By jcortina
August 12, 2012
ED Noor: Post Operation Cast Lead shirts worn by members of the IDF. Two examples only. This sniper mindset is now openly celebrated in North America as well.
To my readers ~
This will be the first in a series I will be doing a monthly basis of expose’s
on the most horrible Godless scum I can find.
This month’s
smegma award for the most putrid rancid demonic sub-human piece of crap in the
world is Navy Seal sniper Chris Kyle. This pig faced red neck will be able to
look forward to eternity in Hell for his crimes against humanity.
You are such an
evil reprobate wicked sadistic sick twisted sociopathic punk ` it is hard to
know where to begin. I have read some excerpts from your putrid disgusting book
which is a chronicle of your sadistic murderous killing sprees of innocent men
women and children patriots whose crime was trying to defend their OWN country
family and dignity from the World’s largest institutionalized terrorist group ~
the jew occupied imperialist US MILITARY.
To you, new
readers ~ I am not a mal-content leftist commie. I served my country with honor
in one of our elite branches as a Special Operations Paratroop commander. I
also trained basics at the USATC and was the youngest company commander on
record there according to the PIO. I also trained Marines and Seals in ‘Green
Beret’ unconventional airborne operations.
I was also a
foreign diplomat (Vice Consul) for 5 years ~ as well as a NASA project
aerospace engineer who did materials certification and troubleshooting for
projects ranging from early re-entry vehicles to Polaris ( submarine)missile
guidance systems. I am a commercially rate pilot as well as a PADI scuba
Now back to the
pig faced scumbag du-jour who this article is dedicated to. I love children ~
you dirt bag ~ and have sons and granddaughters ~ and love them no less than
the patriot parents of the Afghan and Iraqi children you brag about murdering.
Your book reveals your TRUE racist redneck mentality. What was your favourite
racial epitaph against these poor people~ dirt bag? Was it “dune coon or rag
head or camel jockey” or a new one.
You sick
psychopaths are ALL the same ~ and I have seen so many of you. You are bullies
drunkards stupid uneducated racist violent degenerate moral cowards whose
thrills are inflicting as much pain and terror and humiliation on your
defenseless victims as possible. By your OWN sick twisted admission ~ murdering
some terrified child was fair game as long as they were “rag heads” ~ isn’t
that true ~ scumbag?
You ‘defended’
NOTHING ~ asshole! You got your license to kill innocent people ~ ”KILL EVERY
ONE FROM 16-65″ ~ isn’t that what you did ~ you murdering filthy animal! You
considered ANY human being that was not one of your precious jack-booted
murdering psychopath assassins ~ even women ~ especially pregnant ones ~ isn’t
that right ~ pig face?
What a big brave
man! Wow ~ a wannabe cowboy and bronco rider from Texas no less. IF ~ in fact
YOU are the quintessential example of what is considered a ‘man’ in Texas ~
then the first bomb dropped here should be reserved to ‘flush that toilet’ from
this land.
YOU ~ Godless
dickwad ~ are the EXACT profile of who will be murdering their own neighbors
right here in the USA. you fit the profile of those scum from 29 Palms who
admitted they would murder their OWN neighbors if asked to by the ‘authorities’
~ just like the USSR ~ right buddy?
Sick degenerate
twisted sadistic sociopaths like you are the greatest threat to the safety of
MY people and to WORLD peace that ever existed. Your imbecile child like brain `
like all moron rednecks ~ is suited only for violence murder and terror! As old
as I am ~ if I could defend my country by fighting demonic retards like you ~ I
would make the sacrifice in a heartbeat.

I served over a half
century ago when we were a decent moral Godly people and our military was
honorable. Our purpose was the D-E-F-E-N-S-E of my country ~ and N-O-T being
murderous imperialistic war criminals who trained your sons to become murderers
and kill innocent people who had NEVER EVER attacked me or my family or my
You boast that
the proceeds from your new redneck hate book are to go to the widows and
orphans of fellow seals. You stinking filthy hypocrite! YOU personally ~ you
sadistic prick ~ are responsible for HUNDREDS of innocent widows and children.
NONE of these murdered people or their families EVER did you ANY harm. They
were simply defending THEIR homes and families against an aggressor force of
Godless soulless scum!
You want to be a
REAL man? Fall on your knees and beg our Lord forgiveness for the unspeakable
crimes you have committed. THEN ~ announce that the profits will go to the
orphans and widows of the innocent brave patriot parents you MURDERED IN COLD
BLOOD ~ not the criminals who murdered them ~ you idiot!
Remember this
day. I PROMISE that you WILL be haunted by the spirits of the countless
innocent victims living and murdered will come back in your dreams to haunt
you. You are not human. You are a MONSTER!
