Not quite so funny when you watch the movie and learn the facts.
I am sooo upset! I just lost a great article I worked on for hours yesterday on hedge funders as hyenas and the rest of us as wildebeests. It was a good piece that I can never replicate. Not only that but I have to redo this piece because somehow I lost the final version of it as well. Some days I wonder if I lost my brains. I really am so upset at the moment I can hardly hit the keys as I should. Time to go out for awhile I am thinking.
“Despite growing research that confirms BPA is dangerous to our health, the FDA and the European Food Safety Authority have chosen to ignore warnings from expert panels and other government agencies and have continued to declare BPA as ‘safe.' Further evidence of harm should not be required for regulatory action to begin the process of reducing exposure to BPA.”
The Disappearing Male from Life in Pierce County on Vimeo.
THE DISAPPEARING MALE is a film we all NEED to watch. It is mesmerizing and flies by quickly as fact after fact is discussed bluntly and eloquently. The information is easy to understand and very very important.
The CBC of Canada is to be commended for funding such a project and bringing this information to a humanity largely blithely unaware of these matters.
Unlike most of the horrific things I post, this is something we have some control over ~ or have the power to change to a great extent. We cannot undo the damage already done, but with publicity, spending power, and ingenuity and sacrifice, this situation can be at least limited to some degree.
The Disappearing Male from Life in Pierce County on Vimeo.
One easy example we have control over is how we clean our homes. What we put in them. What we expose ourselves and our children to.
We can make even minor changes in our lives ~ all it takes is caring and knowing what is right to do. For our children, for us all.
Example: Removing difficult stains and messes doesn’t have to involve toxic chemicals. There are various natural and homemade techniques that can be implemented to clean your home. But if you are interested in commercially-bought merchandise, look for warning labels that indicate the presence of harmful chemicals, and avoid purchasing such products.
An ideal cleaning agent will be marked as “contains no phthalates,” “phosphate free,” and “biodegradable.”
To learn what to avoid and shop for visit this Green Cleaning Supplies article.
Look for similar signs.
Find a company that refills so that new plastics do not enter your home regularly. Even better, what do you think people used to clean their homes before the advent of chemicals? They used natural methods, do your research and learn just how much lemons, vinegar, olive oil and baking soda can accomplish!
Despite growing research that confirms BPA is dangerous to our health, the FDA and the European Food Safety Authority have chosen to ignore warnings from expert panels and other government agencies and have continued to declare BPA as ‘safe.'
Further evidence of harm should not be required for regulatory action to begin the process of reducing exposure to BPA. In the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), researchers report a significant relationship between [Image] urine concentrations of the environmental estrogen bisphenol A (BPA) and cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and liver-enzyme abnormalities.
In an accompanying editorial, Frederick vom Saal, a University of Missouri scientist, urges the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to follow recent action by Canadian regulatory agencies, which have taken significant steps to limit human and environmental exposures to BPA.
Since 1997, research from vom Saal and other MU colleagues have shown adverse health effects of BPA at exposure levels below those currently considered safe by the FDA.
Despite growing research that confirms BPA is dangerous to our health, the FDA and the European Food Safety Authority have chosen to ignore warnings from expert panels and other government agencies and have continued to declare BPA as ‘safe.'
Further evidence of harm should not be required for regulatory action to begin the process of reducing exposure to BPA. In the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), researchers report a significant relationship between [Image] urine concentrations of the environmental estrogen bisphenol A (BPA) and cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and liver-enzyme abnormalities.
In an accompanying editorial, Frederick vom Saal, a University of Missouri scientist, urges the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to follow recent action by Canadian regulatory agencies, which have taken significant steps to limit human and environmental exposures to BPA.
Since 1997, research from vom Saal and other MU colleagues have shown adverse health effects of BPA at exposure levels below those currently considered safe by the FDA.
In my humble opinion, it only makes sense that the information contained in this short movie explains how plastics are a significant contributor to the birth of so many males with female traits and mannerisms.
If the entire reproductive system is so damaged, especially the hormones, would this not effect more than just the physical aspects of sexual behaviour? Along with the assault of chemicals added to our foods that mimic estrogen and other feminizing agents, these plastics are the death bell for our species.
I will not go into how this fits into the agenda of the NWO and how the whole homosexual movement being used to compromise traditional family structures at the most basic level. For now, it is most important that people become aware of what these plastics do and work to have things balanced out. Just toss out your Tupperware and start storing your foods in glass! One small step forward.


