Can you hear the heads exploding with this image?
The truth of the matter.
Words of Albert Schweizer. "I am your brother, it is true, but your elder brother."
Sadly Trump did not instigate nuclear war.
Stilton says: Looking at the most recent news cycle, we feel that our nation has
reached a crisis point which requires the services of an exciting new
When alleged journalists lose their minds about Donald Trump and start
screaming and foaming at the mouth, STFUman would suddenly appear with
his trusty whiffle bat and thonk, thonk, thonk the hysterical newsperson on the noggin until either sanity or blissful unconsciousness was reached.
He would then dart away in a flash, remove his mask, cover his spandex
uniform with street clothes, and slip the whiffle bat into his pant leg
to make his escape unnoticed. Except for a really lopsided walk.
If he were available, STFUman would have had his hands full over the
last couple of days as everyone on the Left and many on the Right lost their ever-loving minds over President Trump's press conference remarks following his one-on-one meeting with Vladimir Putin.
In a nutshell, and we've never used that phrase more
appropriately, Donald Trump didn't turn to Putin during the press
conference and call him a dirty, lying bastard who overthrew the 2016
Presidential election. Rather, Trump said that our intelligence services
(which have been demonstrably dripping with anti-Trump corruption) have
claimed there was Russian meddling, while Putin told him behind closed doors that there wasn't Russian meddling.
Trump then had the apparently treasonous gall to suggest that we try to solve this impasse by looking at actual physical evidence,
like the allegedly-hacked DNC computer server which neither the FBI nor
any other law enforcement agency has ever even looked at.
This entirely reasonable suggestion basically opened the gates of fake news hell. Subsequent stories declared Trump to be a traitor and tool of Putin, and his press conference appearance was likened to Kristallnacht, the Cuban Missile Crisis, 9/11, and the attack on Pearl Harbor. One congressman even tweeted that it was time for the US military to step up to the plate, presumably to stage a coups d'etat to preserve democracy. Because nothing says "freedom" to Leftists quite like martial law and government at gunpoint.
Lost in all of this cacophony is any discussion of what Trump might have
actually said to Putin behind closed doors before presenting a pleasant
face for the press. For all we know, Trump told Putin that he'd rip the
weasel-faced dictator's leg off and beat him senseless with it if there
was even suspicion of Russian meddling in the future.
Trump has since offered a predictably confusing "clarification" of his press conference remarks, which strikes us as unnecessary considering that few outlets were reporting on what he actually said versus what they feverishly fantasized.
Frankly, we think this whole media uproar is another exercise in willful
lunacy which is far more damaging to our nation than anything Russia
could possibly do. We'd say even more, but we've got a lot of sit-ups to do if we're going to fit into that spandex uniform.
That yellow gown. Flawless. Timeless. Classic beauty.
Traitor-in-Chief commenting on Trump and Putin's Helsinki Summit. Then go back and read the above quote from Paul Sperry again.
Critics did not admire this gown.
Reading expressions and body language while imagining what the people are thinking is made very easy with this shot. Mr. & Mrs. May look terribly dour and unhappy.
A coffle of pervy slaves.
Is that a City of London banker in that skirt?
Donald looks as pleased as punch in this photo. It really is rather endearing.
Too funny. A royal caddy for the king.
The London police removed many of these demonstrators very quickly for waving a foreign flag. Not against any law btw.
Another has-been kissing her career good-bye.
Does anyone else think this sort of treason exceeds the limits of "free speech"?
Americans guaranteeing a second Trump term.
This is Planned Parenthood in action in NYC; tell me these people are not Satanic. There is an accompanying video urging everyone in NYC to mess with everyone they see.
Each woman is beautiful according to cultural standards but they are not the same species.
Not the same species
The white wolf prepares to devour the innocent black lamb.
But the black stallion mounts the white mare.
NYT Liberal hysterics
As predicted, globalists turned the results of the World Cup into an advertisement for the blessings of multiculturalism. At the same time, Paris was under siege from vandals using the even as an excuse to wreak havoc.
Despite placing second, this was the first stop the Croatian team made.
Very interesting chart regarding American football players.
A start but truly a laughable feel-good trend that will not make a lot of difference in volume.
Artist says:
I'm no Donald Trump fan, but I do like that he doesn't give a shit
about his critics, he's not a fawning Yes Man like his predecessor and
he's taken steps to correct the economic wrongs and mental case policies
of the previous eight years. Sure, he comes across as a pig at times, but when something's as
screwed up as America was you need an uncompromising bastard to fix
things. Excellent article about Trump in the Wall Street Journal by former Australian P.M Tony Abbott.
