Gordon Duff presents a powerful picture here. I would that every American and Canadian read these words and understand the depth of content and how it effects our every breath. My few comments are in this pale green, images are mine, and the links provided come from me. Let me start off with a quote to set the mood.
I have taken his original article and it ran away with me. There are additions, images, things added on and developed. Please forgive me Mr. Duff should you see this mish mash I have made of your talent.
There is a group of Americans, a combination of coward, gangster, politician, buffoonish soldier, con man and Israel obsessed bully. These are the “users” and “takers” who live their lives, some invisible, some media darlings, some famous heroes as portrayed by their friends in the media, their fellow thugs.
This is the world’s greatest terrorist organization, the threat to, not only world security but the lives and freedom of the people of the world.
These are the people who bleed America dry and have for generations, the people who have turned America into what the world clearly sees it as now, a weapon to be wielded against the common and decent people of the world on behalf of criminal terrorists.
Everyone has heard the story at one time or another. President Wilson was duped into setting up the Federal Reserve system. The term “Federal Reserve” is a lie.
The Rothschild family and their predecessors that have controlled European currencies forever, since the 1600s and before, took over operation of America in 1913, printing our money and running the country through a series of banks that they control, and not all that “secretly.”
Everything else, the Pentagon, Wall Street, the corporate news, congress, the Supreme Court, the arms industry bandits are nothing but their henchmen, cowards and thieves that sold their souls for cash, the perception of power and vice
Walk the corridors of power in America and you will see vice, drugs, sex and corruption. We all know the “nice Jewish girls” that are passed around Washington like party favors, Monica Lewinsky, Chandra Levy are only two names America knows.
There are a hundred more.
Try thousands more over the years, Gordon. MK Ultra slaves are a dime a dozen in America, both male and female.
It doesn’t take a genius to figure out who recruited them and why. Sex is power in Washington, London, Rome and Tel Aviv. If they aren’t snared in Washington, fly them to Tel Aviv.

They got John McCain in Hanoi, or so reliable sources tell us, giving North Vietnam virtual control over American trade policies with Vietnam and guaranteeing the slow death of hundreds of abandoned prisoners of war.
I have taken his original article and it ran away with me. There are additions, images, things added on and developed. Please forgive me Mr. Duff should you see this mish mash I have made of your talent.
The communist rules have been characterized by the massive violation of human rights since the very beginning. In order to achieve and maintain power, the communist regimes have gone beyond individual assassinations and local massacres, and have integrated crime into the ruling system.
It is true that several years after the establishment of the regime in most European countries, and after tens of years in the Soviet Union and China, terror has lost a lot of its initial vigor, and the violation of human rights have become less flagrant.
However, “memory of terror” played an important role in societies, and the potential threat substituted real atrocities. Furthermore, if need arose, the regimes have resorted to terror as illustrated by Czechoslovakia in 1968, Poland in 1971, 1976 and 1981, China in 1989. This rule applies to all historic and present communist regimes irrespective of the country." ~ Mr Göran Lindblad, member of the Swedish Parliament

This is the world’s greatest terrorist organization, the threat to, not only world security but the lives and freedom of the people of the world.
These are the people who bleed America dry and have for generations, the people who have turned America into what the world clearly sees it as now, a weapon to be wielded against the common and decent people of the world on behalf of criminal terrorists.
Everyone has heard the story at one time or another. President Wilson was duped into setting up the Federal Reserve system. The term “Federal Reserve” is a lie.
The Rothschild family and their predecessors that have controlled European currencies forever, since the 1600s and before, took over operation of America in 1913, printing our money and running the country through a series of banks that they control, and not all that “secretly.”
”Federal Reserve” means “Rothschild.”
“Rothschild” means poverty,
hunger, ignorance and, most of all, war.
This is all you really need to know.
“Rothschild” means poverty,
hunger, ignorance and, most of all, war.
This is all you really need to know.

Walk the corridors of power in America and you will see vice, drugs, sex and corruption. We all know the “nice Jewish girls” that are passed around Washington like party favors, Monica Lewinsky, Chandra Levy are only two names America knows.
