Just Get There!
Les Visible | Dog Poet Transmitting
The Perfect Storm approaches as reptile leaders Netanyahoo, Barak and Peres plan out the critical false flag event that they will need to force America into attacking Iran for them, just as they did with Afghanistan and Iraq.
Iran has no nuclear weapons program, Israel does and Israel lets no weapons inspectors into their facilities. They are not a signatory to the nuclear arms pact while everyone else in the world seems to be.
Meanwhile Israel practices daily genocide upon the indigenous residents of the land which they have forced into ghettos that are ringed by murderous settlers who use them for target practice.
The bogeyman is appearing everywhere all of a sudden. The dead Bin Laden is making speeches, moon-walking like Baron Samedi or an Egyptian mummy if you prefer that image. Ayman al-Zawahri is broadcasting from an undisclosed location as an unidentified Mossad or CIA agent and the non-existent Al Qaeda is marching over mountains and across the seas and even walking in sky as they trot out their state of the art communications system that has everyone in the non-existent organization in constant contact with all their non-existent associates.
The FBI keeps getting caught running false flag operations and had the misfortune of lying to the New York City Police Commissioner who swept into the ‘setup’ and found… wait for it… nothing at all. Now the FBI is leaking all sorts of embarrassing information about New York City cops as a payback.
The economy is in the toilet. The Federal Reserve says they are not going to let investigators look at their cooked books. Apparently, the Rothschild’s, who own the Federal Reserve, the Rockefellers, the Windsors, and J.P. Morgan and maybe the whole world (who knows?) aren’t happy with the demands that they show the world how much they’ve been stealing and for how long. The last time there was pressure for transparency with The Fed, ‘somebody’ shot the president.
The stock market is a marvel to behold. There’s no reason for it to be going up and so on and so forth, so we have to assume that Goldman Sachs and their kindred from the deep places in Mordor are artificially stroking the market until they can get to the point where they can unload all that useless paper on the public yet again.
Mikhail Shashkavili is swaggering around like a belligerent drunk at 5’ 2” and a hundred and twenty pounds, making noises like he’s going to have a cage match with a 900 pound bear. Georgia is one big Zionist summer camp so it’s no surprise what’s going on there.
Over and over the crack whore press repeats the lie that Ahmanedijad has threatened to wipe Israel off the map. Over and over they get busted for lying and they’re still at it. We’re hearing the usual lies about thousands of people being tortured and murdered in secret Iranian prisons. We’re hearing about how the election was fraudulent but it wasn’t. We’ve heard that Ahmanedijad is more dangerous that Hitler and yadda, yadda.

There’s only one predator nation that is responsible for all of the Mid-East chaos and that is Israel. They casually murder Palestinian women and children in front of the world; you are not allowed to believe your lying eyes. The Palestinians are squeezed into ever smaller areas while being denied medical treatment, food, well… anything they need they are denied.
They are harvesting the organs of these captive people as if they were livestock and there was a demand for sweetbreads. It could be a culinary thing. It doesn’t have to be transplants. You have to analyze what would be the most evil thing and then you pretty much have it.
This is the time of unveiling so we are seeing it all. The psychopaths are exposing themselves by their behavior each and every day. The whole world is coming to see what’s happening. An arrogant moron who was not legally elected once is replaced by a Mr. Slick who was going to put an end to the warmongering and… he expanded the operations.
High ranking members of the CIA went on record and said there was no Al Qaeda. It was a creation of the neo-cons that acted as a straw man for a public with straw in their heads.
Members of intelligence services around the world; in Italy, Japan and other locations have all said that 9/11 was an Inside Job. Moving right along…
This ‘is’ The Apocalypse and time is getting short for the long time miscreants who have visited so much suffering and terror upon people around the world. They’ve got thirty balls in the air as well as some chainsaws and flaming bowling pins and they’re coming down the street talking about Swine Flu; Al Qaeda, Pakistani insurgents, Iranian nuclear weapons programs and anything they can think of in a desperate attempt to get you to believe that they are not the responsible parties behind just about every bad thing going on anywhere at any time.
