Absolutely brilliant graphic.
Yes, someone really believes this!
How the Western media describes the Polish Independence Day march and lies completely in the process as you will see later in this post.
Creepy Joe has had his eye on the Presidency for quite some time. Meanwhile he continues to grope every underage female and their mothers around. Stories from parents abound about Joe's involvement in their families, especially those military widows whom he was so eager to console.
Now 2020 Joe hopes.
Face it, Commies can't meme!
Socialism doomed to fail. Communism now starving the people.
The 1 year Anniversary of Fidel's passing.
For full effect, enlarge this photo.
Hold on to your weapons.
Communism now works in more insidious, less blood-thirsty ways, but still puts its genocidal programmes into full effect nonetheless.
Let there be Light.
The letter is extremely threatening to parents.
England is serious about eradicating its traditional culture.
Then there is this scandal:
A modern German Christmas market complete with high steel fences, cement barriers and a plethora of heavy weapons. Cultural appropriation at its best.
As mentioned above, the Western media has been discussing the mad Nazi demonstration in Poland last week. 60 thousand Nazi/Fascists were on a violent walk in Warsaw.
What the media screams.
The truth? It was a family affair!
Fake news. Image from another situation. There was no such banner in Warsaw during this walk.
But not before the lies had done their damage. As per Hillary's playbook.
Respect on both sides.
Artist Comment: Pickled: A study conducted by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health on
the effects of drinking during pregnancy has found that an estimated
119,000 children are born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome worldwide each
Cuckex Cops have some silliness for you.
I, I, just don't know what to say here!
If Haaretz says it, it has to be true!
Be prepared for an onslaught of appeals to normalize pedophilia over the next years. Consider the push to lower the age of consent in France to 13 for example. We have warned about this normalization drive for a decade now and it is finally upon us. Defend your children and give these perverts the response they deserve. No mercy.
Yes, yes, YES!
Hot babes.
Pity they will end up living with cats.
Ah, black now makes it to the Noahide flag.
Note Judaic spelling of God.
This woman has taken ugly to a whole new level.
Possibly the funniest of the day.
Remember when you just bought stuff without every decision being political? Personally, I have been doing that for decades. I remember the PAIN of going without green grapes in 1980 when expecing my first child because of the conditions of the South American workers. BDS has never been much of a stress because voting with dollars is one of our few small ways to make a difference. But now, it is everywhere you turn!
Consider the source, a crap zine.
But still be grateful these folks won't breed.
The power of media: Marineland Canada: A Living Nightmare for Whales and Dolphins
Artist Comment: First Date: Prince Mohammed bin Salman having a candle light dinner with Lady
Justice, who took of her blindfold ribbon, to see the sincerity in his
Artist Comment: Girl in the Window: After an air strike. Deir al-Zor, eastern Syria.
Artist's Comment: Crisis in Lebanon: US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has warned other countries against
using Lebanon for proxy conflicts, following a crisis triggered by the
resignation of its prime minister, Saad Hariri.
Modern Art
Artist Comment: Tropical Sunset: Public outrage over the Paradise Papers lasted about as long as a tropical sunset.
Answer: Pumpkin Pi
Just dropping these two here, together.
Very thoughtful cartoon.
Who is doing all the manual labour here?
Loving life on the West Coast, even if the rain is somewhat radioactive.
Interesting to note that these actors have, not only their perversions in common, but also their total hatred of the President. I believe all of this draining the Hollywood swamp is part of Trump's war on (((the media control))) of America among other things.
Russia! How deluded with self grandeur can one person be?
How can they insult the great Muhammad Ali or the famous brave Rosa Parks by putting this Communist traitor on the same pedestal as them? Ali would most likely spit at the attitude of this creature, although, tbh, he might have been too much of a gentleman to do so.
Liberals kill everything they touch.
They touch everything that makes other people happy.
Case in point: Football
Quite the acting job.
Artist Comment: Demon of Bataclan: 13 November 2015.On this day two years ago,
as part of a series of Islamic State terrorist attacks across Paris
three gunmen of Algerian descent conducted a mass shooting at the Bataclan theatre, killing 90 and injuring over 200.
Great pictures, as always. Joe Biden HAHAHA