Unless you are Canadian. In that instance, DON'T vote red.
This is me about the time I saw my first depictions of nuclear war. I can truly say that was one of the most terrifying moments of my life although I did not realize it at the time.
Traditional family of the 1950's, Dad coming home from work, the smell of dinner coming from the open screen door. A few weeks later, the one in the hat gave the curly headed brother to his best friend and they proceeded to varnish (remember varnish?) his curls. Then he gave him away as a punching bag. ("But Mom, Bobby's my friend; he is just my brother")
Funny to look at those little boys and realize they are in their sixties now; as the eldest sibling, however, let us not discuss my age. I am feeling it all too well after my fall the other day. Both knees are a mess and all that lightness I have been enjoying from my weight loss has dissipated; every move hurts. However, how much worse would it be had I not done this fasting?
I wouldn’t be surprised if he was arrested wearing an “I Love Deplorables” t-shirt, MAGA cap, and sporting a big ol’ “Kill a Commie for Christ” button pinned to his shirt. I’m not buying the spoon-fed media narrative for a nano-second. The whole thing stinks of a pre-planned Deep State setup. Having the government and media pee on your leg and tell you it’s raining year after year tends to make you a tad leery when it comes to trusting them. Color me skeptical…extremely skeptical.
A little history.
Sigh. More idiocy regarding these bomb threats.
Amazingly, despite all the urging to violence from the ilk of the Democratic party, Trump is being blamed for these bomb threats. By proxy, every single Trump supporter or Conservative is a sheet-wearing racist.
Hear! Hear!
It is demeaning to Canada for our PM to even be DISCUSSING his private parts let alone utter such complete idiocy!
And still they come.
The token ginger.
Yes, a real ad campaign in NYC that tells Trump folk what the city thinks about them. Who would want to visit?
But the divine (((Sarah Silverman))) gets away with this. Not a peep from anyone.
The owner of Mountain co-op has realized that PoC don't get out into the forest the way White folk do and the issue must be addressed. He feels guilt for using primarily white models over the years and plans to drag his company into modern diversity.
Yep, if you love your country you are Southern KKK!
Good morning, Noor. So sorry to learn that you have suffered a fall and wrecked your knees! Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
ReplyDeleteI think my favourite cartoon this week is the one showing a pudgy Adam and Eve enjoying a quiet picnic under the tree and Eve politely declining the apple offered by the snake. What might have been!
What do you bet that your hero, Trump, uses the false flag bomb scare to implement antisemitism laws?
ReplyDeleteAnd the Drumpfters will acquiesce and suggest it is the best for the country.
Are you all in, Noor?
This Canadian, once again, reiterates, Trump is not my hero as you might think. But EVERY GODDAM DAY I get up and am grateful the world is still here; it would not be had the alternative prevailed. EVERY GODDAM DAY. For that we all owe him gratitude.
DeleteYou should know me better than that rather than toss such foolish accusations regarding such laws my way. All I do is post what I find, what appeals to me, makes me smile.
Sadly, it seems TDS has made you bitter.
Not much to laugh at or about this week. We need tragics instead of comics occasionally. All the commotion over non-bombs which contained some mysterious something according to Wray. Then while a certain disappointment that no one was blown up prevailed, eleven Jews are killed . . . Probably if real bombs had blown up their intented "victims", the killer of Jews would have waited for a better time. Thus we can blame the body builder for something else. I guess for being stupid. The Jew killer can at least claim he was avenging the Palestinian children. Those targeted by the fake bombs if they had been destroyed would have resulted in some amazing funerals and many rambling elegies and other extravagances. But imagine the world without the Clintons and de Niro! Without Biden . . . body builder guy would have become a folk hero for many. In fact why has fate spared whom it has and preserved whom it has? Wouldn't we trade Obama, Waters and Holder for the 97 year old who was probably a very interesting character? On Mount Olympus various gods debated the matter and chose the Jews over the celebrities because they have something else in mind for them. I can hardly wait!
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear about your accident. I hope you're not eating too many completely useless carbs? Only protein and fats build your body. Carbs provide no nutrition and have to be converted into fat before they can be used for energy. If you just eat half a stick of butter every morning you save yourself that step, plus cholesterol is the best thing for your skin .
If you drink raw milk, eat raw eggs and especially raw beef liver or veal liver, you'll recover much faster. Cut the liver into small pieces and chew it uncooked; it's gooey in the mouth but if it's good, organic liver, it will taste good; once you chew and swallow it, it digests perfectly, the best digestion you ever had and no gas whatsoever, your body letting you know it got exactly what it needed.
You can also do this: cut two pieces of bite sized liver; sear one piece for 10 seconds on each side and eat it mostly raw straight out of the pan and then eat the raw piece immediately afterwards. If you're worried about "bad bacteria," you can eat one Allicin tablet
with each raw meal for insurance, but the germ theory of disease isn't half as valid as it's purported to be.
~ Negentropic