Smoking Mirrors
Dog Poet Transmitting…….
“Number 9, Number 9” to quote one of The Beatles. It’s the 9th anniversary of Israel’s attack on the United States and things are finally moving at a pretty good clip toward exposure of the truth.
People are collecting money to put ads on television. Individuals around the world are doing what they can (Time Advert) to bring reality out of the darkness of suffocating materialism and cheap glamour.
You can feel it.
Critical mass has been reached in respect of 9/11. There’s no way to hide it any longer. This is somewhat troubling at the same time because it means that those who did 9/11= Israel, portions of the American intelligence community, M1-6 and certain strategic fellow travelers abroad; such as Michael Ledeen, are at it again, racing against an invisible clock, to distract the world from their being dragged into the light of day.
People are collecting money to put ads on television. Individuals around the world are doing what they can (Time Advert) to bring reality out of the darkness of suffocating materialism and cheap glamour.
You can feel it.
Critical mass has been reached in respect of 9/11. There’s no way to hide it any longer. This is somewhat troubling at the same time because it means that those who did 9/11= Israel, portions of the American intelligence community, M1-6 and certain strategic fellow travelers abroad; such as Michael Ledeen, are at it again, racing against an invisible clock, to distract the world from their being dragged into the light of day.
If you’ve been asleep for the last nine years; drunk on Sterno under a bridge abutment, or formerly brainwashed but getting suspicious, then I’m going to recommend two sites, where you can get all you are going to need to know to convince yourself beyond all possibility of doubt that 9/11 was not done by Bin Laden and a small cabal of Stone Age Arabs.
Drum roll please; those sites would be, “Israel did 9/11 – All the Proof in the World” and “It wasn’t Muslims”.
I’m recommending that everyone who reads here send this posting to at least one friend or associate who is still wearing their jock strap on their heads or still in deep denial about what these pages conclusively prove and ask them to go to these links and then spin it as they can.
I heard where someone said, “Even if it were true, I wouldn’t believe it” the other day.
Now that is denial.
Some more info from the redoubtable Michael Rivero can be found here, here, here and here.
I’m recommending that everyone who reads here send this posting to at least one friend or associate who is still wearing their jock strap on their heads or still in deep denial about what these pages conclusively prove and ask them to go to these links and then spin it as they can.
I heard where someone said, “Even if it were true, I wouldn’t believe it” the other day.
Now that is denial.
Some more info from the redoubtable Michael Rivero can be found here, here, here and here.
All my sites have been experiencing serious attacks of late. Most people can no longer comment (if you want to comment then send them to lesvisible@yahoo.com) and various other anomalies are surfacing as well. My mail isn’t even arriving in some cases.
It appears that certain parts of the world are blanked out in this respect, while others are allowed some limited access.
Google owns Blogger and all you have to ask yourself is who owns Google.
Like the world media and certain other critical industries around the world, insane representatives of a group of people who account for .2 % of the world’s population, have been using counterfeit money to purchase certain vehicles for world conquest and control.
It appears that certain parts of the world are blanked out in this respect, while others are allowed some limited access.
Google owns Blogger and all you have to ask yourself is who owns Google.
Like the world media and certain other critical industries around the world, insane representatives of a group of people who account for .2 % of the world’s population, have been using counterfeit money to purchase certain vehicles for world conquest and control.
Zionist agents like the Rothschilds have control of the world’s central banks.
“Number 9, number 9”; those banks are; the Rothschild banks, Lazard Brothers, Israel Moses Seif, The Warburg Banks, Lehman Brothers (they’ve morphed into something else, I suppose), Kuhn-Loeb Bank; presently known as Shearson American Express, Goldman Sachs, National Bank of Commerce NY/Morgan Guaranty Trust and Hanover Trust of N.Y.
You can argue about this but fat lot of good it will do you. Until recently, every single member of the Federal Reserve Board was Jewish. You can argue about that too, while you deny that the sky is blue (actually it isn’t ~ grin) and proclaim that the grass is not green.
“Number 9, number 9”; those banks are; the Rothschild banks, Lazard Brothers, Israel Moses Seif, The Warburg Banks, Lehman Brothers (they’ve morphed into something else, I suppose), Kuhn-Loeb Bank; presently known as Shearson American Express, Goldman Sachs, National Bank of Commerce NY/Morgan Guaranty Trust and Hanover Trust of N.Y.
You can argue about this but fat lot of good it will do you. Until recently, every single member of the Federal Reserve Board was Jewish. You can argue about that too, while you deny that the sky is blue (actually it isn’t ~ grin) and proclaim that the grass is not green.
On a fairly regular basis, I have apologists who come in here and tell me that these folk are just tools and that there is some shadowy and sinister group of Masons, Illuminati and Catholics behind them. Whatever… I don’t care how you slice it; they are neck deep in the global cesspool of the New World Order.

Some would say that there were other forces behind the Nazis but that didn’t stop the blame from being apportioned to individual Nazis and when they ran out of real Nazis they started creating them.
Their control of the publishing and entertainment worlds allows them to spin history and indoctrinate the young into whatever fancy and myth serves their purposes.

