ED Noor: I had to change the title. There is no way I relate to the Hebdo mindet of the original.
Why does this pretty glossy-eyed young Stepford-wifeish type woman say she is Charlie when "Charlie" was a publication dedicated to racism, fomentation and hate speech? Are we to be lulled in by her wide-eyed innocent look of acceptance? Dang she looks sooo naive! Was I ever that innocent? Sadly, having been raised in a strict Roman Catholic home, I was. This poor child has no idea of how heavily she is being played.
Why does this pretty glossy-eyed young Stepford-wifeish type woman say she is Charlie when "Charlie" was a publication dedicated to racism, fomentation and hate speech? Are we to be lulled in by her wide-eyed innocent look of acceptance? Dang she looks sooo naive! Was I ever that innocent? Sadly, having been raised in a strict Roman Catholic home, I was. This poor child has no idea of how heavily she is being played.
Hebdo is not a tabloid whose record of hate speech and hypocrisy should
be whitewashed into a monument to martyrs of free speech. It’s satire
was aimed against the oppressed and for the benefit of the powerful. There is no justification for any such violence, however there should be justification for the ensuing carnage wreaked upon the unsuspecting public by those who control the information flow.
To balance this article, PLEASE read this other article, WHY I AM NOT CHARLIE HEBDO in which you will find several Hebdo cartoons and their English translations. There is no excuse for assassination, but it is obvious the people of this publication knew full well what they were doing. They cooperated with the Jewish agenda in France fully in fomenting the East/West cultural divide and, when no longer needed, were terminated in a method that not only immortalizes them but also truly results in a heavy blow to all of humanity both Christian and Muslim. Many young Jews will also sign up to fight so all are effected negatively. Young people around the world will be signing up to protect "freedom of speech" from the Arab hordes and threat of Shariah law. This is, of course, the same freedom of speech that will imprison them for even questioning any aspects of the Holocaust in France!.
What we see today with this "Je suis" campaign is no more than a continuation of the Freedom Torches campaign to increase tobacco sales by Edward Bernays and his Uncle Freud collaborating on social manipulation techniques.
While I am at it, I will also say that the "We are all... Charlie Hebdo" campaign is, in my mind, another theft from the Palestinians. The "We are all Palestinian" campaign originated with Carlos Latuff, famous alternative Palestinian cartoonist living in Brazil. Some of us ran with this slogan because we saw its useful application with the correlations that could be drawn and it was a very powerful tool. However, as with all else, it has, over the past few years, been hijacked and now, as exemplified in this latest incarnation, is more than useless. It has been turned into a weapon against those it was originally intended to represent!
by Scott Creighton
Bold Face News
January 11, 2015
UPDATE: Go here to see a moving (not) sampling of images of idiots carrying JSC signs, painting the slogan on their faces, carrying big plastic pencils in honour of the racist dead. You can’t help but think of the film Wag the Dog watching these idiots soak up the feel-good self-satisfaction that was marketed and sold to them like a pack of freedom torches in the 1920s or “CHANGE” in 2008. It’s surreal.
Bold Face News
January 11, 2015
UPDATE: Go here to see a moving (not) sampling of images of idiots carrying JSC signs, painting the slogan on their faces, carrying big plastic pencils in honour of the racist dead. You can’t help but think of the film Wag the Dog watching these idiots soak up the feel-good self-satisfaction that was marketed and sold to them like a pack of freedom torches in the 1920s or “CHANGE” in 2008. It’s surreal.
If you wish
to understand a little better about how the world we are crafting works these
days, you don’t have to go much further than to observe the goose-stepping
corporate media jumping on the latest bandwagon with their idiotic synchronized
“I am Charlie” campaign.
Somewhere sitting in their bottom desk drawers are old yellowing pages that read “StopKony2012″ and “#BringBackOurGirls” but they don’t need those doubleplusgood groupthink slogan banners anymore.
Those faded out of fashion. Smoking crystal meth and dancing naked on busy street corners tends to do that to propaganda campaigns. But no worries. They have a new one: Je Suis Charlie or “I am Charlie”
Somewhere sitting in their bottom desk drawers are old yellowing pages that read “StopKony2012″ and “#BringBackOurGirls” but they don’t need those doubleplusgood groupthink slogan banners anymore.
