January 18, 2015
There could be no clearer proof that the Jews' mystery religion, a spiritual syphilis, has rotted the minds of our race and induced paralysis of our will to live. ~ Revilo P. Oliver, 20th century classics professor and social critic
How could it be that the vast majority of the
world's citizens fails to notice that a single notorious entity figures as the
decisive factor in each and every crisis paraded before our eyes in this
ghastly newsreel of life that now assaults our senses on a daily basis?
Murdering thousands of Gazan citizens for crimes
they did not commit. Stealing an entire country in broad daylight, and starving
and bombing its inhabitants to death, while its ruthless allies blame the
victims who are being killed and the nations that are trying to help them.
Hijacking the so-called bastion of freedom in the world and turning it into a
snakepit nation of mindless killers who do not question orders they know are
fiendish crimes.
The entity piles abomination upon abomination until
it reaches the point where it pretends to kill its own adherents so it can
hoodwink the world into believing that these mass murderers deserve the support
and allegiance of honest people everywhere. The parade they hold to commemorate
their fake massacre in Paris attracts most of the leaders of the so-called free
world who are all eager to participate in both the hypocrisy and the scam.
The term "false flag" which has muscled
its way into our vocabulary in recent times has become a category into which
all political events now fall, engineered passion plays that are not what they
seem. Yet all of them reinforce the demonic designs of our keepers to trust the
government no matter what it says, even if you know what it says is false.
Not even this latest farce when a high-powered
bullet to the head that doesn't even draw blood calls attention to the whole
series of scams that stretches all the way back to Oklahoma City and Waco, and
maybe even to the World Wars and the American Revolution, as frauds upon the
public inflicted by the clever upper crust to keep people in chains and tears,
while the rich jokesters continue to twitch in orgasmic ecstasy while rolling
in the cash they have stolen and continue to steal from everyone.
This whole pathetic charade has been revealed by
many honest people over the years and centuries, all of whom have been
suppressed and made unknown to the general public by the same wretched puppet
masters who still today conduct such satanic ruses as Paris, Boston, Sandy Hook
and Aurora, Colorado, a string of now hundreds of staged atrocities that
stretches back in time almost as far back as you want to search.
Among these courageous Don Quixotes was Revilo P.
Oliver, a classics professor at the University of Illinois for many years, who
held many prestigious public positions until his honesty made him ineligible
for them. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revilo_P._Oliver>
His classic essay, "The Jewish Strategy"
describes in depressing detail this sociological scourge that has plagued the
world for centuries, and continues to lead us down the path to oblivion today.
(Many of Dr. Oliver's essays can be found today in the archives of the
now-defunct Liberty Bell magazine <http://www.resist.com/libertybell/>).
In "The Jewish Strategy", Oliver writes
about Samuel Roth, a Jew who had been repeatedly swindled by other Jews, and in
1934 wrote his shocking expose of the kosher menace titled "Jews Must
Oliver asks if Roth's comment that "the
hideous swamp the Jews have made of Western civilization" would impair the
power of the ubiquitous tribe from which he defected. Of course it did not, and
Roth's work, like that of so many others, is buried beneath the rubble of a
million phony stories about the Holocaust and other Yiddish fantasies.
ED Noor:
"Our major vice of old, as of today, is parasitism. We are a people of vultures living on the labor and good nature of the rest of the world. It is my belief, that nothing the Jew does in America is essential to it's welfare. On the contrary, a great deal of what the American Jew does is in subversion to America's best interests."~ Samuel Roth
"America is full of businesses bearing old Christian names, but which are really owned and run by Jews. Most of them have been acquired in the manner I have just described, the way the Jew creates something out of nothing (slow strangling). The Jew, better than anyone else in the world knows how to dispossess the poor and the members of the middle classes. To fit this case, the old P.T. Barnum adage needs only a little changing. A gentile enters business every minute, with two Jews waiting to take him out of it."

ED Noor:
"Our major vice of old, as of today, is parasitism. We are a people of vultures living on the labor and good nature of the rest of the world. It is my belief, that nothing the Jew does in America is essential to it's welfare. On the contrary, a great deal of what the American Jew does is in subversion to America's best interests."~ Samuel Roth
"America is full of businesses bearing old Christian names, but which are really owned and run by Jews. Most of them have been acquired in the manner I have just described, the way the Jew creates something out of nothing (slow strangling). The Jew, better than anyone else in the world knows how to dispossess the poor and the members of the middle classes. To fit this case, the old P.T. Barnum adage needs only a little changing. A gentile enters business every minute, with two Jews waiting to take him out of it."

Roth wrote of how the Germans thought they could cast off the power of Jewish financiers that had ruled them for two centuries, and how they paid a horrible price for believing that they could do so. Oliver condensed the plot down to . . .
The Jews, through their control of the press and of numerous hirelings, of whom Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt are merely the most loathsome specimens, stampeded great hordes of crazed Aryans from Britain, France and the United States into Germany to commit outrages that forever forfeited their claim to be civilized men, thus giving to the world an unforgettable lesson of what happens to Aryan dogs who dare to disobey their divinely appointed masters.
