ED Noor: I stumbled across this on a Jewish
site on Jewish victims of pedophilia and thought to share it with you. First is the history of this rabbi’s
crimes against children and his subsequent actions. There is a very detailed extensive list of this man's activities and crimes on this page.
The second, more disturbing perhaps, is an article written by this same criminal explaining his love for children and bemoaning the bad treatment he receives due to his loving nature. He provides an excellent look into the mind of one of these NAMBLA lovers of young boys (and girls). (NAMBLA ~ North American Man Boy Love Association founded primarily by Jews and made public by beat "poet" Alan Ginsberg)
It required great self restraint on my behelf to keep from adding pithy sarcastic comments to the following letter from this delusional deviant.
My unexpected finding at the end during the course of looking up NAMBLA has truly killed whatever little remaining innocence I might have had about the female of the species. The sister organization of NAMBLA..... for women and girls.
The second, more disturbing perhaps, is an article written by this same criminal explaining his love for children and bemoaning the bad treatment he receives due to his loving nature. He provides an excellent look into the mind of one of these NAMBLA lovers of young boys (and girls). (NAMBLA ~ North American Man Boy Love Association founded primarily by Jews and made public by beat "poet" Alan Ginsberg)
It required great self restraint on my behelf to keep from adding pithy sarcastic comments to the following letter from this delusional deviant.
My unexpected finding at the end during the course of looking up NAMBLA has truly killed whatever little remaining innocence I might have had about the female of the species. The sister organization of NAMBLA..... for women and girls.
Jay Horowitz, Shneor Altar, Mike Sonkin, Alan Jay Horowitz, Alan J.
Horowitz, Shneur Horowitz, Elisha Horowitz, The NAMBLA Rabbi ~ believes he is a political prisoner:
"I aver that a political prisoner is
one who is incarcerated for an act which he, in good conscience, believes to be
right and good."~ Rabbi Alan J Horowitz
On July 27, 1992, Alan J. Horowitz of Schenectady, New York was sentenced to
ten to twenty years in prison for sodomizing a nine-year-old psychiatric
patient the previous year. Allegedly, he has assaulted a string of children
from California to Israel to New York in the past twenty years. Alan J.
Horowitz is an Orthodox rabbi, magna cum laude, M.D., Ph.D. A graduate of Duke
University, and was a writer for NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love
The Awareness Centre Inc
(1964-1968) Harvard University (graduating magna cum laude) - Boston, MA
(1971) Duke University (receiving a M.D. and Ph.D.) - North Carolina
(1973-1976) Residency in Psychiatry, Medical College of Georgia - Augusta, GA
(1976-1978) Assistant Professor of Child Psychiatry, University of Iowa - Woodward, IA
(1983) Hagerstown, MD
(1983 - 1985) Ohr Somayach - Monsey, NY
(1985 - 1990) Jerusalem and West Bank, Israel
(1990 - 1991) Schenectady, NY
(1991) Woodward, IA
(2004 - 2006) Oneida Prison - Oneida, NY
(2006) Albany, NY
(2006) Tel Aviv, Israel
(2006) Japan
(2006) Thailand
(2006) Hong Kong, China
(2007) Sri Lanka
(2007) Mahabalipuram, India
Rabbi Alan J. Horowitz, MD, is a convicted sex offender who is also an ordained Orthodox rabbi. As a psychiatrist, Horowitz specialized in working with adolescents. His resume also includes volunteering time as a Boy Scout leader and being a writer for NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association) publications. He graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University; and received his Ph.D. and medical degree from Duke University.
Alan Horowitz was born on April 4, 1947 in Brooklyn, NY. He has been married and divorced twice. Horowitz had a child with his first marriage. He had seven stepchildren with his second wife, which were taken away by Child Protection Services (CPS) for failure to protect them from Horowitz.
In the past Horowitz was licensed to practice medicine in North Carolina and Maryland. He never obtained a license to practice in the state of New York.
