America and Britain kept Bolshevik Russia fed after they killed all the farmers at the great expense of the Americans and British peoples.

"Dear Hillary..... "
More on Haiti when we get to Hillary.
Would the Liberals stoop to using bots to praise our clown and his court? You be the judge of that:
Are we in Sweden?
Not with that Ocasio-Cortez creature picking up steam! She is just as bad as he.
I post this again as a reminder of why home schooling is a great option. This is why we are in the predicament we are in now.

Check that timeline. SIX years!
And we have given up on her....
"You must do something to make the world more beautiful." is what I told my daughters, inspiring them with this delightful book which I look forward to reading to my grand daughter one day:
The testimonials of people who have opened their eyes and walked away makes for some tremendously powerful reading. And they are amazed to be gladly welcomed by ... those enemy Trumpers/Republicans. It took one man to speak his eloquent and inspirational truth and the movement grew. Naturally. #WalkAway
No private plane? No bodyguards? Something is definitely up with these folks.
No comment as to authenticity or anything.
Just offering it up as I found it.
Bronze membership.
Bronze membership.
Sorry just have the top 5 for you.
Mokimono is an ancient Japanese art form. Amazing. You can almost feel the feathers of this Dragonfruit Snowy Owl.
The Great Replacement
Whoops! What history?
WTF is a "Somali-Swede"?
At last check, this campaign had raised 15000 pounds more for a Khan balloon than was raised for the Trump balloon.
By the book! Every. Single. Time.
Save and share this one. It really is quite important.
To all those foolish liberal protesters.
Why Trump won.
Who's a good puppy? Dama, a Belgian Malinois, is looked after at Camp Bastion.
A source told the paper: “The SAS found themselves in a 360-degree ambush.
“The initiative was with the terrorists and the only hope for the British was to try and make a run for it.
“The handler removed the dog's muzzle and directed him into a building from where they were coming under fire.
“They could hear screaming and shouting before the firing from the house stopped.
“When the team entered the building they saw the dog standing over a dead gunman.”
“His throat had been torn out and he had bled to death,” the source
continued, “There was also a lump of human flesh in one corner and a
series of blood trails leading out of the back of the building.
“The dog was virtually uninjured. The SAS were able to consolidate
their defensive position and eventually break away from the battle
without taking any casualties.”
Do what you must to help with this huge problem.
Imagine the silence. The pure fresh air in your lungs. The cool air on your skin. This vista of Norway is before you. Paddle on.
Some very dangerous thoughts here.
I call it common sense!
I call it common sense!
And then you have those bots. Going by the Canadian examples above, I suppose bots are the exception to this courtesy/common sense.

