.“Zionism is a weapon of mass destruction,a chemical, nuclear and biological weaponas it is a violent extremist ideologyspreading violence in the region.”
We here in
the West are swimming in a sea of lies, in countries that are falling apart and
led by politicians who stage the crudest displays of chicanery and hypocrisy ~ and
who seemingly have no qualms about doing so.
refreshing it is when occasionally high-ranking individuals have the courage to
stand up and speak the truth! How ironic when they turn out to be our bitterest
enemies! Yet this is the state in which we presently find ourselves ~
we are literally depending upon our putative “enemies” for morsels of truth while our own leaders spew lies and act like trained seals.
Whenever the
mainstream media set out to get a war started with this or that country, they
will publish an endless series of articles purporting to show how evil the
country’s leader is. This is a process called “demonization.” Two of the most
heavily demonized countries just now are Syria and North Korea. Interestingly,
just within the past few days high-ranking officials from both countries have
uttered some extremely weighty and penetrating truths
ambassador to the United Nations is Dr. Bashar Al-Jaafari. At a UN session on
Friday, Jaafari made a comment about Zionism that deserves to be quoted widely,
for his words have a profound, almost poetic ring of truth to them. Jaafari
described Zionism as “a weapon of mass destruction.” The full quote reads:
“Zionism is a weapon of mass destruction,a chemical, nuclear and biological weaponas it is a violent extremist ideologyspreading violence in the region.”
Jaafari made
the comments at a meeting of the Special Political and Decolonization
Committee, a UN panel that deals with the occupation of lands which are
classified as “non-self-governing territories.” Friday’s session was devoted in
part to a discussion of Israel’s occupation of the Golan Heights. In his
remarks before the body, Jaafari also said,
“At this point everyone knows that Israel is cooperating with what is left of ISIS and the Al-Nusra front.”
The committee voted overwhelmingly in favor of a draft resolution on Israel’s occupation of the Syrian Golan. The resolution asserts that that occupation is, ~
“unacceptable and violates the principles of international law.”
A full report on the committee’s action can
be found at SANA, the Syrian Arab News Agency, or you can also go here, to the UN
website, and watch a video of it. The Syrian delegate’s comments begin at just
over one hour and twenty minutes into the video. You’ll notice that the UN
interpreter gives a slightly different translation on the precise wording of
Jaafari’s remark on Zionism but that the words “Zionism
is a weapon of mass destruction” are still included verbatim:
“Zionism is a weapon of mass destruction. It is a biological, chemical weapon. Zionism has propagated mass destruction in this region.”
If you have
the time and inclination, you might want actually to watch the entire video. In
addition to the resolution on the Golan Heights, the committee also took up the
issue of “Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian
People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories,” and on this subject some
equally interesting remarks were made by various delegates. One of these is the
delegate from Palestine, a young woman who speaks flawless English and whose
presentation is rather impressive. Delegates from the US and Israel were also
present, and both give comments during the video, but the overriding sentiment
in the room is against them.
North Korea
A couple of
days ago, I posted an article about
Trump’s speech delivered before the National Assembly in Seoul, South Korea. I
called it “one of the most insane, warmongering speeches I’ve heard/read from
any US official,” and observed of the speech that it “ranks right up there with
John McCain’s ‘bomb-bomb-bomb Iran’ remarks of several years ago.”
we now have a response to that very same speech from North Korea itself. The
response comes from an unnamed official with the DPRK’s foreign ministry whose
remarks were reported yesterday by Sputnik and who
described Trump as a “destroyer of world peace.”
The writer
of the Sputnik article states that “North Korea has launched a stinging
attack on US President Donald Trump following his visit
to South Korea,” and then proceeds to quote the exact words of the North
Korean official:
“Trump, during his visit, laid bare his true nature as destroyer of world peace and stability and begged for a nuclear war on the Korean peninsula.”
Thus said
the unnamed official from one of the most heavily demonized countries on earth.
So we have Zionism as “a weapon of mass destruction” and the president of the United States as “a destroyer of world peace.”
As I say,
both comments have a ring of truth about them, and it is with sadness that I
make that observation. And the sad truth is: we get more words of truth
from our supposed “enemies” than we get from our own leaders or their media.
discussions about truth-tellers and liars, the famous words “you will know the
truth and the truth will set you free” ~ perhaps come invariably to mind. The
words are from the Gospel of John, chapter 8, and are spoken by Jesus:
So He said to the Jews who had believed Him, “If you continue in My word, you are truly My disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
It seems
that our “enemies” in Syria and North Korea are trying to set us free with the
truth, while our own leaders are enslaving us in lies. It is a very bizarre state
of affairs, but this is the world in which we presently find ourselves.
Abaddon aka Apollyon, similar to the modern imagery of Satan.
The word
“destroyer” brings to mind one other biblical passage as well, this from the
Book of Revelation:
They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon.
The Hebrew
word “Abaddon” and the Greek word “Apollyon” both mean “destroyer.” Ironically
the passage is verse 11 from Revelation’s 9th chapter. Or, in other words, 9/11.
Perhaps there’s something to numerology. The writer of the Book of
Revelation certainly seemed to think so. Or on the other hand, maybe it’s just
a coincidence.
About the nature of Zionism, couldn't agree more. The world will be a better place once that hideous ideology of mass theft and genocide, with its appalling cruelty and its depth of racism almost beyond imagining, has been destroyed. As it will be.
ReplyDeleteWhen one adds Judaism, which is a cultish combination of numerology, voodoo, blood sacrifice, superstition and Mammonism--meaning its not a true religion--when that is added to Zionism, we get the most toxic force on the planet, whose main goal is subjugation of the entire world and failing that, killing as many GOYIM as possible, while hiding that mass murder behind a War against Terror.