Horowitz was an assistant professor of child dismissed from the UI in 1978, a university official told The Daily Gazette newspaper of Schenectady in a 1992 story, because he was not productive in research.
Alan Horowitz was first convicted back in 1983 in Maryland of performing an unnatural sexual act on the 12-year-old boy who was his patient and his eight year-old little brother. At the time Horowitz was sentenced to five-year probation.
The probation agreement included allowing Alan Horowitz to move to New York so that he could live study Torah at Ohr Somayach, Monsey, NY. He was court ordered to live on campus. Ohr Somayach is a Yeshiva serving young male students.
Dr. Horowitz was also court ordered to be in counseling under the care of Dr. Joseph F. Chambers (Maryland) and Dr. Rabbi Issac Twersky (Monsey, NY).
While he was attending class on the Jewish bible, he was ordained as a rabbi, yet later after being arrested again, various rabbonim at Ohr Somayach had denied giving him a smicha (ordination). This is a common theme within the orthodox world ~ to deny that a rabbinic ordination was given after someone like Horowitz was caught molesting children or raping an adult. You can read more about the history of and background information on rabbinic ordination by clicking here.
As like many others who thirst in learning Torah, Alan Horowitz ultimately ending up studying abroad in Israel. When he left the United States it was in violation of his parole. This seemed to be a common theme for alleged or convicted orthodox sex offenders to do during this time period.
Alan Horowitz twice violated his probation from the sentencing in 1983. There is no documentation of how he violated it the first time, yet the second time was in November 1985, was when he made aliyah and moved to Israel. He returned to the United States in November, 1990 when he learned new charges were being investigated relating to him allegedly molesting children in the West Bank (Israel).
Past newspaper accounts stated Rabbi Alan Horowitz picked Schenectady in hopes of securing a rabbinical appointment. Apparently each time Horowitz moved he changed his name, using the alias Shneor Altar in Israel, Alan Horowitz in New York and Mike Sonkin in Iowa.
Not much time pasted for there to be new allegations made of child sexual abuse. In 1991, allegations were made that Horowitz molested three boys under the age of fourteen and a 14-year-old girl in Eastern Parkway and Niskayuna, New York. It was around this time that authorities in New York contacted Interpol and learned that the investigation in the West Bank (Israel) was still being investigated.
Upon Horowitz learning that new charges in the US were being made against him, he attempted to elude the authorities by moving. This time to Woodward, Iowa. Once located he was extradited back to New York.
During the new police investigation, the New York officials found a trail of sexual abuse of patients dating back to the late 1960s when Horowitz worked for a community organization that helped impoverished, inner-city children.
On August 27, 1991, Rabbi Alan J. Horowitz, MD was charged in the Supreme Court in the state of New York on 34 counts of sodomy in the 1st degree. He was also charged with two counts of Sodomy in the 2nd degree, one count of sexual abuse in the 3rd degree, and 4 counts of endangering the welfare of a child. During these court procedures a North Carolina man showed up during the court proceedings claiming he was sexually abused by Horowitz as a child. It is also mentioned that Horowitz molested children in the state of Arizona, yet no more information about those allegations is known.
On June 29, 1992, Rabbi Alan Jay Horowitz, MD pled guilty to one count of 1st degree sodomy.
In a county Probation Department report Horowitz admitted that he was a pedophile, but a "normal pedophile," which Horowitz defined as someone who has consensual sex with children.
During August, 1992, Alan Horowitz made the news one more time. This time was regarding a complaint that the county jail diet did not provide for his religious needs. He asked a state Supreme Court judge to direct the sheriff to provide more kosher food.
There were many attempts to stop Rabbi Horowitz being released on conditional parole on November 1, 2004 (Oneida Prison, NY), yet these attempts failed. At the time of his release he was Designation: Sexually Violent Offender and Predicate Sex Offender level three sex offender). Horowitz served a little more than 13 years before New York officials said they were forced to release him after he served two-thirds of his maximum sentence. His parole was to last until 2011.