There are a hundred more.
Try thousands more over the years, Gordon. MK Ultra slaves are a dime a dozen in America, both male and female.
It doesn’t take a genius to figure out who recruited them and why. Sex is power in Washington, London, Rome and Tel Aviv. If they aren’t snared in Washington, fly them to Tel Aviv.

They got John McCain in Hanoi, or so reliable sources tell us, giving North Vietnam virtual control over American trade policies with Vietnam and guaranteeing the slow death of hundreds of abandoned prisoners of war.
It was the Franklin Scandal that told us how bad it was. A case is made against American presidents as pedophiles, not just them but hundreds of others including dozens of prominent members of congress.
“Franklin” went after the GOP and their weakness, phony Christianity, phony “family values” and the love of young boys.
We know it isn’t just the GOP and Pentagon but Franklin taught us how far America could go to cover up well documented crimes, how much control there is over, not only the criminal justice system but the news media as well.

Chandra Levy, her body found May 1, 1991, was murdered for political reasons perhaps. The political assassination of Chandra Levy was another, even easier than the murder of Pat Tillman, now supposedly “revealed” to the world as the cover-up of an “accident.”

During the White House meetings about how to save the tens of thousands of jobs that would be lost if GM and Chryseler collapsed, Rahm Emmanuel's response was: Fuck the UAW! I would say that thuggish genteel eloquence just about sums it all up. But not just civilians, this attitude is carried over to ALL American goyim including the military who are no longer of any use, broken toys tossed onto the heap.
One of the most obvious expressions of disdain for America displayed by the criminal elite is the treatment of Americas soldiers and veterans. This week it was discovered that Prudential Insurance, one of America’s best known companies, was defrauding the families of soldiers killed in action.
Insurance payments to the survivors of those killed in wars now admitted by all to be, not just “mistakes,” but clearly criminal wars of aggression, were withheld and reinvested but the proceeds was retained by Prudential and never paid to the survivors.
Prudential, one of the most influential corporations on the planet profits, not only from war but from American deaths in war.
With America’s Supreme Court ruled on a 5/4 basis by justices who cannot be described in terms other than corporate Zionist lackeys, the recent decision allowing unlimited campaign donations by international corporate conglomerates gives Prudential and their friends and affiliates virtual control over America’s military adventurism.

That power had always been there but now it is written into law. Corporations control America’s government and sending armies to do their bidding is now their legal right. There are no “checks and balances” left.
Calling them “armies” is also a misnomer, as much as calling congress a legislative body or the Supreme Court as an organization meant to support justice is equally silly. Let’s look at what we call an army or in a broader sense, our new “agile” military.
America turned onto the road to total bankruptcy and collapse during the Reagan years. Star Wars is the biggest of the cons. The idea was to develop hard science that could create a missile shield for America.
Tests were falsified, money squandered, corruption was out of control. Nothing whatsoever resulted as the total failure of the Patriot missile system during the First Gulf War demonstrated. Every defensive technology can be defeated by an offensive technology for a tenth the price. The French taught the world this with the Maginot Line.
Billions, actually hundreds of billions have been spent to develop “stealth” everything, especially aircraft. However, by tuning down their radar frequencies, the Serbs had no trouble shooting down our stealth planes. The technology is a joke and the science to beat stealth was in place long before the planes hit the drawing board. Stealth is a con.
Once upon a time we had one Marine Corps. It worked out well for the United States and, as General Smedley Butler loved pointing out, it was always there when Wall street needed thugs to collect a debt.
Now we have a dozen cardboard cutout versions of the Marine Corps and every one of them is a con. The game, of course, is to sell the idea of elitism as a way of funding, not only wasteful spending and redundancy but to secretly give our “rogue” government their own terrorists, gangster enforcers, drug running lackeys and death squads, like any “banana republic.”
When this wasn’t bad enough, we had to “privatize.” Not only does America have tens of thousands of “troops” probably involved in war crimes such as kidnapping, murder, torture and drug running but we now have private contracting companies hiring foreign nationals to do things even worse.