Those faded out of fashion. Smoking crystal meth and dancing naked on busy street corners tends to do that to propaganda campaigns. But no worries. They have a new one: Je Suis Charlie or “I am Charlie”

Charlie Hebdo is to journalism as the Jerry Springer Show is to broadcast news and Honey Boo Boo is to documentaries.
I’m not Jerry and I’m not Boo Boo so I’m certainly not Charlie either. I can still think for myself and I don’t celebrate or suffer stupid no matter how well it pays.
Looking at these sycophantic ladder-climbers all standing around trying to look serious pretending to be standing up for freedom of speech is beyond offensive.
There’s not a damn one of those idiots who think NBC “News” is about freedom of speech. Go over to their website and try publishing this in the comment section and see what happens.
It’s a cartoon right? “Freedom of Speech” and all?
What do you
think they will do? They’ll never let it get past their moderators or if it
does by accident, they will quickly remove it and ban your IP address for life.
They might even turn you in to Homeland Security.
For that matter, you can go over to their site and try leaving comments simply linking folks to any number of recent historical events, like say… Operation Cast Lead, Operation Pillar of Defense or Operation Protective Edge… and see what happens.
These people aren’t standing up for freedom of speech, they’re getting behind the war effort and they are dutifully pledging their allegiance to it in a public manner. And by extension, they are pledging themselves to the Business Party, the One True Party… INGSOC.
What they are saying with those stupid little banners is “I can be trusted. I won’t ask questions. I want to be a member of the Party” that’s what they are saying.
Anybody with any type of training in the news business can clearly see this event in Paris was staged. It was a fraud. And that means this whole “I Am Charlie” movement is just as much of a fraud as it was.
You don’t have to be a genius or a “conspiracy theorist” to figure out the event was timed to coincide with a new push to the far right in France and corresponding legislation that will actually attack free speech, not defend it. That’s too say nothing of the fact that the French parliament “voted the wrong way” concerning the recognition of the state of Palestine not that long ago.
Britain’s COBRA is meeting today and met yesterday so they can come up with their reactionary reaction to this staged event. They claim a similar attack is bound to happen in the near future in the UK so they have to get their preemptive reeducation panels ready to go.
With all those “journalists” standing up there with their stupid signs in front of them, do you think one might possibly be wondering why the “jihadists” who were proud to be avenging their prophet had to wear masks to conceal their identity?
Do you think one of those “journalists” might find it a little suspicious that the brothers were on every watch list ever produced and were even being followed by intelligence agencies right up until the day of the attack?
How about the fact that the third “terrorist” was actually attending class that day with his classmates, who the authorities have told to shut up about?
Do you think any of them have figured out the Charlie Hebdo massacre is nothing more than the French remake of the Boston Bombing story? Think that’s lingering in the backs of their minds?
And with all their technology and years of film editing experience at their disposal, don’t you think maybe ONE of them might have noticed that AK47 didn’t fire anything at the cop laying on the ground?
You think any of that bothers those idiots posing with their “I Can’t Think For Myself” signs?
For that matter, you can go over to their site and try leaving comments simply linking folks to any number of recent historical events, like say… Operation Cast Lead, Operation Pillar of Defense or Operation Protective Edge… and see what happens.
These people aren’t standing up for freedom of speech, they’re getting behind the war effort and they are dutifully pledging their allegiance to it in a public manner. And by extension, they are pledging themselves to the Business Party, the One True Party… INGSOC.
What they are saying with those stupid little banners is “I can be trusted. I won’t ask questions. I want to be a member of the Party” that’s what they are saying.
Anybody with any type of training in the news business can clearly see this event in Paris was staged. It was a fraud. And that means this whole “I Am Charlie” movement is just as much of a fraud as it was.
You don’t have to be a genius or a “conspiracy theorist” to figure out the event was timed to coincide with a new push to the far right in France and corresponding legislation that will actually attack free speech, not defend it. That’s too say nothing of the fact that the French parliament “voted the wrong way” concerning the recognition of the state of Palestine not that long ago.
Britain’s COBRA is meeting today and met yesterday so they can come up with their reactionary reaction to this staged event. They claim a similar attack is bound to happen in the near future in the UK so they have to get their preemptive reeducation panels ready to go.
