“Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother.” ~
General Moshe Dayan
2014 Mark
All can be
rest assured that following Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech at the UN in
September of 2012 featuring his now-infamous ‘bomb-about-to-go-boom’
cartoonery, that despite most of the world reacting with laughter at what took
place, some however did not.
Yes, in lieu
of any official statements forthcoming, nevertheless it’s safe to say that
within the walls of various intelligence agencies around the world (and
particularly within the U.S.) no one looked at it as a laughing matter ~ at
Understanding that nations (and the individuals who lead them) engage in the use of multi-layered language rich in nuance, subtlety and symbolism, it can be assumed that those tasked with interpreting the political verbiage used by Armageddonistas such as Nutty Netty understood clearly the point he was trying to make.
Despite the
global snicker-fest that took place, intelligence professionals knew he was not
being funny or cute. Given that political animals like him are as much inclined
to wasting their words as they are to wasting their time, money or votes, those
paid to worry about war know that ~ like any drug dealer trying to squeeze
every penny out of his product he can get, likewise, every consonant, vowel and
syllable coming forth from the mouths of creatures such as Batty Bibi ~ and
especially at gatherings such as the UN General Assembly ~ are carefully
weighed, considered, and evaluated so as to achieve maximum yield.
And the
worrywarts-for-war are right ~
What took place that afternoon at the UN, during the same month that Americans commemorate the terrorist attacks of 11 years earlier ~ was of the highest possible importance as far as war and peace on a global level are concerned.
Bibi, a
devoted member of the world’s oldest and perhaps most dangerous apocalyptic
cult ever to stalk the mind of man, was/is the human (?!) equivalent of a giant
Rattlesnake, shaking its tail and baring its fangs before striking its victim.
underscoring the dangerousness of this man, the primitive ideology he follows
and those he brings along with him in tow is the fact that no doubt he slept
well that night after delivering his speech, knowing that in his heart of
hearts he did the Lord’s work faithfully.
war-mongering warlock practicing this form of political black magic known as
Zionism, he believes not only that all the evil he does is good, but as well is
both commanded and commended by his vengeful, wrathful god, Yahweh in doing so.
himself as a modern day Moses visiting Pharaoh’s court and warning about the
holy hell soon to be unleashed by the god of Israel if all persons involved
didn’t ‘get with the program’ of making the Jewish state the dominant power not
only in the Middle East but in the world, likewise, Netanyahu, armed with his
Ace of Spades (the threat of unleashing state-sponsored terrorism against those
Kings and kingdoms obstinately refusing him his war against Iran) doubtless
felt no qualms about playing the role of doomsday prophet and the harbinger of
mass murder and Gentile-cide.
Therefore, all can be assured that ~ most likely either in the Oval Office or in the Situation Room ~ immediately after Netanyahu’s speech were seated several persons of importance as far as America’s national security is concerned, and that in some fashion, utilizing the typically dry, bureaucratically-flavoured language that goes hand in hand with such discussions, in unanimous agreement everyone in attendance made plain to U.S. President Barack some variation of the following:
‘Mr. President, we can state with high confidence that the Prime Minister of Israel has just issued a formal threat to engage in acts of state-sponsored terrorism, possibly with WMDs, against the people and property of the United States if his demands are not met, and that given both the efficiency and ease with which Israeli nationals are able to move freely about within the United States, we should expect something in the near future taking place related to this threat.’
And lo and
behold, surprise, surprise, like one of Moses’ plagues being delivered unto the
Egyptians of Torah yesteryear, a few months later in the city of Boston (in
many respects considered the birthplace of the American nation) several bombs ~
eerily similar in appearance to the cartoon bomb held up by Netanyahu at the UN
~ were detonated, resulting in several deaths.
individuals said to be responsible were 2 brothers of Chechen/Islamic
background and who ~ according to given testimony from those who knew them ~ were
meeting regularly with individuals claiming to be with the FBI.
The problem
of course is that no one ~ except for the actual players themselves ~ knows who
those ‘agents’ were, given that initial statements from the FBI have them
denying any business with the 2 individuals at the center of it all. And while
indeed this denial could simply be a case of FBI, CIA, NSA and others playing
CYA, given the fact there would have plenty of hell to pay if a terrorist event
such as this happened under their watch, it is also conceivable that in this
case the Feds are actually telling the truth.
