Beware most if your children are fair, blue eyed, beautiful and intelligent. These are the most desired for both blood ritual or, in the case of girls, for use as "breeders".
Aliester Crowley an extremely highly celebrated Freemason, "Father of Modern Satanism in the Western World" taught his disciples, high level Freemasons the following:
"But the bloody sacrifice, though more dangerous, is more efficacious; and for nearly all purposes human sacrifice is the best.How did I first learn of these happenings on the planet? I was briefly married to such a child who escaped in young adulthood and was allowed to live so long as he continued to serve. When he refused to do evermore evil acts, he was eliminated. Over the years I leaned many things from other members of his family. No one ever really escapes once you are owned by these vicious beings.
The animal should therefore be killed within the Circle, or the Triangle, as the case may be, so that its energy cannot escape. For the highest spiritual working one must accordingly choose that victim which contains the greatest and purest force. A male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence is the most satisfactory and suitable victim."
One of my first blogs several years ago was on this topic of MK Ultra and pedophilia and it has been very upsetting to learn so much as I have over the years, but it is true. These children are flown around the world and nothing is said or questioned since they are on private or governmental aircraft. It is not for us Caucasians to look at the Jews or the Arabs or the Chinese or East Indians and speak in disgust at their practices in slavery because these horrors are very alive and well in Western culture.
At my YouTube Channel I have several playlists dedicated to victims of these situations and they tell their stories. Kathy O'Brien, Svalli, and others. These people escaped but tell amazing tales of survival and they also, since they are American, name many North American top politicians including the Bushes, Cheney and the recently deceased Senator Byrd. As well many stars are exposed.
For selection just hit the PLAYLIST button on the very top and then to the extreme Right the button with the many small rectangles. MIND CONTROL before the names of the video will let you know the relevant films.
October 20, 2007
A ferrari engine makes a deep, distinctive sound.
Where possible, he chose deaf-mutes.
"We are confident in our case," he said.
The latest?

Now 44, Mr Namora watched as friends sank into alcoholism, drug addiction and death after their traumatic childhood experiences at Casa Pia. "I was the only one who made it," he said. "What could I do? I couldn't keep silent."

to assure his friends did not die in vain.
An open, warm man, Mr Namora makes an unlikely conspiracy theorist ~ But he believes the case, which he brought to light in 2003, will underscore Portugal's growing attraction for paedophiles, which has seen six children disappear in recent years.
who had been missing from Casa Pia.
It is interesting how the Jewish/Russian/Italian ring, which was the equal to any of these situations is never mentioned. Indeed never even made the western press!

December 6, 2008
Portugal, dangerous place for children:

It is shocking to realize how many children have snatched in Portugal. Non-family abductions are usually rare and Portugal is small country, but in Portugal there are all too many of them.
These children, many of them now adults, if still alive, were never seen again by their loved ones. And they need closure. They deserve to know what happened to their sons and daughters, who were snatched from their simple and normal lives.

Jorge Sepúlveda: missing since 15/08/1991 ~ 14 years old in 1991 disappeared from Massarelos, Porto. Jorge has a brown birth mark near his navel.

Cláudia Alexandra Silva e Sousa: missing since 13/05/1994 - 7 years old in 1994; disappeared from her hometown in Oleiros - Vila Verde. The child has a 10 cm scar in her right thigh, a scar in her lower lip and another in a finger.

João Teles: missing since 06/10/1998 - 16 years old in 1998; disappeared from Câmara dos Lobos, Madeira.

Rui Pedro Mendonça: missing since 04/03/1998 - 11 years old in 1998; taken from his town of Lousada. It is now believed that this child was taken abroad and is in the in the hands of a pedophile network.

Rui Pereira: missing since 02/03/1999 - 13 years old in 1999; a boy from Vila Nova Famalicão. Rui has a small scar near his left eye, a scar between his upper lip and his right nostril and a big birth mark on his back.