This image is not so far from the truth if some conspiracies regarding population control are real. This author believes that depopulation is a very real agenda of the PTB. (The Powers That Be)
Fast Facts about Male Infertility
Sperm counts have been cut in half in the last fifty years ~ and 85% of that is abnormal.
In the last few decades there has been a 200% increase in male genital birth defects.
Male birth rates have declined.
Since 1970 there have been nearly 3 million fewer baby boys.
In the last few decades there has been a 200% increase in male genital birth defects.
Male birth rates have declined.
Since 1970 there have been nearly 3 million fewer baby boys.
Read more facts about male infertility.
"We are conducting a vast toxicological experiment in which our children and our children's children are the experimental subjects." ~ Dr. Herbert Needleman
The Disappearing Male is about one of the most important, and least publicized,issues facing the human species: the toxic threat to the male reproductive system. Why is it hidden? Is it too frightening for people to handle? If that is the case, once again our intelligence is being underestimated by those with the ability to educate us.
The last few decades have seen steady and dramatic increases in the incidence of boys and young men suffering from genital deformities, low sperm count, sperm abnormalities and testicular cancer.
Some researchers say that declining male fertility rates could be the first sign of extinction.
At the same time, boys are now far more at risk of suffering from ADHD, autism, Tourette's syndrome, cerebral palsy, and dyslexia.
The Disappearing Male takes a close and disturbing look at what many doctors and researchers now suspect are responsible for many of these problems:
a class of common chemicals that are ubiquitous in our world.
Found in everything from shampoo, sunglasses, meat and dairy products, carpet, cosmetics and baby bottles, they are called "hormone mimicking" or "endocrine disrupting" chemicals and they may be starting to damage the most basic building blocks of human development.
Read more facts about male infertility.
There are more than 20 heavily industrialized nations where the birth of baby boys has declined every year for the past 30 years ~ amounting to 3 million fewer baby boys.
The number of boys born with penis abnormalities and genital defects has increased by 200% in the past two decades.
Boys have a higher incidence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, learning disabilities, Tourett's syndrome, cerebral palsy and dyslexia.
Boys are four times as likely to be autistic.
The average sperm count of a North American college student today is less than half of what it was 50 years ago.
The quality of sperm is declining.
Eighty-five per cent of the sperm produced by a healthy male is DNA-damaged.
Damaged sperm have been linked to a 300% increase in testicular cancer ~ a form of cancer that affects young men in their 20s and 30s.
The chemical industry has developed more than 90,000 man-made chemicals in the last sixty years. Eighty-five percent of them have never undergone testing for their impact on the human body.
The endocrine system is a set of glands, and the hormones they produce help guide and regulate the development, growth, reproduction and behavior of most living things. "Endocrine disrupting compounds" (EDC) found in synthetic chemicals like phthalates mimic estrogen in the body and have the ability to interfere with hormonal systems.
They can seriously impair development in the brain, pituitary, gonads, thyroid, and other components of the endocrine system.
They have also shown to interfere with fertility and reproduction in hundreds of laboratory studies involving fish and animal species. The fear is that they may also be playing havoc with the basic building blocks of human sexual development.
Our children are more susceptible to the adverse effects of chemicals. These effects have been well documented for decades. DDT, DES, dioxins, and PCB's are all endocrine disrupting compounds, and all were banned after it become evident that they were harmful to both animal species and humans.
In the years since these earlier chemicals were outlawed there has been a massive increase in our exposure to a whole new spectrum of EDC's that are every bit as deadly in laboratory studies as the earlier examples.
Read more about the chemicals.
In May of 2007, 200 of the world's leading environmental scientists gathered in Norway. They issued a strongly worded declaration that warned that exposure to common chemicals makes babies more likely to develop an array of health problems later in life, including diabetes, attention deficit disorders, prostate cancer, fertility problems, thyroid disorders and even obesity.
This means that a five year old child is likely to have 10 times the amount of certain toxins in its body than his or her parents. And for reasons we are only just beginning to understand ~ boys seem to be at a far greater risk.
Exposure in the Womb
Read more facts about male infertility.
Factsheet: Male Infertility
There are more than 20 heavily industrialized nations where the birth of baby boys has declined every year for the past 30 years ~ amounting to 3 million fewer baby boys.
The number of boys born with penis abnormalities and genital defects has increased by 200% in the past two decades.
Boys have a higher incidence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, learning disabilities, Tourett's syndrome, cerebral palsy and dyslexia.
Boys are four times as likely to be autistic.
The average sperm count of a North American college student today is less than half of what it was 50 years ago.
The quality of sperm is declining.