In 2006, Horowitz illegally left the United States violating his probation. At first it was believed he was in Israel, yet instead flew to Japan and on to Hong Kong, Thailand, Sri Lanka and India ~ leaving a trail of newly sexually victimized children along the way.
In India he used his title of "rabbi" in his attempt to give himself credibility This is one of the reasons why The Awareness Center implemented it's "CALL TO ACTION" to have his rabbinic ordination revoked.
On May 22, 2007, Rabbi Alan Horowitz was caught in India. Horowitz was in violation of his parole since June, 2006. He was extradited back to the United States on July 8, 2007.
ED Note: This scumbucket had the NERVE to raise a huge legal fuss in prison because he was not being fed kosher food!
by A. Shneur Horowitz
After graduating magna cum laude from Harvard College, A. Shneur Horowitz received the M.D. and Ph.D. degrees from Duke University, and is an orthodox rabbi. After twenty years of following these professional interests, Horowitz is now a political prisoner in the United States.
Did you ever have a dream where everything seemed quite logical, and yet even at the time a part of your mind knew that when you awoke, the sense would be completely lost? Not only would you be unable to make a reasonable recounting to anyone else, but even to yourself the dream-events would appear disconnected and the logic bizarre. Talking about prison to those who have not been there, and for whom incarceration is not part of their culture, is very much like that. Both dreaming and imprisonment are alternate realities in which the usual checks and controls have been removed and replaced with other rules for which our normal experiences have left us unprepared.
This severe culture shock applies to all prisoners who have lived their lives in the middle class or mainstream society. We child-lovers, however, suffer a more profound and pervasive psychosocial disintegration because of circumstances relatively specific to us. Personal accounts serve an important purpose, helping those who are not here to appreciate our experiences. However, I would like to use this space to comment on just what it is that makes incarceration different, and worse, for child-lovers than for virtually anyone else.
How we perceive and react to imprisonment derives from our previous self-image and lifestyle. For almost all of us, being "outted" is a concomitant of our arrest and prosecution. This in itself precipitates a personal crisis of the greatest magnitude. We must face, perhaps for the first time, our identity as pedophiles.
In some societies, political prisoners have been segregated from criminals, and this ofttimes meant that they received harsher treatment. However, two advantages that almost always accrued are solidarity and support. Even where they were termed criminals, and even where they were confined along with criminals, they were acknowledged as political, both inside and outside of the prison system. Although their handling might be severe, they were accorded a certain respect as being prisoners of conscience. Further, they had automatic alliance with their fellows in the penal system, and received support from unimprisoned members of their group or movement, even when such communication was officially interdicted.
Thus, while
not minimizing their suffering, their basic identities, both personal and
political, were not weakened. In fact there could be a buttressing and
encouraging sense of furthering The Cause by one's very presence in prison.
Recent examples could be drawn from among incarcerated dissidents in South
Africa, the former Soviet Union, and at this very moment in China.
Once incarcerated, the child-lover is told that he is "just like any other inmate," and that "no one cares why you're here." As far as not receiving special privileges, or any attention to the special needs engendered by total lack of experience with a criminal sub-culture, that is true indeed. However, one may soon find that in order to gain parole, one must complete a "treatment" program, and be certified as being "in recovery," as I have discussed elsewhere. (9)
What is
different here is that child-lovers themselves appear to accept and internalize
the cultural opprobrium, at least to the extent of deep ambivalence, and
frequently to the extent of denial and self-hatred. No unbiased test can
demonstrate intergenerational love to be anything worse than politically
incorrect, and yet the widespread emotional reaction to it is as though it
really were the violent crime it arbitrarily is labelled. In an horrific
extension of this phenomenon, child-lovers, who are in the best position to
know the reality of adult-child bonded relationships, begin to view themselves
through the eyes of the professional "victimologists." (11)
The abrupt collapse of one's personal psychological identity, all or most of one's interpersonal relationships, and all of one's social and cultural roles, precipitates a state of inner chaos that some will not survive. It is akin to traumatic amputation of all four limbs; the bleeding and shock will be fatal to many. Beyond the acute phase, however, living or dying becomes a process in which we may participate.
