Wednesday, 18 April 2012


The crew from the Nevada Bunny Ranch support Ron Paul


Mantiq al-Tayr

The competition in the GOP now is to become the VP nominee to run on the Mitt Romney ticket. Ron Paul has been watching Romney’s back for quite some time and I think it is part of cutting a deal with Romney for either Paul’s goofy son Ran, or for Ron himself, to be the VP candidate. So he’s got to start sucking up in public to Israel. 

This is why Chris Christie was bending and spreading in Israel a couple of weeks ago. Since no dissent on Israel is allowed in either party, potential VP candidates are getting their gefilte fish in a row to prove their “qualifications” to be Israel’s number 2 man in Washington.

Some people no doubt think my title is harsh. But for decades now one of the issues I feel the most strongly about has been tossed in the trash by candidate after candidate ~ to include that jerk face from Georgia Jimmy Carter. 

So now that Paul has shown he is ready to follow the same road, he can go straight to hell. I’m not surprised, I’ve seen it coming for a while, but I’m reserve the right to be pissed and to fight back.
The Zionist lobby has never been more powerful and it is all encompassing. To borrow some phraseology from the Quran (2:115) “To the Israeli lobby belongs the left and the right, withersoever ye turn, there is the face of Foxman.”
Ron Paul you can go straight to hell you rotten Israel-supporting dirt bag. You are an infidel in the most literal meaning of the word and I hope that everyone in the alternative blogosphere turns on you.

And if/when you or another total turn-coat Israeli suck up like Chris Christie is chosen as the VP candidate to run under the umbrella of lying Israel-Firster-infested Mitt Romney everyone will see you for what you really are. I’m surprised you weren’t one of the whores those arrogant bastards in the SS (the Secret Service) were banging in Cartagena.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. But the executive branch can do whatever the fuck it wants while leaving rich Israeli-massacre-supporting movie stars alone.
Have a nice day.

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