To be honest, I could care less about this man. He does not speak to or for me but that is fine, my views on him are irrelevant. What I do care about is what he represents in this political world and what he is exposing; just as Trump has done, simply by stating his truths. Oh, and I am sure there is a little bit of self-promotion thrown in! The hatred tossed at him and, I imagine his wife, proves his intelligence in taking this public as he has.
I stumbled on a nice little batch of China/Africa relations cartoons.
As it should be.
Never was much of a Sears customer but the loss of their catalogue seems to be the loss of part of the foundation of America.
I am sure this is just a coincidence. Snort.
How is this our problem when we also have so many problems in Canada that need to be addressed?
Twelve minutes ago the Marijuana laws for Canada just switched over. I am celebrating with a protein drink and a vape. Celebrate? No, not really. I have seen this wretched day coming since 1965 when I was a very bad girl in the hippie movement and discussing the eventual creation of the BBBO (Better Boo Bureau of Ontario) as a joke. Now, here we are 50 years later and all these laws do is screw things up, as I predicted. There was need for some fixing, but this complete overhaul is just nasty for us old timers.
China is definitely bringing Hong Kong into the Communist fold, kicking and screaming all the way. Clamping down on freedoms enjoyed under British rule is not an easy thing.
THIS is Linda Sarsour, Feminist icon, supporter of Shariah in America. FEMINIST ICON!!!!!!!!
Faces of modern Communism.
Thank you, Elizabeth Warren.
I dare you to NOT laugh!
That smile is the definition of "smarmy".
Texas, you have been warned.
Somewhere in Basque
Can you imagine the sweetness of Liberal heads exploding were such a programme to be aired in North America? Just do it in the COPS tv show style. There IS a market for such a thing; what network will act first; I am sure someone else has considered it.
Plain nasty!
Somewhere in Latvia.
Huge difference however; she gets paid by George Soros for her tantrums!
This has to be one of the funniest images of the week. This sad creature is real and ... well, life comes back at you hard.
Is it just me or does this look like Mazie Hirono? All alone with her cat?
The daughter is a clone of her mother. Somehow I don't think there is much of a threat there.
Traitor much?
Powerful women: Pelosi, Samantha Bee, Stormy Daniels, Gloria Steinem, Barbara Streisand, Nikki Haley, more. Very interesting combination there. Oh, and for good measure, Anita Hill!
I apologize for the following series of disturbing Tweets. This is real and this goes on all over although some people are having many of these accounts closed down.
Sick and hateful.
Absolutely. No. Comment.
Somewhere in Scotland
No, that isn't Hillary ~ though she gets that a lot.
While most things in America seem to be improving under the Tump
administration, these are desperately hard times for satirists. How in
the world are we supposed to come up with stories more ridiculous than
those actually being presented as news?
As an October-appropriate example, the laughingly liberal Huffington Post is reporting that dozens of witches will gather in New York City a few days from now to put a hex on Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. The ceremony will include photos and effigies of Kavanaugh as well as graveyard dirt and coffin nails so everyone will know that the hex maniacs are taking this thing seriously.
The harpies see this as a "radical act of resistance," which they are doing entirely
for the benefit of the "oppressed, downtrodden and marginalized." So it
is merely coincidental that these politically woke witches have
sold $10 tickets to as many as a thousand people to attend the ritual,
even though their venue, "Catland," will only hold 60.
Not that the witches will keep all the money. They plan to give
25% of the take to an LGBTQ center for homeless youth, which probably
isn't a bad thing, and another 25% to the cackling cauldron-stirrers at
Planned Parenthood, a group which is more hellish than any coven could
ever hope to be.
Taken earlier today and why this post is up late: Me and two of my most favourite things in the world. That handsome baby who is just beginning to see faces and respond to voices and expressions and the brown fuzzy critter behind me, a sweet poodle, hanging over my shoulder hoping for a treat and more hugs. To be honest, this is the happiest photo I have seen of myself in decades. I wish you all peace.
Pareillement, Noor! Lovely shot of you and the grandson. All the best to you both.
DeleteAh ha . . . top shot of you & bubs there Noor.(I presume . . . . can't see why you'd put a random shot of a Nana & grandchild that weren't you & yours . . . .your'e not a Democrat after all !!) He obviously knows you.
ReplyDeleteOur daughter had a shit pregnancy - boyfriend was a real piece of work, winding her up constantly & getting into screaming matches. No matter how much we told them all that stress was being being felt / affecting the fetus it fell on deaf ears - (I shoulda buried the fucka in the woods!!) & he bailed 4 weeks after the birth (no loss at all)
When he was born the midwife said to my wife "oh he knows you" (The calm voice of reason during the pregnancy) & they have a bond like I've never seen with any other Nana / grandson I hope you & your grandson have a bond like that
Another top collection of material - I don't know how you manage !!
Chris in Christchurch, N.Z.
Thank you for your kind words. I have my links collected now; it is time consuming though. Collect, sort, tidy up, label, post, etc etc.
DeleteAs for me and baby, I adore him. That photo he is making his first sounds beyond crying and trying to maneuver his lips into a smile.
Mom waited for the right man; when she was a kid she wanted to be a trophy wife LOL. She worked hard and met the perfect guy. They were both from the same town, a lot of overlapping friends and acquaintances. They are just a solid couple. When they got pregnant their condo got sold and they bought a home here in town. I like that she has a solid mate who is giving her the opportunity to grow a successful family with him. LOL Pity he is such a Liberal! We do NOT discuss politics. Yet. Hah!
And you have a grandson to adore also. They are innocent and full of love.
If you haven't watched it, check out "Empire of Dust," a doc about a Chinese company trying to rebuild a main road in the DRC that had been built by Belgium, but allowed to fall into disrepair. The Chinese hire locals for most of the work and that is an ongoing clash of cultures, as the Chinese actually expect them to work, while the locals want to get paid for leaning on shovels. And their national pastime is stealing, mostly fuel, from the company.
May the World the Child inherits be a good one.
ReplyDeletePeace be unto You