Over 3,000 people died that September day with a further 4,000 American soldiers and 1,000 contractors in Iraq. Well over a million innocent Iraqi men, woman and children now rot in their graves. Hundreds of thousands are so disfigured, injured or full of poisons death will be a relief. Along with the deaths, we now have over 25,000 American soldiers horribly wounded, some for life.
Many many thousands of them, thanks to exposure to DU, will sire generations of physically challenged descendants. And for what? The globalist gambits of greedy, evil-minded men in expensive suits and ties ~ some of whom you see smiling on TV to this very day! America also lost many of its freedoms that day as those things were all part of the plan, even if people did not know what was in the cards at that fateful time.
The conclusion is inescapable anymore: 9/11 was in fact, an INSIDE JOB perpetrated on the American people and the world. Multiple motives are behind it: The excuse to finish off Saddam Hussein once and for all. To steal the region’s oil by running oil pipelines through Afghanistan and from Iraq to Israel. To institute the New World Order on the America populace by removing our Constitutional Freedoms to unroll the North American Union and eventually, once the Stalinistic infrastructure is in place, an openly “Zionist/Noahide” regime. Most likely a combination of all these things to various degrees. Did I mention also an opportunity to destroy a culture and offer more burned sacrifices to our gods?
But just think about that day for a minute: Let’s say you were in one of those towers that bright, beautiful morning. After an explosion, out of the clear blue sky, you’re suddenly confronted by choosing death from burning alive or hurling yourself off a building 85 stories up. But if you were trapped someplace deep within in the building ~ then your only fate was to be blasted into smithereens in a explosive avalanche of cement and steel. Don’t the people who died this way deserve real justice instead of all the BS propaganda?
People, scared out of their living wits, cast themselves out into space ~ knowing full well they were going to die.
The people who did this, could care less about you or me. For them, we are nothing but ”Goyim” or cattle ~ utter nobodies ~ slave laborers or cannon fodder at best. If they could arrange it for you and your children to go fight their wars for them and die for them, so much the better. Since they know that they cannot continue to fool you forever with the terrorist mantra, they must think ahead and destroy any possible way for you to organize and bring them to justice. For this, they may have a lot of resources and money but, in the end, do not have right on their side.
Sooner or later, the people will indeed prevail, especially now that all the secrets are flooding out. The Internet has given us the chance to break free from the controlled media and compare notes, so to speak. And that’s why time is running short, whether you believe it all or not, because they cannot allow this kind of talk to go on for much longer. It’s the only conclusion, possible.
One of the biggest resources they have is owning the traitorous media, who have been quite careful and disingenious about this subject. Sure, they’ve covered the “incompetence angle” since this is relatively safe subject to cover (and yet no one has ever been fired or demoted over 9/11 so we know that’s a lie). If you look at the subjects they ignore or ridicule, you’ll see that the only possible explanation that fits everything across the board, is that it was a purposeful ”false-flag” attack on America to stir up our patriotism and committed by the very people who claim to have our best interests in mind. What a sad and sorry laugh.
As such, the American media is totally complicit in the whole affair. Editors and reporters all know this but realize that to cover any of it in-depth means serious career trouble, let alone getting it on the air. The Congress and Senate must also know all this, but are too afraid of speaking out for what it could mean to this country and them. And what it means is so frightful and startling that they cannot talk about it openly. This is so far beyond Nixon’s “dirty tricks” as to be a sickening to a person’s stomach.
We are being lied to. No question about it. There are people in Washington, New York and Tel Aviv right now, who are evil criminals and murderers, or accomplices to such men. The people behind all of this need to be ~ have to be ~ frog-marched, while wearing orange jump suits into court for the entire World to witness. Even if it’s the dam Pope himself!
The Globalists behind all of this and what they did that day, constitute a shadow government ~ made-up of a combined group of radical Zionists and elite Gentile traitors who have been the real power in the Western world. No group could have perpetrated such a plot, nor have covered it up unless such was the case.
This goes far beyond any “Big Oil” fatcats or “Military/Industrial” complex slimeballs (and yes, they are a big part). The only totally inclusive answer possible to the whole thing, is pretty much what the Neonazi and Skinheads have been saying all these years: The US is, in fact, under some degree of “Zionist Occupied Government” (ZOG) as we speak! There can be no question after 9/11.