If my children or
grandkids were raped or tortured or brutalized or murdered by aggressor scum
like you ~ I would use my last breath to avenge their suffering and death.
According to you ~ for defending MY OWN HOME ~ MY OWN FAMILY ~ MY OWN COUNTRY ~
I would be “SAVAGE ~ and DESPICABLE ~ and EVIL”. Isn’t that EXACTLY what you
stated ~ you stinking Godless piece of shit hypocrite.
AND my murdered
children and family would be according to YOUR morality and wisdom ~ nothing
more than “BUGSPLAT” ~ isn’t that ALSO TRUE, you imbecile inbred oyster brained
I took an oath on
the Book of God when I became a soldier ~ just like you did ~ only I kept mine!
Do you know what the motto of my branch unit is ~ scumbag? It says: ‘DE
OPPRESSO LIBER’. Can you little tiny child’s brain tell me what that sacred
Special Operations banner means? Of course not. Let me spell it out for your
sick twisted racist bigot hate filed brain. It means: ‘TO LIBERATE FROM THE
Soulless Godless
sub-human knuckle dragging garbage like you ~ ARE THE OPPRESSOR! Do you get it yet?
You have disgraced my uniform ~ you are a disgrace to my Republic ~ and you are
a debasement and ignominy to ALL that is good compassionate honorable brave
true and Godly in this life.
I was taught that
death was better than dishonour. Scum like you consider HONOR a DIRTY word. That
is the difference between you and your current ilk and the decent men I served
with 2 generations ago.
May you rot in
hell ~ as you certainly WILL. When you die ~ thousands of decent human beings
will rejoice. Don’t worry about the worms in the grave ~ child killer ~ You are
so filthy nasty putrid that there are some things that even a maggot will not
Please read:
Please read:
Excellent rant by JCortina!
ReplyDeleteTo post a comment you say "No hate spewing" Hmmm, after reading your comments, it certainly sounds like your doing all the spewing. Big time in spades. Your vitriolic rage is amazing. Based on the words you use, with no basis in reality OR fact, I can only guess your heart and insides are very very evil and dark. Oh, and if I didn't know better I'd conclude your tremendously anti Israel. Most of your dripping with verbal filth comments show you as an ignorant person with no grounding in truth. Sad. But you are entitled, in this country anyway, to have your free speech, and I'd die to protect it for being a sniper against the enemies you wrongly profess are innocents that will be coming for you eventually.In closing I wonder if your a throwback from Nazi Germany??? Same evil....Hmmmm
ReplyDeleteFirst, the article is by an older man, Joe Cortina, who fought in a different time; I merely post it. You miss that this man was a Green Beret and has a history in combat that few, certainly neither you or I, can speak of. The author Joe Cortina has earned the right to say whatever he wishes, especially when it comes from his sense of righteous anger at the desecration of all that he risked life and limb for. He has earned my respect; you have not.
DeleteSecond, my only comment is the reference to the IDF snipers and their deplorable taste in T-shirts as evidenced in those shown, worn after the Operation Cast Lead holocaust. There is a special lowness in such a mindset ~ these are NOT people who defend what is right and good.
Third, yep, Israel is a criminal organization. This is grounded in truth. Now, before you come back and call me more names, please just go back through this blog and do some research and realize, you are very mistaken in what you call a "dark and evil heart".
The dark and evil heart of Zionism is our enemy, please recognize this.
Oh, and if you want "hate spewing" you are in the wrong place. Even your "anonymous" rather snide note was posted. The comment was originally intended to stop over-zealous religious types from leaving masses of cut and paste quotations as they were wont to do at that time. Perhaps it is time to change the wording a tad. Thanks for the suggestion.
Anti-Israel barely begins to cover it.
Another point is, this article is two years old. Joe wrote it ahead of its time. The muss and fuss over this scumbag and his work proves just how far the military has fallen but that is no great secret, is it?
If all individuals are made ‘equal before the law’ to pursue the happiness of their inevitably unequal results, then there will always be a ‘power imbalance’ even in the fairest, most libertarian society of win-win contracts and general goodwill, simply because no two human beings are equal and hence no two groups comprised of unequal individuals, no two results of any group endeavors and ultimately no two cultures. When a group or collective of unequal individuals achieve a consistency of behavior that tends towards the more or less homogeneous because they all adhere to certain basic principles, then these wealth-creating good-for-me compendium of moral choices results in what is called their cultural achievement.
ReplyDeleteWhen a person also observes that groups of unequal individuals whose behavior tends to be far more consistent than those of other groups are of similar genetic background and decides to become a ‘racist’ by considering the preservation of these genes an important factor, he or she is just making a free choice for better or worse and is not engaged in any coercive activity. If a large portion of an entire society makes similar free choices and decides to become ‘racist,’ then that is still not institutionalized ‘violence’ but simply an aggregate of free choices.