When Donald threw the ball to Melania.
Stilton says: The very idea of President Trump having a summit meeting with Vladimir
Putin has thrown the Left into towering paroxysms of rage, terror, and
confusion unseen since...well...actually we see them pitch these hysterical hissy fits all the time about pretty much everything,
be it gender-binary bathrooms, a cartoon of a vegan-offending egg in a
salad emoji, or the terrifying possibility of trade wars raising the
price of Chinese-made pussy hats.
The stated fear of those on the Left is that Trump won't have the
strength to stand up against Putin, whom they believe to be some sort of
mighty warrior commanding the superior economic, technological, and
military resources which have made modern day Russia into the White
Wakanda. Which ironically has a small element of truth, in that Wakanda is pure fiction, too (but please don't tell this to Progressives ~ it would break their hearts).
irony here is that those on the Left seemingly had no problem with
Saint Soetoro, just prior to his reelection, whispering (so as not to
tip off those pesky American voters) that he would be offering Putin much more "flexibility" (about freaking missile deployment, no less) after the election.
the kind of flexibility which is most closely associated with the
generous use of KY Jelly, and which was emblematic of Barry's method of
"assuming the position" for every "tough guy" state in the world, be it
Russia, Iran, North Korea, or a jihadi califate. Not for nothing was his
leadership strategy accurately described as "bleeding from behind."
We're also a bit confused by the Left's insistence that Trump can be
easily shoved around. Aren't they the ones who've been calling him Hitler since the day he took office?! Say what you will about old Adolf, but he didn't exactly have a reputation for being a pushover in his dealings with Russia or anyone else. But then, those on the Left aren't exactly exalted for their knowledge of history
Here at Stilton's Place, we're certainly not expecting much
positive to come out of the meeting between Trump and Putin, but we're
also not expecting to lose anything at all. And after 8 years of Obama, that's still a glorious feeling.
So predictable.
Good morning, Noor. Actually, the French for "pregnant" is "enceinte"
ReplyDeleteMerci, sweetheart.
DeleteAs long as he remains the least member of the sect of Freemasonry within our administrations, state departments, or the least strategic position of power, justice, the army, the Senate etc ... We will all continue to live in banana republic.
ReplyDeleteTrump and others are treated exactly as was the French National Front.
Each of the remarks came out of their context, the media enchainent manipulation on manipulation, the lie on lie, falsification on falsification.
(In France it is very easy to prove it, it is enough to obtain the official newspaper which publishes the exchanges in the national assembly, then to compare the propaganda of the media with the reality of the debates in the national assembly. I can document more than forty years of misinformation and fake news from all major French media)
It must be known that in France, PUBLICALLY ALL THE LODGES and ALL THE POLITICAL PARTIES lent to the Jewish sect of B'nai B'ith, never to ally themselves with the National Front for the least election.
The Masonic sect of the Grand Orient De France publicly threatens its members of banishment if they have any connection with the National Front.
It is very comical for a sect that publicly claims never to meddle in politics or religion.
I do not have to be a fanatic of Trump or the French National Front to get the distortion of the information they are subject to permanently. Often the journalists concerned are either social-communist, or Freemasons, or Jews or neo-conservatives which means Jews too.
It is more than documentable over more than 60 years of media life on the basis of official documents (Official Journal VS propaganda of the press)
It is high time to engrave in the marble of the law a separation of the Masonic sects and the state, as well as to make a separation of Judaism and the state.
With regard to the Masonic ultra-over-representation in the high administration to the heart of the state, in the same way as today's so-called positive discrimination, it is legitimate to forbid even the least Freemasons l access to administration, politics, justice and any state function to repair 230 years of monopolization of these functions by the Masonic Gnostic sect.
ReplyDeleteWhich mason could refuse the so-called positive discrimination that he found so legitimate for the others, to see desirable for his society of the republic?
What mason could dare to deny the undivided Masonic overrepresentation at the heart of power for 230 years?
Separation of the Gnostic Sect and the State!
For complaints and negotiations, that sect FM :. approaches the ADL and B'nai B'rith. The great guarantors of the demon-crassie and the Masonic public-ray will understand that it is a matter of enforcing the dogmas he so loves to impose on others.
Universal Babylon and the building of Solomon's Temple are at this very modest price, and any mason will be so obligated to conform as their victims conform to their delusions of positive discrimination by force of law.
Demagogy for all, including Masonic sects and their kapos, not only to the detriment of beggars!
I am sure that the permanent blackmail against the Westerners will cease when there will be no more members of the sect in the sector of power.
