By Gordon Duff
September 19, 2010
It is easy to spot a liar if you are willing to take an honest look. When the American press quoted President Ahmadinejad of Iran saying, "I am going to wipe Israel off the face of the earth" we had our own gullibility thrown in our faces. We, if willing to look honestly at ourselves, were being humiliated, played for fools.
By Gordon Duff
September 19, 2010
It is easy to spot a liar if you are willing to take an honest look. When the American press quoted President Ahmadinejad of Iran saying, "I am going to wipe Israel off the face of the earth" we had our own gullibility thrown in our faces. We, if willing to look honestly at ourselves, were being humiliated, played for fools.
It is one thing if a spokesman for Bibi Netanyahu's Likudist government had tried this, but it was all the networks and newspapers in America, all carrying the same story, a story, not only inaccurate but an outrageous lie. The story, the translation, was so false, that it should have been a joke were it not being used to try to convince America to attack Iran to "defend" Israel. This is what Ahmadinejad actually said:
"History will erase the Zionism from the sands of time"
Even though misquoted, "Cardboard Lethario" Ahmadinejad isn't hard to pick out, an actor, waiting for cues from his handlers, waiting in the wings, his "Tel Aviv connection." Weak as all these Iranian theatrics may be, they are all Israel has to work with nowadays, that and bottle rockets from Stalag Gaza. Building a holocaust threat out of Israeli mole, Ahmadinejad, isn't even a "cardboard" threat.
Using the same logic, every time someone in Israel washes their clothes, they must call it a "soil and stain holocaust." No, none of it is funny, but not because Jews have been persecuted for centuries but rather because we are learning they have built an industry out of selling their own "victimhood."
Using the same logic, every time someone in Israel washes their clothes, they must call it a "soil and stain holocaust." No, none of it is funny, but not because Jews have been persecuted for centuries but rather because we are learning they have built an industry out of selling their own "victimhood."
As seen in this YouTube, which is removed frequently, they start young with the victimhood mentality!
And OH what an industry it is! The Holocaust is the cornerstone of that industry. Israel has reparation money coming in from several countries and they push the Holocaust so hard because they wish to continue using our children, the next generations, as a cash cow. And guilt makes a person very manageable by the unscrupulous!
Whenever you hear an outrageous attack on Israel or Jews, you can be certain of one thing, it is a "false flag" attack, Jews attacking themselves. With the one of the largest intelligence/terror organizations on earth, 500 times the estimated size of Al Qaeda, and openly operating in over 190 countries worldwide, along with direct control of over 40% of the world's economic resources and hundreds of nuclear weapons, seeming like a victim takes a considerable effort.
Think of the kind of "imagineering" required to fool a nation of Jews, half of them Nobel Prize winners, to hide under their beds?
One "self induced" Israeli threat is "holocaust denial."
REMEMBER THE HOLOCAUST ~ OR ELSEManaging the holocaust denial movements the same way they dominate the 9/11 Truth movements and the Tea Party, all "field based warfare" tactics, controlling the information age "battlefield," is how Israel plays both sides against the middle. Thus, a candidate now accused of being a "witch" can win a Senate primary for the Tea Party.
Her campaign is financed by Zionists but after winning a primary, the same Zionists in their newspapers are the first to turn on her. Why is this? Offer Americans hope for freedom from the two owned and controlled useless political parties. Then smash that hope.
Why would anyone hate America that much?
Imagine a 9/11 Truth group that will avoid talking about arrested Israeli agents or the mysterious destruction of building 7 "ordered" by Larry Silverstein but rather chooses to focus on UFOs and useless infighting.
There are more Mossad operatives
in "9/11 Truth" than FBI Agents in the 1960s KKK.
Obama "Propaganda Czar" Cass Sunstein, an Israeli -American (if such things can exist) has continually stressed that all "9/11 Truth" groups be seen as "enemies of America." Why do the terms "Israeli-American" and "truth is un-American" used in this context not surprise me?
We wonder why the 140 Israeli's arrested in the US after 9/11 were released almost immediately, many with no questioning at all, and 75% of all Muslims arrested, some detained for many years, have proven to be "mistaken identity." All but a handful of the rest are awaiting release with the government continually filing motions to prevent the public from discovering the abuses tied to their detention and arrest, all without any cause, any evidence or even any reasonable suspicion. Were they Jews, they would have had "extralegal" protections, above and beyond American law.