Just look at who’s in charge of our Homeland Security (Chertoff) and our new Attorney General (Mukasey) ~ who made it in by the final efforts of the Jew Senators Chuck Schumer and Dianne Feinstein (a corrupt politician). Chertoff and Mukesey have many connections to 9/11. And look into the new Big Brother, anti-Free speech legislation coming up (S-1959) sponsored by the AIPAC-affiliated Jewess Jane Harman (D-CA) of Congress.
All this is just the tip of the iceberg. My whole dam blog has even more for you to read about! See “You Can’t Handle The Truth!” or the series on how they’re doing it to us: “You Need To Seriously Consider…”
Look at the people behind the Federal Reserve Banks and all the New World Order groups such as the Council of Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. Look at the connections to Great Britain, the Bank of England and the history of the Crown. What do you see? Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Kissinger. Sure, there’s a few others in the mix to varying degrees. These are the “Transnational Elites,” not only responsible for 9/11 (the radical Zionist part), but these are the exact same people behind turning this country into a Third-World mess with immigration, destruction of our financial system and the outright assassination of the middle class and decent wages for all.
And of course, we have our good buddies George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. Traitorous minions to the above (called “Shabbos Goys”). And these rich Jews are not the same types of Jews you chum around with, either. These are the hard-core, mega-wealthy Zionists, who’s only concern is for the State of Israel and certainly not for you, pal!
You think, for one minute, it could really be some secret “Big-Oil Nazi Neocons” and all still be ignored and ridiculed by the predominately Jew-owned media ~ the very same media that runs celebratory news stories and photo spreads about expanding globalist business in Third-world nations? If you do ~ then you just have to be the Goyim-sucker they think is out there.
People just don’t want to confront any of this. It scares them witless because of what it might mean to their little lives. That’s the big problem and that’s why such evil people can now get away with literally murder. People are only concerned about themselves and selfish to the point of utter idiocy. They cannot, will not, extrapolate out that such uncontested evil will one day catch-up to them, or their children, personally and in a big dam way!
Christians are not wired to sink to the bottom dwelling level of those who are taught to hate, steal and kill. We are taught to forgive, turn the other cheek, give another chance. They take full advantage of our communal naivete and use it against us.
The following list of facts about 9/11 will convince any of you of the hard, brutal truths of that day. There can be no denying it any longer. Research any of it. Together, these facts make up a searing indictment that can no longer be ignored by the public.
1) NORAD had a Hijacking Exercise scheduled for the exact day and probably the exact same hour. This was called operation Vigilant Warrior and covered up by the 9/11 commission until 2006. Also, the evidence strongly suggests that the NORAD/FAA controller tapes were tampered with to hide this fact.
NORAD appears to have stood down during the critical time period when it was obvious that attacks from the air were occurring. What are the chances of all this being a mere coincidence? This unbelievable congruence must be understood for what it was: A smokescreen purposefully used by the real plotters!
Interestingly, in London, on the day of the bombing, the very same sort of trial run was taking place there!
2) Such plots have been considered before. The Pentagon had a convoluted plan to blow up an Airliner near Cuba and blame it on Fidel Castro as an excuse to invade in 1962. Called “Operation Northwoods” it came close to Kennedy signing off on it but Robert Kennedy advised him against it.
The creators of PNAC, how America can take over the entire planet
3) In 1999, a report called “The Project for a New American Century” (PNAC) was signed off by numerous Pro-Israeli Neocons who are still in power today. In it, they described a ”Pearl Harbor type attack” as needed to galvanize the American public to go to war.
4) The CIA has a history of False Flag terrorist attacks such as Operation Gladio in Europe during the Cold War and in Chili (Kissinger was behind this). The Israeli MOSSAD does as well with the Lavon Affair in the ’50’s, and numerous other crimes since, like the fake Al-Qaeda cell created in the West Bank. Operation Gladio Insider on 9/11
5) A Pakistani Intelligence General, Mahmoud Aboud, was proving to have wired the Hijacker Mahammed Atta $100,000 and this is not even mentioned by the 9/11 Commission. He was also sitting in the offices of the giant Military/Industrial complex company the Carlye Group, along with George H. W. Bush, Sr. (Dubya’s dad), on the morning of 9/11.