Eighty-five per cent of the sperm produced by a healthy male is DNA-damaged.
Damaged sperm have been linked to a 300% increase in testicular cancer ~ a form of cancer that affects young men in their 20s and 30s.
The chemical industry has developed more than 90,000 man-made chemicals in the last sixty years. Eighty-five percent of them have never undergone testing for their impact on the human body.
Backgrounder: Endocrine 101
The endocrine system is a set of glands, and the hormones they produce help guide and regulate the development, growth, reproduction and behavior of most living things. "Endocrine disrupting compounds" (EDC) found in synthetic chemicals like phthalates mimic estrogen in the body and have the ability to interfere with hormonal systems.
They can seriously impair development in the brain, pituitary, gonads, thyroid, and other components of the endocrine system.
They have also shown to interfere with fertility and reproduction in hundreds of laboratory studies involving fish and animal species. The fear is that they may also be playing havoc with the basic building blocks of human sexual development.

Our children are more susceptible to the adverse effects of chemicals. These effects have been well documented for decades. DDT, DES, dioxins, and PCB's are all endocrine disrupting compounds, and all were banned after it become evident that they were harmful to both animal species and humans.
In the years since these earlier chemicals were outlawed there has been a massive increase in our exposure to a whole new spectrum of EDC's that are every bit as deadly in laboratory studies as the earlier examples.
Read more about the chemicals.
In May of 2007, 200 of the world's leading environmental scientists gathered in Norway. They issued a strongly worded declaration that warned that exposure to common chemicals makes babies more likely to develop an array of health problems later in life, including diabetes, attention deficit disorders, prostate cancer, fertility problems, thyroid disorders and even obesity.
"There's no question that when you show that the mother's milk has contaminants, and then you actually look at babies and show that those contaminants are not only in that child, but they stay in that child. It is revolutionary." ~ Dr. Louis GiulletteChildren are at greater risk from chemicals because of their greater biological sensitivity and greater exposure to environmental pollution relative to body weight. They have very immature systems for excreting toxicants, a highly permeable gastrointestinal tract and highly permeable skin. Infants also consume eight times more food per kilogram of body weight than adults, making this a more significant exposure pathway.
This means that a five year old child is likely to have 10 times the amount of certain toxins in its body than his or her parents. And for reasons we are only just beginning to understand ~ boys seem to be at a far greater risk.
Exposure in the Womb
The womb itself is certainly no safe haven. It is now known that many environmental contaminants cross the placenta and reach the fetus. In the past five years, "body burden" tests have shown that amniotic blood contains hundred of toxic chemicals that the mother has in her body.
It is now known that at certain critical windows of vulnerability, maternal exposure to toxicants is enough to permanently harm the growing fetus, causing disease and disability in childhood and across the entire span of human life.
It is now known that at certain critical windows of vulnerability, maternal exposure to toxicants is enough to permanently harm the growing fetus, causing disease and disability in childhood and across the entire span of human life.
"There are more and more studies showing that before birth, between fertilization and birth, something's happening to boys. Basically, they die before they are born." ~ Dr. Theo ColbornProponents of what is called 'fetal programming' have shown that babies are born not just with traits dictated by their parents' genes, such as brown eyes and olive skin.
They may also be born with a tendency to develop all sort of illnesses and health problems based on what their mothers ate and were exposed to during pregnancy. And this damage to the child may not appear for many years, sometimes not until adulthood.
Parental Effects
An Oct. 2005 photo warns of toxic substances in Talfourd Creek on the Aamjiwnaang First Nation reserve near Sarnia, Ont. ~ CHEMICAL VALLEY
A native community near Sarnia, a highly industrialized city, has seen an alarming drop in the birth of boys. It is now known that fathers are as important as mothers in the period before conception.

A native community near Sarnia, a highly industrialized city, has seen an alarming drop in the birth of boys. It is now known that fathers are as important as mothers in the period before conception.
It has been known since the mid-1970s that occupational exposures to pesticides can diminish or destroy the fertility of workers. As well, certain occupations ~ rubber worker, petroleum worker, agricultural chemical worker, painter, welder, and janitor ~ have been particularly implicated as detrimental to the health of their offspring.
Paternal exposure to solvents, pesticides, and metals has now been associated in animals and humans with the occurrence of spontaneous abortion, low birth weight, birth defects, childhood leukemia, brain cancer, change in the male to female sex ratio of offspring.

And, as with mothers, some of the most damaging exposures are the most unexpected. Many golf courses use four times as many toxic pesticides per acre as the average farm, and men who play golf during the spring are exposing themselves to massive amount of pesticide vapors.
