading, commitment-phobic, narcissistic men-children
who turn their women over to the Jewish enemy.
Their men are truly manning the frontlines, as you
strain your back to bow as low as possible before your Jew masters, in true
lackey fashion. They own you, because you have sold yourselves (and us) out to
You, Mr. Macho, have become their bitch.

They kept the evil Khazar monsters locked up in
cages where they belong; only to see their descendants unleash those beasts at
the time of the Protestant Revolt.
How our Christian ancestors must be turning over in
their graves. Today, Christian men will only fight against other Christians
(World Wars I and II) or against brave, honourable Muslims, at the behest of
the Jew.
Now, the Christians are the beasts in cages, only allowed out long enough to pimp for their Zionist masters, and buy the latest edition of “Girls Gone Wild.”
Those “girls gone wild” are your sisters and
daughters, yet you contribute to their exploitation for your own dirty, secret
You have abdicated your role as men and defenders of
the Faith.
You did not fight for our honour. It is truly
stunning how quickly you ceded Western Civilization, deciding that if you can’t
beat them, you’ll join them.
And so you gleefully set about exploiting our
vulnerability, using us like unpaid prostitutes, too weak and selfish to accept
your responsibility as head of a family.
As a Christian, I do not believe in polygamy, but I
can’t help but admire the kind of man who can take care of four wives, and all
their offspring; while American men put their one wife to work and then expect
her to cook, clean, feed their insatiable egos, and then have to compete with
their childish, Jew-inspired fantasies in bed at night.
So admit that you are powerless before the Khazar,
step aside, and let “your women” do the fighting.
I have only my pen with which to fight, but at least
I’m not afraid to wield it, full blast, aimed right at my enemy.
Criticize me if you will, but I will pull no punches, use euphemisms, or grovel before my enemies. I have lost too much to them.
I will not be their bitch.
Unlike you, with your sycophantic pen, when you dare
even broach the subject at all, regarding who has usurped the great heritage
our ancestors created.
You make me ashamed to be an American woman.
Muslim women need feel no such shame.
Their men would die (and are dying) rather than hand their daughters and sisters over to the Jew to be defiled and degraded.
Their honour is safe in the hands of their Muslim mujahedeen.
That is manly.
And don’t tell me that Jesus Christ was a pacifist and
that you are only turning the other cheek. Christ was not the effete, kumbaya,
Birkenstock sandal-wearing, proto-hippie that the liberals would have us
believe. He wanted us to love one another but He also believed in justice.
Render unto Caesar, and all that.
He confronted the Pharisees face to face with words
that you could only fantasize about using, and wouldn’t dare utter, even though
we live in the last country in the West where it’s legal to confront the
Yet you cower before them, justifying their
incineration of Lebanese babies, while you pay the Jew to murder the babies you
create with us.
You bow before the Israeli flag, a foreign flag,
while the young men of Hezbollah march on top of it.
Don’t hide behind Christianity. It is not for wimps
and cowards. Let us not forget the image of Christ turning over the tables of
the money changers and whipping them out of the temple!
That was manly.
So the next time you turn on the Zionist-controlled
television news and see images of dead and wounded women and children in
Lebanon, just remember: their men are fighting for them against a far superior
military force (thanks to us). But they are not cowering in fear.
And I wouldn’t be surprised if they were to steal
victory after all of this is over (if it ever is). Because all they have to do
is survive and they have won.
The Israelis have to eliminate Hezbollah to win, and that is unlikely.
You can’t beat a force that is fighting for their
families and for their homeland ~ in their own homeland. The home team always
has the advantage.
Truly, a moral victory is already assured for
Regardless of the outcome, they win just for having
withstood so much firepower, and still being able to launch their hapless
little Katyusha rockets back over the fence.
Yes, that is manly.
Maybe you American Christian men could learn
something from them about fighting for honour, family and homeland.
Maybe you could try to emulate Hezbollah.
They might teach you a lesson or two in manliness.
And that is how you call a spade a spade!
ReplyDelete"JEW" worshippers are spiritual Fags.
God hates fags.
paranoid schizophrenics will never be "Holy"...
just sayin'....
ReplyDeleteI love your determination and persistence. You are a holy fighter like me and you stand for truth, justice and the kick ass of Zionists-wherever they are. This article is a vindication of what I am writing.
May you always be strong and right.
I love you everyday more and more
Nabil Cronful
I already wrote them!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteGo back and look.
The wind of heaven is that which blows between a horse's ears ~ Arabian Proverb
DeleteThose are some beautiful horses you have there. I am more of a flashy Gypsy Vanner or Friesian person: I loved Arabians when I was a kid.
I am a tad frustrated because somewhere back in my archives is a love story between a pair of Friesians and I just cannot locate it. It seems to have completely disappeared which makes me sad because it was quite beautiful IMHO.
Sadly even being in close proximity to a horse is enough to hospitalize me ~ frustrated my hopes of being a vet back in the day.
Good editorial. Truly, Hezbollah are real men.
ReplyDeleteAmericans could be real men, and a minority probably will be real men again when they develop a secure means of communication which will give them ability to organize without the guarantee of Zionist infiltration.
The real war is just beginning.