It is only when initiation of force against individuals is ‘institutionalized’ that injustice or a violation of the inalienable natural right to free choice occurs and to initiate it in ‘collective retaliation and collective punishment’ is, in principle, as wrong as shooting the residents of an entire neighborhood for the crimes of a handful. It is coercion that is always the problem and not the free choice whether to factor in genetics into your thinking or not.
When philosophers realized that protecting people’s right to make free choices was important this was not because they considered any two people ‘equal’ in anything but because they realized a much better way of achieving strength and might. The tremendous advantages of division of labor to a society are possible because of inequality in distribution of talents and abilities as well as background, nurture and upbringing.
Think about it.
No matter how well brought up you may be and how well-rounded a person, how ‘superior’ in certain abilities, it’s still true that almost every single person you meet can do something potentially valuable much better than you, be it cooking, kicking soccer balls, math, playing the guitar, lifting weights, lifting spirits, vacuuming houses, running the 40 yard dash, digging ditches, flipping burgers or psychoanalyzing neuroses. It is also true that almost every single person you meet is willing to do something that you would not do for the same amount of compensation. It is not for you to judge the intelligence or foolishness of another person’s free choice based on their own unique perspective in time and space. If it is, in fact, a free choice and not coerced, then, to the degree of its rationality it will reward and to the degree of its irrationality it will punish and teach much swifter lessons than you ever could through coercing away free choice or lecturing and proselytizing.
That’s the bottom line and that's the way it goes, you can’t have rights-make-might and might-makes-right at the same time without giving the predators the free reign to prey away the whole of civilization to the limits of their cunning, ruthlessness and creative impotence. The co-existence of these two opposing principles in most modern 'civilized' countries of today is direct proof of the schizophrenic, psychotic hypocrisy and rot at the base of all lowest-common-denominator, chaos-maintaining, entropic, win-lose-death-dialetic-pushing-instead-of-win-win-life-giving-true-Hegelian-dialectic-enabling feedback systems of today.
~ Negentropic MK I
The truth is ‘hate’ speech only to those who hate the truth.
ReplyDeleteLies are ‘hate speech’ only to those without the truth on their side to debunk and ridicule them.
Psychologically, calling somebody a ‘racist,’ or ‘hater’ or ‘sexist’ or any other name that's been deliberately given a 'bad smell' through associations with coercive actions is just a defamation tactic to silence inconvenient truths and politically incorrect viewpoints from being heard, because the mere hearing of knowledge that knows-the-ledge enough to balance itself out as truth in matters that are foundationally corrosive to the powers-that-be (and hence have to masquerade as the PTB's own divide-&-conquer creations to disarm investigation) is a revolutionary act in times of universal deceit.
“When certain obstructionists become too irritating, label them, after suitable build ups, as Fascist or Nazi or anti Semitic; and use the prestige of anti Fascist and tolerance organizations to discredit them. In the public mind constantly associate those who oppose us with those names which already have a bad smell.” Communist Party to its U.S. members, 1943.
To hate hate itself is no less absurd than to pretend you can love love itself. Neither love nor hate can figure out their own degrees of intensity or even existence as value-triggered emotions without constant reference to each other.
There is no such thing as a positive emotion without its negative counterpart and counterweight.
In addition to that, most complex phenomena in the world have built-in ambiguity or exist in moral gray areas where the properties arousing different degrees of love and hate value-reactions are subconsciously tabulated by the observer into either a whiter shade of gray warranting further association and benefit or a blacker shade of gray warranting disassociation to prevent harm.
To hate hate is to claim that the very mechanism of automatically reacting to offended value judgments properly is improper because the value judgments that have aroused one strong dislike or hatred do not coincide with those of another hatred. Thus by constantly confusing strong emotion and initiative aggression, the corrective action necessary for survival is stripped of its justification as self-defense and postponed forever.
To say that ‘truth is no defense’ if its discovery will allow laser-pointing of dissipated energies to specific targets of strong emotion (hate) and cause the extreme injustice that likely produced the emotional reactions in the first place to be remedied for good is probably the most perverted form of last-ditch sophistry known to man.
~ Negentropic MK II
You are some kind of a sick fuck! you need therapy and I think the only kind of therapy that Chris could have given you with a .338 Lapua. It is you that is the scourge of the earth
ReplyDeleteThank you for your eloquent contribution to the conversation. I am sure CHRIST would disagree with you but then, He carries a much more effective weapon than that person you, a fool, seem to idolize ~ Christ carries love.