Sofia Oliveira: missing since 22/02/2004 - 2 years old in 2004: kidnapped from her mother's home, in Câmara dos Lobos, Madeira. Her father took her without her mother's knowledge and somehow the child got lost after that.

Joana Cipriano: missing since September 2004 - 8 years old in 2004; last seen in Portimão, Algarve.

Tatiana Mendes or Odete Freman or Odete Frima: missing since May 2005 - 7 years old in 2005; she was "adopted" by a couple with her mother's acceptance. She traveled to Portugal in May 2004, however a year later her adopting mother said that the young girl was given to another person and that, still in the year 2004, the girl had died in a traffic accident somewhere in the area of Badajoz/Espanha.

Ana Santos: missing since 15/06/2005 - 15 years old in 2005; last seen in Montijo, Setúbal.

Sara Raquel Pinho Reis: missing since 23/02/2007 - 17 years old in 2007; disappeared from her hometown in Trofa - Porto.

Madeleine Beth Mccann: missing since 03/05/2007 - 4 years old in 2007; disappeared from her family's holiday apartment in Praia da Luz, Lagos,Portugal.

Rita Marques Cardoso Santos: missing since 01/08/2007 - 16 years old in 2007; She was last seen in the area of Chelas - Lisbon.

Pamela Matias Santos: missing since 23/09/2007 - 17 years old in 2007; disappeared from Santarém.

Jacira Rocha Gomes: missing since 23/11/2007 - 17 years old in 2007; the missing girl studies in the 8º grade of the secondary school D. Luísa de Gusmão, in the area of Penha de França, Lisbon. There were sightings in Moita, Vale de Amoreira e Cidade Sol, no Barreiro.

Rebeca dos Anjos Cardoso missing since 23/03/2008 - 15 years old in 2008; Lost nearby Massamá Sintra. Wearing at the time,denim trousers and white pullover.
But here are not all missing children, according to Instituto de Apoio à Criança in 2006 disappeared in Portugal 31 children. Of these 31 cases, five were of children under the age of six and 17 related to children between the ages of 11 and 15, with 54 per cent of children going missing from the Lisbon area along. Unfortunately, only 24 of the 31 missing children have so far been found and two of those were found already dead.
That means there is still 7 missing children disappeared in 2006, but who they are? No names, no images?
"Sadly, reported cases of missing children have increased since the SOS phone line was created in 1988."
But Instituto de Apoio à Criança tells us not anymore how many children are missing in Portugal, because there is new organization for this: and leader of this organization is Portuguese Association for Missing ChildrenPaulo Pereira Cristovao:. This is the same man who together with Amaral fabricated unbelievable lies (paedo-tom-tom) against Madeleine's parents, was one of the Joanas mother's assaulters and wrote books about Joana and Madeleine.
HEAD of Portugal's new foundation for missing children:

"Investigators from the Swiss-based Innocence in Danger group, which claims children regularly disappear from the poorer streets of Portuguese towns and cities, say they too have been harassed and threatened."
Casa Pia scandal broke in September 2002 half year after Barroso's party Social Democratic Party ousted the socialists in March 2002, he promised to bring life and honor back into the Casa Pia child's homes and allow new director Catalina Pestana reform to the institution. As a result, several senior staff of Casa Pia were fired after the 2002 revelations.
But when the Socialists got to the power again 2005 (Most of Casa Pia abusers were linked in Socialist Party) they began to advocate the Casa Pia charges down and they relaxed law, ahead of the forthcoming Casa Pia trial (if it never comes), which means that repeat offences against the same child would merit only a single charge ~ and a lesser sentence.
Most of men linked in Casa Pia scandal (Carlos Cruz, known in Portugal as "Mr. Television"; Manuel Abrantes, a former director of Casa Pia; Joao Ferreira Diniz, a doctor at Casa Pia; Jorge Ritto, a former ambassador to UNESCO; Hugo Marcal, Carlos Silvino's former attorney; Eduardo Ferro Rodrigues, Portugal's Socialist Party leader; television talk show host Herman Jose; and Paulo Pedroso, a former Labour minister are free men now despite testimonies against them and abuse in Casa Pia orphanages still continues according to Catalina Pestana (Casa Pia II).
"The latest moves in both the McCann case and the Casa Pia investigation also come days after explosive ‘tell-all’ revelations in the weekend broadsheet newspaper Sol by retired Casa Pia director Catalina Pestana, in which she claimed sexual abuses of minors within the state-run establishment for orphans and children at risk were “still going on”.
Part two from the Madeleine is Still Missing Blog
September 4, 2010