Some would say that there were other forces behind the Nazis but that didn’t stop the blame from being apportioned to individual Nazis and when they ran out of real Nazis they started creating them.
Their control of the publishing and entertainment worlds allows them to spin history and indoctrinate the young into whatever fancy and myth serves their purposes.

The first thing that has to be done is that the Federal Reserve must be abolished. This is the force that fulfills the pronouncement of Amschel Rothschild; “Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes her laws”.
When someone like that Gila Monster, Larry Silverstein can purchase the lease on the WTC, mere weeks before the attacks and then take out enormous insurance policies on those asbestos laden nightmares AND THEN reap near 5 billion dollars in the aftermath, you know that your world is effectively under the control of very bad people.
When someone like that Gila Monster, Larry Silverstein can purchase the lease on the WTC, mere weeks before the attacks and then take out enormous insurance policies on those asbestos laden nightmares AND THEN reap near 5 billion dollars in the aftermath, you know that your world is effectively under the control of very bad people.
We might all be screwed if it were not for The Apocalypse. This mysterious time zone appears like clockwork every so many thousands of years and all temporal systems of control go haywire. It’s as if some lever gets thrown in the invisible and the truth about everything begins to surface, like long sunken corpses, formerly held down by cinder blocks and chains.
They are going to spare no calamity and expense to keep their evil plans and activities hidden from the general public.
We are in the final countdown toward the critical phase that is going to seek to shift the world into chaos and disorder.
The stock market is going to crash, once they’ve looted all they can get their hands on.
The dollar is going to be in the basement; food shortages, urban panic, wild eyed people with ipod cords dangling from their ears are going to be streaming through the streets, each of them with their own soundtrack.

Serious war is going to break out, while massive communist, Mexican-style murals begin to appear on billboards and walls around the world.
Huge loudspeakers will be announcing, “Remain calm and line up in an orderly fashion in front of the paddock gate”. This will be similar to Mick Jagger, saying “Peace brothers and sisters”, while slamming his studded belt down on the stage at Altamont during a rendition of “Street Fighting Man”. I was right there, up close.
We are in the final countdown toward the critical phase that is going to seek to shift the world into chaos and disorder.
The stock market is going to crash, once they’ve looted all they can get their hands on.
The dollar is going to be in the basement; food shortages, urban panic, wild eyed people with ipod cords dangling from their ears are going to be streaming through the streets, each of them with their own soundtrack.