What do we mean by that?
What this means to anyone who knows the English language is that:Simply put, thousands of Islamic contractors are now employed by the CIA and Department of Defense to perform “black ops” that even the most secretive organizations can’t be trusted with.What we are doing, of course, is guaranteeing “illness” in order to justify wasting billions on “cure.”Our “Middle Eastern” and “South Asian” born contractors are offered to “perform tasks with deniability” as actually stated in public brochures.
we are hiring terrorists,
employees of American countries,
who some believe
are supposed to attack fellow Muslims.
We are trying to sell the idea
we are using “terror against terrorists.”
employees of American countries,
who some believe
are supposed to attack fellow Muslims.
We are trying to sell the idea
we are using “terror against terrorists.”
There are now strong signs that one of the most successful operations these groups have thus far planned and executed was the Mumbai attack.
Are the Ft. Hood shootings and the “Times Square Fizzler” two more?
Don't forget the underpantie bomber!
70% of the military spending in the world serves one purpose, to fight Muslim terrorists whose only issue is American support of Israeli actions against Palestinians, or so we are told.
However, as most of us also know that most Muslims could care less about Palestine and do business with Israel all day long, it should be obvious that the “war on terror’ is a con also.
Historians have taken a new look at World War I and found it to be an attempt to destabilize Europe and bring about a socialist/communist takeover.It is only coincidental
that the communists
were almost all Jewish.The war would have ended in 1916 when Germany agreed to withdraw from France were it not for negotiations between Britain and the Rothshilds that culminated in the Balfour Declaration.Britain got the billions they needed from the Rothschilds who brought America into the war.The Christian Russians and Eastern Europeans are but a few of the 100,000,000 innocents who were exterminated by All Anti-Christian Jewish Red Commissars in Russia under the orders of Trotsky, the Jewish Commissar of Commissars. Yet Spielberg will never Direct a "Schindler's List" Movie for them or their genocide. Why is that? Because Jews did it..A ruthless struggle is going on between the peasantry and our regime. It's a struggle to the death. This year (1933) was a test of our strength and their endurance. It took a famine to show them who is master here. It has cost millions of lives, but we've won the war."~Hatayevich, Secretary of the Regional Committee of the Dnipropetrovsk Communist Party reveals here that the famine was intentional, that it took millions of lives, and that he considered it a "war" against the Ukrainian farmers.~ Genocide in the Ukraine
Communists took over Russia and, for a time, Germany, Hungary and other countries also. There was even an attempt to take over the United States in 1918 called “the Red Scare.”It is only coincidental
that almost all involved
were Jews.Those historians trying to take an honest look at our falsified history of World War II are called “anti-Semites” and “holocaust deniers.”All lose their teaching positions, many are jailed and more are “accidented” or “suicided,” themselves or family members.
Thank the lord for brave men like Ezra Pound and Eustace Mullins who kept on with the exposure of truth!There are many revisionists to whom our thanks are greatly owed for their persistence in exposing the lies.Pound was jailed for life.
Mullins, recently deceased, was harassed most of his life.
William Cooper was assassinated in cold blood.No they do not want the truth to get out. That is why what people who print the TRUTH are so important. Once the knowledge is out there, the genii can not be put back in the bottle without a great deal of risk and difficulty.
The pattern is there but will be suppressed as long as the international power structure remains as it is. Hitler warned that Germany would be destroyed and that Russia would take over Eastern Europe and try to conquer the world.
This warning wasn’t in 1945 but 1922.
He warned that, in the end,
Russia would be undermined
as would America and Britain,
that the war was against Christianity,
and was never politics.
Russia would be undermined
as would America and Britain,
that the war was against Christianity,
and was never politics.
Hitler was SO RIGHT in this instance. I will put some links at the end backing up these statements by other authors. Until this article I had no idea Hitler was this aware of the situation with the Talmudists.
