As you shall see, and these subjects are but a tip of the iceberg, it has been a very busy week around the globe. Grab yourself a pumpkin soy latte (only teasing!) and enjoy today's offerings. There is enough to keep you busy for a little while and, if you save the movie listed somewhere along the line, as a bonus, your life view could well change the way you look at everything in today's technical world. This video is not to be missed, but save it for a time when you can take in the material offered.
As always, thank you for dropping in, enjoy (mandatory) and please share the URL as well as the images. The more people we share these things with, the faster we can progress. I honestly do believe that much in the power of imagery.
As always, thank you for dropping in, enjoy (mandatory) and please share the URL as well as the images. The more people we share these things with, the faster we can progress. I honestly do believe that much in the power of imagery.
Remember to bundle up and stay warm. It is barely November and here, on a subtropical island that rarely gets snow of any depth all winter, we already have begun a winter ice layering process, unless it rains soon early enough in the day to melt everything and the roads dry. And it is January-cold with nasty winds. Global warming perhaps?
On the happy side, the huge warm winter coat I bought at the end of last winter before I began my fast, was even then too large for me. I figured I would just keep growing until it fit. Today I grabbed it when I was going to the pool and it is twice too large for me now. I still have another five cases of mineralized chocolate clay to drink but onward I go with it. Hungry or not, and I hate it, I do feel so much better in so many ways. Amazing small things like noticing how much faster I walk or can cross my legs with ease. These do not sound like much, laughable perhaps, but they are significant.
I am so sick of that drink and now substitute a nice spinach, fresh raspberry, red onion, and bacon salad with balsamic for a meal every few days. At one time that salad included cheese, croutons, lobster, blood orange and roasted almond slivers. No more. Pared down to the greens.
I am so sick of that drink and now substitute a nice spinach, fresh raspberry, red onion, and bacon salad with balsamic for a meal every few days. At one time that salad included cheese, croutons, lobster, blood orange and roasted almond slivers. No more. Pared down to the greens.
OK get to the cartoons. You came here for them, not me and my food stuff! And say hello. Tell me where you, my visitors, come from. Please take just a second to do that.
Add the despicable British/ Israeli Centenary Balfour celebrations to that list.
Common horse sense.
The genetic damage from just one gorgeous Arabian steed "tainting" the pure blood of these ponies would be the death knell of the breed. Let's apply this rule more generously to humans! Most races tend to stick together, preferring the familiar, like to like, generally speaking; it really is the natural way. This doesn't mean you cannot be friends and partners with anyone else, but family is family, and, when it comes to genetics, you can't undo damages done. Just ask the horses of Iceland.
You, too, can look like a rebel for only $375 plus taxes and shipping costs. No, NOT a joke. Sad.
This serious health issue is being ignored by the Western media. Both the plagues that are developing in the third world and the fact that some are being carried into nations in which they have long been eradicated, or never heard of, another gift of the third word invasion. A few pieces in today's mix.
This may be presented as a joke, but in YouTube, comments from liberals and feminists beneath these cartoons are very serious in their screams of date rape and the horrors of western culture.
Someone nailed it. Funny.
This creature is inhabited by so many demons that they cannot get their stories straight. Ever. Once I listened to someone analyzing Hillary using backspeech and the final result was that even her demons were sick of her lies and telling her to shut up. Definitely funny stuff.
Thank you James Perloff.
Artist Comment: Balfour Declaration Celebrations: Israel and UK celebrating 100 years of oppression, wars, and separation walls on Palestinian land. Big shame !
Thank you, James Perloff.
"We'll make a pastrami sandwich of them, ... we'll insert a
strip of Jewish settlements in between the Palestinians, and then another strip
of Jewish settlements right across the West Bank, so that in 25 years' time,
neither the United Nations nor the United States, nobody, will be able to tear
it apart." Ariel Sharon
You read the quote above ~ an honest expressions of Jewish imperialism. This cartoon is an example of how the JMSM is trying to sell this abominable Balfour celebration to the world. That old good (((us))) versus bad Ayrabs scenario that worked for decades ~ until the world could no longer ignore Israeli brutality in Palestine and the PR began to become less and less effective. Not everyone buys these falsehoods of course. Not that Israel has ever had any intentions of changing course. Israel's genocidal actions towards Palestine are very public record.
