Saturday 10 September 2011


September 8, 2011

Federico Dal Cortivo of 16 July 2011 ~ European phoenix interviewing my good friend Joe Fallisi, Italian tenor and human rights activist on the Libyan question.

EP= European Phoenix

J.F. =Joe Fallisi

EP: Mr. Fallisi, we have recently learned that the so-called International Criminal Court at The Hague has decided to incriminate Muammar Gaddafi and issue a warrant for his arrest. How do you see this? What should he be accused of? How authoritative can a Tribunal be, such as the Hague Tribunal, which, for example, the United States does not recognize as having any power over itself?

J.F.: Moreno Ocampo and dishwashers like him (not to mention their bosses and commanders), if there were hell, would have already had reservations in the darkest circle of it.  All these people, who know not what the word shame means, know very well who has committed and continues to commit crimes against humanity – the worst ones – in their “war” against Libya. These criminals are the “rebels” so dear to their heart, the cutthroats and slashers of breasts of Cyrenaica, paid by thugs (and the aggressor powers themselves, of course). The “Hague Tribunal” is just one tool in the toolbox of political correctness wielded by Judeo-Anglo-America. The UN is another, as we have seen with the no-fly zone resolutions, unleashing bombs, disease and destructive force on a sovereign nation which has never declared war on anyone at all.

EP:  The attack, and I mean a military attack, was sold to us as “humanitarian intervention”, a typical expression NATO has used over the last few years to declare war without declaring it officially. Why do you think the attack took place? Where do the interests lie which led an increasingly interventionist France, and Great Britain, to urge direct military action?  

J.F.: For many years (ten or so, according to General Wesley Clark, see the USA has been planning the attack against Libya, against the wealthiest and most advanced (and the most just) country of Africa. A country of decisive strategic importance. 

The unrest in Tunisia and Egypt, in part spontaneous and in part fuelled and manipulated by those whom I call the Lords of Chaos (see, gave the attempt of coup d’état the green light, also for the “humanitarian intervention” that immediately followed in its wake. 

The states taking part as the major aggressors against the Jamahiriya (USA, France, Great Britain) are all buckling under a severe economic crisis and they hope to grab Libya’s resources in this neo-colonialist adventure (not just the oil, but the water too, and the gold stashed away in the central bank in Tripoli), and they hope to build an immense base to further their geopolitical interests, just as they’ve done in Kosovo. 

And, like Kosovo, they use “Islamic” collaborators who are the very dregs of society. After Reagan’s armed attack on Libya, Gaddafi moved closer to the West. He made many (too many) concessions – and indirectly favoured the growth within his regime of a caste of corrupt “privatizers”, in the pay of others. It’s no coincidence that they all crossed the line and joined Libya’s foes. 

But Gaddafi,
in his heart of hearts,
remains the revolutionary
(and anti-Zionist) fighter
he’d always been.

The powerful in Washington, London, Paris and Tel Aviv knew that. They were horrified when the African satellite programme took off, thanks largely to the Jamahiriya, and even more horrified at the Libyan project for a common currency (the gold dinar) instituted to replace the use of foreign currencies for trading in Africa.

EP: Everybody now knows that depleted uranium missiles have also been used against Libya not just to pierce armoured vehicles and bunkers but also against towns and cities. Britain’s defence minister, Liam Fox, never ruled this move out. The same goes for the USA. Have you heard anything about this from the North African front?

J.F: It’s known without a shadow of doubt that these arms were used from the very start and continue to be used 

Nowadays, they’re deployed by the bloodthirsty Northerners and Westerners in all their war theatres. If you want to find out what the effect will be in Libya look at Iraq, and above all Fallujah ~ but you’ll see the same in the former Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Gaza. 

The number of malformed neonates is on the rise everywhere. Life and Mother Earth are being attacked at the very root. It’s worse than even the worst tyrant in history could have imagined he could do. To give you an idea, the mean lifespan of depleted uranium is 4,468 million 109 years (see, just a bit less that the age of our planet (4 billion 550 million years). The first multi-cellular life forms appeared more or less 2.1 billion years ago. The Sun will cease to exist in 5 billion years’ time.

EP: In the West, people rant about the alleged atrocities committed by the troops loyal to Gaddafi, and the embedded press focuses on the question obsessively. The US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, talks of rebels being raped. Have you any information on this?  If war crimes have been committed, who’s responsible?

J.F.: The falseness of the reasons behind this war (unilateral, as usual, and oh so heroically fought, 1,000:1) is unlimited. The Viagra-fuelled rapes and the 10,000 who died when the revolt got under way are the very same lie. The lies spread by Al-Jewzeera and then all the other “networks” and “news agencies” like ANSA were totally beyond belief. And they continue their vile work. As journalists, they should be sacked immediately. Their professional ethics are zero. They are embedded. Ours is the society of spectres. We have gone one “better” than the society of the spectacle (see 

I mean, it’s more than just hypnotizing passive TV audiences with some representation, a hermeneutics of reality. The idea is to abolish reality and replace it with a fabulous virtual reality, created for the purpose and transmitted/projected/imposed upon us via the media (I’ll cite just one example: “the ‘footage’ of Misrata transmitted by CNN… (…) was discovered to be from the bombing of Fallujah, in Iraq. The proof is in the number plates of the burning cars ( 

It is also an Ersatz society (artificial food, drones and so forth), which comes into its own when it replaces reality with the unreality of a ghostly theatre. We have also entered the type of society Orwell and Huxley predicted, with its Big Brother and total Propaganda. The drugged “audience” must share in the doublethink (2 + 2 is 5, sometimes 3 and even, why not? 4), with its newspeak (peace is war, war peace): accepting slavery with a grin on your face. The war crimes, as I was saying, are very, very real. Everyone who has (empty) pupils to see will see (

 EP: Have you any information in civilian losses in Libya today?

J.F.: The latest figures refer to 1.100 civilians killed by the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization and 4,500 wounded [till 1 September 2011: around 60.000 dead persons and ... wounded]. Add to these figures the many victims of the atrocities perpetrated by the racist, monarcho-theocratic criminals of Benghazi, on the payroll of Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, the Muslim Brotherhood and the coalition.

At least a thousand Negroes [till 1 September 2011: around ...] have been lynched, subjected to horrendous torture, burned. Many women have been raped and slaughtered. No-one will bring these loathsome creatures to account, who have committed these crimes in the usurped name of Islam. A higher tribunal has already issued its verdict.

EP: What about the Italian government and the Head of State, Napolitano, who has justified this attack on a sovereign nation, to which we were bound by a treaty of friendship?

J.F.: All I can say is what I said in April to a Libyan gentleman in Tripoli. I’m ashamed I’m Italian, and I feel I am in no way represented by Napolitano, that old, warmongering, veteran-Stalinist tool, always ready to shed a (radioactive) crocodile tear or two.

EP: How will Italian interests in North Africa be affected?

J.F.: Italy is a traitor and opportunist. Whichever way it all ends up, this country will have lost everything. Italy has dug its own grave. The terrible reputation it’s gained for itself abroad is very justly deserved.

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