Given that
Netanyahu’s intelligence agency Mossad has been caught red-handed posing as
American intelligence officers in locales around the world from Pakistan to the
UK, why then would they not do the very same thing on American soil, setting up
a terrorist event and making good on Netanyahu’s threats made at the UN?
Noor: Was it not interesting also that there just happened to be a group of
Israeli doctors on hand to deal with the immediate medical fall-out of the
Boston bombing? Or that handled the one brother who was brought in injured who
was made mute?
The fact is
~ and the world really should pay more attention to events such as these ~ Israel
and her people do this all the time. While it’s true that Netanyahu’s Looney
Tunesque depiction of the bomb cartoon at the UN was visually more dramatic
than previous occasions where veiled threats have been made by the Jewish
state, it certainly was not unique.
Lest we
forget, George W. Bush, when making his first visit to Israel in the waning
days of his final term in office as President ~ was met on the tarmac at Ben
Gurion airport by a group of rabbis affiliated with Netanyahu’s Likud party who
presented him with a document entitled ‘Megillat
Bush’ (ED Noor: See below for entire document) and done up to appear like some Mosaic scroll out of the Old
Testament that read as follows:
‘To George W. Bush…who comes to Jerusalem, eternal capital of our land, joy of the entire earth…If you truly desire peace and wish to be counted in the company of the truly righteous, we call upon you to declare to all the world the following ~.‘I George Bush declare that the Land of Israel was bequeathed to the nation of Israel by the Creator of the world. which He gave to His people Israel, the eternal people. Therefore I call upon all the nations to save themselves from certain doom and recognize that this land is the exclusive rightful inheritance of the people of Israel. He who denies this truth endangers all life on earth.’.‘Or, Heaven forbid, you can choose the second option…to wilfully aid in destruction…You certainly know what the God of Israel did to Egypt and to all Israel’s enemies from time immemorial. Do you imagine you can escape from the struggles in Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt, and Lebanon, by offering up the Jews who are slaughtered daily by their enemies? Remember our forefather Abraham, who pursued the world’s four greatest kings in order to redeem his nephew from captivity. We cannot forget the deeds of our patriarchs, whose example guides us through every generation….…Understand this well–God ordained that the role of the nations of the world is to strengthen the nation of Israel. Therefore it behooves you to declare: “I, George Bush, Commander in Chief of the armies of the United States of America, will instruct all of my troops to protect the Divine rights of the nation of Israel, and remove from her any threat.” Before you is a choice: You can merit eternal life, or be inscribed for eternal disgrace. Your fate and that of all those with you hangs in the balance of the destiny of our land…’
(if such a thing exists in today’s world) like some monster being born out of
the womb of some wild beast, 9 months later, following the rabbis’ warnings of
that ‘certain doom’ soon to befall America if the Gentiles shirked in their
duty of ‘strengthening the nation of
Israel’, an event resembling something right out of the Old Testament
took place in early to mid-September, again, the same month Americans
commemorated the terrorist attacks of 7 years previous.
As described
by U.S. Congressman Paul Kanjorski in an interview with the political program
CSPAN broadcast out of Washington D.C.:
‘On Thursday at about 11 am the Federal Reserve noticed a tremendous drawdown of money market accounts in the United States to the tune of 550 billion dollars, being drawn out in the matter of about an hour or 2. The Treasury opened up its window to help, pumped 105 billion dollars into the system and quickly realized they could not stem the tide….We were having an electronic run on the banks. They decided to close the operation, close down the money accounts and announce a guarantee of $250,000 per account so there wouldn’t be further panic out there..If they had not done this, their estimation was that by 2 o’clock that afternoon, 5.5 trillion dollars would have been drawn out of the money market system of the United States, would have collapsed the entire economy of the United States, and within 24 hours the world economy would have collapsed…’.‘We talked about what would happen ~ it would have been the end of our economic and political system as we know it, and that’s why we had to act and do things quickly. Why? Because if you don’t have a banking system you don’t have an economy, and although we did that it wasn’t enough. The economy has been falling and we’re really no better off today than we were 3 months ago.’