Many if not
most people have sexual fantasies and experiences, especially during
adolescence and young adulthood, which they later regret. That is normal. All
adolescents are dealing with greatly heightened sexual and aggressive drives,
and doing so with the handicaps of neuropsychological immaturity and social
inexperience. It is no wonder that they often blunder, injuring their own
feelings, and sometimes bodies, and those of their partners. Most people
eventually forgive themselves their youthful mistakes, or just forget about
2. This is true in the same manner that being Jewish was the defining characteristic of European Jews during the Nazi reign, whether or not they themselves previously had thought about it that way.
3. One can see here clearly the confluence of various models of suicide, including Durkheim's original anomie, the psychodynamic rage turned against the self, and the cognitive psychologists' helplessness/hopelessness paradigm.
4. I have heard so many accounts, besides my own, of defense attorneys cooperating, either actively or passively, with the prosecution, that I must conclude there is some truth to them beyond "sour grapes."
6. I know that I have defined at least some Nazis and other war criminals as "political prisoners." Fortunately, I am not the first to have done so. Although their politics may be abhorrent to me, I believe that if they acted subjectively in good conscience and their values were shared by their group, then the definition must stand.
7. The "sociopathic society" of prison includes both staff and inmates and is beyond the scope of this article. I ask the reader to "take my word for it" that any adjustment to prison life demands at least some degree of lying, stealing, and other behaviours which on the Outside we would reject as unethical.
8. The author is classified as a violent felon, and so housed and treated, because the law defines sexual contact with a child less than eleven as a violent crime. The irony is profound. The child in question once had to go find his brother to help him remove a bothersome loose tooth because the author couldn't bear to cause him even momentary pain.
9. [Horowitz, A.] Shneur. "And If The Twig Be Broken...," in Gayme, Vol. 1 No. 2 (January 1994), pp. 20-28.
10. The question of why pedophilia is perceived as subversive in contemporary "Western" societies is beyond the scope of this article. Let it be said that this culture is both child-hating and erotophobic. Consequently those who love children receive the proverbial double whammy.
11. Psychologically, this is the mechanism of identification with the aggressor described in classic works by Anna Freud and Bruno Bettelheim.
12. The reasons for Americans being especially susceptible to this kind of pernicious double-think are beyond the scope of this article. Briefly, however, I believe they stem significantly from early and persistent conditioning by the mass media to place conventional, externally imposed labels on experiences, overruling individual instincts, perceptions, and judgments.
Just the circumstances of his being captured at last give lie to all this man's "love'. After fleeing Israel to India (Charges for raping his wife's children) a citizen became suspicious of this strange American hanging around school yards, befriending children with sweets and telling them he wanted to adopt them. It took the individual several days before finding Horowitz's Most Wanted poster on line. But the fact this man fled, was secretive... dear lord, delusional and too twisted for words.
Various rabbinical organizations have made him pariah but only the Rabbi who made him a Rabbi can undo this work and he cannot be found. So he keeps his title.
This article appeared in NAMBLA's Criminal Justice?, whose editor estimates there are 25,000 to 30,000 boy-lovers caught up in the American criminal justice system. Criminal Justice? contains other writings by prisoners about their prison experiences, another article by A. Shneur Horowitz about the growing numbers of adolescent boys imprisoned for loving other boys (many housed in a special unit of the New York State prison system), an article from the NAMBLA Bulletin about the Crime Bill of 1994, and a short story by Russell Kinkade.