"Does anyone wonder that the Jews feel a
sovereign contempt for cattle that are so easily herded?" Oliver asks,
adding: "And can a rational observer fail to ask whether that contempt is
not amply justified, and whether the Suicide of the West is not proof of a
biological inferiority in our own (white) race?"
Not only does Oliver ask the tough questions, he
tracks back the Hebrew plague to its beginning in the once-great nation of
Egypt, in which the template for destruction that is the Jewish
"religion" first worked its sinister magic.
He writes of the Roman emperor Claudius, who in 41
A.D. penned a letter that is still preserved today in the Jewish museum in
London, in which he threatened the troublemaking Jews of Alexandria as the "fomenters
of a universal plague throughout the civilized world". Oliver writes,
. . . the methods they employed to ruin Egypt make us consider seriously Josephus's claim that they were Jews, and that when they condescended to leave Egypt, they built Jerusalem as the capital of the region they then occupied.
"Whatever their origin," Oliver writes,
"there cannot be the slightest doubt about the method that the Jews have
always regarded as ideal in capturing control of a country: it is set forth
clearly and explicitly in the "Old Testament" (Gen. 47.1-27).
The hero of this tale is a Jew named Joseph, who is said to have been brought to Egypt as a slave, but who cleverly wriggled upward in Egyptian society until he was in a position to prey upon the good nature and superstitions of the Egyptian king, whom he first manipulated to permit an influx of Jews, who somehow take possession of the best land in the nation; then he uses the king's authority to corner the grain market and is thus able to take from the Egyptians all their money, all their cattle, and then all their land, so that he has all the Egyptians (except the Egyptian priests, with whom he evidently maintains a prudent but odd alliance) at his mercy, forces the famished wretches to sell themselves into slavery, and then shrewdly transports groups of the slaves from one end of the country to the other, mixing up the population so thoroughly that all his victims find themselves among strangers with whom they would scarcely dare to concert an effective protest ~ and the Jews, no doubt snickering in private, annexed property and "multiplied exceedingly".Joseph used the Egyptian king as a convenient puppet in this operation, as the tale implies, of course, that he enjoyed the cooperation of his tribe's special god, at least when he was operating as a fortune teller on the way up.
Oliver considered this bit of history an
"exposition of the Jews' ideal methods . . . the tale certainly sketches
an ideal modus operandi for subjugating the goyim." [. . .]
"Aryans who wish to understand the Jewish
mentality need not rely on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, they have only
to read the Old Testament with minds that are not immobilized in a fog of
superstitious awe," Oliver writes.
He also described a conundrum that pertains even
today in the minds of any non Jew who attempts to communicate or debate with a
Jew today. ~ ". . . when one turns to the literate Jews, one cannot
confidently distinguish between what they believe and what they deem expedient
to profess." [ . . .]
It must be remembered that the Jews operate by discovering and exploiting causes of dissent within nations, inciting classes and comparable group within the nation to reciprocal antagonism, and exacerbating the rivalries to the point of civil war, until the nation is paralyzed and reduced to masses of individuals who no longer feel they have anything in common except the geographical territory they inhabit.
"The Jewish technique . . . consists in
finding large groups of goyim who can be isolated from the rest of the society
on the basis of some economic, occupational, regional, cultural, sexual or
racial interest they have in common, persuading them that they are 'oppressed'
by the wicked society, inciting them to hatred of their 'oppressors' and making
them greedy for the profits they think they can gain by
.'demanding their rights' and thus setting each group against all others until the nation is paralyzed by pseudo-legal contention that may hopefully be expected to eventuate in civil wars, massive massacres, and a reversion to total barbarism.
.'demanding their rights' and thus setting each group against all others until the nation is paralyzed by pseudo-legal contention that may hopefully be expected to eventuate in civil wars, massive massacres, and a reversion to total barbarism.
"The Jews, who are always careful to wail they
are a 'persecuted minority' with a passion for godly 'justice' are thus ideally
prepared to incite the 'underprivileged' to outbreaks for 'social justice' . .
Now, if you think all that is bad news, Oliver
discovered something much worse to worry about.
. . . but there is one claim which, if true, explains much and leave us with little or no hope, no matter what may happen in the future . . . a genetic infiltration of our race that probably renders us helpless.
Oliver dismisses the myth that Jewish heritage is
only transmissible through the female, so that only the offspring of Jewesses,
regardless of the race of their father, are real Jews. He cites a medical
opinion that all children of Jewish parents, male or female, contain a gene
that makes subsequent generations susceptible to Jewish propaganda to the point
where they will betray other genetic inheritances they may possess.
Any taint of Jewish blood will so alter the brain cells of many subsequent generations of an apparently pure Aryan family that the descendants will be susceptible to Jewish propaganda and can readily be mobilized against their own race.
And then, there is the news that will shatter ~ or
at least severely stress ~ the beliefs of many of the millions of faithful
throughout the world who insist that Jesus Christ is their personal and
undeniable saviour. Oliver writes,
There can be no question but that Christianity was originally a Jewish promotion, and it is noteworthy that the Christians who try to make their cult respectable in the Third Century claim that they repudiate the Jews.