With all those “journalists” standing up there with their stupid signs in front of them, do you think one might possibly be wondering why the “jihadists” who were proud to be avenging their prophet had to wear masks to conceal their identity?
Do you think one of those “journalists” might find it a little suspicious that the brothers were on every watch list ever produced and were even being followed by intelligence agencies right up until the day of the attack?
For Christ’s sake… one of them was on TV back in 2009 talking about what a
“crazed” jihadist he was.
ED Noor: Dieudonne facing French Jewish hypocrisy. This must be seen to be believed.
You think
they might be a little curious about how someone found one of their ID cards
conveniently sitting in the getaway car? I mean.. come on. Really? They left
their ID behind so the cops would know who did it? Who does that? Oh, I don’t
know… maybe someone trying to pin the blame for the Gladio operation on their
patsy perhaps? Do you really have to attend journalism school for 4 years to
figure that one out? Or better still, do you have to attend that school for 4
years to get to the point where you can conceivably miss it?
How about the fact that the third “terrorist” was actually attending class that day with his classmates, who the authorities have told to shut up about?
Do you think any of them have figured out the Charlie Hebdo massacre is nothing more than the French remake of the Boston Bombing story? Think that’s lingering in the backs of their minds?
And with all their technology and years of film editing experience at their disposal, don’t you think maybe ONE of them might have noticed that AK47 didn’t fire anything at the cop laying on the ground?
You think any of that bothers those idiots posing with their “I Can’t Think For Myself” signs?
Now, there have been a number of good articles written about the current
reaction to France’s 9/11. Vineyard of the Saker has a good one, as does (God,
I hate saying this)… Glen Greenwald (meh, that leaves a bad taste in my mouth)…
I know, I know, but his take on this is worth reading.
(It should be noted that the sell-out fake left warmongering Jeremy Scaghill is claiming a “source” they have in al CIAda has told them they ordered the act. What a fucking piece of shit he’s become. Neocon controlled opposition shill for the war state. )
Look, I want to say that some folks out there are doing good work writing about this event, but no one is doing anyone any good if they continue to take the cautious road and claim they “don’t know” whether or not this was done by those two brothers or not… or say “it doesn’t matter”
It does matter. It matters a lot.
And if you can’t think enough of yourself to think for yourself, then you probably shouldn’t be pretending to help lead the way when it comes to staving off this pending fascist future we have staring us in the face.
The evidence is in. The science is conclusive. It was a staged false flag event and needs to be addressed as such.
(It should be noted that the sell-out fake left warmongering Jeremy Scaghill is claiming a “source” they have in al CIAda has told them they ordered the act. What a fucking piece of shit he’s become. Neocon controlled opposition shill for the war state. )
Look, I want to say that some folks out there are doing good work writing about this event, but no one is doing anyone any good if they continue to take the cautious road and claim they “don’t know” whether or not this was done by those two brothers or not… or say “it doesn’t matter”
It does matter. It matters a lot.
And if you can’t think enough of yourself to think for yourself, then you probably shouldn’t be pretending to help lead the way when it comes to staving off this pending fascist future we have staring us in the face.
The evidence is in. The science is conclusive. It was a staged false flag event and needs to be addressed as such.
Ed Noor: Above is their publication after the Nigerian girls were kidnapped by Boko Haram. The girls are represented as screaming, “hands off our benefit checks!” A
not so subtle reference to the racist narrative of the right, found all
over the Western world, not just France, about impoverished minorities.
But more to the point than all of that, this is not about defending Hebdo’s right to make money publishing racist, hate-filled cliched offensive stereotyped cartoons making fun of some of the most defenseless members of French society who are already maligned to the point of nearly being chased through the streets by ignorant pitchfork wielding townsfolk.
What this is about is indoctrinating the public with a mindset that is generally supportive of all the wars of aggression Bush and Clinton before him and Obama after are waging against predominantly Muslim nations in their project for a New American Century.
That’s what this is about.
Did anyone at NBC hold up their stupid signs showing solidarity with the reporter still being held by al Sisi’s fascist regime in Egypt?
Or what about all those Russian journalists who were killed by the illegal neo-Nazi government in Ukraine? Where’s their defense of freedom of the press for those dead journalists? And they were actually journalists, not assholes publishing offensive crap so they could garner some shock attention and make more cash.