6) The US Defense Intelligence agency had a computer team called ”Able Danger” who correctly pinpointed 2 sets of hijackers and their movements before 9/11 through “data mining” techniques. The info they discovered was purposefully suppressed (even hard drives erased), closed down by higher-ups and ignored by Zeilokow and the 9/11 Commision. It’s clear that a secret “wall” exists within our government and real efforts have been made before and after 9/11 to hide something extremely big.
7) The same Air Traffic controller, Pete Zalewski, just happened to handle BOTH Flight 11 and 175 and not only that, he was the very same controller for the unexplained ocean crash of the Egyptair flight 990 in 1999, loaded with top Egyptian military brass! On 9/11, he’s heard on the tapes questioning Flight 11 with the words ”…Yes, that’s maybe “real” traffic ~ nobody knows.” Is this in reference to a hijack exercise? And the supposed takeover of 175 does not occur until the moment it crosses over Flight 11’s path, already under control.
8) All 8 takeovers (4 cockpits, two pilots each) were mostly silent, even though a “push to talk” button exists on the steering yoke, when pressed allows the ground controllers to hear what’s going on in the cockpit. Flight 11 is flown most of the way under the apparent control of the pilot, ex-soldier John Ogonowski, who is holding down the button so ground control can hear some kind of “threatening voices.” Besides that, only Flight 93 had any sounds of a physical struggle in the cockpit.
9) Flight 11 also has an Israeli Captain on board ~ Daniel Lewin, belonging to an elite Israeli Military Unit, the Sayerat Mathal, sitting in the same area as the supposed hijackers. The Israel government proclaims he was a civilian business man and mathmetician, but it’s later confirmed that he was indeed a member of the Israeli elite group. He is reported to have been shot, then stabbed during the hijacking by a possibly confused airline stewardess, who may not even have the same passenger. It is said that his area of expertise was Hijacking and Aircraft takeovers.
10) Four of the pilots were military reservists and their friends and family cannot conceive of them not vigorously fighting back and alerting the ground controllers. One of those pilot reservists, Captain Burlingame (Flight 77) was a top Navy pilot, trained in anti-terrorism tactics. His family feels he would not have given up the cockpit without a hard fight. Later, the FBI tries to tell them that his body showed marks of such a struggle, even though his entire plane is supposed to have been virtually blown to atoms around him in the Pentagon crash!
11) It’s evident that these “silent cockpit takeovers” were a cross-over between a scheduled, secret exercise and a real hijacking. Some of the pilots may have even thought they were in a exercise, at first.
Party animals and probable CIA/Mossad dupes: 9/11 Terrorists Ziad Jarrah and Mohamed Atta in a video supposedly discovered in one of Osama Bin Laden’s camps in Afghanistan. If you can believe it, the FBI has not even formally accused Osama Bin Laden of 9/11, since they claim not to have any direct evidence to support his 9/11 involvement. Yet this video, if the “discovery” is true, conveniently confirms the connection.
12) A passport of one of the terrorists, Satam al-Suqami (not Atta as many believe) just happened to be found by a supposed “passerby” and handed over to a NY Detective. This was found on Vesey street after Flight 11 crashes into the North tower, but before Flight 175 crashes into the South tower. This passport would have had to gone backwards through the blast to end-up conveniently in the street.
13) Many professional pilots express utter disbelief that these hijackers could have pulled off these extreme aerial maneuvers, especially considering their almost complete lack of flying skills. The pilot of Flight 175 pulled an incredible last second bank that enabled the plane to hit the south tower. Hani Hanjour, the supposed hijacker pilot of Flight 77, was said to have been such a bad pilot that the instructors were fearful of going up with him. Flight 77, is said to have flown at 500+ miles an hour at nearly ground level for a 1/2 of a mile, after coming in from a remarkable spiral that led it to hit the one side of the Pentagon opposite Rumsfeld’s office (see #32).
14) The hijacker’s photos on passports often look noticeably different from security cameras such as at ATM’s. Some of the named hijackers are still alive (7) and appear to be victims of identity theft. We really do not know who many of these people are even to this day. Ziad Jarrah appears to have been two, maybe three separate individuals entirely.
