Max French, or Maximus as we fondly call him, is host of The Victory Hour at TUT Radio. Thank you, Max, for explaining the Canadian situation so beautifully to our friends in Iran. I am proud to call you friend and to have you as ambassador for our own beleaguered nation. Your love of history and the spiritual depth you bring to the table is a true gift and thank you for sharing from your almost bottomless wealth of knowledge. Above is the flag of Albania which Max speaks of below. Interesting how completely Rothschildian this flag is. Red the colour of their shield and Communism with their family crest upon this red background.
Let me start with saying how honoured I am to be here with you, on this
How humbling it is to be with a great people and a wonder to be among
We recognize our hosts, the Habilian Association and Sam, whose patience
knows no bounds.
We also greet members of the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran,
members of the armed forces and fellow honoured guests from over 20 countries.
We ask for the blessings of The Almighty on these proceedings.
We also give thanks and praises to The Creator, who in his wisdom, made
us all.
The Holy Qur’an, in its first references to Jews, refers to them as
evildoers, tonight we shall do likewise.
For four thousand years, a plague on mankind. Just in modern times, the
world has endured: The ‘French’ Revolution,The ‘Russian’ Revolution, World Wars
One and Two, the establishment of hell on earth in 1948, The Lavon Affair, the
Suez affair, the murder of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the attack on the
USS Liberty, Vietnam, the unleashing of the MEK in 1965 and its war on The
Islamic Republic since 1979 and the fratricide of the Iranian-Iraqi war.
The list goes on… the Georgian War,
World Trade Centre bombings 1 and 2, Argentina, Bulgaria, London, Madrid and Boston.
The Gulf Wars, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and Iran.
All part of the same 4,000 year campaign, the same fingerprints, the same
M. O., the same goal…
A world at war in a rabbit hole that Lewis Carroll would clearly
Let us freely identify the enemy and be conversant in his tactics and
Let us also meet freely in alliance with one goal in mind…
Our ancestors failed to cage the Beast.Fate has destined us to finish the job.
With heavy hearts, we must acknowledge, a state of war exists…
The evildoers make war on an entire planet.
In a risky and foolish all-or-nothing gambit, they risk everything for
their Jewish utopia.
Since 1979, the Islamic Republic has borne the brunt of the ancient
enemy’s attacks.
Without complaint.
Everyone has remained at their post, done their bit, raised their
families and in so doing has injured the enemy in ways we can only imagine.
Our enemies, had they even a vestige of humanity, would weep at your
Ours is not the way of the evildoers.
We set as an example:
Loyalty, courage, comradeship and purity of heart.
We stand our ground as men, each knowing he does not stand alone.
Through the murderous terrorism of the MEK, the attack by Iraq, the
street killings of scientists and a crushing embargo, Iran still stands…
~ And prospers.
In fact, the enemy has unwittingly made you stronger with its ongoing 34 year war.The Almighty does work in mysterious ways.Iran is now tough and resilient.
As a result, Iranian domestic production, domestic engineering, domestic
manufacturing, domestic high-tech military advances and domestic resolve are
examples inspiring millions.
17,160 murdered, in terrorist attacks.
The latest martyr? His name is Mostafa Ahmadi-Roshan. He did not deserve to die.
Mostafa Ahmadi-Roshan. Remember him.
17,160. It is an astonishing number. By comparison, that would equate to over
150,000 dead Americans. These are our our sons, our wives, our daughters, our husbands, our
government leaders, the young and the old.
They did not die in vain.
…They walk among us…here tonight.
We are living proof here tonight, the tricks and mirages set by the enemy no longer work.
Truth and clarity of vision rush into the vacuum.
Iran has been virtually singular in its fight against terrorism.
Hardly a month goes by when its security services do not destroy another
terror cell.
This shows the valour of the Iranian people.
We and millions more have watched and read of your accomplishments.
Tonight, in this building, alliances have been made.
In Canada, our Prime Minister applauds the MEK and in so doing…shames our country.
A conference on real terrorism would never occur in Canada.
We all know why…
If any such conference were planned, the RCMP and CSIS would make sure it
never happened.
The people of Canada are in turn being terrorized by the tool of media
into hating our natural allies and into fighting wars for the usurping regime
of Israel.
A quick study of America’s delisting of the MEK and its activities over
the last 8 years, is warranted ~ with my thanks to Press TV and the Habilian
Association for much of this information.
Between 2005 and 2009, the US Joint Special Operations Command trained
members of the MEK in explosives and encryption techniques at a secret site in
MEK units were retained and deployed throughout the US for future false
flag operations against the American people.
Throughout 2012, The United States and the Israeli entity, working through the UN, applied considerable pressure to host countries to accept the MEK cancer into their midst, posing as UN sanctioned ‘refugees’.