1918 - 1929 Jewish (Bolshevik) communists killed about 10 000 000 ~ 15 000 000 people who resisted (excluding who died from starvation, etc.). These people were Christian. This is the history we were NOT taught in school, that has been hidden from us to protect the Zionist Communist regime created to subdue the masses of our planet. Remember these images and numbers the next time someone speaks to you of the 6 000 000 victims of Nazi persecution. Ask yourself why the Jews have complete ownership of Holocaust victimhood.
Those who study such things will gladly tell you that Russia was never communist, no more than Sweden or Israel.
Russia was attacked to kill off millions of white Christians in extremely bloodthirsty fashions similar to those used in Dier Yassin of Palestine. It was also because the Rothschilds and the House of Romanov had a long standing feud.
The Romanovs refused to accept the Rothschild plans of world domination. At least two previous Tzars had been assassinated or poisoned by Rothschild agents.They wanted the fabulous fortune of the family and since then, have held on to every penny, all still locked in Rothschild vaults.
The Romanovs refused to accept the Rothschild plans of world domination. At least two previous Tzars had been assassinated or poisoned by Rothschild agents.They wanted the fabulous fortune of the family and since then, have held on to every penny, all still locked in Rothschild vaults.
America escaped the yoke of communism and, instead, became a hybrid state, not really socialist but a corporate dictatorship ruled from Tel Aviv and London.

America exists only as a slave labor pool and factory that manufactures no product other than debt. Imagine being able to wield the world’s largest military force, really mercenaries for a worldwide gangster cartel and never have to pay them a cent.
They don’t even have to win wars, losing is even more profitable.
Thus we return to the issue of the great con game, now being sold as fighting terrorism and extremism but, if anything, not only creating terrorism but creating future generations of extremists but guaranteeing the failure of any state that fails to comply with the dictatorship model America and her friends spread across the world during the Cold War.
Any nation failing to become the right kind of police state, and we can name 40 of these easily, is quickly branded as terrorist or “evil doer” be they an Islamic, Democratic or Socialist Republic.
This 1950's song by Tennessee Ernie Ford was quite prophetic.
It isn’t politics,
its about slavery.
$13 Trillion in DEBT BONDAGE
U.S. National Debt Clock <– Click here.
Today’s “con” is war,selling it like a product,
the equivalent of decades of rotting meat,
spoiled eggs
or those poisoned products
the Chinese are so glad to sell us
and we are so happy
to put into the food chain,
until we are caught.
War isn’t all technology and wizardry,
our sons and daughters
wiping out villages around the world
while sitting at computer screens
clutching game controllers
and yelling out “kapowie!”
when the smoke clears
and the ground is strewn
with blood, body parts and broken children’s toys
our sons and daughters
wiping out villages around the world
while sitting at computer screens
clutching game controllers
and yelling out “kapowie!”
when the smoke clears
and the ground is strewn
with blood, body parts and broken children’s toys
Our “flavor of the month” real war is Afghanistan, simply a replay of the American Revolution with US playing both the British soldiers and Hessian mercenaries and an uncomfortable looking Barak Obama taking the helm as the madman “King George.”
Mullah Omar is doing “John Adams” and the Taliban are the “minutemen.”
The tory sympathizers and “Benedict Arnold” types are the Karzai regime and their backers, whoever they might be.
Nobody is playing “the French.”
They are needed as America is quite capable of beating herself out of incompetence and corruption alone, no enemy required.
But we do have an enemy and a war and with all our talk, all our technology, we are just like “the redcoats” marching down the pike, vehicles blown apart by IED’s and RPGs or riflemen behind every rock, ready to spew lethal fire from their long range rifles.''
Our troops, carrying “pea-shooter” 5.56 mm assault rifles, short range and unreliable, are supposed to win the hearts and minds of people who hate the traitors and criminals we put in power and hate us even more knowing the heartless destruction we rain on their families, not just our UAV “pilotless” murder machines but our death squads that have killed thousands of innocent civilians, “terrorist suspects” out of confusion, religious or racial hatred or plain and simple insanity.
The fantastic American army is little more than “press gang” conscripts from the 18th century, slaves to “stop loss” and other tricks tying them to endless deployments until they are too sick or too crazy to go on.