Oliver refers to the Roman emperor Tertullian, who
at the very beginning of the Third Century, wrote that Christianity was not a
conspiracy of revolutionaries and degenerates, which everyone at the time
believed, but rather was "an association of loving brothers who have
preserved the faith that the Jews forsook ~ which has been the common story
ever since".
Tertullian is also the author of the famous dictum
that he believes the impossible because it is absurd (credo quia absurdum), which sums up the logic of Christianity
quite nicely.
Whether the Christians, of whom there is no certain historical trace before c. 112, were simply a modified or disguised continuation of the Chrestiani (i.e., the followers of a Jewish Christ who, under the assumed name of Chrestus, evidently persuaded at least the rabble of the huge Jewish colony planted in Rome that the time to start butchering the goyim had come) cannot be determined.
Nero later blamed the Chrestiani, a horde of Jews
who were trying to destroy civilization, for the burning of Rome, and he
executed them in 64 A.D.
I emphatically call your attention to the obvious face that the primitive Christian doctrine is a specific demand for the suicide of our race, which survived from the end of the Roman Empire to the present only because our ancestors, or fresh barbarian stock, simply ignored in practice a large part of the pernicious doctrine, especially in Northern Europe under essentially aristocratic regimes.Until the disintegration of Protestantism made it possible for any ambitious tailor, clever confidence man, or disgruntled housewife to have "revelations" and pitch the woo at the lower classes to make themselves important or fleece the suckers, the professional holy men either contented themselves with telling our people they were "sinful" or used the common devices of theologians to conceal the import of the holy book.
From that assessment, Oliver can say without
reservation: "Christians are useless in any attempt to save our
Jumping up to the present, Oliver concludes:
In 1914, although we (whites) had the Jews on our backs, we were indubitably the dominant race on Earth; we are now a despised the degraded species of anthropoids on whom all other species, including the very lowest and most brutish, joyously feed.
"When the Jews invade a nation, their first concern
is . . . to acquire control over the minds of their victims."
Ever the venerable professor with a preference for
truth that spares nobody's feelings, Oliver really gives us something even more
to worry about when it comes to that perplexing occupation known as writers . .
The man whose income depends on vending to the masses is always subject to temptations to profit that are likely to be stronger than any moral restraints he may theoretically acknowledge, and today he is no more than a slave at the mercy of his masters.Even more precarious is the status of those who have no material goods to sell, such as authors, journalists, actors, clergymen and other soothsayers, salesmen, advertising agents, teachers, and the like, whose livelihood depends entirely on the sale of words, mere sounds whether spoken or written, to masses whose tastes have been formed by the formidable machinery that controls their minds.These facts of economic enslavement lead many acute observers to the conclusion that our race's only chance of survival lies in the chance that the Jews, blinded by their own arrogant confidence in their absolute superiority, will permit or precipitate a total collapse of organized society into the anarchy in which the strong and resolute will again survive at the expense of the weak and foolish.
To repeat this important
The only chance free men have to regain a just world is for society to collapse into an anarchy in which the strong and resolute will once again survive at the expense of the weak and the foolish. Some say that day has already arrived. And the strong and resolute are herewith being urged to act.
This version of Revilo P. Oliver's "The Jewish
Strategy" can be found at
The quote at the top was excerpted from
Dr. Oliver's essays published in Liberty Bell
magazine can be found at
so-called "Jews" must have a {copy} Talmud and Hate Jesus...to be "Jewish".
ReplyDeletethe word "Jew" did not exist in any lexicon before AD 1700.
Modern day so-called "Jews" are Not Hebrews, neither Sepharvaim nor Ashkenazim.
The Economic Terrorists from which the hate truth and Justice "Jewish" religion that
oozes from is the Talmud ;
the "Synagogue of Satan"...which is the
DE FACTO stool sculpture deity cult compound from which
Talmudic Judaism ooozed...{see Adoramite Freemasonry - Mackeys 1924}
Mullins work, The Curse of Canaan, is a bit better than R. Oliver's work for exposing the
chronological facts concerning the offspring of the "Devil" [John 8:44]...!
the issue essentially is "Who" controls the money...irrespective of beliefs based on
"nonfacts"...substantial misstatements of Fact....the "Jewish" narrative...
or "LIES" from the stool sculpture deity cult compound...
STUPID WILL NEVER CHANGE TRUE....no matter how many braindeadgoy
"JEW" worship while swirling around the drain at the bottom of the bottomless pit...
there were never any DALLAS COWBOYS at the Alamo...either...!
There is not enough water in the Jordan river or the Pacific ocean..
to wash away the spiritual and moral leprosy of the "Jew" worshipping braindeadgoy...
Oliver is a CHARLATAN and and a willing liar. He has miss represented scripture and HISTORICAL FACTS. FOR Oliver to say, ..."Roman emperor Tertullian"... is not only dishonest, it should be seen as a SUBVERSION.
ReplyDeleteTake ur meds and do some more research, religious dumbass!