ED Noor: The alien impression of this building, is one of an alien parasitic growth squatting against the backdrop of the Winnipeg, a Canadian city first established by the French voyageurs so long ago. Its unorthodox design style reminds me of the Guggenheim Art Museum. It also reminds me that one of the reasons given for the creation of modern "art" was to schlock people out of their placidity, to make them uncomfortable if possible. This building certainly accomplishes this. Just its difference is created to remind one of the horrors done only to the "children of Israel".
Not long before he died, fanatical
Israel Firster and super rich publisher Israel Asper bequeathed some $22,000,000
to create the Canadian Museum of Human Rights, which would promote his tribal
agenda and focus on the woes of his people during World War II. Fair enough. It
was his money. He could fund whatever tribal myth medium he chose.
being a foxy marketer, he had long since learned the advantage of using other people’s
money. While the Canadian Museum of Human Rights did reach out for donors, it
craftily snared in provincial, federal and municipal (Winnipeg) funding. As
well, they dotty feds would pick up the estimated $21.7-million annual
operating costs. Now, in the world of business, that's what you call
Now, it's no longer a private project
but a holocaust-centred publicly funded mess. Still a year away from opening,
it's already causing major turmoil as other groups with their genocides
find they are playing distinctly second fiddle to the Jewish-focused agenda of
the museum's founder.
The National
Post (September 27, 2013) picks up the story:
"Ukrainian-Canadians object that their exhibit is in a back gallery on the
way to the washrooms. Armenian-Canadians fear museum visitors will be suffering
genocide-overload by the time they encounter the display explaining their
people’s slaughter.
feel completely ignored, and a prominent Jewish organization is miffed that the
museum’s Holocaust gallery will not discuss the creation of Israel.
ED Noor: How can Palestinians have a display when, according to the
imperialistic Zionists, they don’t even exist? Or that these beleaguered people
are even poorly treated? Do not the victims of the African Tutsi Massacres also
not deserve recognition? Or the Cambodians? The potential list of genocides is
so very long that those who gain by the perpetration of such horrors would
rather the world remain ignorant of their actions in “far off” places.
leaders, meanwhile, are angry that the treatment of Canada’s first people is
not described as genocide. ...
Abdulla, a Palestinian-Canadian living in Winnipeg, figures the only way
visitors to the museum ill learn about the experience of her people is if she
sets up her own exhibit outside the building. She tried repeatedly since 2011
to plead her case to museum officials without success.
left me with the impression that the museum doesn’t want to say anything about
he dispossession of the Palestinians or why my grandparents, parents and my
husband himself were forced out of their homes,' she said in an interview. 'The
lessons from the experience appear doomed not to be shared with the public.'
$351-million Canadian Museum for Human Rights is set to open next year in
Winnipeg, and so far things have not exactly turned out as imagined when it was
announced 10 years ago. Israel Asper, the media mogul who conceived of the
museum and whose family foundation contributed $22-million to the project,
hoped the building would be a unifying force."
And, of course, nowhere is there any recognition of the greatest ethnic cleansing in all human history ~ the expulsion of 16-million ethnic Germans from 1944 to 1948 from Eastern Europe (East and West Prussia, Yugoslavia, Romania, the Sudetenland, Silesia, etc.) and the murder and death of at least three-million of these people, the deliberate starvation of over a million German civilians, AFTER the war, because some of the Allies refused to permit the delivery of food aid already stored for relief purposes, and the deliberate starvation and murder of over a million surrendered German troops, AFTER the war, on the order of Dwight Eisenhower (exposed in James Bacque's book Other Losses.)
And, of course, nowhere is there any recognition of the greatest ethnic cleansing in all human history ~ the expulsion of 16-million ethnic Germans from 1944 to 1948 from Eastern Europe (East and West Prussia, Yugoslavia, Romania, the Sudetenland, Silesia, etc.) and the murder and death of at least three-million of these people, the deliberate starvation of over a million German civilians, AFTER the war, because some of the Allies refused to permit the delivery of food aid already stored for relief purposes, and the deliberate starvation and murder of over a million surrendered German troops, AFTER the war, on the order of Dwight Eisenhower (exposed in James Bacque's book Other Losses.)
Canadian diplomat Ian V. Macdonald offers his comments in another letter which
the Zionist National Postwill likely never print.
September 29, 2013
Dear Sir;
Quantifying and qualifying genocides and "human rights".Your full page on the allocation of space at the new Canadian Museum of Human Rights (NP 28/9/13) describes the competition for location by various communities who have suffered from "genocides" in the past century, but fails to analyze or pass judgement on the validity of the respective claims, surely the decisive issue if the total count is the prime criterion for recognition.More importantly, your columnist, while allowing that Ukrainians have a strong case, makes no mention of the.other victims of the Bolshevist terror who number 30 million or more, despite the striking irony that the chief executioner, Kaganovitch, and most of his staff were Jews and their victims, many of whom were fiendishly tortured to death, were Christians. Adequate exposure of this unparalleled genocide is doubly important since the Museum will be financed chiefly by Canadian Christians.
Also inexplicably ignored was the genocide of our German Christian kinfolk, 12 million of whom died from incineration in the terror bombing, starvation, brutal expulsions, exposure and murder, leaving the dispossessed survivors to face a genocide of the soul in the dismal, sadistic brainwashing in the aftermath. The German victims deserve both recognition and an apology in the new Museum since Canadians contributed to their destruction.There will be strong political pressure of course to maximize the impact of Jewish Holocaust claims but the impetus could be deflected somewhat by the approval of a better-located solo "Holocaust Museum" in Ottawa adjacent to the Canadian War Museum, now under way despite the accelerating collapse of the case for the "extermination" and its sine qua non, the mega-killings in "gas chambers" (the President of Israel recently dropped an actuarial bombshell by revealing that there are a million "survivors" still alive, while America's foremost Holocaust historian, Prof. Raul Hilberg, has admitted that there is not a shred of forensic evidence that even one Jew died in a gas chamber.The Russian Government has released the Auschwitz Death Record showing that only about 76,600 died there, not all Jews, and the German Government, not to be outdone, has confirmed payment of compensation to 4.6 million Jewish "survivors", a tad larger number than the traditional "tiny remnant" essential to the credibility of the Holocaust story).Should the powerful Holocaust Revisionist movement decide to join the fray, Stuart Murray, the Museum's intrepid Scottish CEO, who claims he would "welcome a little discord", will not be disappointed!As ever,Ian V. Macdonaldrc.,ex-RCAF, RNFAACanadian Foreign Service, rtdMember, Dominion Command, Royal Canadian LegionAuthor Star Weekly at War & OTTAWA - the Golden Years
The museum looks very similar to the hatching and emerging potato bug from last week's Saturday cartoons. Except this one in Canada is an enormous potato bug emerging on the world, a potato bug writ-large on the landscape, seeking to devour everything and everyone that gets in its' way.
ReplyDeleteFrom : Salvatore
This "symbolic apparition of ice, clouds and stone ... representing the metaphysical journey through life" according to Predock Architects is a slap in the face. Maybe the next freeze-thaw cycle will crack all these windows and it has to take off on it's "stylized wings of a dove" to warmer climes.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, human rights? Sounds more like the usual suspect's rights. Why don't they name it Holocaust Museum in the first place. Muddying the waters for future generations?
And on top of it they stick the finger at you for all to see.