ED Noor: One of the
greatest crimes against humanity is the theft of their true history for in so
doing, the criminal revisionist, who gains much by altering the truth, keeps
entire cultures from self knowledge and past experiences. The winners and the
elite write history simply because they can. The poor are too busy trying to
eke out a survival. Much like the international situation today that is only now taking root so deeply in Western soil.
High tech neo-feudalism is already here although few seem to be aware of the electronic dog collar tightening around their necks as the screws are tightened with every passing day. Rewriting or biasing history also allows the perpetrators to get away with their crime again and again without the victims ever really catching on ~ the perpetual golden goose.
No one is really going broke ~ the bankers are simply bleeding the world dry through usury.
High tech neo-feudalism is already here although few seem to be aware of the electronic dog collar tightening around their necks as the screws are tightened with every passing day. Rewriting or biasing history also allows the perpetrators to get away with their crime again and again without the victims ever really catching on ~ the perpetual golden goose.
This, my savvy Reader, is the main
reason that history is able to repeat itself! And of course, it is the reason for the limits placed on freedom of speech internationally imposed regarding certain topics such as the Hollowco$t and 911. Of course the list is near endless, but let us stick with one people remember and to which there exist extensive documentation disproving the politically correct lies.
The truth from such recent history is glaringly obvious but must be repressed at all times to allow the black spell of psychological manipulation and abuse placed upon the people of this planet to continue.
The truth from such recent history is glaringly obvious but must be repressed at all times to allow the black spell of psychological manipulation and abuse placed upon the people of this planet to continue.
For an inspirational
educational and fast flying discussion on our past, please to this link to the
outstanding speech, THE STRUGGLE FOR HISTORY, given by Michael
Parentis, writer and activist extraordinaire. The speech is one I saw several
years ago on Video but seems to have almost disappeared from the net since it
is a very pertinent work, not to mention that Mr. Parentis often irks the
powers that be.
Before moving on to
John Kaminski’s excellent (as always) article, here are a few quotes to get the
ball rolling.
“History will be kind to us because I plan to write it.” ~ Winston Churchill. Far from being an objective account of events history bears the mark of its writer, the omissions of the censors, and the interests of those who benefit from making it.Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past ~ George Orwell'The voice of history is often little more than the organ of hatred or flattery'. ~ Edward Gibbon'The victor will never be asked if he told the truth.' ~ Adolf Hitler'The very ink with which all history is written is merely fluid prejudice.' ~ Mark Twain'Tradition usually rests upon something which men did know; history is often the manufacture of the mere liar'. ~ Jefferson Davis“I'm worried that students will take their obedient place in society and look to become successful cogs in the wheel - let the wheel spin them around as it wants without taking a look at what they're doing. I'm concerned that students not become passive acceptors of the official doctrine that's handed down to them from the White House, the media, textbooks, teachers and preachers.” ~ Howard Zinn
By John Kaminski
October 8, 2013
If it seems everyone has suddenly gone mad, it is
because they have, which is something I predicted decades ago, but which gives
me no satisfaction now.
They've been lying to you for one hundred years
(actually much longer).
How stupid do you have to be
to think they're telling
you the truth now?
The system your parents believed in
has morphed into an insane super weapon
that aims to take your possessions and your life.
The system your parents believed in
has morphed into an insane super weapon
that aims to take your possessions and your life.
And who is in control of it?
Well, we already know that. The labels we apply to
them are all different parts of the same elephant trampling everything that
gets in its way.
World War I started with fake provocations and a promise
to the Jews that they could set up their outlaw hideout in Palestine.
World War II was engineered against a country that
only wanted to escape the clutches of Jew bankers and live moral lives.
The lie of 9/11 enabled the hoax that terrorists in
a cave were reasons to bomb Afghanistan, and weapons of mass destruction that
didn't exist were reasons to turn Iraq into a perpetual slaughterhouse, a cash
cow for the development of exotic new weapons and new techniques for methods of
What are the real reasons for the continuing drone
strikes in Pakistan and Yemen, or the savage attacks that killed so many
innocents in Libya and Syria?
Because our fearless leader said their leaders were
abusive demagogues, even though the people who actually lived in those
countries were quite happy with them.
