Unfortunately I could not find too much in English on this well spoken German woman, Ursula Haverbeck, who has chosen this auspicious time, during the international uproar over "free speech" after the Hebdo operation. It will be interesting to see what is done, what steps are taken by Germany, regarding her common sense discussion on the Holocaust and World War 2. According to Wikipedia, and we all know enough about Wiki to know how it would view her, this woman would rank with the highest levels of being "anti semitic" for her views, claiming she is of Nazi aristocracy. How free is her speech? Only time will tell.

ED Noor;
Here is where a proper translator would be of invaluable use.
More bad news about Ursula Haverbeck; this by KZ Kladderadatsch:
"One lie too many: A Holocaust-denier denounced the Central Council of Jews. Now she is threatened with legal consequences herself"
"One lie too many: A Holocaust-denier denounced the Central Council of Jews. Now she is threatened with legal consequences herself"
http://www.juedische-allgemeine.de/arti ... w/id/21285
The key passage:
“Jetzt aber könnte ihre Anzeige Haverbeck selbst Ärger bereiten: Wie die Jüdische Allgemeine erfuhr, prüft die Staatsanwaltschaft Bielefeld gegenwärtig den Verdacht der Straftat der falschen Verdächtigung. Zugleich wird untersucht, ob Haverbeck dadurch, dass sie ihre Behauptungen ins Internet stellte, eine strafbare Handlung begangen hat"
however, it may be that her denunciations have created troubles for
Haverbeck herself: As "The Jewish Allgemeine" has learned, the state
prosecutor's office in Bielefeld is currently weighing charges [against
her] for the crime of false accusation. Simultaneously, it is being
considered whether Haverbeck, by placing her claims on the Internet, has
[also] engaged in punishable activity"
The second charge, while not identified, almost certainly is our old friend StGB 130, "Volksverhetzung"; that is "sedition".
So there you have it, hot off the press. Interesting, isn't it, that the first paper online to report this is the "Jüdische Allgemeine." Almost like they've got a friendly source in the prosecutor's office . . .
At any rate, the article still only says that the prosecutors are "weighing" charges, but it's pretty much inevitable that they're going to come.
Please spread the news!
The second charge, while not identified, almost certainly is our old friend StGB 130, "Volksverhetzung"; that is "sedition".
So there you have it, hot off the press. Interesting, isn't it, that the first paper online to report this is the "Jüdische Allgemeine." Almost like they've got a friendly source in the prosecutor's office . . .
At any rate, the article still only says that the prosecutors are "weighing" charges, but it's pretty much inevitable that they're going to come.
Please spread the news!
Place everything in perspective:
A smart and brave woman. I am sure she knew what she was doing.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the truth Ursula! As an elderly Irish woman I salute your courage. Our cowardly politicians in the west cower before these Talmudic liars.