A stellar cast of washed-up formers, including windbags NYC Mayor Rudolph
Giuliani, US Atty. Gen. Michael Mukasey, DHS honcho Tom Ridge, CIA Director
James Wolsey, FBI Dir. Louis Freeh, Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Hugh Shelton,
Gen. Wesley Clark, WH Chief of Staff Andy Card, NM Gov. Bill Richardson, (how
could you Bill?), Rep. Lee Hamilton, who co-chaired the 9-11 Commission and Israeli
shill par excellence, John Bolton.
Paid between $150 and $250,000 each for their efforts, these talented
marionettes added a veneer of respectability to a process as rotten as the
picture of Dorian Gray.
On May 24, 2012, The US Treasury Department reported the MEK as financed
by the Israeli regime and/or Saudi Arabia.
The Treasury’s probe was prompted by the MEK’s lobbying campaign and the
millions paid to propagandists.
The investigation was quietly killed.
ED Noor: These men and women of the MEK make a group of zombies look lively and next to harmless! Meanwhile their leader wears the finest silks and sleeps in Five-star hotels, wined and dined by the equally immoral and deadly international elite whose cause they espouse. These people above are fodder.
After months of training at their base in Turkey, on June 9th, 400 MEK
were dispatched to Syria disguised as medics.
All this to gain combat experience. …One can well imagine the reaction of
Iranian Guardsmen should they encounter these creatures,
In theater, in Syria…
On August 1, The Habilian Association reported the United State
pressuring, among others, Bulgaria and Romania to take in MEK elements.
Interestingly, the Israeli regime rejected all entreaties by cult leader
Rajavi to accept members of the MEK.
Later in the month, Syrian government forces arrested 40 terrorists attempting
to enter from their bases in Turkey. Five of the arrestees were identified as
MEK. Despite the best efforts of the Syrian Arabic Army, security officials reported
large numbers of MEK entered Syria in the previous week.
On September 2nd, journalist Carl Bernstein (of Watergate fame) bragged
of receiving $12,000 for a pro-MEK speech he gave in Paris.
On September 27 in NYC while walking to their hotel, Iranian Foreign Ministry
spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast and several other Iranian officials were
surrounded and assaulted by MEK members in plain view of the NYPD. No arrests
were made.
On September 28, 2012, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton officially
delisted the MEK. The State Department announced it would begin funding and
arming them in its war against Iran.
And, not to be outdone, on December 20, in a supreme display of courage
and principle, my country, Canada, delisted the MEK and embraced these killers
as their partners in democracy. This has damaged the soul of my country. For
good measure, Canada then added the Iranian Guards Corps ~ Qods Force ~to its
list of terrorist organizations. This all following Canada’s breaking of
diplomatic relations with Iran three months earlier on September 7, 2012.
In January of this year, the Iranian government reported the presence of
MEK elements undergoing training at US military bases in Afghanistan.

On March 17, 2013, acting on a request from the United States, Albania agreed
to take in over 200 MEK. Two days later, State Department spokeswoman Victoria
Nuland thanked Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha for his humanitarian
On April 12 the MEK opened an office in Washington DC. Where? Why, one
block away from the White House.
One week later on April 20, Hitler’s birthday no less, the German Interior
Ministry, under the usual pressure, confirmed asylum will be granted to 100
It was reported on May 4, a year after first entering Syria, that MEK elements
now operate out of Hanif Base, an armed camp disguised as a hospital. Personnel
working alongside the MEK are reported to speak only English. I presume that
would be… American English.
We are also pleased to report, the deaths of two MEK members from Denmark
and Sweden who were killed in clashes. Two misled fools who found only death in
Three weeks later, on May 24, in simultaneous sting operations, Iranian
security forces arrested a number of saboteurs linked to the MEK. Two of the
arrestees confessed to entering Iran with the aim of using surrogates to cause
turmoil during the election.
On June 22, the MEK rallied in Paris. In a pathetic move, hundreds of
students from all over Europe were bussed into Paris after responding to
on-line ads featuring a free
trip to Paris. How many of the gullible and disturbed were recruited?
Also on June 22, MKO in Albania was reinforced with 210 cultists from Camp
liberty in Iraq after it came under rocket fire.
Four months ago, the MEK first appeared in Albania, a member of NATO and
home of the American and NATO trained KLA terrorist organization. This
deployment to Albania is most troubling of all.
The KLA is a particularly vicious gang of drug-runners and
killers-for-hire. Albania is the perfect place for the MEK. It is there that
raw recruits will be trained by NATO. Conveniently, all will be issued fake
Iranian papers.
It is there that their logistics headquarters is now located. The group’s
administrative headquarters has been in Paris for two years.
Albania is the key, with all of Europe mere hours away. Strategically
located between Greece and Italy, both of whom weep for Palestine.