Serious war is going to break out, while massive communist, Mexican-style murals begin to appear on billboards and walls around the world.
Huge loudspeakers will be announcing, “Remain calm and line up in an orderly fashion in front of the paddock gate”. This will be similar to Mick Jagger, saying “Peace brothers and sisters”, while slamming his studded belt down on the stage at Altamont during a rendition of “Street Fighting Man”. I was right there, up close.
How it is going to go down and what the result is going to be, none of us know.
My suspicion is that the plans of evil are going to inexplicably go haywire. Nothing they try to do is going to go according to the schematic. Every effort they make will only serve to expose them further.
Don’t ask me how this works but it appears to be a universal constant at certain times.
It may even happen that they get caught in the act of their most important false flag.
I’m very positive about the belief that they are going down, way down, right into the bottomless pit.
My suspicion is that the plans of evil are going to inexplicably go haywire. Nothing they try to do is going to go according to the schematic. Every effort they make will only serve to expose them further.
Don’t ask me how this works but it appears to be a universal constant at certain times.
It may even happen that they get caught in the act of their most important false flag.
I’m very positive about the belief that they are going down, way down, right into the bottomless pit.
A mini golden age is coming to the planet. Even in dark periods, like the Kali Yuga, there are examples of all of the other three Yuga types in miniature. We are entering an age of brotherhood and this, perforce, cannot occur if slimy, psychopathic reptiles remain in charge.
This is why they are being pushed to the forefront of negative celebrity. This is why they are being named and caught out in so many things.
Everything they do, from Operation Cast Lead to the Flotilla Massacre, is turning out the opposite of their original intent.
Quite some numbers of ironies are counter-pointing each other in these times. People are becoming more and more stupid as they ready themselves for the birth canals of another 26,000 years in a grim and grimmer landscape.
Other people are waking up and finding out that the stupid pills don’t work anymore.
Religions have become a travesty upon all that they purport to teach and represent while something powerful and magnificent approaches.
Other people are waking up and finding out that the stupid pills don’t work anymore.
Religions have become a travesty upon all that they purport to teach and represent while something powerful and magnificent approaches.
Mother Nature has gotten her powers back and there’s gonna be a “whole lotta shakin going on”. Cataclysmic events like the BP murder of the Gulf of Mexico will become commonplace, as the villains of the age snare themselves in their own webs and alert that massive and fearful spider who is going to drain them dry.
Their dead husks will blow across the poisoned farmlands of Monsanto.
Goldman Sachs is going to be torn to pieces and the morally compromised governments of the world are going to be exposed and crash under the weight of their own greed and lies.
Their dead husks will blow across the poisoned farmlands of Monsanto.
Goldman Sachs is going to be torn to pieces and the morally compromised governments of the world are going to be exposed and crash under the weight of their own greed and lies.
When the great ship of illusion begins to sink beneath the waves, there will be many who are going to be caught in the whirlpool. They couldn’t let go. They believed too strongly. They had to save the toaster oven and the Sunday joint. Whatever their reasons may be, don’t let those be your reasons.
Day by day we inch closer to the watermark.
Day by day the denouement approaches.
It’s going to hit like lightning and thunder in the tropics, seemingly coming out of nowhere.
In an instant the world will be changed beyond anything that was expected and the warning signs have been there all along.
The metrosexuals are not going to fare well.
This is the Bad Day at Black Rock for the bad hats.
You can be magnetized in one of two main directions.
Now is the time to tune your strings to that long awaited symphony.
Day by day the denouement approaches.
It’s going to hit like lightning and thunder in the tropics, seemingly coming out of nowhere.
In an instant the world will be changed beyond anything that was expected and the warning signs have been there all along.
The metrosexuals are not going to fare well.
This is the Bad Day at Black Rock for the bad hats.
You can be magnetized in one of two main directions.
Now is the time to tune your strings to that long awaited symphony.
“Give it your best shot.
Give it everything you’ve got.
Right now is the time to start if you’re willing and able.”
Give it everything you’ve got.
Right now is the time to start if you’re willing and able.”
We’ll close with my 9/11 poem;
9/11 dreaming in a world of flesh
in a world of flesh
sees flesh only
the heart and the mind may suspect
but still too often
flesh only
back of the flesh in the world of gears
manipulated triggers pull at the limbs
that dance in the world of flesh
and the high art of fraud
are an easy task
in the world of flesh
and the tumbling bodies hit
and the dust rolls in clouds from the streets
but another dust comes
from the smoke machines
and the mirror exchange of the press
some say the Arabs were angry that day
some say there's more to the ruse
beneath the veils are a number of things
has put to bad use
other intentions have come through the fire
and now they would burn the world
the convenient timing
the fabulous deaths
the great down winding
diminished regrets
in the unseeing world of flesh
now comes
the junk and the tedious songs
on and on
ad nauseum
the Twin Towers Watch
the speeches and banners
"on Comet and Cupid"
and Tiny Dancer
the peacocks are fanning
the demagogues struttin'
the survivors are jostlin'
through cables and grips
very important envelopes of flesh will
inflate their gills
with the shimmering scales of eminence
and gravitas
and their importance as flesh
and... remind you... of that
it goes on forever
it lasts for an age
for the flesh
that encompasses space in a world of flesh
forget Rwanda,
Sierra Leone
the Congo?
where that's at?
I lost my cell phone
where's my goddamn latte?
is this lettuce fresh?
it's so hard for me
in this world of flesh
no one understands what it's like
for ME!
no one understands!
I don't understand
"why can't we all just get along?"
in the world of flesh
in the world of flesh
flesh expands and presses out over the clothing
and all restraint
flesh billows with the fruit of appetite
the soft melting encapsulated lard
of chewy TV goodies
and somebody
blew up the church of the flesh
the goalposts of the empire of flesh
came down
the towers of flesh motivating upwards
the upwardly mobile flesh
the lightening struck tower
now walk with me...
take a walk with me…
behind the world of flesh
back into the gears
back behind the tech's
behind the bankers
behind the money
behind the images
behind the ideas
behind the numbers
and behind the initial divide
far from the world of flesh you have
the uninvited guest
the forgotten lover
the fruit of desirous quest
someone forgot
a lot of fragmented flesh puppets forgot
a whole lot of somebody
seriously forgot
to invite the divine into the world of flesh
and the divine showed up anyway
like the sword-
as the spirit-
informing matter of it's presence
but it will never do to look for truth in the rubble
it will never do to think in terms
that flesh cannot accept
it will never do to consider
the absolute precision of the act
the fluid grace
that caught everyone flat footed
with a stupid look on their face
things can only be a certain way in the world of flesh
the impermanent flesh demands it
the vanishing melting vulnerable flesh is trumpeting
and cannot hear beyond it's own noise
the flesh is God unto itself
in the land of stuff
where stuff is God
there is never enough
there is NEVER enough...
just the wanting of the flesh
in a landscape of desired things
the temporary paradise on disappearing wings
rage on flesh
wrap yourself in the colored images of dream
wrap yourself in the vain exhortation
wrap yourself in the clamoring
clanging detuned symbols
of the empire of flesh
and laugh
and weep
and carry on
it is never a moment too soon
in a world that is too soon gone
one should never disturb the dangerous dreams
of the lords of the kingdoms of flesh
the heart and the mind may suspect
but they can't get there yet
the tiny voice in the silence may speak
but cannot be heard
not in the world of flesh
sometimes a greater noise is needed
from the lover you have forgotten
the lover
has not forgotten
I know you're in there….
I know you're in there...
hidden in a world of flesh.
Buried in a world of flesh
The New Shangri-La (Okay people, I’m waiting for you to show up and make this place jump again. I know it’s been a year in slumber but the time wasn’t right then. Now it is.)
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