Exposure at Home
In the past few decades the profound threat of poisonous chemicals has come home. Literally. Its an astonishing fact ~ the latest chemical hot spot is not a oozing swamp of toxic effluent: its our bathrooms, kitchens, living and bedrooms.
Recent studies by scientists working in the new field of "exposure analysis" have concluded that our homes expose us to more severe pollution than we get from landfills, hazardous waste sites or smokestacks.
In fact, our homes are now so chemically saturated that the health risks from these indoor pollutants are far greater than the risks in the outdoor world.
"Pollution isn't something that's coming out of a smokestack. It's in us. It's become part of the background chemistry in our bodies. And it's accumulating. And it's accumulating quickly." ~ Dr. John Peterson
In the past few decades the profound threat of poisonous chemicals has come home. Literally. Its an astonishing fact ~ the latest chemical hot spot is not a oozing swamp of toxic effluent: its our bathrooms, kitchens, living and bedrooms.
Recent studies by scientists working in the new field of "exposure analysis" have concluded that our homes expose us to more severe pollution than we get from landfills, hazardous waste sites or smokestacks.
In fact, our homes are now so chemically saturated that the health risks from these indoor pollutants are far greater than the risks in the outdoor world.
"Pollution isn't something that's coming out of a smokestack. It's in us. It's become part of the background chemistry in our bodies. And it's accumulating. And it's accumulating quickly." ~ Dr. John Peterson
We clean with them.
We build them into our walls and cabinets.
We spray them on bugs, weeds and gardens.
We drag them into the house on our shoes
and we stir them up when we walk on our carpets.
They're in our toys, our shower curtains, our clothes,
the water bottles we use for hiking
and the baby bottles we use for breast milk and formula.
They're in the televisions we watch
and some of the computers that entertain us.
We build them into our walls and cabinets.
We spray them on bugs, weeds and gardens.
We drag them into the house on our shoes
and we stir them up when we walk on our carpets.
They're in our toys, our shower curtains, our clothes,
the water bottles we use for hiking
and the baby bottles we use for breast milk and formula.
They're in the televisions we watch
and some of the computers that entertain us.
The net result is that the environment of the family home has become a rich soup of contaminants all swirling together inside our tightly built personal spaces.
Visit The Toxic House to find out more.
It is a deeply disturbing fact of modern life that we inhabit a world that has become increasingly toxic. Sixty years ago, only a few synthetic chemicals (laboratory-made compounds that do not exist in nature) had been invented.
The explosion of modern chemistry began in the era of the military build up during the late 1930's and early 1940's.
Chemists eager to help their countries achieve victory began inventing plastics, pesticides, solvents, degreasers, insulators, and other materials that could be used to make more effective weapons, increase crop yields, and feed more soldiers.
These early chemical scientists unleashed a flood of laboratory ingenuity. More than 54 million chemical sequences have now been identified, and in the 60 years since the end of World War 2 more than 85,000 synthetic chemical compounds have been commercially developed and released into the environment.
Our children are exposed to an array of chemicals throughout their lives. Synthetic chemicals are now ubiquitous in our lives and widely dispersed in virtually everything we consume and touch.
Visit The Toxic House to find out more.
Backgrounder: The Chemicals
It is a deeply disturbing fact of modern life that we inhabit a world that has become increasingly toxic. Sixty years ago, only a few synthetic chemicals (laboratory-made compounds that do not exist in nature) had been invented.
The explosion of modern chemistry began in the era of the military build up during the late 1930's and early 1940's.
Chemists eager to help their countries achieve victory began inventing plastics, pesticides, solvents, degreasers, insulators, and other materials that could be used to make more effective weapons, increase crop yields, and feed more soldiers.
These early chemical scientists unleashed a flood of laboratory ingenuity. More than 54 million chemical sequences have now been identified, and in the 60 years since the end of World War 2 more than 85,000 synthetic chemical compounds have been commercially developed and released into the environment.
Our children are exposed to an array of chemicals throughout their lives. Synthetic chemicals are now ubiquitous in our lives and widely dispersed in virtually everything we consume and touch.
They are in the water we drink
and the air we breathe.
and the air we breathe.
They saturate our food and clothing,
our homes, schools and workplaces.
Increasingly, there are real concerns
about the torrent of chemicals
that are flooding our world.
our homes, schools and workplaces.
Increasingly, there are real concerns
about the torrent of chemicals
that are flooding our world.
There are countless studies which document the ability of certain chemicals to cause disease in laboratory animals; chemicals that continue to be produced in the millions of tonnes for human consumption. Very few of these chemicals have been evaluated for their effects on the human body.