It seems to me that you have to be honest to see the truth. If you are not honest then your perspective is skewered by your dishonesty and denial. This is why they can’t tell the truth and why a certain portion of the public can’t believe the truth. Every day the magnitude of the lies and the dreadful behavior of the few are being seen more widely and more deeply into.
Given all of the things I’ve pointed out here it seems pretty certain that any day now… any day now they are going to launch a series of violent actions that can be blamed on the people they want to destroy because… because that is what they do.
They’re made differently than you or I. They aren’t human. They wear the mask but a beast is behind the mask. It’s an ancient thing that has moved through the human herd for centuries and centuries. It’s coming out now and they don’t know what to make of it. They managed well over the years as they set traps and practiced treachery, accusing whomever they pleased of the actions they committed themselves. Things aren’t going according to plan though.
Wherever you are is wherever you are. I don’t know what to tell you about that. I’d stay out of the cities though. These people are serious and completely devoid of conscience. Look at what they have done in previous decades. When you can print the money you can call the tune. When you can print the money you can decide who gets the money. Since no one can see what you are doing you can do anything you want. It’s a nice setup.
I don’t know how it’s going to shake out but it’s coming to a head. I can’t lose the feeling that they are going to shoot themselves in the foot. The cat’s been out of the bag for awhile now.
The awareness of the sleeping public increases every day. They’ve got away with it for a long time. Maybe they will continue to and maybe they won’t. I’m thinking there’s more going on thaN they or we know about.
We’ll see.
End Transmission…….
Les Visible | Dog Poet Transmitting
The Perfect Storm approaches as reptile leaders Netanyahoo, Barak and Peres plan out the critical false flag event that they will need to force America into attacking Iran for them, just as they did with Afghanistan and Iraq.
Iran has no nuclear weapons program, Israel does and Israel lets no weapons inspectors into their facilities. They are not a signatory to the nuclear arms pact while everyone else in the world seems to be.
Meanwhile Israel practices daily genocide upon the indigenous residents of the land which they have forced into ghettos that are ringed by murderous settlers who use them for target practice.
The bogeyman is appearing everywhere all of a sudden. The dead Bin Laden is making speeches, moon-walking like Baron Samedi or an Egyptian mummy if you prefer that image. Ayman al-Zawahri is broadcasting from an undisclosed location as an unidentified Mossad or CIA agent and the non-existent Al Qaeda is marching over mountains and across the seas and even walking in sky as they trot out their state of the art communications system that has everyone in the non-existent organization in constant contact with all their non-existent associates.
The FBI keeps getting caught running false flag operations and had the misfortune of lying to the New York City Police Commissioner who swept into the ‘setup’ and found… wait for it… nothing at all. Now the FBI is leaking all sorts of embarrassing information about New York City cops as a payback.
The economy is in the toilet. The Federal Reserve says they are not going to let investigators look at their cooked books. Apparently, the Rothschild’s, who own the Federal Reserve, the Rockefellers, the Windsors, and J.P. Morgan and maybe the whole world (who knows?) aren’t happy with the demands that they show the world how much they’ve been stealing and for how long. The last time there was pressure for transparency with The Fed, ‘somebody’ shot the president.
The stock market is a marvel to behold. There’s no reason for it to be going up and so on and so forth, so we have to assume that Goldman Sachs and their kindred from the deep places in Mordor are artificially stroking the market until they can get to the point where they can unload all that useless paper on the public yet again.
Mikhail Shashkavili is swaggering around like a belligerent drunk at 5’ 2” and a hundred and twenty pounds, making noises like he’s going to have a cage match with a 900 pound bear. Georgia is one big Zionist summer camp so it’s no surprise what’s going on there.
Over and over the crack whore press repeats the lie that Ahmanedijad has threatened to wipe Israel off the map. Over and over they get busted for lying and they’re still at it. We’re hearing the usual lies about thousands of people being tortured and murdered in secret Iranian prisons. We’re hearing about how the election was fraudulent but it wasn’t. We’ve heard that Ahmanedijad is more dangerous that Hitler and yadda, yadda.