Notably, in 2012, Iran’s top trading partners in the EU were Italy, Germany
and Greece. Both Italy and Greece also face forced financial collapse and rebellion
by millions.
I can tell you, there isn’t an honest government on the face of the planet
that would disagree with anything said here tonight.
With the MEK holding a knife to the soft underbelly of Europe and to the throat of North America, one can only remark, …now we are all Iranians.
Without you, I would not be here.
Professor Pope had it quite right when he wrote, no Iran, no Western Civilization.
My roots, by way of Canada, are British, Norman, Viking and beyond.
At the height of the Viking age, the Norse and Iran enjoyed commerce and
friendship for hundreds of years. Viking ships regularly traveled the Volga and
Caspian Sea to Iran. So close was the relationship, the Aryans shared their
greatest military technology with their Viking brothers. Crucible steel.
Unknown outside Iran, the ingots shipped into Europe were forged into the
legendary Ulfberht swords. Tough and flexible, they were unbeatable on the
battlefield. The Vikings used Persian coins as currency in Scandinavia and
these coins often accompanied them into the afterlife.
We remember The Magi, The Three Wise Men from Persia, who, first among all
nations, paid homage to baby Jesus.
We remember well, the stirrings of great tribes on the Iranian plateau 3,000
years ago and their migrations over a thousand years. Sometimes groups of
families, sometimes vast trains and columns stretching over the horizon.
Where were these Aryans bringing the first vestiges of culture and technological
know-how? To Russia, the Balkans, Central Europe, the Danube and farther west. One
of the many Iranian tribes joining the train were the Germani.
They followed the Danube into southern Germany. Even a thousand years
later, the Romans recognized these Iranians whose lands they named Germania.
Adolf Hitler, was also an admirer of Persia and helped change her name to
Iran in 1935. He also recognized her as the fountain of European culture. His
name for the future German capital?
This helps explain perfectly the murderous hatred supremacist Jewry has
for Holy Mother Iran.
Now, for Russia, Iran’s greatest friend and partner. Why?
12,000 years ago, a tough people emerged from the last ice age and flourished
around Lake Baikal, … in Siberia. ~ Robert Ballard, I hope you’re listening!
They swept into western China. Their dead lie buried in the Tarim Basin.
In turn, they swept into Iran and there, over thousands of years something
magical happened.
These Siberians, became the fountainhead that burst out of Iran to rewrite
the history of the world.
The Vikings called them Russ, for their ruddy faces. One can see them
still today, in the cities of Saint Petersburg and Moscow. They have names like
Vladimir Putin and Sergei Lavrov. The cultural and blood ties between Russia
and Iran stretch back to the very beginnings of human history.
Russia and Iran understand perfectly their shared lineage.
This explains the bonds that exist so strongly between Russia and Iran in
the year 2013.
Get ready, an alliance between Islam and the Christendom of The Eastern
Orthodox Church is now inevitable. Vladimir Putin has stated he is the
protector of Islam and in so doing, he is also the protector of the true
Christian Church.
There is no cause more noble.
The Habilian Association and the Islamic Republic know best how to fight
this thing. First, form alliances with individuals and organizations, then with
nations and states.
All in common cause in this, the ultimate great adventure.
The Thracians, yes those Bulgars, Romanians, Anatolians, Albanians, Macedonians
and Greeks. The Scythian Ukrainians, Russians, Ossetians and Abkhazians. The
Magyar Hungarians. The Germani Germans. All Iranic and many with several things
in common. The cross of the Eastern Orthodox Church, respect and regard for
Islam …and an innate knowledge of
supremacist world Jewry.
There is a terrible storm approaching. It is quite natural that Muslims
and Christians who think and act alike should draw close together.
The Holy Qur’an recounts Supremacist Jewry’s plots to kill Jesus Christ
in this passage:
“Remember how those, who bent on denying the truth, plotted against you
to imprison you or kill you or expel you. Thus have they always plotted. But
God brought their schemes to naught, for God is above all plotters”.
Our duty is clear.
Thank you for your magnificent hospitality.
Thank you for your courage, for your example, for your virtue of
patience. These are the things that bring blessings from our Creator.
May I bestow upon you the admiration of a son, returned home at last.
In a lifetime spent in politics, the journey
includes living in the States and traveling extensively for seven years between
1977 and 1984 working with various patriotic, anti-zionist groups.
French returned to the U.S. in 1985 and testified
for the defense in America’s second sedition trial. From 1985 to 1990, French,
among many others, helped Ernst Zundel through three Holocaust revision trials.
Since June 2012, French has contributed to The Ugly
Truth network and hosts The Victory Hour.
A retired mainline freight conductor, French served
with Canadian Pacific Railway for 27 years.
Lifelong motorcyclist and adventurer. Husband,
father, grandfather. Max French was born in 1960 in Moncton, New Brunswick and
resides in the Greater Toronto Area.
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