For that matter, why aren’t they holding up “Je Suis Gaza” signs? Well, my first guess might have something to do with this:
But more to the point than all of that, this is not about defending Hebdo’s right to make money publishing racist, hate-filled cliched offensive stereotyped cartoons making fun of some of the most defenseless members of French society who are already maligned to the point of nearly being chased through the streets by ignorant pitchfork wielding townsfolk.
What this is about is indoctrinating the public with a mindset that is generally supportive of all the wars of aggression Bush and Clinton before him and Obama after are waging against predominantly Muslim nations in their project for a New American Century.
That’s what this is about.
Did anyone at NBC hold up their stupid signs showing solidarity with the reporter still being held by al Sisi’s fascist regime in Egypt?
Or what about all those Russian journalists who were killed by the illegal neo-Nazi government in Ukraine? Where’s their defense of freedom of the press for those dead journalists? And they were actually journalists, not assholes publishing offensive crap so they could garner some shock attention and make more cash.
For that matter, why aren’t they holding up “Je Suis Gaza” signs? Well, my first guess might have something to do with this:
I am not
“Charlie”. That is for sure. But it is not nearly enough to make that claim at
this point. It is not nearly enough to say you “don’t know” if 2+2=4. It cannot
equal 5… ever. Knowing that is a kin to having a moral center which will not
The war for control of these “interwebs” is under way. From the “Ed Snowden” affair to the Sony hack to this… Western government need to control what their populations read and say and think about the world around them. It’s the only way they can continue their imperialist quest for full spectrum dominance.
They will be shutting down websites in France that threaten to “radicalize” citizens. They will be re-educating folks in the UK who are at “risk” of being “radicalized”
And here in the states, we are just one false flag attack away from the new CISPA being rammed down our throats.
This is not the time to say 2+2 might equal 5. That you’re open to the possibility.
That’s acquiescence and at this particular time, you might as well be working with Jeremy Scaghill if that’s your approach.
So, grow a pair and take a stand. Don’t go out on your knees sniveling hoping they might just let you be reeducated.
2+2=4. Say it. And the Charlie Hebdo attack was a false flag Gladio event.
No I’m not Charlie… I can still think for myself unlike these Ingsoc members…
Members of Parliament stand in Westminster Hall, London:
The war for control of these “interwebs” is under way. From the “Ed Snowden” affair to the Sony hack to this… Western government need to control what their populations read and say and think about the world around them. It’s the only way they can continue their imperialist quest for full spectrum dominance.
They will be shutting down websites in France that threaten to “radicalize” citizens. They will be re-educating folks in the UK who are at “risk” of being “radicalized”
And here in the states, we are just one false flag attack away from the new CISPA being rammed down our throats.
This is not the time to say 2+2 might equal 5. That you’re open to the possibility.
That’s acquiescence and at this particular time, you might as well be working with Jeremy Scaghill if that’s your approach.
So, grow a pair and take a stand. Don’t go out on your knees sniveling hoping they might just let you be reeducated.
2+2=4. Say it. And the Charlie Hebdo attack was a false flag Gladio event.
No I’m not Charlie… I can still think for myself unlike these Ingsoc members…
Members of Parliament stand in Westminster Hall, London:
I'm still waiting for the screaming like a banshee American MSM to print that Hedbo 'cartoon' showing Jesus Christ sodomizing God the Father and the Holy Spirit, shown as a triangle, sodomizing JC.
ReplyDeletePut that on the front pages and see what happens.
But that won't happen, not in a nation that's been taken over by the Jew. While our pockets are emptied, our minds are filled with images of Kim K and football.
Yeah yeah, so some of them are atheists or crazed Jews...the point is free speech,Noor. No offense intended...everyone needs the right to it ...regardless of their political/religious affiliations.
ReplyDeleteB.t.w, that green is really hard to read.
ReplyDeleteAll the best,
Chris, seeing as you are a visual pro of sorts, and you comment on this green. I have had one or two others over these years mention this as well. It bothers me because I know how defeated I can feel when I come across red scripts or various other poor combinations when there was material I wished to read.
DeleteOver the years I have used different colours for the blog so perhaps not everything would be easy to read if I switched over now, but how about a few ideas? Is it time to tone down the blog colour? Visual appeal is so important to me, I would probably go to other lux jewel tones on my own. Gotta have luxury tones ~ the eye candy thing pleases me.