Kanjorski ended his comments with:
‘Somebody threw us in the middle of the Atlantic ocean without a life raft and we’re trying to determine which is the closest shore and whether there’s any chance in the world to swim that far. We don’t know…’
As stated
previously, right out of the Old Testament, specifically, the story in the book
of Exodus describing the Israelites’ looting of Egypt that reads as follows:
“And Yahweh said to Moses ‘Tell the Israelites–men and women alike ~ that they are to ask their Egyptian neighbours for all their silver and gold…’ And so the Israelites did as instructed and asked the Egyptians to lend them all their gold and silver, which the Egyptians did, and thus the Israelites fled Egypt, and the Egyptians were plundered.’
It does not
take someone with degrees in criminal justice, finance, or theology to do the
math in figuring out what happened to America in September, 2008 when she was
literally brought to near-complete bankruptcy within just a few hours.
In the same
manner that spies and saboteurs in the paid service of the Jewish state were
mobilized in helping to bring about the terrorist attacks on 9/11 (which
Netanyahu characterized as ‘good’ given that they would bring ‘immediate
sympathy for Israel’) likewise were spies and saboteurs–deeply embedded within
the U.S. Financial system and in the paid service of the Jewish state–mobilized
to bring about a monetary meltdown of America, the obvious planned scapegoat of
which would have been Iran, resulting in the same war fever that brought about
the destruction of Iraq.
And now,
with Barack Obama (viewed by most Jews as Pharaoh reincarnated, due to his
diplomatic engagement with Iran and a ‘peace deal’ with the Palestinians) into
his 2nd term the same stormy language that in the past presaged deadly weather
in America is now emerging from Israel again.
In early
February, 2014, a group calling itself The
Committee to Save the Land and People of Israel, made up of several
prominent rabbis (for all intents and purposes birds of a feather with
Netanyahu and his policies viz-a-viz war with Iran and ‘peace’ with the
Palestinians and every other life form of the Gentile variety presently
dwelling between the Nile and Euphrates rivers) issued an open letter to
Secretary of State John Kerry containing much of the same menacing,
gangster-esque, apocalyptic language appearing in ‘Megillat Bush’ of 2008, namely:
“Your (America’s) incessant efforts to expropriate integral parts of our Holy Land and hand them over to Abbas’s terrorist gang, amount to a declaration of war against the Creator and Ruler of the universe. For G-d awarded the entire Land of Israel to our ancestors, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, in order that they bequeath it, as an everlasting inheritance, to their descendants, the Jewish people, until the end of all time… If you continue on this destructive path, you will ensure your everlasting disgrace in Jewish history for bringing calamity upon the Jewish people ~ like Nebuchadnezzar and Titus who destroyed, respectively, the first and second great Temples and the entire Holy City of Jerusalem, and who, by Heavenly punishment, brought eventual disaster upon themselves…
The rabbis
ended their letter by referencing Haman, the villain in the book of Esther, who
~ along with his 10 sons ~ was publicly hanged in what culminated in a Judaic
massacre of 75,000 Persians, stating–
‘Haman contrived a vicious plot, but he and his sons eventually were hung on the very same gallows he had prepared for Mordechai, the Jew…For, concerning those who work against us, the Bible promises ‘Conspire a plan and it will be frustrated; talk the talk and it will not be fulfilled, for G-d is with us!…’
To most sane
people living in the real world, the rabbinic warnings contained in the letter
seem no more dangerous than the ear-splitting racket that a petulant, spoiled,
badly-reared child makes when having a tantrum in the middle of the room for
having not gotten his way…
To others
however, and particularly those whose job description includes preventing
madmen such as Netanyahu & co from lighting the fuse leading to Armageddon,
the letter is doubtless seen as smoke indicating the presence of fire.
The first
thing that needs considering is the fact that rabbis in Israel are paid
employees of the state, no different in many respects to those who
hold elected office. What this means is that statements such as the
aforementioned are basically coming out of the mouth of the state itself, a
fact validated by the fact that as of the moment of this writing, there has
been no official censure or distancing that has taken place on the part of
Netanyahu’s government.
