not mercilessly exploiting those who do
while claiming to be 'love and light'
By David Icke
A British politician once said that he could cope with the opposition ~ but it was his own side that frightened him to death. I can understand the sentiment from long and harsh personal experience, except for the bit about his 'own side'.
People claiming to be on his side would be more like it, certainly from my own point of view. I have met so many people over the last 20 years who claimed to support my work, told me how important it was, and then acted in ways to sabotage it for their own ends, or to seek to exploit it financially and in terms of 'reflected glory'.
In the same way, I have seen people coming into the research and exposure arena, or the 'spiritual' arena, and becoming flavour of the month for a short while before they disappear forever.
I don't follow the logic of this at all. Either you support what someone is doing and therefore do what you can to help them, or at least not undermine them. Or you start researching and exposing and you keep going until the job is done.
They say a puppy is for life ... well so is what people like me do. You don't give up when the going gets tough or tougher. You keep going no matter what the scale of opposition seeking to divert and destroy you, and no matter what the scale of ridicule, dismissal and abuse.
When you get knocked down, you get up, brush yourself off and start all over again. You become the rubber ball that will bounce even higher the harder they throw you on the pavement.

What is the point in starting if you don't intend to finish, or at least do the best job you can for as long as you can? What is the point of saying the world is heading for a global fascist dictatorship and then pack it in or run away because the kitchen gets too hot?
grab a drink,
The two people in my life who told me most often how much they loved and supported me, and how vital it was for humanity that my work succeeded, turned out to be the very two people who have caused the most mayhem and stress in my life and been most destructive to my health, work and finances.
My experience tells me that the motivation of both was always to exploit me financially and to promote themselves and, ultimately, to destroy what I am doing. It is no coincidence, I would suggest, that I have ended up in court with both of them, one a few years ago and the other now.

The reason this has happened in both cases is exactly the same ~ an attempt to part me from the vast majority of what I have earned from books to which neither has contributed a single thought or word to researching, writing or producing.
'Oh, I support what you do, so long as I get the money. And even if I do, I'll still try to undermine you in other ways, because the only show in town is me, me, me, and I don't give a shit about you or your work, so long as the cheque is in the post.'
The first one stole a huge amount of money accumulated over many years by hiding the full extent of book sales and stealing the income from those he did not account for. Some of this money was spent on 'spiritual counseling' by some New Age 'guru'. Well, at least he realized he needed it.
He also covertly put the rights to my books in North America in his own name and I went three years without earning a penny from any of my books and DVDs worldwide because of the horrendous cost of taking him to the US Federal Court to win back rights to my own books.
Meanwhile, amid all this, I was still continuing with my work of exposing the global conspiracy in the face of this crippling financial and emotional onslaught. It was a fun time, as it is now.
When you put together what he stole (not even including my legal costs) and add that to what the second one is now demanding, it means, if the second one is anything like successful, that the two of them will have taken the vast, vast majority of what I have earned in the last eleven years from books, DVDs and talks, etc, and I will be left with a fraction of what my efforts have produced.
Oh, yes, and, on top of all that, I will be paying a substantial monthly income to the second one until I am closing in on 70, meaning that I will be working to keep this person for pretty much the rest of my life.
Getting a job and earning their own living is a foreign language to both of them. That is what other people have to do, not them.

I don't know how I would cope.
The second one, like the first, is also all love and light and everyone must be kind. But, as with the first one, it's bullshit from first to last. It is a good job dolphins don't have bank accounts or they would be hiring a lawyer as I speak.
I am so sick of the bullshit, not just from this pair, but from so many in the conspiracy and 'spiritual' 'movement'. They talk, but they don't even begin to walk.
It's all waffle, words and no actions ~ except in pursuit of self-aggrandizement.
There are some great researchers and writers in the conspiracy and spiritual arenas and some tremendous work is being done in circulating information on forums and Youtube and so on. But, my god, there are some frauds, fakes and self-obsessed bullshitters extraordinaire.

While the Control System moves on, while children are being stolen from loving parents by the State and untold millions die and suffer in manipulated wars, I see people doing nothing except abuse each other on forums and chat rooms where they argue over and over about who knows more.
'What are you doing about what is happening in the world?'
'Oh, well, I go on the forum and log-in under my name, Bong-Bong.'
'Yes, Bong-Bong Postings. I am famous on the forum.'
'Famous? There is no Bong-Bong ~ why don't you use your real name, get out there and stand up for what you say you believe in?'
'Well, because I find that if you use your real name people tend to know who you are.'
Exactly. And somewhere else on the World Wide Web, another warrior stirs:
'I see that Bong-Bong is at it again ~ I am going to log-in under my name Woo-Woo2 (someone already had Woo-Woo) and give that Bong-Bong a piece of my mind.'
You can't, mate, you have to have one before you can give anyone a piece of it. My god.