There are now literally hundreds of toxic chemicals that are either known to contribute, or are suspected of contributing, to serious health problems. These include cancers of the breast, prostate, brain and testicles; lowered sperm counts, early puberty, miscarriages and other defects of the reproductive system; diabetes; attention deficit disorder, asthma and autism.
From my personal family situations it has also been said by professionals that Parkinson's and Amnesia are greatly increased due to these toxins.
The chemical deluge also means that every generation of human beings is now more polluted than the last. Here some information about two of the chemicals talked about in The Disappearing Male.
Amongst the chemicals most under the microscope for its negative health effects is a compound first synthesized in the 1890's: Bisphenol A.
Between 1980 and 2000, U.S. production of bisphenol-A grew nearly five times. And it is now a ubiquitous component of clear polycarbonate plastic and it is very big business.
Attitudes like this make it difficult for people to truly take this topic seriously. Not everything is MEANT to be funny!.
More than seven billion pounds of bisphenol A are produced each year worldwide. The chemical is so common that over 95% of us have elevated levels of it in our bodies, and the younger you are the higher the level is likely to be.
The problem is, even very low doses of bisphenol-A have been repeatedly linked to increased incidence of low sperm counts, the earlier onset of puberty, insulin resistance and diabetes, prostate and testicular abnormalities, among other effects.
In 2008, Canada announced it intends to ban the import and sale of polycarbonate baby bottles containing bisphenol A, making it the first country in the world to limit exposure to the controversial chemical. The ban would affect only baby bottles and not other food containers made with bisphenol A (BPA).
Phthalates are a class of widely-used compounds that soften plastic and hold scents and colors. They are found in products ranging from consumer electronics like the iPod and iPhone, food packaging, detergents, vinyl floor coverings, plastic toys and medical equipment.
They are commonly found in products that are supposed to make us look good, and amongst the worst offenders are a wide variety of cosmetics, shampoos, and fragrances. Three quarters of personal care products contain them.
There are now literally hundreds of toxic chemicals that are either known to contribute, or are suspected of contributing, to serious health problems. These include cancers of the breast, prostate, brain and testicles; lowered sperm counts, early puberty, miscarriages and other defects of the reproductive system; diabetes; attention deficit disorder, asthma and autism.
From my personal family situations it has also been said by professionals that Parkinson's and Amnesia are greatly increased due to these toxins.
The chemical deluge also means that every generation of human beings is now more polluted than the last. Here some information about two of the chemicals talked about in The Disappearing Male.
Amongst the chemicals most under the microscope for its negative health effects is a compound first synthesized in the 1890's: Bisphenol A.
"I had three different naturopaths at the time, and I had a midwife, I had a doula, and a doctor. And I was told about what herbs to avoid and certain foods to avoid, but no one mentioned anything about containers to avoid." ~ Tosca Gardino, momIt languished until the 1930's, when it was discovered that it could be used as a synthetic estrogen. In the 1950's it was discovered that bisphenol-A had the remarkable ability to make plastics more pliable and less prone to crack.
Between 1980 and 2000, U.S. production of bisphenol-A grew nearly five times. And it is now a ubiquitous component of clear polycarbonate plastic and it is very big business.
It is used to make compact discs, sunglasses, bicycle helmets, water and milk bottles, baby bottles, drinking cups, pacifiers, food storage containers, dental sealants, tableware, window frames, cell phones, car parts, toys, and some medical devices such as incubators, dialysis machines, and blood oxygenators. It is the de facto lining used in food cans to prevent corrosion.Canning your own if possible is a good alternative in more ways than one. Limiting your use of canned foods is mandatory. For more ways to cut this filth out of your life: Cheatsheet: Bisphenol A (BPA)

More than seven billion pounds of bisphenol A are produced each year worldwide. The chemical is so common that over 95% of us have elevated levels of it in our bodies, and the younger you are the higher the level is likely to be.
The problem is, even very low doses of bisphenol-A have been repeatedly linked to increased incidence of low sperm counts, the earlier onset of puberty, insulin resistance and diabetes, prostate and testicular abnormalities, among other effects.
In 2008, Canada announced it intends to ban the import and sale of polycarbonate baby bottles containing bisphenol A, making it the first country in the world to limit exposure to the controversial chemical. The ban would affect only baby bottles and not other food containers made with bisphenol A (BPA).