ED Noor: I have just had my eyes popped open! In looking for an image to accompany this article I just found that NAMBLA is not alone. There is a FEMALE counterpart to the boy/love association called BUTTERFLY KISSES "celebrating love between women and girls." I am now completely nauseated! They even sell their own line of clothing! Here are some titles of writing offered to these people. I really am blown away since most of this last information emanates from British Columbian and Canadian websites.
Rabbi Alan J. Horowitz, MD, is a convicted sex offender who is also an ordained Orthodox rabbi. As a psychiatrist, Horowitz specialized in working with adolescents. His resume also includes volunteering time as a Boy Scout leader and being a writer for NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association) publications. He graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University; and received his Ph.D. and medical degree from Duke University.
Alan Horowitz was born on April 4, 1947 in Brooklyn, NY. He has been married and divorced twice. Horowitz had a child with his first marriage. He had seven stepchildren with his second wife, which were taken away by Child Protection Services (CPS) for failure to protect them from Horowitz.
In the past Horowitz was licensed to practice medicine in North Carolina and Maryland. He never obtained a license to practice in the state of New York.
Horowitz was an assistant professor of child dismissed from the UI in 1978, a university official told The Daily Gazette newspaper of Schenectady in a 1992 story, because he was not productive in research.
Alan Horowitz was first convicted back in 1983 in Maryland of performing an unnatural sexual act on the 12-year-old boy who was his patient and his eight year-old little brother. At the time Horowitz was sentenced to five-year probation.
The probation agreement included allowing Alan Horowitz to move to New York so that he could live study Torah at Ohr Somayach, Monsey, NY. He was court ordered to live on campus. Ohr Somayach is a Yeshiva serving young male students.
Dr. Horowitz was also court ordered to be in counseling under the care of Dr. Joseph F. Chambers (Maryland) and Dr. Rabbi Issac Twersky (Monsey, NY).
While he was attending class on the Jewish bible, he was ordained as a rabbi, yet later after being arrested again, various rabbonim at Ohr Somayach had denied giving him a smicha (ordination). This is a common theme within the orthodox world ~ to deny that a rabbinic ordination was given after someone like Horowitz was caught molesting children or raping an adult. You can read more about the history of and background information on rabbinic ordination by clicking here.
As like many others who thirst in learning Torah, Alan Horowitz ultimately ending up studying abroad in Israel. When he left the United States it was in violation of his parole. This seemed to be a common theme for alleged or convicted orthodox sex offenders to do during this time period.
Alan Horowitz twice violated his probation from the sentencing in 1983. There is no documentation of how he violated it the first time, yet the second time was in November 1985, was when he made aliyah and moved to Israel. He returned to the United States in November, 1990 when he learned new charges were being investigated relating to him allegedly molesting children in the West Bank (Israel).
Past newspaper accounts stated Rabbi Alan Horowitz picked Schenectady in hopes of securing a rabbinical appointment. Apparently each time Horowitz moved he changed his name, using the alias Shneor Altar in Israel, Alan Horowitz in New York and Mike Sonkin in Iowa.
Not much time pasted for there to be new allegations made of child sexual abuse. In 1991, allegations were made that Horowitz molested three boys under the age of fourteen and a 14-year-old girl in Eastern Parkway and Niskayuna, New York. It was around this time that authorities in New York contacted Interpol and learned that the investigation in the West Bank (Israel) was still being investigated.
Upon Horowitz learning that new charges in the US were being made against him, he attempted to elude the authorities by moving. This time to Woodward, Iowa. Once located he was extradited back to New York.
During the new police investigation, the New York officials found a trail of sexual abuse of patients dating back to the late 1960s when Horowitz worked for a community organization that helped impoverished, inner-city children.
On August 27, 1991, Rabbi Alan J. Horowitz, MD was charged in the Supreme Court in the state of New York on 34 counts of sodomy in the 1st degree. He was also charged with two counts of Sodomy in the 2nd degree, one count of sexual abuse in the 3rd degree, and 4 counts of endangering the welfare of a child. During these court procedures a North Carolina man showed up during the court proceedings claiming he was sexually abused by Horowitz as a child. It is also mentioned that Horowitz molested children in the state of Arizona, yet no more information about those allegations is known.
