February 16, 2010
The Goon Squad
Greg Bacon
In 2009, 2.8 million American families lost their homes to foreclosure.
In 2008, 3,000,000 American families lost their homes to foreclosure.
Another 9,000,000 million Americans are predicted to lose their homes in the next few years.
The solution? Move to Apartheid Israel and get a beautiful new home, built with your tax money on land stolen from the indigenous Palestinians!
Don't worry about those Palestinians getting 'uppity' and demanding their land back, the US Senate, House, Pentagon and the White House will make sure Apartheid Israel gets to keep everything it has stolen!
To all those American families that have lost their homes and are now living in tents, panhandling on the streets for spare change and digging through trash looking for something to eat, be grateful and give thanks that your tax money is being given to support and prop up Apartheid Israel!
In other words, two groups pay through the nose for Israel's bounty of homes.
The first are the hapless Palestinians who are routinely bulldozed or burned out of their homes as part of Israel's slow planned ethnic cleansing and settlement building occupation of their land. Even though they have documentation proving the home and land is theirs, the paperwork is almost always rejected at court as valid. The theory here is that no one notices one or two houses a day being stolen because for one thing it is "old hat" and becomes invisible to world populace after awhile unlike a huge bloody purge.
Second you have the American working and middle class who have lost their jobs due to an economy that has been fatally slashed and now bleeds to death as the result of the planned assassination of the American manufacturing base. Add to that the greed of Wall Street where, as with all other Depressions, been planned by the bankers with the intention of grabbing back as much of America as possible can as part of the reshaping of the American geopolitical landscape
Housing continues to appreciate in Israel, average apartment in Tel Aviv worth around $500,000 dollars.
More Homeless Americans Living in Cars and Campers
The Goon Squad
Greg Bacon
In 2009, 2.8 million American families lost their homes to foreclosure.
In 2008, 3,000,000 American families lost their homes to foreclosure.
Another 9,000,000 million Americans are predicted to lose their homes in the next few years.
The solution? Move to Apartheid Israel and get a beautiful new home, built with your tax money on land stolen from the indigenous Palestinians!
Don't worry about those Palestinians getting 'uppity' and demanding their land back, the US Senate, House, Pentagon and the White House will make sure Apartheid Israel gets to keep everything it has stolen!
To all those American families that have lost their homes and are now living in tents, panhandling on the streets for spare change and digging through trash looking for something to eat, be grateful and give thanks that your tax money is being given to support and prop up Apartheid Israel!
In other words, two groups pay through the nose for Israel's bounty of homes.
The first are the hapless Palestinians who are routinely bulldozed or burned out of their homes as part of Israel's slow planned ethnic cleansing and settlement building occupation of their land. Even though they have documentation proving the home and land is theirs, the paperwork is almost always rejected at court as valid. The theory here is that no one notices one or two houses a day being stolen because for one thing it is "old hat" and becomes invisible to world populace after awhile unlike a huge bloody purge.
Second you have the American working and middle class who have lost their jobs due to an economy that has been fatally slashed and now bleeds to death as the result of the planned assassination of the American manufacturing base. Add to that the greed of Wall Street where, as with all other Depressions, been planned by the bankers with the intention of grabbing back as much of America as possible can as part of the reshaping of the American geopolitical landscape
Housing continues to appreciate in Israel, average apartment in Tel Aviv worth around $500,000 dollars.
More Homeless Americans Living in Cars and Campers
May God drop a meteorite on "bibi netanyahu" right in his living room when heinz dr. strangelove kissinger is visiting.