Self-justifying history written by the victors at the expense of objective truth not only poisons the present with self-deceptive rationalizations, but guarantees an ominous future of unrelenting darkness based on endless repetitions of these self-serving lies.

We see all this now in vivid color, with the hollow
point bullets, the unending theft of trillions by Jew bankers, and the
deliberately sabotaged environment. Obama's campaign call of
"Change!" really meant "Death!" to all who opposed this
clandestine Jewish takeover of the world, and that's what we're seeing now.
It's open season on everyone who has not taken the bribe.
It seems to me the first step every American must take if we hope to stop this unending string of false flag terror episodes and slaughters of essentially defenseless countries is to honestly admit and thoroughly analyze our own unwillingness to confront our own false history.
But people recoil in horror and fear of what their neighbours
will think when you try to tell them.
Hitler was a noble soul who was destroyed by the
same Jew bankers who are destroying us now.
McCarthy tried to warn us about the cancer on our
government, but the Jew media ridiculed him and the gullible public went along
with it.
The Kennedys were killed by lone gunmen, they said,
and the public went along with it.
AIDS was a disease of homosexuals, they said, and
lots of people died, not from AIDS, but by taking the poison drugs they said
would cure a disease that never really existed.
Yet despite all the evidence, we have been utterly
duped in all these matters into accepting the phony media version of reality.
The Frankfurt School has taught us that our families are evil,that homosexuality is the true liberation,and the only deaths that really count are the Jews who were killed in a Holocaust that never happened.
We continue to be intimidated into believing that
we can invent our way out of our problems without recognizing the false and
self-destructive assumptions that not only threaten the lives of every living
thing on Earth, but hasten our own demise as well.
On our bitter course to gamble everything for one
more day of life, we are spellbound in our quest for high-tech techniques that
take our mind off the problem, and believe by any means possible that we can
cheat our fate and improve nature, when nature is perfect to begin with. In this
way the diligent scientists create our robotic future, in which the concepts of
duty and sacrifice for those we love will no longer exist.
Each aspect of every problem we face is worsened by
this attitude. There is no appeal to the legal system because it is utterly
corrupt, no petitioning of Congress because they're all bought off, and no
sympathy from the cops because they're not paid to protect the people, they're
only paid to protect the bankers' property and beat the living feces out of
anybody who doesn't like the idea.
Our false history becomes our false present and
foreshadows a false future which is no future at all. When the food runs out,
the killing will begin, and you will have no neighbours, only enemies trying to
take what you have.
That's the way they want it, so the cops will have
to step in, in the name of the security they have tried so hard for so long to
We are unwilling to admit that the entire human species is being held captive by a mindset that makes each of us believe that each of our own individual futures hinges on our ability to corral as much money as possible in order to continue to suck our sustenance out of the existing structure of reality, even as that structure is collapsing right before our eyes.
What will we do when have enough money, but all the
stores are closed because the products they sell do not relate to the
maintenance of life, but are only the specific promotions of the ability to
inflict death?
The answer is all too clear now. We will die a
nasty death. And sooner than we think.
We must admit that our history is false, and our
present is run by homicidal liars who have no concern about the welfare of
ordinary people anywhere.
We may observe this most clearly in the fundamental
basis of the American economy, which for more than a century has been the sale
of weaponry, a social course that has been perverted into providing support for
war making efforts even as it has twisted all academic research from the
pursuit of human comfort into the perverted drive for human dominance, both for
essential resources and in the way people actually think.
The idea that individuals cannot survive without
family, friends and community has been erased from our thinking. When society
consists of only egocentric consumers, it is inevitable that it will consume
Ed Noor: At this point of Kaminksi’s
discussion, I HIGHLY recommend, dear Reader, that you find the time to watch
the full four hours of THE CENTURY OF THE SELF,
a fascinating BBC documentary about the Frankfurt School, Sigmund Freud, Edward
Bernais, and how they led an entire culture that was once social and
interactive to selfishness and self-involvement above all other matters. Oh,
yes, and the creation of political correctness. The series would be a perfect companion to this article.
The endless pursuit of competitive advantage has
created a world political situation in which when there are no more enemies to
be conquered. Within the confines of this philosophy, when there are no more
enemies, everyone becomes an enemy.