End state subsidies to newspapers that belong to billionaires of course, if citizens knew the billions of dollars of state subsidies affected by the press, I think no more would pay his taxes.
French "president" Emmanuel Macron is an stupid idiot... Alla the time :
Macron Hip Hop is an associate banker with Rothschild, our degenerate Justin Trudeau to us the poor French.
You are worshiping jewish power when you worship Trump.
ReplyDeleteWhere has all the discernment gone?
I do not love Trump but I keep in mind, nothing would have been worse than Clinton who planned and publicly promised to attack Iran if she was elected.
DeleteTrump's daughter like Chelsea Clinton are married to the same guys styles.
On this I am not mistaken and make no illusions.
Trump is an actor, a showman, I take him for what he is.
On the other hand I recognize him an obvious quality, annoy the deep state and the worst types of the US administration.
Therefore, I do not expect anything from Trump, he is not my president, but I judge him on paper.
He skilfully played the poison with Korea, in the end South and North Korea have reconciled (this is historical)
He did the same thing with Russia, in the end he totally cleared Russia of false accusations.
Trum recently put England (treacherous Albion) face to his infinite betrayals, he asked them to choose between a partnership with Europe, or a partnership with the USA.
For once in her cheating life England will not be able to play the double game as she has for 200 years.
England is the kapo of all the European peoples for at least one hundred years, it plays the double game (Echelon network for the benefit of the USA)
It enters the European economic community without ever adopting the single currency, nor adhering to the Shengen space.
The advantages without any inconvenience, as every time with England, including during the two world wars that she wanted so much but she did at home!
(the first world war England wanted it to get its hands on the oil of the Turks allies of the Germans who were the only ones to have almost, the second world war is the Jewish English minister Bejamin D'Israéli who wanted at all costs His war)
England masters its borders and resfuses the illegals, but at the same time the English state and its oligarchs favor the ivasion of Europe by chartering enormous boats. (all of Europe monitors them very closely)
England voted to leave Europe, but at the same time wanted to be able to give orders to Europeans, hence the hesitant hesitation of Theresa May, typical of English technique for centuries.
When England, who gave Palestine to the Zionists and swindled every country in Europe for two hundred years, gets caught, I'm glad to see that!
Of course, I do not rely on mere appearances, I judge Trump on what he does internationally. It's good to see a US president give the treacherous Albion in his place, it changes, it's refreshing:
I'm not going to give you a history class, it's my job but it would be very long, I'm not a groupie Trump but I know someone who knows how to put the treacherous Albion in its place.
Given his origins, and under his idiot skit, Trump seems to have a good historical knowledge, he knows where he comes from and knows what perfites he has to do when he talks to Theresa May. (certainly he knows the world historical and treacherous role of the Fabian society)
Historically, speaking of the British monarchy, the consecrated phrase was "Shit in a silk stocking".
This has always been true!
I can understand your surprise at my reactions, but put things in context without anachronisms.
If it was not Trump it would be Clinton's mad, the devil himself.
I am totally ignorant of the media jokes about Trump, but I am very attentive to official interventions, both in terms of verbal language and body language.
I do not let any journalist do me the translation of the meetings, both the purely manipulative cont translations in France (truncated cut pieces, change of meaning of the words etc ..)
Even if it's not the best, I'll always prefer a Trump to a Tryudeau, a Macron, a bullshit Merkel or a Clinton.
I too started from cloudiness to achieve such clarity that I longed to have seen nothing since childhood, * let go of your affect, erase all the crap taught, read the best books essential and everything will be crystal clear *
DeleteTake a little more upstream and you will have the global vision.
1-Where does Protestantism-ultraliberalism come from, where will it have spread and given birth to the inquisitor Olivier Cromwell? _massacre and enslavement of Catholic women and children included, extermination of Irish Catholics etc ..._
2-Where did the Gnostics Templar take refuge except in England and especially in Switzerland, which is THEIR country?
3-Where was globalism born, except in the British Empire?
4-Who created the first World Masonry in the 17th century, except England, which used its empire, the largest colonial empire in the history of humanity, to disseminate the lodges ?
5-Where did the FIRST revolution take place, before the American revolution, then the French revolution twenty years after the US revolution, if not in England?
It is customary to tell you, in order to win your consent, that the first revolution is French, which is completely false, which makes it possible to conceal the revolutionary paternity of England and her colony.
England, the USA and Germany are omnipresent in the so-called "French Revolution", we do not speak of epiphenomena, but of troops, almost all the revolutionary Franks have gone beforehand to form in England and France. Germany, none of this is hidden, it is common knowledge.