On June 29, 1992, Rabbi Alan Jay Horowitz, MD pled guilty to one count of 1st degree sodomy.
In a county Probation Department report Horowitz admitted that he was a pedophile, but a "normal pedophile," which Horowitz defined as someone who has consensual sex with children.
During August, 1992, Alan Horowitz made the news one more time. This time was regarding a complaint that the county jail diet did not provide for his religious needs. He asked a state Supreme Court judge to direct the sheriff to provide more kosher food.
There were many attempts to stop Rabbi Horowitz being released on conditional parole on November 1, 2004 (Oneida Prison, NY), yet these attempts failed. At the time of his release he was Designation: Sexually Violent Offender and Predicate Sex Offender level three sex offender). Horowitz served a little more than 13 years before New York officials said they were forced to release him after he served two-thirds of his maximum sentence. His parole was to last until 2011.
In 2006, Horowitz illegally left the United States violating his probation. At first it was believed he was in Israel, yet instead flew to Japan and on to Hong Kong, Thailand, Sri Lanka and India ~ leaving a trail of newly sexually victimized children along the way.
In India he used his title of "rabbi" in his attempt to give himself credibility This is one of the reasons why The Awareness Center implemented it's "CALL TO ACTION" to have his rabbinic ordination revoked.
On May 22, 2007, Rabbi Alan Horowitz was caught in India. Horowitz was in violation of his parole since June, 2006. He was extradited back to the United States on July 8, 2007.
ED Note: This scumbucket had the NERVE to raise a huge legal fuss in prison because he was not being fed kosher food!
next letter is the stuff of nightmares ~ how these entities think. I
cannot even call such creatures "animals" because animals act as they
were created to be. "Political prisoner?" The misguided chutzpah of this
creature is astonishing. His writing of life inside is quite accurate,
however his personal interpretation of himself and his ilk are beyond
delusional. He manifests a persecution complex of the highest order.
This article was published in NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association).
It is quite disturbing, yet offers the public an opportunity to look inside the
mind of a convicted sex offender. This is a man who believes that imprisoned
pedophiles are “political prisoners” and mourns that it is impossible to post
images of children in his prison cell for fear of being outted. Then in the
next breath he bemoans that being outted is a bad thing because it hinders “tender
is particularly offensive is his use of the term “child lovers” as if it is a positive
thing; he uses it to contrast these gentle sweet men to the general violent
prison population as if to point out the impropriety of such good men being
kept in proximity with lower beasts. Equally deceiving is the term “intergenerational
however, that although this man may be a rabbi with full Talmudic rights to do
as he does, he is one of millions of sexual deviants on this planet; sexual
deviancy such as this is found in almost all societies that have been touched
by the West.
This Freudian influenced psychopath shows his Jewishness mainly by his self-pity and sense of being victimized for being a good man who just happens to love minors. All in all this is a very disturbing writing.
will also go out on a limb and predict that eventually, thanks to the Hate Bill
passed in the US in 2009, terms such as “Child lover” will become a
politically correct and possibly legal term for the older predatory participants
in “intergenerational sex.”
This change in the laws not only allows,
but affirms
and celebrates, homosexuality
and transvestitism
under the guise that it is a private matter between consenting adults.
Unsurprisingly, that excuse was a lie, as the true target of the Progressive
left is being openly revealed:
by A. Shneur Horowitz
After graduating magna cum laude from Harvard College, A. Shneur Horowitz received the M.D. and Ph.D. degrees from Duke University, and is an orthodox rabbi. After twenty years of following these professional interests, Horowitz is now a political prisoner in the United States.