So Mr. Katko, colour or type recommendations? What would work best for readers and contrast on the blackground? Ditch the black? (Noooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL)
I agree about the point of free speech btw. But I also think it is hypocritical when you think of the Dieudonne's and the Robert Faurisson's of France and their free speech. I am also pointing out the subjective nature of the publicity. The media should be held responsible for the results of the uproar it creates within the people ~ considering who the media is paid by.
Unfortunately, cartoonists are now weaponized tools and the Hebdo folk paid the ultimate price, however wrong that might be. It is all a sick game. Very sick. France and the world are now being weaponzed a la 9/11 thanks to the Israeli contingent. Those French were starting to THINK so had to learn a lesson and be brought down a few pegs.
Oh yeah thanks for dropping by. Please ... about the colour suggestions....
The colors on your blog are just fine. The overall look of your site is very appealing. It's like entering a hippie site where discussions of psychedelic mushrooms are soon to be found and not a site of hard-hitting political information, a good contrast. A warm welcome to hard-hitting info.
DeleteFirst of all, this silly umpteenth PsyOp isn't France's 9-11 but the Jew-owned-media gives the impression that it is. Of course it's hypocritical. It's only ON TV and the rest of the organs of mass-communication owned by 5 or 6 worldwide corporations led by Jews that this 'reality' is created. It is not even remotely an accurate reality of 'the streets.' It is a manufactured reality through and through and as Oscar Wilde noted many years ago: "Life imitates art far more than art imitates life."
Reporting is like writing non-fiction quickly. Being creative in non-fiction does not mean concocting falsehoods but seeing the deeper truths behind the surface truths and being able to describe things in a way that a multi-layered but surprisingly balanced and logically consistent reality is revealed. People like Robert Fisk tend to do this and are valued for it. All chaos and irrationality is thus put in the context and perspective of what it deviated from. Non-fiction is interpreting the narratives or the implications of moves made on the chessboard on which you are also a pawn being moved by forces often beyond your control; fiction is using the little free-will you have to set the board yourself in a way that will result in one group of movements and one set of conflicts solved or not-solved and thus serve to reveal certain layered truths and graces. Your way of revealing these, if significantly unique, becomes your style. A realistic fiction is a hypothesis that can be tested in reality if the same or similar circumstances are repeated. Thus life imitates art which imitates life which imitates art, etc., but as Wilde wrote "Life imitates Art far more than Art imitates Life." Artifice, something created to imitate life than life itself. In fact, when you report something, anything that 'really happened' there is always a significant element of artifice that must be mediated by you. That's why a documentary film can have more disinformation in it than an honest fiction, because the subjective element of the artist or reporter doing the interpretation has been better mediated, allowed for an minimized.
Well, how much longer are we, the public, supposed to buy that the "ISLAMICS" are the source of all our woes, "terrorism, violence, hate, airplane hijackings" and all that shit?
I am half Swedish and half Norwegian. Norway and Sweden are two adjacent countries just like Palestine and Israel.
Well, if I were only Norwegian, I would immediately suspect the SWEDES to be behind this continuous and ridiculous bashing of my countrymen/ and women. Yes, Swedes and Norwegians don't get along very well either!
Can't people see very clearly what is going on here? What more evidence do you, honest reader, need in order to take a firm stance against this ongoing, hate-mongering bullcrap fomented by the jewish-owned media corporations ?
Oh well, here we go... Let's see if this little rant of mine will ruin all the good work we are doing here...
My personal impression of muslim countries - having travelled quite a bit in my life - is full of memories of particularly peaceful, cheerful, and warmly welcoming people - such as I have NEVER encountered in the Western World. I just felt I had to write these lines - for the record.
~ Negentropic MK I
(. . . continued)
DeleteH.L. Mencken on free speech, starting on the 47 minute mark:
Mencken - In Defense of Women (FULL Audiobook) - Must Listen and not even remotely a feminist rant, just a realistic one.
“The difference between a moral man and a man of honor is that the latter regrets a discreditable act, even when it has worked and he has not been caught.”~ H.L. Mencken
"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary." -- H. L. Mencken
"Thus, to comprise all my meaning in a single proposition, the dissimilarities and inequalities of men gave rise to the notion of honor; that notion is weakened in proportion as these differences are obliterated, and with them it would disappear."