Thank you, James Perloff, for so many of these excellent memes.
Now THIS is, indeed, an ugly truth.
And why should the Palestinians, who lived in harmony in their nation, be forced to abandon their own lands? Until the arrival of Zionism, everyone got along quite nicely.
Speaking of the brain dead: Yes, two weeks in a row this image is being posted. It really did trigger me just that much. Joe the Plumber sent me a message which unfortunately got erased before I could post it; while reading it, I mistakenly hit the erase button instead of the post button. I read to the point where, after his denigrating my anger at this comment, approving of Trudeau's humanitarianism, I lost the post.
Then we have the headline below about projected immigration levels. I advocate we push for people from South Africa, Ukraine, and European countries, not the sub-Saharan nations. Let's stick with proven workers who also need a home and have shared origins with Canadians.But we know Soros will keep Justine on his current course of destruction.
Then we have the headline below about projected immigration levels. I advocate we push for people from South Africa, Ukraine, and European countries, not the sub-Saharan nations. Let's stick with proven workers who also need a home and have shared origins with Canadians.But we know Soros will keep Justine on his current course of destruction.
Artist Comment: Raising the Flag of Catalunya: A Spanish judge arrested nine former members of Catalonia’s separatist
government and was deliberating a possible international arrest warrant
for the region’s ousted president Puigdemont now in Belgium.
Raising a modern child.
Artist Comment: Herd of Oil Wells, Serengeti, Tanzania: Massive new Chinese interest in
Tanzanian oil does not bode well for the world-famous Serengeti National
Park as oilfields encroach on habitats vital to the preservation of
threatened African wildlife.
Artist Comment: Fueling Disaster: Chinese Oil Companies in Africa: In its search for more secure oil
supplies in the face of declining domestic production, China's
entrenchment as one of the most active foreign energy players on the
African continent may prove to be disastrous for the African Elephant,
whose dwindling numbers face enormous pressure as habitats are
irreversibly altered in the pursuit of oil.
Artist Comment: Ravaged: the Earth is raped, over and over again.
Artist Comment: 100 Years After: One hundred years after the October Revolution there are still more questions than answers!
North and South Korea.
An amusing satire account gone.
Artist Comment: 100 Years since the Communist takeover of Russia. Was it worth it? Was it a success?
ED Noor: We all know the answers to those questions, don't we, dear Readers?
This sounds doomed from the onset, but we will be watching.
Someone made a few shekels selling this youngster the correct gear. Guess the jacket at the top of the page was out of his finance bracket.
Thanks to James Woods for some of these pieces.
Suggested Halloween costume for HRC.
Thanks to James Woods for some of these pieces.
Ah, Sweden. The country where politicians want to castrate all White males. Oh, and politicians say that rape by a Swedish man is much worse than rape by a foreigner because the Swedish man was raised to know better behaviour and ignored his social conditioning, whereas the foreigner has different customs and still needs social "conditioning".
It seems Britain has scandals erupting, but then Britain ALWAYS has had kinky sex scandals of the adult variety in government. I remember the Profumo Affair that toppled the Conservative Government in 1963. Great diversion for the Brits from the problems facing them, just as is happening in America. Diversions. Juicy diversions. Social injustices that must be dealt with, yes, but still, diversions.
Artist Comment: What my pens think of the unfolding #Westminster sex scandal #WestminsterScandal #westminsterharassment
I wonder if this British sex scandal will have anything to do with the thousands of children who have been abused by rape gangs and perverted Brits. Probably not because that would be turned into racism at some point. To do so only involves mentioning the nationality or race of your attacker! Somewhere further along there is a piece on the wives of these rapists and sex slavers giving her opinion of these victim children. They are permitted to mention race it seems.
German people. You are subsidizing Israel and supporting millions of refugees while your own lives and country are at risk as the cost of being so "generous". Get off your knees! Fight the conditioning of your occupiers both American and Jewish.
Enlarge to read. "To be sure, we should not ~ not for one minute ~ lament the passing of the white male era... "These men are part of the problem.
Trick or treat?
African proverb: When elephants fight, the grass is killed. Perhaps a more modern version would be, When elephants fight, everything in the grass is destroyed. This cartoon was originally drawn to describe the situation in one Syrian city or another.