While the Bong-Bongs and Woo-Woos go on abusing each other, and while the self-obsessed gold-diggers go about their business, the Control System goes on unchallenged and those researchers who are truly exposing it are abused by log-in loonies who dismiss them as 'CIA' or 'British Intelligence' or 'Freemasons' without a shred of evidence.
'What did you contribute to the world today?'
'I said that some bloke who talks about the New World Order is CIA.'
'Oh really, how do you know? I saw it on a forum somewhere.'
Thank goodness there are ever-gathering numbers of decent, committed and courageous people who are prepared to put their money where their mouth is ~ as opposed to putting your money where their hand is.
If that was not the case, even I might call for the towel, because there would be no point. Fortunately, there is.
Not only that, when you look distraught mothers and fathers in the face who have lost their children to the State machine there is no way you can't go on, no matter what is thrown at you.

I was at a Child Abuse Rally in London's Trafalgar Square two weeks ago where I met so many parents who loved their kids to bits, but have now been parted from them permanently by the Social Services Mafia.
What they go through every waking moment cannot be comprehended, only imagined, by those who are not in that situation. The heartbreak, the heartache, the sense of fundamental loss and injustice.
And this is only one expression of the cruel, callous and Satanic Control System ~ look at the dead and maimed children in engineered wars and the suffering of those who love them; the people dying of hunger in a world of plenty and those who love them; the financial catastrophe for billions caused by the evil, evil banking cartel which then pays itself astronomical 'bonuses'.
The list seems endless, but it is all founded on one basic state of mind ~ me, me, me. The unfairness, injustice and cruelty of this world comes from people's obsession with themselves ~ what is in for me? What is right for me? What will be the outcome or consequences for me?
It is that which leads to wars so the few can change the world to suit me; which tramples over others to get the best outcome for me; which demands that others use their efforts to make a living for me so that I don't have to, and if they are left with next to nothing, so what?
How about asking what is right, what is just, what is fair in any given situation that we face? What about taking responsibility for our own lives instead of always looking to others? How about asking what we can do for others, instead of what we can do for me?

What a different world we would live in if we did that. As I said at the Child Abuse Rally, everyone's injustice is our injustice. If we don't make it so because we are not immediately affected, then it will be our injustice eventually.
Today someone we don't know is having their children or grandchildren stolen by the State. Who's will it be tomorrow, if we look the other way today?Those who have the gift of knowing (usually from the efforts of others) that the world is being manipulated by a deeply malevolent force to a deeply malevolent end, and yet still only think of themselves, are frankly beyond my comprehension.
'Love and light, I just want peace and kindness?' You must be bloody joking.
I can understand why people do nothing when they believe that the world they think they see is the world as it really is. At least they have an excuse for their lack of action, because they don't see that action is necessary. They may be misguided and naïve, but you can appreciate their position.
But those who have some understanding and still do nothing have no such excuse ~ and even worse are those who know this and yet respond by trying to undermine and mercilessly exploit those who are standing up and making a difference.

I have experienced so many of these people, from those who abuse you on websites and forums because your success in communicating suppressed information means you must be one of 'them'; to those who are quite happy to make your life still more challenging while, perversely, seeing you as a meal ticket for life.
The former I don't give a damn about, they're just idiots and they can say what they like; but the latter turn my stomach.
One day they must withdraw from the lens, the vehicle, of the human body-computer and witness their actions, or lack of them, from another level of perception. I don't envy them that, for they will see, to their horror, that what they thought was right for them in the moment was, in fact, the very opposite.
From that expanded state of awareness they will at last understand that what is right for them is doing what is right, what is fair and what is just by everyone. Because everyone is 'me', the Infinite 'I'.
So many of these people talk about such matters because they've read about them in someone else's books, and they post their words on blogs and websites as if butter wouldn't melt and their angelic wings were fit to fly.
But it is just a concept to them. It is a talking, not a doing, never mind a being.
In other words, it's bullshit.
ReplyDeleteWow !!
Swinging for the fence and hitting the moon. Calling everyone out ... and giving OUR determination a reality check.
Well done and Merci )
Peace Love Light Truth
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