There’s only one predator nation that is responsible for all of the Mid-East chaos and that is Israel. They casually murder Palestinian women and children in front of the world; you are not allowed to believe your lying eyes. The Palestinians are squeezed into ever smaller areas while being denied medical treatment, food, well… anything they need they are denied.
They are harvesting the organs of these captive people as if they were livestock and there was a demand for sweetbreads. It could be a culinary thing. It doesn’t have to be transplants. You have to analyze what would be the most evil thing and then you pretty much have it.
Anyone who can drop a million cluster bombs
on the people of Lebanon AFTER peace
had been agreed on
is capable of anything.
Bombing UN outposts? No problem.
Driving large extended families
out of their residences and
machine-gunning them
down in the streets? All in a days work.
on the people of Lebanon AFTER peace
had been agreed on
is capable of anything.
Bombing UN outposts? No problem.
Driving large extended families
out of their residences and
machine-gunning them
down in the streets? All in a days work.
Strapping children to the hoods
of their vehicles, while they
look for people with white flags
to assault with white phosphorus
and DIME weapons; it’s a piece of cake.
of their vehicles, while they
look for people with white flags
to assault with white phosphorus
and DIME weapons; it’s a piece of cake.
This is the time of unveiling so we are seeing it all. The psychopaths are exposing themselves by their behavior each and every day. The whole world is coming to see what’s happening. An arrogant moron who was not legally elected once is replaced by a Mr. Slick who was going to put an end to the warmongering and… he expanded the operations.
High ranking members of the CIA went on record and said there was no Al Qaeda. It was a creation of the neo-cons that acted as a straw man for a public with straw in their heads.
Members of intelligence services around the world; in Italy, Japan and other locations have all said that 9/11 was an Inside Job. Moving right along…
Like I said, this is a time of unveiling.
This ‘is’ The Apocalypse and time is getting short for the long time miscreants who have visited so much suffering and terror upon people around the world. They’ve got thirty balls in the air as well as some chainsaws and flaming bowling pins and they’re coming down the street talking about Swine Flu; Al Qaeda, Pakistani insurgents, Iranian nuclear weapons programs and anything they can think of in a desperate attempt to get you to believe that they are not the responsible parties behind just about every bad thing going on anywhere at any time.
It seems to me that you have to be honest to see the truth. If you are not honest then your perspective is skewered by your dishonesty and denial. This is why they can’t tell the truth and why a certain portion of the public can’t believe the truth. Every day the magnitude of the lies and the dreadful behavior of the few are being seen more widely and more deeply into.
Given all of the things I’ve pointed out here it seems pretty certain that any day now… any day now they are going to launch a series of violent actions that can be blamed on the people they want to destroy because… because that is what they do.
They kill and maim.
They bankrupt and release diseases and toxins.
They bankrupt and release diseases and toxins.
They’re made differently than you or I. They aren’t human. They wear the mask but a beast is behind the mask. It’s an ancient thing that has moved through the human herd for centuries and centuries. It’s coming out now and they don’t know what to make of it. They managed well over the years as they set traps and practiced treachery, accusing whomever they pleased of the actions they committed themselves. Things aren’t going according to plan though.
Wherever you are is wherever you are. I don’t know what to tell you about that. I’d stay out of the cities though. These people are serious and completely devoid of conscience. Look at what they have done in previous decades. When you can print the money you can call the tune. When you can print the money you can decide who gets the money. Since no one can see what you are doing you can do anything you want. It’s a nice setup.
I don’t know how it’s going to shake out but it’s coming to a head. I can’t lose the feeling that they are going to shoot themselves in the foot. The cat’s been out of the bag for awhile now.
The awareness of the sleeping public increases every day. They’ve got away with it for a long time. Maybe they will continue to and maybe they won’t. I’m thinking there’s more going on thaN they or we know about.
We’ll see.
End Transmission…….
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