6-Speaking of 1914 and 1939 who other than England and his colony USA will have MONDIALIZED the war?
Of course, with a huge participation of the Jewish people and the lodges, it is implicit since the USA and England, two mainly Protestant-ultra-liberal countries are headquarters of the Masonic lodges.
7-Which is the ONLY country Europeans, very good friend of the USA, kapo of the other European nations on behalf of the USA, if not the perfidious Albion?
* Note that England is the only country maintaining a strong monarchy and retaining a lot of colonies, weird odd is not it ... *
(In 1980 England was making its colonial war with the Malvinas, strange that the good-people did not oppose the right of the people to have of themselves, 1980 !!!) _
8-Do not forget that since the American Revolution, World Jewry and Masonic sects, said that the USA was the new SION, the heavenly Jerusalem.
Normal, noahism (noachism) is the official religion of the USA:
* On March 26, 1991, Public Law 102-14 of the 102nd Congress of the United States, engraved in the marble of the law that the US was founded on the 7 universal laws of Noah (noahide laws, or noachides made to transform the goys as idolaters-slaves of the Jews) * _
We can not be clearer, this law is public, therefore verifiable, ultra-documented.
The US is a full Jewish settlement since Roosevelt and the end of their practice of the Monroe Doctrine:
But the USa are mostly an English colony, with whom they have maintained indefectible links against all other Western countries.
I know that this development is not pleasant to read, but I summarize the things to the mieuxeux to avoid having to do you a lecture on the treacherous Albion.
You see, what you do not find coherent on my part becomes coherent I think.
England and the people of IsRatHell are a very old story, just as England has spread her lodges around the world, and the lodges are the arm of Jewish messianism.
In these circumstances, it is useless to describe to you further the role of kapos of England all over the world.
Only the study of history on the long time, allows to have a general and not falsified view of the realities.
Once you master the story, you can go into details, international exchanges, internatyional institutions, laws texts etc.
DeleteFor the internet links translate the articles with Google, and remember that it is England that has placed the Saudi family where it is!
Here is in short, all this little world has agreed, and we plays a great piece of theater of very bad taste with our cash
Yes, and as far as the French are concerned, it's been 230 years, but on the scale we currently know, the West has been completely locked since 1945.
The Maghreb countries and Arabs have entered the great Jewish orgy gradually, Saudi Arabia Judeo-English is from the beginning:
(I tend to collect rare books)
Other OPEC countries such as the Maghreb entered the early 1970s.
Turkey, occupied by the Donmëh sect for a long time, a very long time:
_ (shocking but since they are the "big press" everything is verifiable)
So yes, it's disgusting but "Resignation is a daily suicide" (Honoré de Balzac)
We must not ignore what is positive, and the good news (which I can not expose publicly) is not rare at all.
Among these good news, the simple logic, a dictatorship and a Kabbalah ignored by those who suffer from it is very expensive, requires constant attention. (so-called sustainable dictatorship)
A dictatorship and a Kabbalah unmasked is unmanageable, ruinous, especially since the debauchery of means is counterproductive, the levers of propaganda are hated by the peoples, the vampires of humanity play with nitroglycerine, all that remains for them is the lever of fear to reassure themselves. (tenable only in the short term)
Even if it seems to you hallucinating our corrupt take a derangement, Islam is as much their lever as the unexpected element, play with a Golem is good but losing control is less good.
See the recent coup in Saudi Arabia, it's never without consequences these things.
Of course you will be denied the coup d'etat, and yet look what is the Saudi who in recent years represents this country around the world, weird not?
You are already living and will soon live the Vatican II reform among Muslims unfortunately for them. After that Shiites will seem ultra-orthodox compared to Sunnis who want purer than pure. It does not please me more than I was pleased Vatican II and this should not please anyone this supposed.
When the worst of the rats on the planet.
DeleteWhen the worst politicians, the world media fathers.
When the worst hysterical agitators called "no border" and "anti-fa" were opened by George Soros ($ 50 per day of incivility),
When all that the planet knows of garbage is allied like a pack of rats on this or that character, you can be certain that this character is the inverse of a rat.
It's as simple as that.
The world has changed, the most discreet but the most cultured Europeans know what has been hidden from them for 73 years, montages are unmasked, vampires are in full light. A scam can only work when it is not known, as soon as all the details are known things change radically.
I feel the soul of a leftist militant (lol), I think it would be time to fight for the full bursting of the commonwealth and the rest of the British colonies, this under "the right of peoples to dispose of themselves".
