February 15,
Despite popular belief, Canada’s foreign policy vis-à-vis the Middle East is not predicated on idealism or the will of the Canadian people, but rather hinges upon the desires of special interests groups who generally operate in the dark.
B'nai Brith CEO Frank Dimant (Toronto
Sun file photo)
One special interest group in particular that has considerable pull on Ottawa is the Zionist lobby. This lobby is not only comprised of dozens of powerful pro-Israel pressure groups such as B’nai B’rith Canada, Canada-Israel Committee and the Canadian Jewish Public Affairs Committee, but is also made up of powerful Jewish financial tycoons and media owners who are actively involved in pro-Israel campaigning and lobbying. Author Yves Engler documented the extensive reach and breadth of these Zionist forces in his book Canada and Israel: Building Apartheid.
For example, the prominent Toronto Jewish couple Heather Reisman and Gerry Schwartz, the primary shareholders of Chapters/Indigo, have been deeply engaged in pro-Israel activities in Canada. They even run a charity called “Heseg Foundation for Lone Soldiers,” which provides scholarship money to Canadian Jews who join and fight in the Israeli military.
Solidarity picket with Bil’in outside
Indigo in Montreal. Photo: Ehab Lotayef
The wealthy Bronfman family has been a veritable emissary of Israel in Canada since the formation of that state, using their vast resources and influence to move Canada in a direction favourable to Zionist objectives. A prominent member of that family, Edgar Bronfman Sr., was a vocal mouthpiece for the Israeli regime in Canada as the former president of the World Jewish Congress. His brother Charles is a supporter of Israeli charities such as the Libi Fund, which fundraises for the Israeli military abroad.

Edgar M. Bronfman Sr., the Canadian-born billionaire and longtime president of the World Jewish Congress
Until its
collapse in 2010, more than half of Canada’s national media was controlled by a
single company called CanWest. The founder and CEO of that company, Israel
Asper (who died in 2003), was described by his colleagues as a “champion of
Israel” and who himself affirmed his dedication “to a Jewish way of life and to
Zionism.” Asper and his extended family ran the media conglomerate like a
Stalinist politburo, forbidding any criticism of Israel in any CanWest-owned

Izzy Asper is shown in this file photo from a news conference in Toronto on July 31, 2000. (Kevin Frayer/Canadian Press)
Another influential media owner in Canada is ZoomerMedia CEO Moses Znaimer. Znaimer was born and raised in a Jewish-Zionist family with his sister Libby Znaimer (who also works for ZoomerMedia). Canadian Jewish News quoted Libby as describing herself as a “staunch Zionist” who lived in Israel for five years in the 1970s. In 2013, Moses Znaimer boosted his Zionist credentials by producing a four-part documentary series entitled “Jew Bashing: The New Anti-Semitism.” The film was little more than a pro-Israel propaganda production that attempts to portray all critics of Israel and Zionism as irrational bigots.
ZoomerMedia CEO Moses Znaimer
In 2005, then-Bank of Montreal President Tony Comper, an outspoken pro-Zionist fanatic, formed a group called FAST (Fighting Anti-Semitism Together), which prides itself as “a coalition of non-Jewish Canadian business and community leaders who have vowed to speak out against anti-Semitism.” Most of the leaders of Canada’s major banks and corporations are members of the group, showcasing their subservience to Canada’s Zionist elite.
The Zionist extremists have organized several international conferences under the auspices of the Interparliamentary Coalition to Combat anti-Semitism. The conferences are branded as gatherings of world leaders to brainstorm ways to “combat anti-Semitism.” Many Canadian MPs led by Conservative minister Jason Kenney attend these Zionist meetings to pledge their unshakable commitment to serving the Israeli agenda.
In truth, Zionists use the phrase “anti-Semitism” as a smokescreen to stifle criticism of their morally indefensible policies of ethnic cleansing and terrorism against Arabs. Zionists and their cohorts use this ill-defined term to divert attention from the fact that Jews are the furthest thing from being some persecuted, oppressed minority.
They are in
fact the most affluent and influential segment of Canadian society ~ the
kowtowing of Ottawa and the leaders of Canada’s financial world to them is
indisputable proof of that.
“[Labelling critics of Israel anti-Semitic] is a trick, we always use it,” said the former Israeli minister Shulamit Aloni in an interview with Amy Goodman of Democracy Now. “When [European leaders] are criticizing Israel, we bring up the holocaust,” she added. The dishonest practice of calling their critics names and using past events as emotional blackmail reveals the malevolent, anti-democratic inclinations of Israel’s partisans.
The Jewish Zionist lobbyists also have an ally in the right-wing, pro-Zionist Christian community and Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper can be counted among them. Motivated by his pro-Zionist evangelical faith and a desire for Jewish financial support in his political campaigns, Harper is an amoral opportunist whose only concern is to satisfy his own lust for money, power and the interests of his financial benefactors.
Harper has
made it abundantly clear in numerous public speeches that Israel’s interests
are his primary concern. Canada and its people are merely an afterthought in
his twisted mind.
“We will stand with Israel whatever the cost,” Harper proclaimed in a 2010 speech on Parliament Hill.
“[T]hose who
threaten Israel also threaten Canada,” he announced at an event hosted by the
United Jewish Appeal Federation. In December 2013 at the annual Negev dinner in
Toronto, Harper used racist rhetoric to describe the countries surrounding
Israel, calling it “a region of darkness.” In January of 2014 Harper made
a four-day visit to Israel where he reiterated his slavish position during a
speech to the Israeli Knesset.