embraces abuse victim Pedro Namora
at the court in Lisbon yesterday
Saturday, 4 September 2010
Politicians among abusers
who preyed on state-run orphanages.
Surprise surprise?
To most people Portugal's state-run orphanages seemed like a safe haven for thousands of children who had been robbed of their parents. They were called the Casa Pia, or Houses of the Pious.
But for an elite paedophile ring, which included a former ambassador and a prominent television celebrity, Casa Pia orphanages were something entirely different. They were supermarkets stocked with children to abuse.
Sounds like America and Britain, doesn't it?
BEYOND HEARTLESS, SOULLESS, STEALING CHILDREN FOR THE STATEYesterday, at the conclusion of the longest trial in Portugal's history, seven defendants were convicted of using the orphanages to rape and abuse scores of teenage boys in a case that has sent shockwaves through the country's political elite and raised serious concerns over the efficiency of Portugal's judiciary. Six of the seven were given jail terms of between five and 18 years.
The trial, in Lisbon's top criminal court, is thought to be the largest ever undertaken by Portugal's court system. Over five and half years, more than 800 witnesses, including 32 alleged victims, gave evidence detailing how a paedophile ring used the orphanages to source children for wealthy and influential clients.
The sentencing document alone, of which judges spent most of yesterday reading a summary, runs to 2,000 pages.
Two of those found guilty included Carlos Cruz, a popular television chat-show host with 30 years in show business, and Jorge Ritto, a former ambassador once sent home in disgrace from a posting in Germany over allegations that he had been having an improper relationship with a young boy in a park.