Phthalates are a class of widely-used compounds that soften plastic and hold scents and colors. They are found in products ranging from consumer electronics like the iPod and iPhone, food packaging, detergents, vinyl floor coverings, plastic toys and medical equipment.
They are commonly found in products that are supposed to make us look good, and amongst the worst offenders are a wide variety of cosmetics, shampoos, and fragrances. Three quarters of personal care products contain them.
"It looks clean, it smells clean, it feels clean. We've been marketed that this product is clean. So it's difficult to think of it as dirty, as polluted, as toxic." ~ Dr. Aaron Freeman
A study last year analyzed the phthalate concentration in common makeup products. Research that shows that boys born to mothers exposed to phthalates had smaller penises, and a whole host of problems which are now referred to as "testicular dysgenesis syndrome".
These include reproductive abnormalities that are strongly linked to the later development of testicular and prostate cancer. One of the most commen plastics in the world ~ PVC or polyvinyl chloride ~ contains a Phthalate called DEHP. It's been classified as toxic by several agencies around the world.

Infant males may be especially susceptible to the effects of DEHP. Ironically, PVC is used to make medical devices such as iv tubing, catheters and blood bags.
In Europe, the controversy over phthalates is over.
In 2006, the European Union determined that they posed health risks and banned them from all products flowing to the 27 countries that make up the union, over 1200 chemicals in all were outlawed.
The governments of Canada and the United States have been much slower to act and North Americans continue to be exposed to them in massive quantities. U.S. chemical companies still produce more than 2 billion pounds of these compounds a year.
Read more facts about Phthalates
In a hospital setting, an infant or child can be exposed to 200 times what is considered a safe amount in one single exposure.Studies have shown that the chemical can leach from the plastic and end up in the bodies to vulnerable children ~ especially male infants.
In Europe, the controversy over phthalates is over.
In 2006, the European Union determined that they posed health risks and banned them from all products flowing to the 27 countries that make up the union, over 1200 chemicals in all were outlawed.
The governments of Canada and the United States have been much slower to act and North Americans continue to be exposed to them in massive quantities. U.S. chemical companies still produce more than 2 billion pounds of these compounds a year.
Read more facts about Phthalates
Profiles: Scientists
Jim Brophy, PhD
Jim Brophy is Executive Director for the Occupational Health Clinic for Ontario Workers. He has been instrumental in studying and warning about the dangers of pollution to the residents of Aamjiwnaang First Nation in Sarnia, Ontario including how chemical pollution has skewed the birth ratio on the reserve where more girls are born than boys.
Dr. Theo Colborn, PhD
Theo Colborne has a PhD in zoology and has been the senior scientist and director of the Wildlife Contaminants program of the World Wildlife Fund.
As director of the Wildlife and Contaminants Program, she was the first researcher to prove the "endocrine disrupting hypothesis" by compiling information from many scientific disciplines that demonstrated how synthetic chemicals in the environment were mimicking or disrupting the body's natural hormonal system, the very system that controls development from the moment the sperm enters the egg until an individual is born.
In 1996 she co-authored a book for the general public called, Our Stolen Future. In the book, Dr. Colborn discusses about the urgency of this problem, and suggests what needs to be done. Today she is still a leading spokesperson on this subject and continues to compile data from scientific studies.
Elizabeth A. Guillette, PhD
Dr. Guillette is known for her anthropological interpretations regarding the interplay between contaminants, human health, and society. One of her groundbreaking research studies was the children of the people of the Yaqui Valley in Mexico who were exposed to insecticides, herbicides, and other agricultural chemicals.
She found that the pesticide-exposed children were less proficient at catching a ball, reflective of poor eye-hand coordination. They had lower stamina levels. Most striking were their drawings of people. The pesticide-exposed four-year-olds of the valley made scribbles and the five-year-olds frequently made a circle at the bottom of the paper and a line upward to represent the body. Others drew odd shapes with abstract divisions, where dots represented eyes and enclosed areas were body parts.
Louis Guillette, PhD
Louis Guillette Jr. is Distinguished Professor of Zoology at The University of Florida in Gainesville ~ The Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
His studies centre on how environmental factors influence the development and functioning of the reproduction system in vertebrates including: The influence of contaminants on the developmental and reproductive biology of wildlife and humans,endangered species reproduction andthe evolution of maternal-fetal chemical communication.
He has focused on the ability of environmental contaminants, like pesticides, industrial chemicals and detergent products to mimic chemical messengers. (hormones) and alter the reproductive systems.
He has studied the effects of these chemicals on alligators and fish. He has edited, and contributed to hundreds of scientific articles.
