Possibly one of the most cutting images I have posted ever.
Liberals were outraged at Pence's stance. He was merely being smart.
And there it is. Syria is asking its people to return and help rebuild the shattered nation. I doubt too many will be responding.
Available HERE.
Sent to a grieving Boer woman the day after her family was destroyed.
This is what those on the left think of Trump fans.

The hidden shredder.
Remember to Love Yourself.
And they might even skin a knee or two!
Nazi. Nazi. Not see. Unfortunately I can find little in English to add here but they are saying Bolsonaro is a far right Trump type so of course they pull out the Hitler/Nazi foolishness.
Wettlaufer, a serial murderer of senior citizens and McClintic, murderer of a beautiful little girl, each serves her sentence in idyllic surroundings, (A "Healing Lodge" below) angering the families of their victims, not to mention most Canadians who pay for this outrage.
I still haven't figured this one out yet, but she still plans to go Red so it doesn't matter.
Very nasty little stinker.
Sure looks like Chuckie Schumer
Brilliant observation.
A thinker's cartoon.
Frank Island off Chesterman Beach in Tofino. A truly mysterious little island that can make itself disappear into the mists at times. It is for sale but just a tad out of my reach being in the multiple millions.
A street painting in Sofia. Note the designs on her apron! "I spotted some graffiti on a railway bridge which read “Welcome to Sofia: city of beers, girls and graffiti”."
The Samson Option, Phase 1?
Europeans should be breeding and keeping more of these companions.
No. (((Surprises.))) Here.
Sigh. Huh? How do they even think this way?
This cartoonist is one I ignore 99% of the time. Her level of TDS is over the top. However, despite her attempt to slur her President, this one backfired.
Good chuckle, Joe.
Thanks again, James Perloff.
Pretty powerful imagery.
This person takes himself and his advocacy pretty seriously. He gets around. Hope it pays well.
Today she was fired. So sad.
Ms. Dumas is a writer for the Colbert Show.
Not sure how much I buy Rose's sincerity at this point. After all, she helped to create the #MeToo movement.
The Story of the Dean and the Four College
One night four college kids stayed out late,
partying and having a good time. They paid no mind to the test they had
scheduled for the next day and didn’t study. In the morning, they hatched a
plan to get out of taking their test. They covered themselves with grease and
dirt and went to the Dean’s office. Once there, they said they had been to a
wedding the previous night and on the way back they got a flat tire and had to
push the car back to campus.
The Dean listened to their tale of woe and thought.
He offered them a retest three days later. They thanked him and accepted his
offer at that time.
When the test day arrived, they went to the Dean.
The Dean put them all in separate rooms for the test. They were fine with this
since they had all studied hard. Then they saw the test. It had 2 questions:
1) Your Name __________ (1 Points);
2) Which tire burst? __________ (99 Points);
Options ~
(a) Front Left
(b) Front Right
(c) Back Left
(d) Back Right
The lesson: always be responsible and make wise
The nightmarish Kavanaugh
hearings are over; Brett Kavanaugh has finally been confirmed and was
immediately sworn in as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court.
So why aren't we feeling happier?
After all, we won and the Left lost, right? Right...?
Well, maybe not. Oh sure, we got
a great jurist on the Supreme Court, but that should have been a given with
broad bipartisan support (as has traditionally been the case). We only got what
was expected and, considering Kavanaugh's remarkable qualifications, more or
less inevitable.
But what did the Left gain from
all of this? Sadly, one heck of a lot. For starters, they permanently stained
the good name and reputation of Brett Kavanaugh, who now begins a lifetime of
being called "Rapey McRapeface" and being screamed at in public
places. The Democrats have additionally sullied the perceived legitimacy of the
Supreme Court itself, as well as insuring that in the future no sane person
will submit to a similar character-destroying gauntlet for the "privilege"
of doing public service.
On top of that, the feigned
outrage displayed by the Democrats over allegations even they don't
believe is generating millions of dollars in campaign contributions from
sheeple who have more dollars than sense.
But wait, there's more! Utterly
bereft of actual ideas for the betterment of our nation, the Democrat machine
runs on inspiring fear, hatred, and division in their simple-minded,
hyper-emotional electorate. And they've hit the motherlode with their Salem witch
trial against Justice Kavanaugh. Men are bad! White people are despicable! And
people who think it's even possible for a woman to lie or get facts
wrong are Nazier Nazis than the original Nazis.
The Left is telling the dimmest
of their followers (and their number is legion) that those on the Right don't
listen to women. But we did ~ and bent over backwards to make Dr. Ford feel
comfortable and unthreatened while she delivered every jot and tittle of her
"recovered memories" testimony. And then, we listened to other
women...like Ford's lifelong friend Leland Keyser who, rather than being a
witness for Dr. Ford, asserted that she had no memory of the alleged party, nor
of ever meeting Brett Kavanaugh. And this despite heavy pressure to change her story
to one less truthful.
Another woman we listened to was
Rachel Mitchell, an Arizona sex crimes prosecutor who, presumably, is against
sex crimes. She asked Dr. Ford a number of basic questions, gently and
respectfully...and concluded that her story had unacceptable inconsistencies.
Democrats chose not to
listen to those women, preferring instead to evangelize for a purge by fire of
all men, white people, and Republicans in the November midterms.
And they are delighted
with their Machiavellian mendacity, and have given not a thought to the
destruction of the lives of both Justice Kavanaugh and the likely psychologically
challenged Dr. Ford.
Still, even though we're feeling
more melancholy than joy at the moment, there is a deeper and more profound
feeling of satisfaction that we'd be remiss not to mention. Specifically, the
knowledge that the Supreme Court has just taken a huge and hopefully
long-lasting step to again become a moderate body which doesn't make
laws, but rather carefully weighs the constitutionality of the laws brought
before it.
That's huge ~ and we hope this
truth burns those on the Left like Holy Water splashed on those who are demon
possessed. Which, frankly, we think is pretty likely to be the case here.
The classy FLOTUS
Thanks for these, Noor. I particularly enjoy the one showing the state-of-the art clothes-drying device powered by impeccably renewable energy sources, combined wind and solar!