15) Atta’s baggage was re-routed to another airport and all kinds of incriminating material, such as an airline pilot uniform, Pepper spray and papers identifying all 19 hijackers were found in it. Why would he take such a risk being discovered? And he was at the airport early enough not to get his baggage lost. Many think it was all too easy and smells of planted evidence.
16) Only one “security camera” shot of any hijackers was made that day: It was a non-standard shot, with no time/date stamp, released 3 years later from Washington/Dulles airport. That famous one of Atta was only of him in the Portland, Maine terminal (why did he even go there?) the morning of 9/11 before flying on to Boston’s Logan airport.
No photo of him or any other hijacker boarding a flight has ever been released. Also, former Israeli military and intelligence people owned a Netherlands-based company named ICTS, whose subsidiary Huntleigh USA was the airport security company at all these airports. They have since been granted immunity from wrongful-death lawsuits, stemming from 9/11, by the US Congress itself!
17) The CIA purposefully failed to pass on their vital information to the FBI that could have foiled the attacks. The FBI itself had the same things happen: Special Agent Coleen Rowley was castigated for attempting to contact the CIA herself and Agent’s search warrant requests to check Zacharias Moussaoui’s laptop computer were blocked for ridiculous reasons by FBI Headquarters.
18] Hijacker and supposed ringleader Mohamed Atta, briefly had an American girlfriend (reported in Europe but ignored by the press in the US), drank alcohol and snorted coke. The 9/11 Commission conveniently left all this out and allowed America to go on believing he was a strict Muslim fanatic who “hated American Freedom” too much. He also visited Las Vegas with Ziad Jarrah, twice.
19) The twin towers collapsed at near free-fall speed, completely negating the laws of conservation of motion. Pick up a pencil and drop it from head height. Think about all the supporting material supposedly untouched below the collapsing building ~ would that not have slowed the collapse to some degree past free-fall speed? No, it appears that the building’s supports were cut out from under it, just like it was disintegrated in a computer-controlled, downwards explosion!
20) The total collapse of WTC 7 did not even rate a sentence in the 9/11 Commission report. They completely ignored this one of a kind event, a building that was never hit by a plane and later is explained away as due to fire and some amount of damage from debris from WTC 1. It came virtually straight down and has been described by demo experts as a blatant controlled demolition. The building’s owner, Larry Silverstein in an interview, infamously utters the phrase “we pulled it.” It appears that some delay occurred in the demo of WTC 7 and was meant to “collapse” along with the other two towers.
21) Larry Silverstein, the fabulously wealthy Jew real estate mogul, had only taken ownership of the World Trade center only a few weeks before. His partner in the scheme was the former Israeli commando, Frank Lowry. Silverstein only put up 15 million of his own money, with the rest provided by GMAC commercial credit, part of General Motors, just recently fallen under control of a Jew named Eric Feldstein, son of the long-time Zionist fundraiser and buddy of Silverstein, Donald Feldstein.
WTC was a real estate “White Elephant” with serious expenses (up to a billion), to redo the asbestos insulation up to city code. And the insurance papers, with the ink barely dry on 9/11, covered the unlikely occurrence of two Terrorist attacks in one day. Silverstein’s two daughters were scheduled to be at the Windows of the World restaurant that very morning, but were delayed for unexplained reasons.
22) Stock “Put Options” (bets on the stock losing value) trading for Airlines and Insurance did increase remarkably in the days before the attack. The 9/11 Commission will only say that the people behind it could not have known in advance. Clerks involved in the trading (Blue sheets), say the trades came from a Financial services company based in Hamburg, Germany (COREA?) owned by CIA insider “Buzzy” Krongard. Over-all, there was 15 billion in Wall street short selling (betting the market would fall). This was obvious insider trading of the insiders to 9/11 ~ who could not resist lining their own pockets!
23) San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown is warned not to fly 8 hours before the attack. Who called his security people is unclear. A group of top Pentagon officials canceled travel plans for the morning of 9/11 just the day before. At least two employees of the messaging firm ODIGO recieved email text messages warning them two hours in advance.