Ambassador Jorge Ritto's Freemason apron.Hmm. Pedophile? Freemason?
Their co-defendants included Carlos Silvino, an orphanage driver who would ferry children to paedophile houses;
Manuel Abrantes, a former deputy principal at an orphanage;
solicitor Hugo Marcal;
Gertrude Nunes, the only female defendant who allowed her house to be used by the paedophile ring.
The successful convictions, eight years after the paedophile scandal was exposed, is a major victory for Portuguese police, under intense criticism over their handling of the investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.
One of the lead detectives in the Casa Pia case, Paulo Rebelo, also investigated the Madeleine McCann disappearance after the original lead investigator was sacked. Rebelo and his team of forensic investigators ~ called "the cleaners" because they leave no stones unturned ~ are said to have played a pivotal role in securing the convictions.
But the trial was dogged by accusations that witnesses had been intimidated, and allegations that senior politicians turned a blind eye to the abuse to protect friends.
Reports that paedophiles were using Casa Pia orphanages to source victims surfaced in the early 1980s but they were swept under the carpet.
Teresa Costa Macedo, a senior government official, said she informed the country's then president, General Ramalho Eanes, and provided photographic evidence. But the photographs were "lost" by police and Mrs Macedo said she was also intimidated by phone calls from anonymous callers.
"They said they would kill me, flay me and a lot of other things," she recalled.
The current trial began in 2004 after a lengthy investigation started by nine boys who had been at one of the homes in Lisbon accused several people of sexual abuse between 1998 and 2001. Their decision to come forward prompted hundreds more witnesses to speak out and has lead to a tripling in the number of child-abuse investigations across Portugal.
Victims have told investigators that abuse at Casa Pia orphanages ~ of which there about 10 around the country ~ occurred as far back as the 1970s but most witness testimonies used for the trial came from victims who were abused during the 1990s. Prosecutors still believe there are more victims out there too scared to talk.
The prosecution's case centred around Silvino, known to the paedophile ring as "Bibi". The 53-year-old confessed to 639 charges relating to the abuse of children or procuring them for others, and testified against the other defendants. He admitted he had used the orphanages to collect victims and delivered them to co-defendants such as Cruz who, Silvino claimed, paid cash.
Cruz has denied the accusations and claimed in press interviews during the trial that he was the victim of prejudice from one of the three judges trying the case. Yesterday the 68-year-old dismissed the verdict built on "lies and manipulation", adding: "This is one of the most monstrous judicial mistakes in Portuguese history."
He and the other defendants are expected to appeal. It is not clear whether the defendants would be jailed with an appeal pending.
Alvaro Carvalho, a psychiatrist who has counseled the victims and was in court with some them yesterday, said they were nervous as they awaited the verdict. "They calmed down when the judge ruled that the crimes were proven," Mr Carvalho told reporters. "In a way, it's society making reparation for what happened to them."
Pedro Namora, a former resident of a Casa Pia orphanage who says he was abused, became a lawyer and played a pivotal role in the prosecution. "These men have to be condemned," he said. "They committed barbarous crimes against humanity."
The scandal that went right to the top
João Ferreira Diniz
A wealthy doctor, Diniz was arrested in January 2003 near his office in Belem, Lisbon. He insisted on his innocence throughout the trial. He has been sentenced to seven years in jail after being found guilty of abusing two children. His accusers claimed they had been abused by him at a house in Elvas, owned by co-defendant Gertrude Nunes.
Jorge Ritto
One of the most high-profile figures to be caught up in Portugal's largest paedophile ring, Ritto was once a career diplomat with a glittering career. He retired in 2002 after serving as Portugal's ambassador to Unesco. During the trial it emerged that he was sent home from a posting in Stuttgart in the early 1980s after allegations surfaced that he had been caught in an "improper relationship" with a boy in a park. He denied all charges in the Casa Pia trial. He was jailed for six years.
Carlos Cruz
Once voted "Portugal's most popular man", Carlos Cruz has spent three decades as one of the country's most recognisable television personalities. The 68-year-old fronted a number of successful shows during his career in the media and famously married a wife who is three decades his junior. He was arrested in 2003. He has repeatedly alleged that his arrest was the result of "a vendetta". Cruz is now facing a seven-year jail sentence.
The trial in numbers
800 witnesses and experts gave evidence in the case.
4,500 people were cared for at Casa Pia homes for children in need.
639 crimes were confessed to by ex-Casa Pia driver Carlos Silvino.
2,000 pages: the length of the sentencing document.
32 victims were identified during the near six-year trial.
Portugal child sex case droppedPortugal scandal MP reinstated
Portugal awakens to horror of abuse
Casa Pia child sexual abuse scandal
Portugal rocked by child sex scandal
School Pedophilia Scandal Shakes Portuguese Society
Portugal child sex trial begins
Beyond the Dutroux Affair
Prince Andrew's friend, Ghislaine Maxwell, some underage girls and a very disturbing story
The Case Against Dr. Sidney Siemer
The Reality of the Cycle of Abuse
Mind Control Slavery and the New World Order
Operation Predator
This is the Euro version of the Franklin Cover-up, whose author is Vietnam veteran, former state legislator and barrister John Decamp. I met Decamp a few times as he represented the district I lived back in the 70's.
ReplyDeleteHe suffered the same fate of censorship and threats.
The individuals perpetrating these acts are not human. In many instances they install one of their own as head of agencies charged with ferreting out the criminals.
Their order has many members and they currently wield enough power to provide cover. Hopefully the Portugese case will open gates to this evil.
Thank you for writing on this topic. One need not have an abused family nor have children to be hopeful these animals are brought to justice.
Perchance Decamp's early efforts have not been in vain.
Pamela raised from the drug hell to the family.
ReplyDeleteNot abducted just....was lost for some time.
Joana was murdered by her mother by accident we presume and her body desintegrated inside the trunk of a car that was pressed to forgery.