A Trump tweet earlier this week referred to Warren as Pocahontas. Hilarious.
Enlarges so you can read the fine print. It's time for Swedish men to grow a set and put their pants back on. The overt war against them is a few decades old and now they have THIS?
Putin crying with laughter.
Or is it fear!?
I think not.
And Putin does have the cutest giggle
of all the world leaders.
This tweet did not age well. Trump was, as I averred at the time, absolutely correct. Meanwhile, the Swedish media fails to report 12 bombings in as many days, in a country now officially the rape capital of Europe.
That is some riding!
Artist Comment: Fashionable Pollution: Estimated to be worth upwards of $1.2 trillion, the global fashion
clothing industry has been named as one of the largest environmental
polluters in the world, second only to Big Oil.
Obviously this woman led a far more well nourished and secure life than Afghan girl Sharbat Gula, featured also in today's post.
Yep, the seasons start to pile up about now.
Thank you James Perloff.
Thank you James Perloff.
Being the belle of the ball can be a bit trying on everyone, let alone the belle herself.
HuffPost has NO problems lying at every opportunity possible.One of the most offensive cultural Marxist publications on the planet.
Pre-war Berlin, 2017 style?
Decadence taken to more personal damaging levels. Not in clubs and bordellos any longer but unnatural and taboo combinations are now proliferating at a deadly pace while the media ballyhoos these things to the world as (((liberal))) progress.
Surprisingly, this is a fairly good article. Nothing any common sense dog person would not already know; what bothers me is that people frame things like the title in such a way for schlock and clicks.
"Dogs are not 'racist'! They do not purposely 'hate' other races like humans do, potentially killing them just because of what they look like. Dogs do, however, react to the immense differences in the human races. Just like a great many of the dogs I work with are aggressive only to men, but love women; sometimes the other way around. Also, each of the races of humans literally smell, act and look differently from one another and the energy we give off is almost always different from one another. The same thing applies to the man vs woman thing ~ just because we cannot literally smell the testosterone or the estrogen doesn't mean animals can't."Emphasis mine. In other words, no matter the meds and surgeries, you can never fool a dog as to whether you were born a male or female.
With Weinstein and so many other Hollywood people elite dealing with charges and allegations of sexual abuse, we have this? NOW? With a child actress? Little girl hold on.
Millie Bobby Brown was awarded sexiest actress and she’s 13 years old. THIRTEEN YEARS OLD. She’s still a child and she doesn’t need to be subjected to disgusting sexualization because male producers and media workers can’t keep their junk in their pants for 2 seconds and want to be able to make pedophilia look okay. She’s a thirteen year old girl and you’re sexualising her the same way you’ve sexualised every child star. What the fuck is wrong with you people? Legal adults shouldn’t be sexualising child actors, this includes the IT cast and the STs cast. These kids are exactly that, KIDS. As someone who was subjected to years of abuse as a child I can’t fathom why anyone thinks it’s okay to openly sexualise and make sexual comments about minors?
Yes, folks, they are truly trying to become normalized within society; to interact with your families and children. This is how such deviance always begins its attack on decent society, the plea for acceptance, accepted as normal. That is how the gay revolution began; gays clamouring for acceptance into regular society. They got it; then began the parades in which "normal folks" dance lewdly and wave bright flags; now if you do not accept them fully and with an approving tap dance, you can lose everything you own. Now you can be jailed for using an improper pronoun; so tell me how these things work again.
Harambe, watching from his tree in gorilla paradise,just wants to smash bananas in the faces of these folks.
Transgender theory. Above and below. The transgender/transhumanist movement is not new at all; it has been in the works for millennia. Although the work itself has changed in form over the centuries, one thing has remained constant; the desire to appease Baphomet, the androgynous Satan worshiped by the Cabalist Freemasons.
Vanity and blinded love.
Every once in awhile along comes information that changes your life and how you view things. Forever. To be honest one must remain flexible and open to different ideas. This is one of those movies brimming with such things. Save it and watch it. It is just 25 minutes long but the information in there is priceless. These are things you already know, but how they are connected makes so many things clearer. The material and the intentions behind it are pretty terrifying to be honest but we are already hip deep in this situation. Absolutely stunning revelations and conclusions drawn that cannot be ignored.