And when all the nations of the world have been
brought under the heal of a soulless central bank, the war machine, because of
its exclusive training for dominance, will have no recourse but to turn on
itself, which is why the U.S. government is now making war on its own people,
now that it has basically run out of enemies to conquer (except the patsy
victim defenseless countries that we currently are torturing after turning
these relatively harmless fiefdoms into exaggerated enemies to convince
ourselves we must destroy them, or face destruction ourselves).
What a bad joke on everyone it all is
To see this is to see how small and useless as people we have become, and how meaningless our society has become.
Of course, the first step in overcoming all this is
to see how we have been brainwashed by our own false history, duped into
becoming killer slaves to disingenuous yet homicidal public relations ploys.
I think it's becoming pretty clear that if we
attempt to live the 21st century in the way we have lived the 20th, we will
destroy ourselves. I think environmental indicators overwhelmingly show this to
be true, given the deaths of 200 species per day and difficulties everyone is
facing now in finding healthy food to eat, or even trying to breathe.
The recent and continuing debacle in Syria provides
interesting insight into how wars are made and how the American economy is
sustained by their production. It is also an instructive template of the
formula for all the wars of the 20th century.
Basically, the formula requires a false flag
assertion as a cover story for the item that is the target of a future theft.
Syria has water that the aggressor covets. Plus, it also lies in the path of a
proposed oil pipeline that the aggressor wants to build. Thus, local
difficulties in the population are exaggerated, terrorists for hire known as
mercenaries are stealthily inserted, and destabilization is achieved. When the
facts are twisted to suit the aggressor, atrocities are fabricated to enflame
public opinion, and reasons for all-out war are achieved.
You can see how this has played out in Syria, and
the whole string of other countries the U.S. has ravaged on its bloodthirsty
stampede to steal the resources it has long coveted.
Look a little deeper and you can see how this
formula has triggered all the wars of the 20th century.
And look a little deeper still and you can see for
certain the one group that has always been pulling that trigger, stealing the
resources, and reaping the profits. Nothing is ever enough for them, nothing
ever will be. It's what their so-called holy book commands them to do.
The leering faces of Barack Obama and Michelle
Bachmann and thousands of other hired shills always saying "first we have
to pay down the debt" is the mantra of insanity the signifies the biggest
lie in which we have trapped ourselves.
No, we don't have to pay down the debt, we have to
repudiate it, and jail the people who are promoting it, because it's just a
mask for the greatest theft of all time, what the Federal Reserve and the world
bankers have done to the world.
It is this debt that is strangling the world, and
it's a total scam, the method the Jews have concocted to conquer the world. And
they have done exactly that, as people everywhere die daily because of its
false presumptions and heartless procedures.
Ordinary Americans didn't request all these bombers
and poisons to more efficiently kill and maim people. They just wanted reliable
bridges and doctors that actually cured sickness, rather than accelerate it, as
they do now.
American exceptionalism is the same disease as
Israeli exceptionalism; it leads to homicidal megalomania.
The Jewish-controlled media isn't just lying to you
today ~ it has been lying to you for a hundred years, and more. Because of it,
soon you will be dead, sooner than you thought.
Vampire movies are produced to teach you how to
kill starving people after the food supply has been cut off.
Senseless security measures against fabricated
threats like the crotch bomber and exploding breasts are demonic fantasies
created by kosher psychopaths like Michael Chertoff as new and creative ways to
kill you, while at the same time they look you straight in the eye and insist
they are protecting you.
It's a simple matter to describe what's happening
to the world at this time. It's a Jewish Ponzi scheme whose ultimate aim is to
kill off all natural life on this planet and replace it all with preprogrammed
robotic droids who will never know that such concepts as liberty, dissent,
conscience or honor ever existed.
This is where our history has taken us, a path that
winds through countless centuries, always with the same objective, a
no-holds-barred assault on everyone and everything to achieve something that
can never be won, which is the battle to stop time and pretend that we will
never die.
For now, be thankful that the Sun has come up
another day. For far too many of us, this welcome event won't be happening much
John Kaminski is a
writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out
why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the
engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please
support his work by mail: 6871 Willow Creek Circle #103, North Port FL 34287
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