Wednesday 26 July 2023

WEDNESDAY DROP: WOKE:Willingly Overlooking Known Evil: JULY 26. 2023


#24 and #3 combined.
Very poor design

Trying to look like a regular person. The pearls and the $2500 sneakers give away the game. All the money in the world and this woman still looks like a grumpy frump.
Remember when Justin's hair was used to pull in votes? Hair = virility = leadership was the equation they were working with. They have been sexing up Poilievre for the past while and here we go. They are aiming for the female vote here.

Her bullying a really decent man leaves her at least partially guilty for his demise. She ruined his life.

Chinese agents? Justin and Olivia


I had four brothers. How could I not know what these are?

Proof that today's Democrats come from down below...

Nice pendant, Hillary. Oooh, Tim has one just like it.

Seems that arsonists are everywhere; this sounds like the situation in Canada.
This is not what people pay a small fortune to see at these events. They go to have fun and forget reality for awhile.

Opening lines to Adventures of a British Spy, one of the articles listed at the bottom of this page

On the dark side, she knew she should not reproduce.

Silver Rill Corn Farm just up Island. No summer is complete without at least one feed of their wonderful corn. (organic)

Caught plainly on film.

Just like in Canada

Way to go, Blake.


From The Frankfurt School: Conspiracy to Corrupt, on the list of articles at the bottom of the page.

The work of the father of the three infamous Emanuel brothers.

Israel is pulling itself apart at the moment. Perhaps Kissinger's predictions of a decade left are coming true.

What a horrible city parent. When the kids become monsters he will wonder what went wrong.

Where are Snow's delicate facial features and silky white skin with apples in her cheeks?

This is what I imagine a catamite looks like. A lost soul, decadent beyond belief. This particular young man is extremely lost and bruised to the core beneath it all.

Would you date this fine woman? Check those tats. And that smug arrogance. And how did she get that crazy neck?

A bucking bronco. No fancy braided manes here.

Harvey was not the man they tried to memorialize him as being. He was no martyr.

Actually, as with the Budd Lite situation, the silent majority is proving it is not so silent.

Somewhere in Norway
This one gets by on cute not brains.

THIS is scary stuff

I understand the emotions here... Do not like that X

Elon's mother is right in with the Illuminati symbolism

The Italian mastiff, the Cane Corso, an ancient breed that trotted along with the Caesars on their various military campaigns.



They are at it again


  1. I love Nova Scotia... but if that weasel in Ottawa wins another election and ESPECIALLY if Western Canda votes to leave Canada improper... I'm heading west.
    I got talking to a clerk at Canadian Tire who took the clot shot and is now regretting that. I gave him a few URL's to look into to repair his body. Because of this and our crazy Canadian economy under Trudeau, he is urging young married couples to remain childless.

  2. Hola Noor!
    Muchas gracias for all those excellent posts on the killer Covid "vaxx", and the even better ones on the humongous moron Turd'Oh! I could never have imagined that one day he would be even more despised by the huge majority of Canadians than his slime-bucket predecessors Lying Brian and the NuttyYahoo-@$$-kissing Harpersnake. Oy Vey!!!

  3. Those rolls of things in No. 91 are CAPS, of course! (Yeah, I'm pretty old!)

    1. In German they are called "Platzpatronen", maybe translate as >blanks<.
      I am pretty old, too. I only had one brother, but he was enough for four, dear Noor! Sincerely another grandma

  4. $2500 ? lol ...
    and sexing up 'lil pp ? he's looking like a cross-eyed derp without his glasses.

  5. if ai is so good why do they have to use brain cells to make it better

  6. "Why do these images exist?"

    Because they represent the thruth.
    These are representations, of what jews did to caucasian children in the past, given the chance.

    They hate our race so much, because they keep saying they're the chosen ones, but can't compete with our caucasian masculinity or the beauty of our women and children.

    Their men are creepy and ugly, and their wifes and children are abominations, only a mother would love.
    Mother Nature usually abolishes her mistakes, but unfortunately she let the ugliest of people live...


  7. "Rothshild Family Business List "

    This must be a joke, right?!?
    Look up Blackrock, State Street and Vanguard.
    They are biggest investment funds in the world.
    They control EVERYTHING. If one owns Coca-Cola, the other owns Pepsi.
    Left or right, they control every company producing our food, drinks, medicine, cars, clothes, music and everything else you can think of.

    And guess who owns them? Right, the ones who can't be named...
    That's how they managed to get the cancerous aspartame in drinks, and fluoride in drinking water for decades.
    They control "our" politicians and elections. That's how they got an idiot like Trudeau in control.

    They've been trying to kill us caucasians for centuries, and we're still here.



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