The Fabian Society has been laughing for too long, it's time for the lamb (see image) to bite the wolf deadly.
PS: Hitler and Mussolini were socialists since decemmies, Nazism and fascism are purely socialist is not it. It is very strange that there was the trial of Nazism without ever having had the trial of socialism, nor the trial of communism 25 times more murderous ...
"If you want to know who's in command, look for those you can not criticize." Based on this historical saying, to know who commands, who is the dictator, just look at who has not been criticized for more than 70 years.
Read the 1940 book: "The New World Order" by HG Wells, Freemason from the Fabian society, you will understand many things;
Many words and not even the obviousness that Hillary Clinton was NEVER meant to be POTUS. Trump was always the jew bag man.
ReplyDeleteFools think Trump is playing the jew when it is the jew playing us.
Discernment causes people to think beyond the Kabuki script given them. There is hardly any available any more.
It is called a government under foreign occupation, the room for maneuver is extremely limited.
DeleteEach one is obliged to give pledges of submission to the occuppant, especially if he is president in does not want to finish like John Fidgerald Kennedy. (the only US Catholic President)
Lee Harvey Oswald JFK assassin remote controlled by the representative of the huge Jewish mafia Jacob Leon Rubenstein, who changed his name to Jack Leon Ruby.
Nothing changes since the FED is in the hands of private bankers.
Since the death of JFK, various more or less credible theories have been scaffolded for the sole purpose of flooding and preventing citizens from seeing the facts that draw attention to the community of Jacob Leon Rubenstein.
It is the same in all conflicts: It is carefully avoided to say that it was the world Jewish congregation which in 1933 declared by the press the economic war against Germany, the same world Jewish congress which declared the military war to Germany in 1939.
Putting the story back in place changes everything, especially since nothing has changed in decades, the same people always use the same techniques.
On December 7, 1941, it was the attack on Pearl Harbor, a naval base that was not alert despite world circumstances, which is a heresy.
In previous weeks ALL intelligence services in all countries had warned US services of an imminent attack.
But here was Roosevelt elected on the promise not to kill American soldiers in an external war, he had to return public opinion, that's why he sacrificed over 3000 of his soldiers for the sole purpose of to go to war with the agreement of public opinion.
It's quite funny, since the US government replayed the same direction on September 11, 2001.
This is to say how much our countries live under occupation and that all our governments have been obeying only one foreign force since all this time.
The causes of World War I, World War II, and wars after 11th September 2001 can be seriously investigated. The real motivations are always the same.
(World War I Germany's allied Germany refused a Jewish home in Israel, Turkey and Germany had a monopoly on oil The assassination of the Archduke of Austria, pretext for the war we want to Any price we swallow but the facts are undeniable https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berlin-Baghdad_railway)
(World War II, in a context of Jewish communist crimes, Jewish-communist revolutions and putshings making tens of millions of deaths in Eastern Europe for "offense of opinion", since 1933 the World Jewish Congress declares the economic war to Germany, as early as 1939 the same Jewish Congress declared the military war on Germany.)
(In 2001 the modern Pearl Harbor was replayed, still in the interest of the same community, because neither Europe nor the US have the slightest interest in having their soldiers killed in the Middle East, the pretexts of democracy or oil and gas are only flooding to turn public opinion, in fact Westerners are cleaning up the Middle East for the sole benefit of IsRatHell)
Under these conditions, no Western leader runs his country freely since all Western countries are under Judeo-Masonic occupation.
I do not particularly like Trump but what I see is that he manages to calm the game where his predecessors have only kept fueling the fire.
It took me a few days to get reading this response and I thank you for not only the time but the absolute common sense you make. A Canadian, I have lived through many presidencies. The first I recall with any clarity is Kennedy as in "Where were you when you heard?" Some I ignored during my parenting years simply due to personal priorities. But eventually I learned about them all. Trump is, by far, the most dynamic ever. This is not blind hero worship. This is not accepting of the Chabad Lubovitch involvement in his personal life. The American people have needed a leader to help push back against the filth of degenerate Communism in the form of identity politics. Someone to reign in slavery and child abuse. The media never reports on these successes by Mr. Trump. He could say he liked puppies and the press would scream he hated older dogs. It seems, alas, that TDS is more mainstream than we originally thought.
Wikileaks: Orbán asked not to pay attention to what he says in the campaign
One of Orban minister said: Hungary accepted more immigrants, then the EU quota.
And Orban let a lot of rich immigrant to EU.
The nation will have to pay back, with large interest.
The brokerage fees went to Orban friend's Swiss bank account.