Possibly a major reason the Democrats still don't understand how they lost!
Meanwhile you can obtain your Degree in Witchcraft at the local university! (Fact not fiction) Or you can move to America and agitate for Marxism. Someone pays her expenses.
Why doesn't she return to the Congo if she hates America so deeply? I am sure someone could manage a GoFundMe for the price of plane fare.
All due apologies for posting these Fourth of July images so late in the week but I was incapable at the time. A few days late is still just fine, IMHO.
Another anti-White racist.
Things we would like to see.
It gets no more Canadian than finding a moose chilling in your back yard blow-up pool!
SERIOUSLY, Justine? Shameless, absolutely shameless.
Read more about Milly and the Korean lab HERE.
Ah, day-cares are such a wonderful beginning.
Do you really want an honest answer, Max?
Now THIS is a tailgate party!
Paris has a lot of problems. One of the lesser known is the activities of radical vegans who are bent on destroying "haute cuisine" and the eating of animals and products made from their efforts.
What could possibly go amiss?
Arms sales in Italy soaring.
Italian beauties of the old pre-Etruscan stock. (Smirks)
The usual outcome of waving that type of red flag before President Trump.
And so the Trump/Khan saga goes on, much to the embarrassment of the British people.
During the attack, he called the attacker "N...." and this resulted in his being charged!
The Japanese are into Low Riders in a very big way.
No! No! Say it isn't so!
Oh, I would LOVE this ride.
Stilton Says: Strident progressive morons (but we repeat ourselves) took to the
streets yet again this weekend to demand the abolishment of ICE. Not the
kind that tinkles merrily in our glass of scotch when reflecting on
current events, but rather the entire US Immigration & Customs Enforcement agency.
The protesters (and their noisy numbers include innumerable celebrities
and alleged journalists) have declared that ICE is alternately the
Gestapo, a terrorist organization, or the most heinous kidnappers since
Bruno Hauptmann snatched the Lindbergh baby.
Technically, none of those things is really part of ICE's charter. So
just what is it that these vicious rat bastards actually do?
They direct investigations for the Department of Homeland Security,
which seems like a pretty good thing. They help protect national
security, which we're in favor of, and they fight transnational gangs ~
which should please everyone except MS-13 lovers like Nancy Pelosi.
ICE agents are on the often dangerous front lines of fighting the drug
trafficking that is ravaging our nation, as well as fighting arms
trafficking - which you'd think would have the anti-gun Left doing
backflips of gratitude.
Part of ICE's job in the 21st century is addressing cyber crimes, which
would seem to benefit every selfie-snapping protester who owns a
smartphone. And also on ICE's busy schedule is the war on a much older affront to civilization: child exploitation and human trafficking.
We have to admit that all of those things sound so critically important
that we'd hate to see them all be thrown away for nothing. So just what
is the tremendous benefit the Left thinks we'd gain by getting rid of ICE?
No more immigration enforcement! Open borders! An unending flood of
people wanting benefits which will help force our nation into socialism!
In other words, the chanting nimrods in the streets want us to stop
fighting terror, allow a free flow of drugs and weapons into the
country, and allow women and children to be used as sex slaves, in
return for which our nation's borders will essentially cease to exist. And they want this for one very simple reason: they're idiots.
Oh, we suppose "hating Trump" could be considered reason number two, but since the policies the protesters are freaking out about were also
those of Saint Obama, we're just going to stick with the "idiots"
explanation. It's a fine example of Occam's razor (and as the old saying
goes, "Occam if they can't take a joke.")
Frankly, we hope all the ICE protesters exhausted themselves marching
and shouting over the weekend. That way, when they're back in their
parents' basements nursing their emotional wounds for a few days, the
streets will be clear for actual Americans to enjoy their 4th of July parades.
I tried it. Did you?
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