Did you ever have a dream where everything seemed quite logical, and yet even at the time a part of your mind knew that when you awoke, the sense would be completely lost? Not only would you be unable to make a reasonable recounting to anyone else, but even to yourself the dream-events would appear disconnected and the logic bizarre. Talking about prison to those who have not been there, and for whom incarceration is not part of their culture, is very much like that. Both dreaming and imprisonment are alternate realities in which the usual checks and controls have been removed and replaced with other rules for which our normal experiences have left us unprepared.
This severe culture shock applies to all prisoners who have lived their lives in the middle class or mainstream society. We child-lovers, however, suffer a more profound and pervasive psychosocial disintegration because of circumstances relatively specific to us. Personal accounts serve an important purpose, helping those who are not here to appreciate our experiences. However, I would like to use this space to comment on just what it is that makes incarceration different, and worse, for child-lovers than for virtually anyone else.
The first section discusses the psychosocial impact of imprisonment with reference to child-lovers.The second deals with special factors which impede our adjustment to incarceration.The third section introduces ideas relating to the possibilities for growth and positive outcome.
It should be noted that much of the material in this article is not relevant to
all persons jailed for participating in intergenerational
sex. Four exclusionary criteria are evident:
1. Short sentence ~ "Short" is subjective, but many individuals with sentences of five years or less engage in what I call a "count-down" technique. They handle their imprisonment by maintaining and emphasizing a psychological continuity between a remembered before and an anticipated After. The incarceration can then be endured as an unpleasant interim/interruption/interregnum within an ongoing life.
2. Strong outside support ~ Those who have frequent visits, telephone calls, and exchange of letters with family and continuing friends who encourage and support them may be spared the crises described here. Their psychic reality remains outside, even over a long period of time, and their personal identity is stabilized and reinforced.
3. Prior economic/social poverty ~ For some, prison represents only slight decrement, or even actual improvement in living conditions and/or social opportunities. For such persons, the culture shock mentioned above is minimal or absent.
4. Low intelligence ~ Some of the processes discussed below entail ability to introspect and conceptualize that may be poorly elaborated in persons of very low intelligence.BEING IMPRISONED
How we perceive and react to imprisonment derives from our previous self-image and lifestyle. For almost all of us, being "outted" is a concomitant of our arrest and prosecution. This in itself precipitates a personal crisis of the greatest magnitude. We must face, perhaps for the first time, our identity as pedophiles.
It may seem strange to say that a person who has lived many years as an active lover of children can suddenly realize that he is a pedophile, and I don't mean that he has been exactly lying to himself up to now.
there is a strong tendency to wall off or encapsulate the child-lover part of
our identity, except when we actually are engaged with children. After all, it
sadly cannot quite be integrated into a typical home or professional life in
this society. This type of ignoring, or "selective inattention" is a
common means of handling perceptions, about ourselves or others, that don't fit
into overall conceptions of who and what we are.
It is so
much easier to think of oneself as "teacher," "carpenter,"
or "executive," than to label oneself with the most hated
characterization in the culture. Parenthetically, I think this may contribute
to why we are now being "caught" in such prodigious numbers.
we have assigned "child-lover" a subsidiary place in our own
self-image, compared with "husband," "coach,"
"doctor," and so on, we assume unconsciously that others view us the
same way.
our loving manner and ability to bond with children is as obvious to our
enemies, when they choose to attune themselves, as it is to the kids
(1) Being a lover of children is the defining characteristic of our identities, whatever we previously may have thought. It is a beacon which shines from us, for better or for worse, and by which the responses of others to us are illuminated.(2) What has changed in recent years is the motivation of our enemies to tune in to us and the threshold for their turning suspicion into persecutory behaviour.
If the
positive part of our internal crisis is confronting and integrating our
child-lover identity, then the negative side is facing the realization that we
have "lived a lie" for all or most of our adult lives.
We built a
house of cards right there on Main Street, and then moved in lock, stock, and
barrel, papering the inside walls with hypocrisy and the outside with
deceptions. We did this so we could live in comfort and ease, so we could
"pass," so we could eat our cake and have it too. We did not hold
sit-ins or vigils or freedom rides. We did not engage in letter-writing
campaigns or in civil disobedience.