The firm Zim American Israeli Shipping, 49% owned by the Israeli government, breaks a 16th floor WTC lease costing them $50,000 and is almost completely moved out one week before 9/11. The last 10 employees, making final moving arrangements on 9/11, escape. Silverstein Properties, the new consortium owners of the WTC lease, cancelled a 9/11 meeting at the WTC just the night before since a single member could not attend. Attorney General Ashcroft stops flying commercial jets altogether that summer.
24) The collapse of WTC 7 (5:20 pm) was reported by the BBC 20 minutes before the actual collapse. Although it was said to have been done by mistake in the heat of the moment in the newsroom, other news outlets like CNN did that exact same thing.
25) There just happened to be on hand for the news reporters, seemingly experts who put out the government’s later story, even to reporters on the street. One unidentified man pointed out that the fires and structural damage was the cause of the collapse in perfect engineering lingo. Osama Bin Laden was even mentioned on TV before the tower’s final collapses. See my video section for the video “The 9/11 Solution.”
26) There were many credible reports of explosions through-out WTC 1 & 2 before and during the collapse, from numerous Firefighters, Police and civilians, inside and outside the buildings. A Wall Street Journal reporter, witnessing it from a nearby building, is said to have seen a string of flashes going downwards inside the building ~ exactly the way such a demolition would have been done.
27) No large pieces of aircraft debris manages to survive the Pentagon crash site. No wings, tail structure or the massive engines that could not be “evaporated” in a explosion of any sort. The wings and tail would have had to do some bizarre contortions to fit into the crash entrance. Unknown people were out picking up everything within minutes of the scene being stabilized.
That very afternoon, a line of people shoulder-to-shoulder, is formed to pick up any piece of debris on the lawn. Very soon after, the whole lawn is bulldozed over. No maintenance records correlating aircraft parts history of Flight 77 or any of the other planes, is released, even though such things have been made public domain for any other aircraft accident.
28) Many people think it was a unmanned aircraft or missile that hit the Pentagon. Some credible witnesses say it was a 737. No photos ever come out, only odd images that show an explosion, some kind of strange puff of smoke and not much else. They say it’s because the jet was moving too fast and just happened to get missed. Even with all of the strangeness, it appears almost certain that a jet of some kind flew into or quite possibly over the Pentagon.
29) The crash into the Pentagon is just plain weird. After plowing through three walls and concrete pillars, the nose, one of the wheel assemblies or whatever it was, punches a perfectly round 15′ (approximate) hole in the last wall of C ring. Government dupes resort to describing the plane as turning into some kind of fiery ”liquid.”
How does Burlingame’s body (#10) survive a crash that was described this way or any body parts of the others? The Pentagon is like the Twilight Zone for 9/11. But then again, so is Flight 93. It’s very much like 2 different operations went on, one in NY and one in DC, with the Washington attacks as some kind of minor self-inflicted wounds to lend credibility, like a killer stabbing himself superficially to make himself look innocent.
30) The Black Box flight data for Flight 77, that crashed into the Pentagon, is only released in 2006, after a FOI request. Although it strangely stops one second before impact, independent analysis shows the plane would have overflown the Pentagon instead of crashing into it.
The cockpit voice recording box is claimed to have been too damaged to get anything. These boxes are designed to withstand crashes into mountainsides and have never failed before. No Black boxes are recovered intact at the WTC, either. This too, has never happened on dry land.
NTSB Black Box data also completely contradicts the 9/11 Commission’s path of the Flight 77 when it struck and downed 6 lightpoles before hitting the Pentagon. No explanation has been forthcoming on how that could possibly have occurred. Those lightpoles point to a giant lie on someone’s part.
31) Over 80 security camera video around the Pentagon were confiscated and not released by the FBI. What’s the point in that? Surely, they can be no good reason ~ short of total lies to the American public ~ not to have released them.
32) The side of the Pentagon struck, just happened to have held offices for accounting. Just the very day before, Rumsfeld announced a 2.3 trillion dollar (maybe more) ”accounting error” which was suddenly forgotten about with the attacks the next day (by the media, too!).
Plus, any explanation for the details for this accounting “error” are explained away as being lost in the attack. How convenient. Do they really think we are so stupid?