The evil behind cellphone and gaming addiction.
The world of a political cartoonist.
Artist Comment: The Pit and the Pendulum: A September 2017 prison census by the Committee to Protect Journalists
has revealed that 259 journalists, writers, poets and satirists are
jailed worldwide including a number still detained in Turkey after a
failed coup attempt in July 2016.
Zuckerberg in yet another vain attempt to feign the human activity of "laughing". Zuck is learning to exhibit appropriate automation responses by paying diligent attention to the complex interaction of neural tissue, body chemicals and conjoining, interactive "emotions".
Ah, yes, those wonderful diseases mentioned earlier. Remember, do not exhume and dance with the deceased.
Life was NEVER easy for this Afghan woman, Sharbat Ghula, no matter how much we in the West were awed by her amazing green eyes. She sold a lot of magazines. The haunting image became the most famous cover image in the magazine's history but she was left in a war torn world and was recently arrested for fraud in Pakistan.
The "front lash" is a great description for this type of journalism, however I can truly understand their concern because that backlash is very real.
Get back to us on how successfully this stuff works.
Kevin Spacey eat your heart out!
Artist Comment: Death Rents a Car: Lonely Wolf or scheduled action does not matter.
The new attack in New York demonstrates that the terrorist virus is
present and that current prevention is still not enough. Long will be the fight to eradicate, but that will happen.
For how many faults the civil society can have, hate preachers have the destiny of their own stupidity.
I don't think that advice will be accepted by Americans as passively as it was by the British when the London mayor said essentially the same thing.
This year-old cartoon was right.
Beyond yidiot.
Liberals really do have a problem with facts!
That one bad egg.
Yep. You just move on over here to civilized nations and continue those traditions. I mean, seriously, DANCING with the dead? This puts the degree of African macabre to almost beyond believable. Nasty. Just. Plain. Nasty.
Here a family is dressing the corpse of a relative for the dance.
Bring Grand-mama to the party too!
Most I have met appreciate a fabulous steak; it is the Liberals who don't eat animal flesh more often than not, opting for, gag, tofu.
This piece left me speechless. Who do these (insert insulting adjective of your choice) women think they are to come to another nation with different values and judge so? Is this how they justify the criminal actions of their menfolk?
This short, ingenious campaign proved to the world just how racist the liberal movement is simply by its knee-jerk response of anger to such a simple, positive message. There is no threat there but, as the old song says, "paranoia runs deep, into their hearts it will creep..."
The other "racist incident"? Since when did two become a string? This pumpkin created havoc at an Alberta university.
It is a rather tasteless ugly thing that cannot really serve much of a purpose other than to offend one's artistic sensibilities.
A TV-reality family that makes its fortune from having a lot of children hardly represents White families anywhere in the world demographically speaking.
"Whomst"? Guess that literary pretentiousness makes you sound edjumercated.
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Thank you, James Perloff, for so many of these excellent memes.
Income across the board. Heck, Asians are on top. But left out are a (((certain group))) for some strange reason. Oh, but maybe they are passing off as White for another strange reason....
How to do it: Impressive, organized action.
Methinks Reagan would roll over in his grave should a craven creature as McCain pretend to be him!
Thank you, James Perloff, for so many of these excellent memes.
Greetings from Namibia - love your collections and now that you post bi-weekly, even more so ... I've never been out of Africa and growing up in the 60's, learned about the USA from MAD Magazine (which I haven't read for a number of years - does it still exist?) - I must admit to feeling a bit sad at some of the cartoons because they bring into sharp focus exactly how screwed-up the West is - I think the Lunatic Left's greatest weakness is that it has absolutely no sense of humor - thanks for your hard work bringing these gems to us ... regards
ReplyDeleteMore google censorship? ... Your email comment subscription (address onestonedcrow@gmail.com) has been cancelled for this post." - this happened when I tried to comment
ReplyDeleteI'll try again: Greetings from Namibia - love your posts and now that they're bi-weekly, even more so ... I've never been out of Africa and grew up in the 60's learning about the USA from Mad Magazine (is it still published?} I think that the loony Left's greatest weakness is that it seems completely devoid of any sense of humor - thanks for your hard work in bringing us these gems - regards