David R. Helton,
Toxicologist, President and Chief Scientific Officer of Cenomed BioSciences LLC and Cenomed, Inc.
David has over twenty-five years of drug development experience and has a diversified research and development background. He is highly published and recognized with over 120 scientific papers and 100 patents worldwide.
In 2002, David founded Cenomed, Inc., a pharmaceutical discovery and development company with research areas focused on cognition, psychosis and chemical defense.
Margaret Keith, PhD
Margaret Keith is employed as the Research coordinator at the Occupational Health Clinic for Ontario Workers in Sarnia, Ontario.
She undertook a number of community-based studies, uncovering asbestos disease in Sarnia at the Holmes Foundry and other workplaces. She has also co-authored along with James Brophy and Matthew Firth the book Workplace Roulette: Gambling with Cancer.
David Michaels, PhD
Dr. David Michaels is a Research Professor and Associate Chairman in the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health (EOH) at the George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services.
He is the author of Doubt Is Their Product, a criticism of how public relations has blocked one public health protection after another.
He draws comparisons between the techniques first used to reassure the public about tobacco and those used by other industries to reassure the public about asbestos, lead, vinyl chloride and other chemicals.
John Peterson Myers, PhD
John Peterson Myers is founder, CEO and Chief Scientist of Environmental Health Sciences. Along with co-authors Dr. Theo Colborn and Dianne Dumanoski, Myers wrote Our Stolen Future, a book (1996) that explores the scientific basis of concern for how contamination threatens fetal development.
Shanna H. Swan, Ph.D.
Dr. Swan is an epidemiologist and biostatistician. She is a Professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Director of the Center for Reproductive Epidemiology at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry.
She has focused her research on identifying reproductive risks from environmental exposures. She is also known for her work on the impact of environmental exposures on male and female reproductive health and has served on the National Academy of Science's Committee on Hormone-Related Toxicants.
Since 1998, Dr. Swan has been Principal Investigator of the Study for Future Families, a multi-center pregnancy cohort study examining environmental causes of geographic variation in reproductive health endpoints in men, women and children. Dr. Swan was elected Chair of the 2008 Gordon Research Conference on Environmental Endocrine Disruptors.
Sarah A. Vogel
Dr. Vogel's research examines political, economic, and scientific changes in the United States in the last four decades of the twentieth century through the story of one chemical, bisphenol A.
The research begins in the 1960s with the establishment of regulations affecting plastics' contact with food and bisphenol A's introduction into plastics production. It then traces the intersecting histories of scientific research, environmentalism, regulation, and plastics production up to the present.
Through this case history, this project provides unique insight into the making of our environment, economy, and health.
Visit The Toxic House, to find our more about chemicals in our home environment and how to avoid them.
Studies & Reports
Human Impacts of Man-Made Chemicals
Declining Sex Ratio in a First Nations Community
In Harm's Way: Toxic threats to Child Development Birth Defects and the Environment
Challenged Conceptions: Environmental Chemicals and FertilityAre EDC's Burning Issues of GenderMen, Boys and Environmental Health ThreatsBad Chemistry
External Links
Environmental Toxins and Fertility
The Toxic Chemistry of Everyday Products
What Cautionary Tales Can Lake Apopka Tell?
Our Stolen Future
The Politics of Everyday Bisphenol A (BPA) Maternal-Infant Research on Environmental Chemicals
Environmental Toxins and Fertility
Jim Brophy is Executive Director for the Occupational Health Clinic for Ontario Workers. He has been instrumental in studying and warning about the dangers of pollution to the residents of Aamjiwnaang First Nation in Sarnia, Ontario including how chemical pollution has skewed the birth ratio on the reserve where more girls are born than boys.
Dr. Theo Colborn, PhD
Theo Colborne has a PhD in zoology and has been the senior scientist and director of the Wildlife Contaminants program of the World Wildlife Fund.
As director of the Wildlife and Contaminants Program, she was the first researcher to prove the "endocrine disrupting hypothesis" by compiling information from many scientific disciplines that demonstrated how synthetic chemicals in the environment were mimicking or disrupting the body's natural hormonal system, the very system that controls development from the moment the sperm enters the egg until an individual is born.
In 1996 she co-authored a book for the general public called, Our Stolen Future. In the book, Dr. Colborn discusses about the urgency of this problem, and suggests what needs to be done. Today she is still a leading spokesperson on this subject and continues to compile data from scientific studies.
Elizabeth A. Guillette, PhD
Dr. Guillette is known for her anthropological interpretations regarding the interplay between contaminants, human health, and society. One of her groundbreaking research studies was the children of the people of the Yaqui Valley in Mexico who were exposed to insecticides, herbicides, and other agricultural chemicals.
