Artist Comment: Arson suspected to be the cause of Greek fires after anti-terror
police reveal fifteen blazes were started simultaneously on three
different fronts near Athens. The Islamic State terrorist organisation have previously instructed followers to use arson as a weapon of terror.
I am still locked out of Twitter so I am asking any of you who are Twitter friends, to please share this link with your followers. It really makes a difference and I thank you so much!

Ahed Tamimi is to be released from prison on Sunday according to Israeli media. The slap heard around the world has been atoned for, although we have not heard the last of this young woman by a long shot. For now, let her rest and recuperate within the arms of her family and community.
Canadians are getting tired of this. We are also waking up, Justin. NO ONE with a functioning brain cell buys this mental illness story, including various high level Muslims in Toronto itself. Dear reader, please enlarge the following and take it in.
This MUST be read. Canadians, our media lies like a woven mat. Enlarge, read, get woke to the lies of our media. Canadian apathy must end now. Or read the full article HERE.
The most apt response to the hours of political correctness came from an Australian Islamic cleric, Imam Mohammed Tawhidi who has been to Canada and is familiar with the Islamist networks in the country. He tweeted: “If you think all these Jihadi terrorists kill because they have a mental illness, then perhaps you are the one with a mental illness. It’s not mental illness, it’s their allegiance.”

This is the America that once was.
We don't see too much "white privilege" here in a gaunt working family wearing clothing sewn from flour sacks, looking as if a good meal would not go amiss.
Somewhere in Ontario.
They are really beginning to push the gun narrative in Canada. Toronto did not have a gun problem until the past few years and even then, not so much.
No, but many of us have a few suggestions of where he could/should go!
It was not quite so blatant as Saddiq Khan's comments about London, big cities and terrorism, but that was the impression I got was the sentiment from some Toronto politicians who are, at present, hustling for their jobs more than anything else at the moment.
No! No! NO! ISIS claimed this terrorism; they claim what they are responsible for. This cartoonist is selling a blatant lie.
Yep, he really said that.
When the Light Turns Green: PS: I found it really hard to find this photo a fitting title, but I liked this scene so much! What title you would have chosen?
Saxon Church in Romania

A Bridge Across Forever. We think we are so clever with all our little electronic gizmos, but consider the intelligence and skill it took to create these roads and bridges that still heavily influence our lives today ~ including even the Conestoga wagons used by the pioneers, made to the same measurements in terms of axle width.

The Glitter Pavilion in Potsdam. To pergolas on the eastern patio in the castle Sanssouci which the side
wings cover to the garden side find her end in an empty grid pavilion.
The grid pavilion is decorated with gilt solar symbols and instruments
which are effective above all with sunshine well.

The Chinese House in Park Sanssouci

Potsdam, Sanssouci Park
Carrying on with that arsonist theory regarding the fires in Greece...
Is it "ethical" to have such an exquisite being as this child to the world? Such human potential? Lord, Liberal garbage would deprive you of every decent joy life has to offer.
It saddens me to know I will never explore such shores in a canoe again. But these things happen as time passes. Looking at this photo, my first urge would be to get in close to that little black cave to see who or what shelters in there, most likely a few frogs.
I know it is silly, but this cartoon makes me smile.
Finally! The original image. Feel free to play with it all you want.
Considering the filth coming out of Hollywood these past few weeks regarding pedophilia, I am beginning to wonder if Weinstein was not a sort of sacrifice to the gods of perversion. Warning. Some of the following material is not intended for the weak of heart.
Personally, I don't care who exposes these creeps. They are doing the world a favour, no matter what their intention might be.
These people must be dealt with. Period. This one is so nauseating I cannot enlarge it; that's up to you. Consider yourself warned.
Jokes about sex with children are NEVER funny, skank.
Ms. Silverman again. In threat mode. You think this tasteless woman is in her position because she is amusing? She is filled with hatred for all who do not agree with her.
Tom Hanks. I have been waiting for his name to surface after seeing images of him at some of Abramovitch's Spirit Dinners.
This woman speaks an ancient truth.

Good morning, Noor. I like the picture of Karl Marx dressed up as Father Christmas. Fine-looking fellow, wasn't he? The rural scenes and the views of Sansouci Park in Potsdam are enjoyable too.
ReplyDeleteYou gain your manhood or womb-man-hood (or credentials as a gentleman or lady, someone able to be gentle & vulnerable because of excess strength in reserve) less by winning "small battles," (negotiating a win-win is the only civilized way to "win" anything, the only way to wean yourself and become mature, not "winning" while someone else loses, the way that parasites function back in the lower spiritual modalities of the jungle, unweaned) than by realizing or simply intuiting that guys like (((Norman Mailer))) and Ernest Hemingway are phonies who can't walk their talk but who hide behind the favorable mass-brainwashing that the words "I was in the military and fought in wars" (of absurd collective punishment that lots were made to war-ry about") triggers in millions of lightweight dipshits at a time.
ReplyDeleteIf you read up on the deeper philosophies of the 'internal' martial arts, one of the most useful models or theories is that there is no such thing as a 'fight' at all, that is just a limited interpretation of a much more complex physical and spiritual reality; there are only forces looking to express themselves through the medium of your body not finding their temperance or smooth flow of interaction and therefore burning or leaving cold the participants rather than warming them, forcing an absurd and destructive farce which then only begets more spastic force. Farce sets up force and vice versa, hence why the words are so phonetically alike.
~ Negentropic
That's EXACTLY what is going on there psychologically when you really think about it. There is nothing they won't do to confuse people and keep them off-balance, keep them in the problem-reaction-solution cycle in all things, and therefore simply unable to lay the strong foundations necessary for preventing the very parasitic infection that created the imbalance in the first place! It's like going to the gym and lifting a barbell but giving the ability to determine the weight of each plate, the weight of this or that issue, real or fake, mostly fake and exaggerated for sure, being reported, in media terms, to someone whose interest is diametrically opposed to yours. It doesn't take much for your adversary to realize that simply giving too much psychological weight to this or that side through the emotion of fear, putting just a couple of small extra plates on either side of the lifted barbell, is more than enough to get you to hurt yourself keeping it lifted, eventually leading to a collapse that might even be called "natural" and repeatedly collapsed into in the same retarded fashion by newer generations unable to admit to themselves, being all super-manly and tough and all, that they were as easy as children to dupe and hustle.
Re the forest fires in Greece, this is worth a look. May not have been those awful Muslims after all:
Excellent piece. Actually there are similarities to the artificially created fires that ravaged California last summer. Much of that was Agenda 21 driven right down to the street signs and proven on maps before and after the events. We will probably never know.