Maj. Paeta Hess-von Kruedener and three other United Nations observers were killed in 2006 when the Israeli military targeted their small outpost with repeated artillery barrages as well as an attack by a fighter aircraft. (Photo: CTV)
Harper’s support of Israel flies in the face of his disingenuous and downright delusional claim to be promoting “human rights” and “democracy” in the world.
In 2006,
during Israel’s brutal invasion of Lebanon, Israeli forces deliberately killed
an unarmed Canadian UN peacekeeping soldier named Maj. Paeta Hess von-Krudener
who was stationed in the area. Instead of condemning the pre-meditated murder
of a Canadian soldier by Israel, Harper ignored the atrocity and tried to cover
it up.
“[The Canadian government] don’t want people reading about it,” the widow of the slain Canadian soldier told the Ottawa Citizen. “It’s embarrassing to the Israelis and, as we know, Prime Minister Harper has given his unconditional support to the Israelis.”
Israel is a
rogue state that has violated dozens of United Nations resolutions condemning
its aggressive and murderous policies. It refuses to sign any international
treaties regulating chemical and nuclear weapons. It has stockpiled a vast
arsenal of not only nuclear bombs, but also chemical weapons and biological
militants completely destroyed more than 500 Palestinian villages from
1947-1949, replacing them with Jewish settlements. This colonization process
continues to this day. Since 1948 the Zionist invaders have killed and
displaced millions of Palestinians. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have
been severely wounded in Israeli attacks and most of the population of Gaza and
the West Bank live in abject squalor due to the Israeli occupation.
Israel has
waged a litany of wars of aggression against its Arab neighbours in order to seize
territory and resources it covets, killing and displacing hundreds of thousands
of Arabs in the process. On top of that, Israeli militarism and warfare has
caused irreparable ecological damage to the region.
In 2008/09,
during Israel’s ruthless attack on Gaza known as “Operation Cast Lead,” the
Israeli military used illegal white phosphorous weapons on a civilian
population. Of the more than 1400 Palestinians killed in the massacre at least
300 were children.

In 1997, two
Mossad agents were caught crossing into Jordon using fake Canadian passports in
a failed attempt to assassinate Hamas leader Khalid Meshal. Ottawa was
reluctant to even condemn the illegal act and quickly forgave it. The true
extent of Mossad’s crimes against humanity will never be known, as their
successful operations are kept hidden from the public.
Ottawa has,
particularly under the leadership of Stephen Harper, vehemently backed Israel’s
blatant criminality. Canada under the rule of the Harper Conservatives has
functioned as Israel’s cat’s paw at the UN, either abstaining or voting against
every motion condemning Israel.
Harper has
drastically increased Canada’s economic, political and military ties with
Israel. The war industries of Canada and Israel are intimately linked. Canada’s
security services work closely with the criminal Mossad.
The myth of
Canada’s benevolence vis-à-vis international affairs has quickly disintegrated
as a result of the government’s belligerent and immoral support of Zionism.
Canada too
has become a rogue state, following the lead of its imperial masters like a marionette.
Finally. Liberals talking about the Zionist lobby. Before 9/11 I'd be in history class learning about Schindler's List, Ernst Zundel, and how all Germans knew that the holocaust was happening and didn't do anything about it. Using the holocaust as a means to make mass immigration from the third world popular just trivializes those 9 million white people that the Nazis killed. Just doesn't make any sense.
ReplyDeleteTruthy Alert: Criticism of Israel's apartheid crimes is ^NOT Anti-Semitism.
ReplyDeleteWhy is Canada’s right-wing Bush-lite Prime Minister Stephen Harper *SO* fanatical about supporting Israel bombing innocent Palestinian civilians? What’s the secret agenda at work here?
Surprise! It’s money: Canada does ONE BILLION DOLLARS of trade with Israel annually. Most of it military. Oh hello untendered gov. contracts and big bus. bribes.
At the 5:30 mark.