Not only do they think we are that stupid, at this point they don't really care WHAT we think! In their hubris they believe themselves to be omnipotent.
33) If you can believe it, the Pentagon comptroller (in charge of the moolah), one Dov Zakheim, is an ordained Rabbi, dual-citizen of Israel, signer of the infamous PNAC report (see #3) and has a Russian relative actually married into the Karl Marx family. Before coming to the Pentagon, He was the president of the foreign sales wing of Systems Planning Corporation ~ that manufactured remote control equipment for large, passenger-size jets (Flight Termination Systems).
This equipment was fully capable of take-offs, landings and everything in between and was tested by NASA in the late 90’s on a 757, just like the ones flown on 9/11. He also was traced to leasing 767 aircraft for the Pentagon. Not surprisingly, he now has a cushy job with a Defense contractor, even after “losing” trillions of the tax payer’s money!
Dov Zakheim’s former company, Flight Termination Systems, had remote control equipment successfully tested on this NASA owned 757 back in the late 90’s.
34) A shadowy former Israeli, named Shalom Yoran, said to have Mossad ties, owned a large American Aircraft company named ATASCO which specialized in custom configurations of passenger jets. And then there’s the Ptech company, fronted by Saudi and Lebanese businessmen, but traced to Israeli seed money and managed by a Jew named Michael Goff.
Their software was capable of accessing and potentially manipulating Military/Civilian command and control systems through back-doors (the Israelis are the source to much of the software installed) and Ptech was operating in a Mitre Corporation building near the Boston/Logan airport on 9/11. An investigation of their role that day was purposefully stopped by the Zionist Michael Chertoff.
35) Three Israelis are spotted within 15 minutes of the first crash, standing on a van across the Hudson River in New Jersey. They are described as celebrating, high-fiving each other and lighting cigarette lighters like at a rock concert. All this before anyone else knows that this is more than a simple accident. Later, along with two others, they are arrested by Bergin, NJ Police.
Found with them are $4,700 rolled up in a sock, with incriminating maps and documents. The FBI takes them into custody, classifies everything and a few weeks later, Michael Chertoff “our” Homeland Security Director, quietly allows them to go back to Israel. Back in Israel, they go on a TV show and state they were sent to “document the event.”
In the cave-mouth of the New World Order: This doomed woman, at the entrance of one of the WTC crashes, amply demonstrates the lie about the supposedly intense fires weakening the steel structure.
36) Jet fuel fires only generate temperatures around 800° (F) and the burning fuel from the crashes only lasted a few seconds. Open-air hydrocarbon fires from office materials can only generate temperatures of around 1000° maximum but is usually much less. All of this fails to account for the structural steel weakening enough to cause the tower’s collapse. Nor does it explain the bedeviling evidence of red-hot molten metal in the debris field, weeks and even months after the collapse! More on my blog about the metals
37) The steel from the towers was carefully guarded, one truck driver is even fired for some stupid unauthorized stop. It’s quickly sold by a Jew operation and bundled off to Asian scrap metal plants. Only the barest amount is ever investigated. Some of the WTC 7 metal does get examined by the independent Worcestor Institute and is found to have evidence of wielding-like temperatures, wholly impossible with open-air office fires or kerosene fuels. All of this metal evidence (all 3 buildings, now) points to an extremely high-temperature explosive used, capable of the instantaneous cutting of steel (which exists).
READ THIS: 9 scientists, in a peer-reviewed paper, have now proven conclusively ~ backed-up with irrefutable chemical analysis ~ that nano-thermite explosive residue was found in the dust of the WTC. This could NOT be anything else. READ MORE HERE!
38) The inner, supporting structure of the towers consisted of 47 interlocking box columns, heavy-duty steel beams sheathed in cement and up to 2″ thick, bolted and welded together. The 9/11 Commission completely fails to describe it adequately. It’s highly unbelievable that a jet made up of mostly aluminum alloy metals could have created the damage said, even with the rupturing fuel tanks. Flight 175 just grazed the main core. The building’s chief engineer, John Skilling, had designed the whole thing to survive multiple impacts of 707’s at 600 mph, which are pretty much the same size aircraft as 757’s.
