Where was this wisdom when I was 20?!
With California Senators like the deviant agenda Liberal Scott Weiner, this is such a wise course!
The 100 Year Celebration of the (((Bolshevik))) October Revolution, Communism! Lots of images to celebrate this great failure.
And again.
Remembrance Day, November 11, 2017
Teaching the Pythagorean Theorem or pi in geometry class perpetuates white privilege by giving the “perception that mathematics was largely developed by Greeks and other Europeans.”
"Mathematics also perpetuates white privilege because the economy places a high value on abstract reasoning."
"Mathematics also perpetuates white privilege because the economy places a high value on abstract reasoning."
"More white than nonwhite people are math professors and that math
professors often benefit from “unearned privilege” ~ getting more grants
and more respect than other professors ~ just because they are math
professors and not professors in another academic field."
Please tell me this is a sad joke.
Nasty dead White man speakum truth.
Such lovely people.
If I did not know there were crickets in these Chocolate Chirp Cookies, I might enjoy one before I found out the ingredients.
The Digital Revolution One Hundred Years After the Oktober Revolution.
The Spirit of the October Revolution One Hundred Years later.
Major advance in the Communist feminist movement.
The 100 Year Bolshevik Revolution
The Russian Bolshevik Revolution 100 Years Later
Fruits of the Bolshevik Revolution
They really think stuff is free.
Communism is so cool!
Marx is sexy.
Marx is sexy.
So true. Weed smokers are not wired to even think this way!
How do we solve the problem of drugs?
"What will be left for me?!"
Berlusconi is back.
Based on the old saying: “Guns don’t kill people; people kill people.”
In Guns We Trust: Americans own nearly half (48%) of the estimated 650 million civilian-owned guns worldwide.
What is not mentioned is that this statistic for America is very high simply because most nations have had their weapons forcefully taken from the civilian population, often leading to extremely repressive situations.
Trump in Japan: Seismic Activity Anticipated

Got yer hateful (((double standard))) right here, folks!
The Balfour Declaration on a London cab.
And they dropped all taxes for women. The female at the door is eager to shop. This is also being sold as a Liberal experiment to trigger the right.
Speaking of triggers...
Members of the Malibu Antifa Offensive.
I thought that ad was a joke but it is not. Fundraiser of some sort.
Speaking of feminists: Ain't she sweet? Just the kind of girl you want to take home to Momma, right, lads? This girl is going to wake up in a decade and wonder why she is alone.
The most dangerous thing about this lass (?) is that pointed right nipple. Looks as if it could cut through glass.
Funny thing is, many of these folks consider such forms of protest over their liberal hatred as something important. So sad. Someone actually validates himself by dressing up like this. I will be honest, sometimes it is impossible to tell the spoofs from the regular activities of liberals.
Life experiences.
Amazing map
The fears of a political cartoonist in many parts of the world.
I will just drop this here.
Troubled Times in New York/New York Times Logo: Top-ranked U.S newspaper The New York
Times has been accused of being insensitive and pandering to Islam after
publishing a front page article entitled "I Want Allahu Akbar Back"
only days after traumatized New Yorker's witnessed jihadist Sayfullo
Saipov screaming "Allahu Akbar!" when killing eight people in a
terrorist attack in Lower Manhattan. A spokesperson from The New York Times said it was an attempt to set
the record straight about the "spiritual virtues" of the religious
phrase used regularly by everyday Muslims.
Saudi Kingdom in-fighting.
This is an older cartoon that has been tampered with over the years. I was VERY pleased to find it re-posted on line but this time with many comments from viewers asking the otherwise fine cartoonist why he had included Hezbollah among the piglets. It seems folks are awakening to the difference in Hezbollah from the rest, despite the JMSM's attempts to smear the only army to fully defeat and repel the Israeli army.
Mohammad Bin Salman's dangerous ride in KSA
Artist Comment: Political Earthquake in Saudi Arabia: "Political earthquake" in Saudi Arabia: Princes and former ministers arrested
Spontaneous Outbreak!
The return of neo-Nazism?
Excessive end-to-end profit is ruining the world, but escalating the tax
office, according to the latest edition of Panama Papers, seems
increasingly easier and more accessible to those who don't really need
70 Years of UN Peace keeping missions. No comment from me on that one but we all know the UN record as it stands today and not much more than an enforcer and facilitator of the JWO/NWO.
This week author James Perloff was so prolific with his Tweets, he earned the dubious distinction of having his own little "Pearls from Perloff" corner.
There is now a lunatic feminist fringe that wishes to call out men for their male privilege of being able to stand to urinate. Again. Not a joke. But it is a joke nonetheless.
Young boys getting an early start of their privilege.
Diversity? There isn't even a difference in their skin tones! But don't dare consider, Whitey, that is is OK to be white.
Game of Tyrants: Russia under Vladimir Putin: As the world marks the centenary of the
October Revolution, Russia is once again under the rule of a tsar. Even
Trump admires him
Artist Comment: Carcass: Over 13,000 people have died as a result of firearm violence in the U.S this year.
Little Johnny Death gets an Early Present: Vehicle-ramming terrorist attacks are on the rise
as an Islamist's preferred method of killing "infidels" with eleven
mass-casualty events in eighteen months.
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