Does "Holocaustsploitation" help create this environment of lawlessness which may have endangered America?
Israel pushes the focus of holocaust denial into worship of Hitler, not accurate documentation of factual history so that innocent researchers like Ernst Zundel are imprisoned. Historians in Europe, in Canada, face years in prison, not for denying anything but failing to read, word for word, from prepared "talking points" on the holocaust. It is safer putting up a billboard in Saudi Arabia insulting the Prophet (peace be on him) than saying only 5 million Jews died in the holocaust.
... OR 5 MILLION NINE HUNDRED AND NINETY NINE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND NINETY NINE POINT NINE! Meanwhile in the former camps the plaques have been changed by Israel lowering the number of Jewis victims 3 or 4 million, or perhaps less.....
In Europe, a teacher can go to jail for misstating a number. Any lawyer that agrees to represent them is automatically imprisoned also. No, I am not kidding, this is law in Europe, law in Canada and it is ruthlessly enforced. Historians studying World War II who stumble upon "banned" or "disapproved" documents face years in prison.

Laws passed to protect Jews from crazed extremists, who like Adam Perlman are Jews themselves, are never enforced against Jews. How many hundreds of times did Americans watch Adam Perlman pretend to be the Al Qaeda spokeman, taking credit for 9/11 and ranting threats, always timed for a news cycle, an Israeli funding bill or the election of a political candidate willing to send American troops to fight Israel's wars of choice.
Perlman got as much publicity as Madonna until the fact he was a phony began to leak out. From that second on, it was as though he had vanished from the face of the earth.
We are told that Blackwater teams are looking for him in Karachi, Paksitan. We might suggest some place else where they are more likely to find him.
The last thing Israel wants is people really looking at Gaza, 9/11, financial crimes in the US, the Israel lobby and the lies and massive corruption tied to these and other issues.
Running a "circus" through exploiting the weak Sarkozy and Merkel governments of France and Germany, little but client states of Israel, requires almost no effort at all.
In fact, at the same time, Israel orchestrates hate campaigns against, not only the Roma, but Muslims across Europe. In fact, millions are spent every month in what can only be an attempt to organize a holocaust in Europe against Muslims. One has already begun in France against the Roma, once carefully orchestrated in Tel Aviv and put into motion by Nicholas Sarkozy, president of France and an ethnic Jew.
That president Sarkozy's plan to expel the ethnic Roma population of France, all legally residing in that country, in accordance with European Union laws, an illegal act deeply parallel to Israel's expulsion of Palestinians, may only be coincidental. Could Sarkozy's acts be inspired by Tel Aviv?
We don't hear much about "historical revisionism" or "holocaust denial" in the United States. Any university, any journalist who would attempt to discuss such things would be crushed immediately and many have.
In Europe it was different. The Germans hate the idea of, generation after generation, being blamed for being Nazi butchers. So, when certain aspects of the holocaust began to seem, let us say, "fictional" or "insubstantial," Germans and others jumped on it.
Testimony, documentation and scientific evidence supplied by "revisionist" historians began to make a case, one some found compelling, that much of what was reported, seen in films, even testified to at Nuremberg, was simply invented.
Thus began a controversy between two warring sides or are they two sides at all. What if one side was on both sides, fighting with itself just to seem like the offended party? It wouldn't be the first time.
Time and time again in America, Foxman of the ADL has found insult where none was intended in the words and writings of completely innocent people. The insisting on political correctness and ensuing guilt if you do not agree with the party line, is a common ploy as well. We have seen it with Black people, gay people and whoever is being used to bring about Israeli goals.
No real historian denies the holocaust. 60 million died in World War II, most Russians. Doubting anything happened is insane and doubting that Jews were persecuted by the Nazis is without realistic basis. Additionally, any moralist will has to consider a single death a holocaust, the future of a single child, a disaster.
I maintain also that the Zionists were part of the downfall of the Jews sent to the camps. There is much evidence to show that they were involved in all of this. After all, those funding the various parties have no allegiance to anything or anyone. There was an agreement signed between Hitler and the Zionists called the Transfer Agreement.
These are the real issues but "holocaust denial" was never about what was real or what was reasonable. There seemed only one reason for the "movement," to prove that there were enough dangerous and insane Nazi maniacs in Europe, even today, to require suspension of freedom of speech to silence them. Only one candidate for that honor can be found, Nicolas Sarkozy, President of France and, oddly enough, for those who are unaware, Sarkozy is a Jew.