39) According to emeritus math professor and longtime Scientific American contributor, A. K. Dewdney, cell phone calls could not have been made over 8,000 feet. And yet this is what many friends and relatives report receiving from their doomed loved ones aboard the hijacked planes.
The government then quietly drops all references to cell phone calls in 2006. And it refuses to discuss the one cell phone call that was possible: Ed Felt’s call from the toilet of Flight 93, as it was low enough to make it possible moments before impact. He calls Emergency 911 and reports an explosion and white smoke, while wind noises are heard in the background. The emergency person who received this call has since been muzzled by the FBI.
40) Most of the calls occur from Flight 93. Only two calls go out from Flight 77, a few more on Flights 11 and 175. The calls on Flight 93 seem strangely calm ~ unlike what you might expect or saw in that movie “Flight 93.” The conversations seem odd and stilted. The government had the technology at the time to digitally recreate someones voice from the brief samples.
Most people who received calls reported them broken off, perhaps understandable with cell calls, but not so with Airfones. Plus, the poorer nature of cell phone calls could serve to mask voices. It appears that an organized effort was made to fake calls ~ but failed to consider the limitations of cell phones in flight!
41) Assistant Attorney General Ted Olson, insider Bush appointee, supposedly receives a cell call from his wife, Barbara, who describes Arabs with box cutters and asks “what she should tell the pilots to do” as if they are in the back with the rest of the passengers. Flight 77’s American Airlines 757 is confirmed not to have seat-back phones or Airfones, as per AA spokesmen Tim Wagner to researcher David Griffin, although flight crew have other means of communication.
Ted Olson pulls himself together enough that afternoon, to call CNN’s Atlanta Bureau to report on the method of hijacking. He later changes his story about his wife’s method of calls to him as Airfone calls, collect through Department of Justice switchboard. Later, Olson helps Congresswoman Jane Harman get out of hot-water over an investigation by the FBI over improper influence-peddling with AIPAC to get her the Chairmanship of the House Select Intelligence committee.
42) Flight 77 had a curious mixture of high-level Defense department and contractor scientists (11 out of 50) involved in Star Wars technology. One scientist, Bill Caswell, was noted for his high-level Physics research. None were traveling together as part of a conference of any sort.
43) The last 3 minutes of Flight 93’s cockpit recording has no sounds of struggle for the plane, no voices yelling “Allah o Akbar” or passengers fighting for their lives. Unlike the movie version in “Flight 93″ the only sounds to be heard are strange wind noises. The confused relatives of the victims are allowed to hear the tape only once and are forbidden to bring any writing materials to take notes. The government also refuses to release the tape to the public.
44) Two Pennsylvania seismologists record the seismic crash data of Flight 93. Only problem is that it’s 3 minutes later than the government’s time-line (10:06 versus 10:03). Their report and data is scrutinized by one of the top seismologist’s in the nation who pronounces it valid. One of the scientists later recounts under government pressure, but his partner refuses and bravely stands by the report.
45) Pennsylvania locals near the site of Flight 93’s crash say there was another location that was sealed off by the FBI, 6 miles away. Some residents report the sound of a missile. Many witnesses insist on seeing a small white Jet flying low over the crash site. A VF-Corporation jet was asked to look into it by controllers, but they report staying well above 5,000 feet.
46) One F-15 Pilot, when landing back at base, says that his higher-ups told him that they downed a passenger jet that day. It does appear that Flight 93 was indeed shot down and that the US government cannot come clean or has made the decision to use the story of the valiant passengers as further propaganda.
47) It appears that the plot was to have the hijackers believe the planes would be flown remotely back to the airports as part of an exercise or even part of a real hijacking. Atta is heard telling the passengers “we have some planes and we are returning to the airport, now.” They may not have even known they were going to die until the last few moments when they saw the towers looming up in front of them. And then it was “Allah o Akbar” ~ this time for real!
48) Much of the evidence that disputes the government “theory” was callously ignored by the 9/11 Commission, managed by the Bush Insider Zionist Jew, Philip Zelikow ~ a member of the so-called ”Vulcans” group of Neocons led by Condi Rice. Henry Kissinger (wow) was first named to this position by Bush, but the families of the victims raised hell about it, justifiably.