So, the best
case scenario in all this is that a group of should-be mental patients
operating under the title ‘rebbe’ got together, composed a threatening letter
to Sec. of State John Kerry (and by extension to the United States itself) and
Netanyahu has indicated his approval by saying/doing nothing to countermand it.
The worst
case scenario however is that the should-be mental patients did it in collusion
with Netanyahu, acting as his personal emissaries in sending a very personal
threat to the United States, the subtle language of which is that ~ like the
drawing he brandished at the UN in 2012 ~ the fuse is lit and that he is about
to go off like 200 megaton firecracker.
Scenario #2
is not only perfectly believable, but in reality the only possibility that
makes sense at this point. Netanyahu is an Armageddonist at heart, and mass
death of Gentiles ~ with whom Judaism states plainly there is perpetual war ~ is
his gospel.
Gentile-cide, and world war is the crucifix to which he genuflects. The blood
of innocent people he himself has shed either directly or indirectly is the
holy water with which he crosses himself. In his mental lexicon, a world where
such real-life horror does not exist is simply a world that should not exist,
and he sees it as his personal duty to makes sure this takes place.
More than this though, and in a much more practical sense, Netanyahu has just been dealt the most serious blow to his political career that any Israeli leader has ever faced. His personal PR firm in the US ~AIPAC ~ has just been gagged, bound and had a gun put to its head, along with all their hired guns in the U.S. Congress sporting names such as Menendez, McCain, Graham, Kirk, Cantor, Grimm, etc, who have thrown up their hands in surrender, waved the white flag and abandoned the push for new sanctions and war with Iran.
given the fact that (more than likely) the event precipitating this surrender
on the part of Netanyahu’s henchmen in America ~ hours and hours of recorded
phone conversations, (courtesy of the NSA) between high-level AIPAC operatives
~ is powerful enough a disincentive in preventing and precluding any and all
talk or action viz-a-viz new holy wars in the Middle East for Israel’s benefit
for the foreseeable future.
Netanyahu, in the middle of a game of high-stakes poker, and with only one card
left in his hand to play, the ace of spades, the death card, the same card he
held up at his infamous speech at the UN in 2012, is basically poised to bring
about that very event prophetically discussed in a very cryptic and sometimes
confusing final chapter in the bible known as the Book of Revelations.
Indeed, as
was predicted,
‘Woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you and he is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short…’
Those who
fail to understand the fact that not only Netanyahu ~ but as well a large
number of his fellow travelers ~ would be willing/able to go forward with
whatever demands that the dark voices in their heads command, do so as a result
of poorly-formed ideas concerning what is (incorrectly) characterized as one of
the world’s ‘great’ religions’, meaning Judaism.

One need
look no further in validating the diabolical and maniacal nature of this cult
than in viewing its various feasts ~ from Passover’s celebration of Egypt’s
destruction to Purim’s celebration of the destruction of Persia ~ and the
manner by which the cult members revel in the manner by which ‘God’s chosen
people’ utilized the mechanisms of lying, theft, subterfuge, chicanery, murder
and every other criminal behaviour known to be such by every civilized society
throughout time in achieving victory over the Gentiles.
And it is
for this reason that Netanyahu, envisioning himself as the reincarnated Moses doing
battle against Obama, the reincarnated Pharaoh, has been backed into a corner
now where only 2 options exist:
(1) Surrender, which is simply not an option for a man who views himself as the great great grandson of all those biblical warrior kings such as Moses, Joshua, David, Saul, etc, who in the past called down the wrath of heaven upon those Gentiles who refused to prostrate themselves before Yahweh, the vengeful, Gentile-cidal god of Israel,
(2) Armageddon, which Nutty Netty/Batty Bibi views as being not only as his right, but as his ‘moral duty’.
The only
question that remains is whether the mad dog will succeed in breaking loose
from his chain and thus carries out the rampage that his dark, rabid mind is
commanding him to commit, or whether what is left of humanity will put an end
to its own misery and prevent its own extinction by putting the animal down.
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