Laws forbidding Holocaust Denialism, as it is called, throughout Europe and even in Canada are an admission that a substantial threat exists in those countries of the people rising up and murdering Jews. (Jewish paranoia without a doubt. Many cultures have had their own Holocausts and when it is over they get on with life. They do not forget, but nor are they paranoid like the Jews.)
If the case for suspension of rights of speech and due process were, however, based on, not a dangerous mass movement but rather a few "false flag" actors working in conjunction with powerful Israeli owned press organizations throughout these nations, then who is the real victim?
However, rather than simply asking questions, it quickly went much further with cartoon character "neo-Nazi" types bragging about death camps or trying to make a hero out of Hitler and his gang of cut throats.
Somehow the fact that a favourite ploy is to infiltrate hate groups, rise to a position, get them worked into a fever or set a scene, where anti semitic activity might get out of hand, and let the group, whether it be KKK or skinheads, take the blame.
There was a sudden explosion of crazy "holocaust denial" types, violent, dirty and evil. In order to protect the minds of impressionable European children, any discussion of the holocaust had to be immediately outlawed.
Problem is, the "crazy" holocaust denialists were Jews, same as with Adam Perlman, the famous American Al Qaeda spokesman whose grandfather ran the Anti-Defamation League.
Would Israel stage attacks on Jews simply to gain support from the United States or special laws protecting Jews in Europe and Canada? We know that Israel organized synagogue burnings in regions of Europe and North Africa in order to convince Jews to emigrate to Israel. This is now admitted and the reasons are explained as "necessary based on need at the time." The motives are there, the evidence is available. If Israel has been involved in organizing Holocaust Denial, much as with the current wave of accusations tying Israel to 9/11 and other terrorist acts, how can this be investigated without breaking laws?
Why the "Catch 22?"

December 2001 Funeral Announcement For Osama Bin Laden (Egyptian News Sources)
We have seen where, by attacking the holocaust, laws giving special privileges to Jews that no other group in the world enjoys were passed, laws that are unconstitutional in each nation that passed them.
The real question is not whether everything said by some happened or if more were killed, perhaps under even more brutal circumstances than films and television depict. The threat against Jews was exclusively European, there were no Arabs, no Muslims involved in any way. Thus, the continual use of the phrase "never again" has to be aimed exclusively at Western Europe where all participants in the holocaust against the Jews originated, all Christians, all white.
No Spielberg movie ever showed a Jew being gassed by a Berber or Persian.
Then the danger Israel is said to be protecting its citizens and the Jews of the world it claims to speak for is a European danger, Britain, France, Netherlands, Norway, Italy, Luxembourg, Austria, Belgium. Poland was under German or German/Russian control. Czech no longer existed nor did Slovakia.
Thus, we are being told that the real threat is a general uprising in Western Europe or perhaps a political movement meant to imprison and murder the Jews of those countries. There could be no other rationale as there is absolutely no evidence of attacks on Jews in any other area of the world.
What facts provide the basis of these beliefs?
In psychology, a common symptom of a personality disorder is "transference." This is a "stimulus/response" cycle gone awry, with the subject responding to a stimulus from one party by responding to an unrelated third party.
"Jack hits John so John must hit Jim back. (and bulldoze Mary's house)"
We have just defined the State of Israel.
"Jack kills John's grandmother so John must murder Khalid's granddaughter."
We have just defined the conflict between Jews and Palestinians.
"Jack kills John's grandmother so John must have Uncle Sam go on a rampage of global slaughter. The best part is that Jack's grandson agrees to help, proving how "decent" he is."
Welcome to the War on Terror. Please send in your address so we know where to mail your PhD in "Zionist Studies."
* Gordon Duff is senior editor of Veterans Today.
And here’s the truth of how these people operate. And here’s the truth of antisemitism in America. And here’s the truth of swastikas painted on synagogues and on the headstones in Jewish cemeteries. This is the truth, and you’d just better listen, and you’d better stop being afraid of these people. And you’d better stop being afraid of being called antisemitic. And you’d better, you’d better, point to these traitors, and these terrorists, and these scum, and call them what they are.
On February the 16th, 1979, Levy, using the pseudonym, James Gutman, filed an application with the United States Park Service in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to obtain permission to hold a rally.
Now remember, this is Levy using the pseudonym James Gutman ~ a German name. I wonder why he did that? Well, you’re going to find out.