~Alexis de Tocqueville - from Democracy in America - Chapter XVIII:
"Of Honor in the United States and in Democratic Communities -"
"If telling the truth marginalizes you, then that is the place to be. After all, if enough people are willing to be marginalized, then before you know it, society has developed a different center. This is the politics of truth." -- E. Martin Schotz
On Belief Versus Knowledge
"It is so important to understand that one of the primary means of immobilizing the American people politically today is to hold them in a state of confusion in which anything can be believed but nothing can be known, nothing of significance that is.
And the American people are more than willing to be held in this state because to know the truth — as opposed to only believe the truth — is to face an awful terror and to be no longer able to evade responsibility. It is precisely in moving from belief to knowledge that the citizen moves from irresponsibility to responsibility, from helplessness and hopelessness to action, with the ultimate aim of being empowered and confident in one's rational powers."
-- Unpublished letter, E. Martin Schotz to
Vincent J. Salandria, May 14, 1992
"Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth." -- Oscar Wilde
~ Negentropic MK II
I guess the definition of Free Speech has devolved to mean the Jews are free to blaspheme Christianity and blaspheme Islam, and no one is to notice that Jews blaspheming against Christianity and blaspheming against Islam is the only Free Speech allowed in France and throughout Europe. If one notices in Europe, and speaks up about it, such a one is arrested and thrown in prison.
ReplyDeleteMaurice Pinay has what I think is an excellent analysis about the JeSuisCharlie protestors. They protest only what their Noahide leaders want them to protest, and NOTHING else, to paraphrase Mr. Pinay :
The French and other European JeSuisCharlie protestors never marched in defense of Free Speech when they lost their Free Speech concerning so many other political/social/cultural/religious matters, but now that they're afraid they may lose their right to blaspheme against their very own European Christian culture and heritage, they march for their "right" to blaspheme their ancestral heritage. It's very sad. I don't have the words. [ This is what happens when a people go "god is dead" Existentialist . ]
I'm focusing on the Christian aspect here, because the JeSuis protestors are a lot more interested in blaspheming Christianity -- their own heritage -- than they are interested in blaspheming Islam. [ I would still find them disgusting if they wanted to blaspheme Islam as the main motivation ]. It's one thing to negatively critique other religions, it's a whole other thing to satirize other religions in such a deeply putrid, obscene, pornographic, vile and dirty and low way -- as the Jews are wont to do.
While blaspheming against Christianity and against Islam in such a vile, dirty, disgusting obscene way -- "free speech" don't you know -- the Jews at Hebdo fired a NON-Jew cartoonist, Maurice Sinet "Sine". When Sarkozy's son married a wealthy Jewess heiress, Sinet said, "He'll go a long way in life, that little lad". A mild comment like that gets censored and the cartoonist is fired, as the Jews deeply and in such a vile, obscene way blaspheme against Christianity and against Islam. This is what the filthy "satirical" Jews call "free speech".
The Jews are truly disgusting and vile -- one sees it in their "humor" and their "satire".
A situation whereby the Jews are free to blaspheme against Christianity and against Islam, and in such a vile way no less, and NO other Free Speech is allowed, is truly an Orwellian situation.
A world where Free Speech is defined as the Jews are free to deeply and in the most vile way blaspheme against Christianity and against Islam, and simultaneously we're not allowed to speak freely about politics/culture/religion/history and not allowed to negatively critique the Jews, even in the mildest way, is NOT Free Speech.
Very hard-hitting and very forceful piece, Noor. To my mind, your best yet.
From : Salvatore
From : Salvatore
HAHAHAHA....people who believe the attack at Charlie Hebdo is a "flase flag" are even more mentally ill than who did that. false flag my ass. People have saw too much actions movies. They can't understand that the bullet could have been diverted. They think a bullet in the head blows up it. Yes, a Browning M2 maybe but not an AK' one. And the Latuff cartoon is the exthreme of ridicolousness and fallacious paLIEstinian hoaxes: Since when palestine have existed?
ReplyDeleteThank you for your brilliant contribution to the discussion. I post such yidiocy as yours simply because ... well.... you would be funny if there were not so many of you out there. Go listen to Dieudonne and learn something.