Recently someone sent me an interesting group of links. I could not really understand much of what was said in them because all their links were dead so I could not get a proper take on the information presented. There was just too much new and complicated Biblical lore for me to take in as well.
However, this section was near the top of the page and very understandable. It explains very nicely the concept of Burnt Offerings or Holocausts, as used in the past, and the present, by the Talmudic Zionists. The man who wrote this stated he was a Jew and he certainly was eloquent, educated and speaking with an air of authority.
Warning. This is dangerous knowledge to have in your brain. Period. I would say most would call it a thought crime. I just call it the truth. However, we know truth is just another word for so many people these days.
Here is the passage, word for word. It seems I erased the page so I do not even have the proper reference.
There are many groups in the world arguing about
the Jewish Holocaust perpetrated by the Nazis in WW2.
They all seem to miss the mark.
The first thing one should do is find out
what the word "holocaust" means
A holocaust is a “burnt offering” to a god.
The Israelites have a long tradition of offering
human holocausts to the god Moloch.
In Amos 5:25-27 and Acts 7:42-43 we read of these practices.
The Israelites were no sooner out of Egypt when they began to offer their children to Moloch. We read in the Prophets of the Tanach about such practices, which God and they condemned time after time.
Surely this is one of the greatest sins a parent can commit.
Jews like to talk about the Passover, but never talk about their Holocausts in the wilderness. God left them to wander in the wilderness for forty (40) years, until everyone of them, who offered human sacrifices, were dead.
One would think Jews would be ashamed
for these dastardly, evil deeds,
but no, they justify them in
the Jewish Talmud: Sanhedrin 64a-64b
They are still allowed to offer Holocausts today.
The Babylonian Talmud shows them how:
You give the victims to another (Nazis)
and get them to offer the Burnt Offering;
that way you don’t feel guilty.
Another bonus is that later
you can blame the Priests of Moloch (Nazis)
for burning your fellow Jews.
This leverage is invaluable in terms of
creating guilt that can then be turned
to your material advantage
at the Priests of Moloch's expense.
Currently Moloch is being offered Burnt Offerings by the many countries slaughtering Muslims in the Middle East but America seems to be the head Priest.
That is demonic but happened in WW2.
The Zionists didn’t want old, poor, sick Jews
in their New State, so they created
the circumstances whereby
the Nazis would get rid of them.
Did you ever read the Transfer Agreement by Edwin Black.
Even he couldn’t hide the truth.
Chaim Weizmann nearly left the “cat out of the bag”, when he spoke about the Jews in Germany.
Yes there was a Holocaust.
Yes millions of Jews were offered to Moloch in that holocaust.

Yes, the Nazis did the burning,
but it was the Zionists who did the offering.
This is the truth that is hidden from the world today.
When people see the Holocaust for what it really was,
all hell will break loose.
Theodor Herzel ~ The founder of modern Zionism
“It is essential that the sufferings of Jews
become worse.
This will assist in realization of our plans.
I have an excellent idea.
I shall induce anti-Semites
to liquidate Jewish wealth.
The anti-Semites will assist us
thereby in that they will strengthen
the persecution and oppression of Jews.
The anti-Semites shall be our best friends”.
(From his Diary, Part I, pp. 16)
did not figure at the head of the list
of priorities of the ruling class.
It was the foundation of the State
which was primordial in their eyes."
~ Tom Segev.
“It is essential that the sufferings of Jews
ReplyDeletebecome worse.
This will assist in realization of our plans.
And what plans were these? - To populate Palestine. But the ashkenazi Jews were very prosperous and comfortable in Germany and elsewhere in Europe. So, how do we persuade them to move?
Hertzl again-
"I have an excellent idea.
I shall induce anti-Semites
to liquidate Jewish wealth.
The anti-Semites will assist us
thereby in that they will strengthen
the persecution and oppression of Jews."