Per the cartoon above, we do expect Brett Kavanaugh to be dragged through Hell and high water before his eventual confirmation as a Supreme Court Justice.
But our real purpose in combining these two stories is to celebrate
these two very different but deeply inspiring occurrences. The amazing
rescue of a boys soccer team from a nightmarish, water-filled cave
renews our hope for mankind in general. Support came from around the
world to save these young lives, and the courage and sacrifice of those
involved is humbling and awe-inspiring.
We want to make special mention of Sgt. Major Saman Gunan, a 38-year-old retired Thai Navy Seal, who volunteered for the mission and gave his life to save others. He undertook a risk that few others would and, through his efforts, helped enable a miracle.
On a very different note, we found ourselves moved by (a very
Presidential) Donald Trump's announcement of Brett Kavanaugh as his
nominee for the Supreme Court, and a rundown of this jurist's incredible
and accomplished life of service to others.
As far as we can tell, he's an exceptionally good choice for the
nation's highest court...and one impossible for the Left and the media
to legitimately tar and feather...although those slime-oozing
anti-Americans will try their wretched best.
As a case (pun intended) in point, despite Kavanaugh teaching at Harvard (a position for which he was hired by liberal Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan),
despite his volunteering for work in inner city schools, despite his
championing of women in the workplace, despite his coaching of his
daughters' basketball teams, and despite his regularly serving meals in
soup kitchens, Democrat sleaze-weasel Terry McAuliffe has tweeted that
"the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh will threaten the lives of millions of Americans." Apparently because somehow in that busy schedule, Kavanaugh still finds time to commit recreational genocide.
In truth (a word which causes Progressives to writhe and smoke like
vampires caught in sunlight) Kavanaugh has an exceptionally
distinguished record of strict adherence to the Constitution, with his
legal opinions completely unsullied by his personal political beliefs.
According to our nation's founders, that's how the Supreme Court is supposed to work, and we look forward to Judge Kavanaugh's service for a long, long time.
Not soon enough, Ruthie.
Plus, he doesn't even speak English.
Stilton says:
Today, President Donald Trump has promised to announce his nominee for
the Supreme Court seat being vacated by justice Anthony Kennedy. At the
time of this writing, we don't know specifically who that nominee will
be ~ but thanks to the left-leaning media, we have a pretty good idea of
what to expect.
Apparently Trump's pick will be rabidly opposed to civil rights,
human rights, women's rights, LGBT rights, women's sacred right to puree
the unborn, and the right of every human being on Earth to claim asylum
and hefty financial support for simply existing in the United States.
fact, the nominee will - according to all reports ~ be against
civilization and decency in general, and enable Trump to turn the entire
planet into a living Hell in which women are enslaved and degraded, and
men are forced ~ under pain of death ~ to wear ludicrous comb-overs.
Oh sure, there's a small body of thought that Mr. Trump may instead just choose a splendid legal mind who is well-versed in Constitutional law and our nation's founding principles (as he did with his previous pick) but this optimistic view isn't getting a lot of play in the media.
we expect to be delighted with Trump's choice no matter who he or she
turns out to be. Because after enduring decades of pointless, lying
political slogans which had no meaning whatsoever, we now believe that
we've got a President whose sole purpose really is to "make America great again.
And we're betting his Supreme Court nominee will prove it.
Then again, he can be unpredictable...
Entrance to Sombrio Beach, a 45 minute drive from here. Hopefully I am now able to get to more of these beaches again now that I am getting fitter. Time will tell.
Most of the EU teams are composed primarily of African soccer mercenaries.
One of those divers who was in on the rescue was a Canadian, Erik Brown, from Langley, BC, a suburb of Vancouver.
The Time cover we will never see
Natural Resources Africa has the world's largest reserves:
ReplyDelete97% of world copper reserves
80% of those of coltan
50% of those of cobalt
57% of that of gold
20% of those of iron and copper
23% of those of uranium and phosphates
32% of those of manganese
41% of those of vanadium
49% of platinum
60% of those of diamonds
14% of oil
among many other raw materials.
This continent has a great wealth of energy resources:
_The Arab countries, Algeria, Nigeria and other states of Black Africa have large deposits of oil and natural gas._
_Water resources are also very important, but they are less used._
_For the food sector, Africa has fertile land, forests and large fishing banks. Most of these resources are under-exploited or transferred to foreign companies._
Africa is like a Rothschild who would sleep on its gold reserves and come to seek economic asylum in France, the RSA, social security and allowances to not start its pretty little money.
_ * Note that despite all that, the colonists have looted Africa is not it.
* (the roosters swallow the oxen is known ... Europe is 4 312 099 km2, Africa is 30.37 million km² but we would have "looted Africa" but they would remain more than half of planetary resources, ha ha ha) *
* Despite these indisputable facts blackmail is permanent, to the point of having to gorge themselves on "economic refugees" coming from the richest continent of the planet.
As a bonus, be insulted EVERY DAY of stingy, racist, avaricious, self-contained on the part of a continent that hunts white for 60 years and who practices at home the right to blood!
African Think Tanks, the Jeune Afrique newspaper, the UN, Wikipedia and hundreds of diversity journalists as well as all the experts in the world confirm this disturbing data.
Imagine these mass-circulation statistics, all it takes is a photocopier and a paper cutter, then let those leaflets hang in the locker room, in public transport, in public places, etc.
It is a shame to have almost 50% of the world's natural resources, 60% of the world's arable land, to turn dirty slugs, and ultimately do nothing to do with all this, for the next day to come to beg the lodging and the cover for dirty whites by treating them of all the names.
Sorry but since I was born in France I get insulted by Africans who live at home in parasites and at my expense. It is therefore normal that with their insults, their delinquency (80% of crimes and offenses are committed by Africans) and their permanent blackmail, we are fed up, we can only love those who are kind and African masters in Europe have not been friendly at all for 60 years.
My best friend is North African but he is an exception, he is cultivated, intelligent, grateful, well educated, at the opposite extreme of 99% of Africans coming to invade Europe against the wishes of more than 70% of Europeans ( according to polls 70% of Europeans are allergic to any additional immigration)
It's normal to feed, house, care for people who are much richer than you, who do not want to do anything and hate you openly.
I know North Africa very well, the French built everything in Algeria, take Google Strett View and visit Algiers the capital of Algeria, everything was built at the expense of the French metropolis.
In Algeria, Algerians respect everything, they are ultra-racist, ultra-nationalist and socialist. Once in Europe they become oddly anti-nationalist, anti-racist, ultra-communist and they destroy everything available to them where at home they would never dare to be destructive.
I repeat, we can only respect respectful people who respect you, 99% of Africans in Europe are not respected or respectable.
They are just master blackmailer
It's a shame, wherever Africans go they are hated, in China, in Russia, in Europe, in Australia, in Japan absolutely everywhere.
This is normal since everywhere they reproduce the same blackmail, the same predations, the same behaviors.
For the image of the great replacement, it is false, Africans hate the Europeans and do not support to see in Africa, any more than they support the Turks, the Chinese or any other ethnic group.
ReplyDeleteAfricans invade Europe but there is no alternative land for Europeans, the only solution for Europeans is to suffer from being sub-citizens, become and treated as strangers in their own country. (no go zones etc..)
My compliments on your selection of the cartoon showing Uncle Sam trying to force-feed a baby a bottle of industrial infant formula and saying, "It's better for you than your mom's milk." The report of that attempt by the Americans to sabotage a WHO resolution in favour of breast-feeding was the most revolting news item that I have read in some time (and should serve to moderate your hero-worship of Mr. Trump). I also like the one showing a nasty-looking doggie with the caption "Intruders welcome. Dog food is expensive." Can't say I like dogs myself, but it was an entertaining cartoon.
ReplyDeleteGovernments take $44 from every $100 Canadian families earn
ReplyDeleteYou shouldn't think of it as government stealing money that belongs to you, that's just Fraser-Institute-speak. Try instead to think of it as the price that's paid for useful and essential services: keeping the roads in repair and clear of snow, picking up and disposing of the garbage, and, yes, our vital, our incomparable universal health care, for which we are the envy of the world!
ReplyDeleteThe carved fruit pictures were amazing, the hand holding the baby was my favorite.