Little did they know about Zelikow because so few understand the hold Zionism has on the US Government. One reporter has said that the Democrats and Republicans purposefully teamed-up in advance to decide exactly what the evidence could be covered and what to ignore. Sadly, this appears to have occurred.
49) In October, two Israelis are found with explosives and pistols in the Mexican Congress building. One is identified as belonging to Israeli military. Also, the US is hit by a series of Anthrax letters mailed to Newscasters and Congressmen. The letters are crudely marked with Islamic rhetoric ~ an obvious ploy to instill further paranoia. A Jewish woman scientist had secretly tried to pin it on Dr. Stephen Hatfield but no evidence is found to implicate him, even though it ruins his professional career.
50) The Zionist-owned, corporate media in this country (such as Popular Mechanics magazine) continues the cover-up work of the 9/11 Commission, cherry-picking just what 9/11 topics that can be obtusely examined or openly ridiculed. For instance, the History Channel recently did a blatant white-wash, pretty much covering only the same things that the hobbyist magazine Popular Mechanics did and ignoring real details like the above.
Experts can readily be brought forward, who will talk about things clearly “red herrings,” such as the impossibility of wiring-up the buildings for all those explosives and staying unobserved, or tell you that ”thousands of co-conspirators would be required,” when real technology and infrastructure exists which renders such points completely moot.
So, do you think all of this could possibly be coincidence? What else do you need, anymore? If you’re waiting for the friendly-faced Charlie Gibson of ABC’s “World News Tonight” or other media Zionist shills to tell you, then forget it.
Also, it’s apparent that purposeful efforts are being made, quietly, to inject conspiracy ideas that have no basis in reality nor have any proof to back their claims. This is what’s called “disinfo” and it serves two purposes. First, it confuses and detracts from any real research and second, it offers up a ridiculous face to the whole business, for those looking into it and may cause them to “throw the baby out with the wash-water.”
This whole subject has to be examined closely by independent researchers and investigators who are allowed to publish their findings. Jews, absolutely must not be allowed to take ANY part, since so many of them have shown a willingness to use subterfuge in the support of Israel or Jewry in general. This is because it’s readily apparent that the Mossad was part and parcel to this evil deed and these so-called “Neocons” are Jewish, what the Israeli press fondly describes as ”warm-Jews,” but what I call outright traitors.
~ Phillip Marlowe
Go here for a giant listing of outright Jewish perfidy against this country: You Can’t Handle The Truth!
Read more from David Ray Griffin’s book: Debunking 9/11 Debunking and compare it to the “government theory” book Popular Mechanics: Debunking 9/11 Myths (make note: presidential candidate and Rothschild insider, John McCain, writes the Forward in this book).
Who is this Man? and how did he know everything about the crashes right away and why was he right at the camera at that time?
911 Coincidences by Nufffrespect ~ Nufff pokes so many holes in the official story.
Or, if you just want a quick, interesting and easy read, try 9/11 Revealed by Ian Henshall, Carrol & Graf Publishing. This book will really make you think twice about it all. Even so, some proven facts about 9/11 have been left out of even this, probably because of just who the finger points to. You can read more about these here on my blog: The Dancing Israelis and Zionist Master Mind?
Also: 9/11 Revealed
Other articles you might find interesting:
A frustrated Rothschild spouts off on 9/11
Reply to Matthew Rothschild’s Article
9/11: Looking for truth in credentials: the peculiar WTC “Experts”
Of course, I believe the '9/11 Commission' report!! Everyone knows that our government wouldn't lie to us to protect their own asses.
ReplyDeleteWhy just listening to Condi Rice alone testify should of shut down any doubts!!
And I know for sure that the senior execs at the CIA, the NSA and the Pentagon's Chief of Staff, Richard Myers were just a bunch of bumbling, clueless bureaucrats who couldn't figure out how to bypass the North American Air Defense (NORAD) that is charged with tracking and if necessary, shooting down hijacked airliners, but that 19 Ayyyrabs, being directed by a ailing Muslim in a cave 12,000 miles away, could!!
Yes, I belive all of that and for me being a 'Good Doo-bee,' Santa Claus is going to fill my stocking this Christmas!!
Now it's time to vent our wrath on another Muslim country, Iran, to make Israel happy!!!
Well said! And your site is excellent.