The rally permit, ladies and gentlemen, sought by Levy ~ Levy: a member of the ADL, the Anti-Defamation League, supposedly existing for the protection of Jews; the rally permit sought by Levy, also known as Gutman on this occasion ~ was not filed in the name of the JDL, which he was also a member of. Levy was posing as a leader of the American Nazi Party.
Levy was posing as a leader of
the American Nazi Party!
~ seeking a permit for a Ku Klux Klan
and Nazi Party rally at Independence Hall,
the site of the signing of the
Declaration of Independence.
Remember, I told you about the Hegelian Method of Political Conflict Resolution?
Remember, I told you there is no such thing as a Patriot Community?
Remember, I told you that these people who are bringing about the New World Order control both sides of every issue, indeed they create the issues?
According to the rally permit,
Levy was planning a white power rally
to show white masses unity of white race,
and to show the world niggers
and Jews are cowards.
Among the paraphernalia Levy listed on the application were:
“…swastikas, banners, Nazi uniforms, KKK paraphernalia, ‘will burn cross’, swastika picket signs saying: ‘Hitler was Right! Gas Commie Jews!’”
Verbatim quote.
Working out of the Philadelphia offices of the Jewish Defense League, Levy organized local chapters of the KKK–the Ku Klux Klan–and Neo-Nazi groups to attend the Independence Hall rally, and these racist fools ~ not knowing that he was a Jewish member of the ADL and the JDL ~ fell right into line and did his bidding, like the little puppet jerks that they are.

In the case of the Trenton, New Jersey Ku Klux Klan, Levy had an inside track. Listen to this: James Rosenberg ~ also known as Jimmy Mitchell and Jimmy Anderson, a full-time, paid employee of the Anti-Defamation League Fact-Finding Division ~ had successfully infiltrated the local chapter of the Klan. Rosenberg had recently attempted unsuccessfully to get some of the local KKK-ers to blow up the Trenton headquarters of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, NAACP.
At the same time he was posing as James Gutman, Neo-Nazi, Levy was also mobilizing the Jewish community and every rag-tag, left-wing, socialist Nazi ~ and that’s exactly what they are, for Nazis are really a left-wing, ladies and gentlemen ~ radical group in the greater Philadelphia area to attend a mass demonstration to confront the Ku Klux Klan and Nazis at Independence Hall.
You see, if they all really knew the definition of these terms that they banter about, they’d join forces and they’d be a lot stronger. Oh, the world is full of fools. I sit back and I watch all of this, and I alternately laugh and cry, laugh and cry.
All the ingredients, ladies and gentlemen, were there for a serious, very serious, riot ~ a riot brought about in its entirety by the Anti-Defamation League and the Jewish Defense League, organizing and manipulating both sides, filing for the permit, urging violence, attempting to get people to blow up a bridge.
But fortunately, ladies and gentlemen, this was one time, one time that word of Levy’s scam on the Park Service leaked out to the Philadelphia Press.
All the ingredients, ladies and gentlemen, were there for a serious, very serious, riot ~ a riot brought about in its entirety by the Anti-Defamation League and the Jewish Defense League, organizing and manipulating both sides, filing for the permit, urging violence, attempting to get people to blow up a bridge.
But fortunately, ladies and gentlemen, this was one time, one time that word of Levy’s scam on the Park Service leaked out to the Philadelphia Press.
After one Philadelphia newspaper ran a banner headline saying, quote:Nazi Rally Rouser Really Jewish” end quote ~ and you can check on it yourself, by the way ~ the Park Service yanked the permit.
Levy’s Anti-Defamation League handlers ordered him to lay low for a while.
I wonder why?
After all, there was no need to jeopardize Levy or even Rosenberg’s standing as professional agents provocateur inside the racist element of the 1/1000th of one percent of the population of this country who aren’t even half as dangerous as these ADL/JDL terrorist agents of a foreign nation, spying on American people, blowing up organizations and offices, and killing and maiming people in the United States of America. None of you even knew about it.
I wonder why?
After all, there was no need to jeopardize Levy or even Rosenberg’s standing as professional agents provocateur inside the racist element of the 1/1000th of one percent of the population of this country who aren’t even half as dangerous as these ADL/JDL terrorist agents of a foreign nation, spying on American people, blowing up organizations and offices, and killing and maiming people in the United States of America. None of you even knew about it.
Brilliant article. Keep up the good work.