She found that the pesticide-exposed children were less proficient at catching a ball, reflective of poor eye-hand coordination. They had lower stamina levels. Most striking were their drawings of people. The pesticide-exposed four-year-olds of the valley made scribbles and the five-year-olds frequently made a circle at the bottom of the paper and a line upward to represent the body. Others drew odd shapes with abstract divisions, where dots represented eyes and enclosed areas were body parts.
Louis Guillette, PhD
Louis Guillette Jr. is Distinguished Professor of Zoology at The University of Florida in Gainesville ~ The Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
His studies centre on how environmental factors influence the development and functioning of the reproduction system in vertebrates including: The influence of contaminants on the developmental and reproductive biology of wildlife and humans,endangered species reproduction andthe evolution of maternal-fetal chemical communication.
He has focused on the ability of environmental contaminants, like pesticides, industrial chemicals and detergent products to mimic chemical messengers. (hormones) and alter the reproductive systems.
He has studied the effects of these chemicals on alligators and fish. He has edited, and contributed to hundreds of scientific articles.
David R. Helton,
Toxicologist, President and Chief Scientific Officer of Cenomed BioSciences LLC and Cenomed, Inc.
David has over twenty-five years of drug development experience and has a diversified research and development background. He is highly published and recognized with over 120 scientific papers and 100 patents worldwide.
In 2002, David founded Cenomed, Inc., a pharmaceutical discovery and development company with research areas focused on cognition, psychosis and chemical defense.
Margaret Keith, PhD
Margaret Keith is employed as the Research coordinator at the Occupational Health Clinic for Ontario Workers in Sarnia, Ontario.
She undertook a number of community-based studies, uncovering asbestos disease in Sarnia at the Holmes Foundry and other workplaces. She has also co-authored along with James Brophy and Matthew Firth the book Workplace Roulette: Gambling with Cancer.
David Michaels, PhD
Dr. David Michaels is a Research Professor and Associate Chairman in the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health (EOH) at the George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services.
He is the author of Doubt Is Their Product, a criticism of how public relations has blocked one public health protection after another.
He draws comparisons between the techniques first used to reassure the public about tobacco and those used by other industries to reassure the public about asbestos, lead, vinyl chloride and other chemicals.
John Peterson Myers, PhD
John Peterson Myers is founder, CEO and Chief Scientist of Environmental Health Sciences. Along with co-authors Dr. Theo Colborn and Dianne Dumanoski, Myers wrote Our Stolen Future, a book (1996) that explores the scientific basis of concern for how contamination threatens fetal development.
Shanna H. Swan, Ph.D.
Dr. Swan is an epidemiologist and biostatistician. She is a Professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Director of the Center for Reproductive Epidemiology at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry.
She has focused her research on identifying reproductive risks from environmental exposures. She is also known for her work on the impact of environmental exposures on male and female reproductive health and has served on the National Academy of Science's Committee on Hormone-Related Toxicants.
Since 1998, Dr. Swan has been Principal Investigator of the Study for Future Families, a multi-center pregnancy cohort study examining environmental causes of geographic variation in reproductive health endpoints in men, women and children. Dr. Swan was elected Chair of the 2008 Gordon Research Conference on Environmental Endocrine Disruptors.
Sarah A. Vogel
Dr. Vogel's research examines political, economic, and scientific changes in the United States in the last four decades of the twentieth century through the story of one chemical, bisphenol A.
The research begins in the 1960s with the establishment of regulations affecting plastics' contact with food and bisphenol A's introduction into plastics production. It then traces the intersecting histories of scientific research, environmentalism, regulation, and plastics production up to the present.
Through this case history, this project provides unique insight into the making of our environment, economy, and health.
Visit The Toxic House, to find our more about chemicals in our home environment and how to avoid them.
Studies & Reports
Human Impacts of Man-Made Chemicals
Declining Sex Ratio in a First Nations Community
In Harm's Way: Toxic threats to Child Development Birth Defects and the Environment
Challenged Conceptions: Environmental Chemicals and FertilityAre EDC's Burning Issues of GenderMen, Boys and Environmental Health ThreatsBad Chemistry
External Links
Environmental Toxins and Fertility
The Toxic Chemistry of Everyday Products
What Cautionary Tales Can Lake Apopka Tell?
Our Stolen Future
The Politics of Everyday Bisphenol A (BPA) Maternal-Infant Research on Environmental Chemicals
Environmental Toxins and Fertility
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