The privileged elite never cared, never will.
Senator Alan Simpson recently took the reigns in the Senate Finance Committee, making it clear to all deemed stupid enough to serve that such foolishness would be rewarded with what should have been expected all along, betrayal.
If only it were possible for America’s rulers to manage to profit from the suffering of veterans like they do from the destruction of our military forces, those who manage to survive war might have a fighting chance of surviving “the love and thanks of a grateful nation.”
I’ve been thanked before and I wouldn’t wish it on a dog.
Gordon Duff is a Marine Vietnam veteran. A 100% disabled vet. He has been a featured commentator on TV and radio including Al Jazeera and his articles have been carried by news services around the world. He has been a UN Diplomat, defense contractor and is a widely published expert on military and defense issues. This article first appeared in Veterans and Foreign Affairs Journal Senior Editor: Veterans Today
The following are the 25 points used by the Rothschilds to gain control of the wealth, natural resources and manpower of the entire world. They have applied this formula to nation after nation.
Under the British days of imperialism their agents destroyed the Chinese nation, India, and South Africa among many others. The only world they had problems with were the Muslim world, but that is a different situation altogether. The following are almost all completed in America and the strings will most likely be pulled soon.
1. Use violence and terrorism rather than academic discussions.
2. Preach “Liberalism” to usurp political power.
3. Initiate class warfare.
4. Politicians must be cunning and deceptive ~ any moral code leaves a politician vulnerable.
5. Dismantle “existing forces of order and regulation.” Reconstruct all existing institutions.”
6. Remain invisible until the very moment when it has gained such strength that no cunning or force can undermine it.
7. Use Mob Psychology to control the masses. “Without absolute despotism one cannot rule efficiently.”
8. Advocate the use of alcoholic liquors, drugs, moral corruption and all forms of vice, used systematically by “agenteurs” to corrupt youth.
9. Seize properties by any means to secure submission and sovereignty.
10. Foment wars and control the peace conferences so that neither of the combatants gains territory placing them further in debt and therefore into our power.
11. Choose candidates for public office who will be “servile and obedient to our commands, so they may be readily used as pawns in our game.”
12. Use the Press for propaganda to control all outlets of public information, while remaining in the shadows, clear of blame.
13. Make the masses believe they had been the prey of criminals. Then restore order to appear as the saviors.
14. Create financial panics. Use hunger to control to subjugate the masses.
15. Infiltrate Freemasonry to take advantage of the Grand Orient Lodges to cloak the true nature of their work in philanthropy. Spread their atheistic-materialistic ideology amongst the "Goyim" (gentiles).
16. When the hour strikes for our sovereign lord of the entire World to be crowned, their influence will banish everything that might stand in his way.
17. Use systematic deception, high-sounding phrases and popular slogans. “The opposite of what has been promised can always be done after-wards... That is of no consequence.”
18. A Reign of Terror is the most economical way to bring about speedy subjection.
19. Masquerade as political, financial and economic advisers to carry out our mandates with Diplomacy and without fear of exposing “the secret power behind national and international affairs.”
20. Ultimate world government is the goal. It will be necessary to establish huge monopolies, so even the largest fortunes of the Goyim will depend on us to such an extent that they will go to the bottom together with the credit of their governments on the day after the great political smash.”
21. Use economic warfare. Rob the "Goyim" of their landed properties and industries with a combination of high taxes and unfair competition.
22. “Make the 'Goyim' destroy each other so there will only be the proletariat left in the world, with a few millionaires devoted to our cause, and sufficient police and soldiers to protect our interest.”
23. Call it The New Order. Appoint a Dictator.
24. Fool, bemuse and corrupt the younger members of society by teaching them theories and principles we know to be false.
25 Twist national and international laws into a contradiction which first masks the law and after wards hides it altogether. Substitute arbitration for law.
Fantastic article. I have prayed for many years and actually was naive enough to think that someday the people at large will awaken and nourish the 'Tree of Liberty'. But that apparently isn't going to happen in my lifetime or at least not while I am young enough to participate.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all you do.