We attended
PTA meetings where our brothers and sisters were vilified, and perhaps even
made "appropriate" comments to our neighbours about the danger of
"child molesters." We lied to our parents and spouses. We were cowards.
So what goes
on internally is a major re-alignment, in today's terms re-formatting, of our
whole personality structure. This includes not only re-arrangement of our
hierarchy of self-definitions, but also acceptance of some stark and not very favourable
truths about our character. This tidal wave of realizations is even more
devastating than that during puberty, because the identity crisis of
adolescence brings with it the unveiling of seemingly unlimited potentials and
possibilities for the future, whereas the identity crisis of outing implies the
closing off of possibilities and a confrontation with what we already are.
third aspect of imprisonment is its
interpersonal/social impact. The concurrence of incarceration and outing often
triggers abrupt and total disappearance of our support system.
socialized, middle class individuals build strong social linkages, and depend
on them not only for self-validation, but for the communication and
clarification of emotions. Nowadays, even males are adapted to "sharing
feelings" rather than suppressing or denying them.
While there
are exceptions, it is not at all unusual for a child-lover to lose all of his
significant relationships simultaneously when he is outted and arrested. Of
course, for us, our most significant and invigorating relationships are those
we have with children, be they overtly intimate or not. These are annihilated,
with traumatic and tragic consequences both for us and for our young friends.
We confront the knowledge that not only have our tenderest bonds been torn cruelly asunder, but that, using modern psycho-technology, even our partners' memories of us will likely be revised, perverted, and turned into their opposites.
This loss
not only of the present and future, but of the past as well, defies
description. Furthermore, we find that families of orientation and of
procreation, colleagues, confidants and lifelong friends either turn on us, or
turn from us. We have become non-persons, anathema. Distinct from other middle
class prisoners, who often are sustained by their successful social networks,
we, in our time of greatest need, find ourselves utterly alone.
A flowing river can appear quite serene, but if all its effluent channels were blocked at once, the weight and force of water turned back from its natural outlets would convert it quickly to a churning maelstrom. Thus it is with our psychological energy when all our relationships are suddenly cut off ~ a cataclysmic emotional implosion, flooding back against the damaged bulwarks of our much-weakened selves. The effect is overwhelming, and depression is very severe at this time; the risk of suicide is proportionately great. (3)
A flowing river can appear quite serene, but if all its effluent channels were blocked at once, the weight and force of water turned back from its natural outlets would convert it quickly to a churning maelstrom. Thus it is with our psychological energy when all our relationships are suddenly cut off ~ a cataclysmic emotional implosion, flooding back against the damaged bulwarks of our much-weakened selves. The effect is overwhelming, and depression is very severe at this time; the risk of suicide is proportionately great. (3)
Depression and
identity dissolution combine to make us vulnerable also to the manipulations of
prosecutors, unscrupulous "defense" lawyers, (4)
and soon-to-be ex-spouses, among others. It is well known that mid-adolescents,
whose identities are in flux, are susceptible to the lure of demagoguery and
fanaticism. Likewise, after outing and prosecution, many of us leap into the
clutches of therapists and re-programmers, who offer a shred of substitute
identity, even be it that of "interminably recovering pervert."
Having passed through the transition to incarceration, there continue to operate factors which make our physical and emotional survival particularly difficult in our new status and environment. The most widely known of these is that we are social pariahs within the prison population. A child-lover is known politely as a "molester," but more frequently and pointedly as a "baby raper," or "tree jumper." (5)
Having passed through the transition to incarceration, there continue to operate factors which make our physical and emotional survival particularly difficult in our new status and environment. The most widely known of these is that we are social pariahs within the prison population. A child-lover is known politely as a "molester," but more frequently and pointedly as a "baby raper," or "tree jumper." (5)
In an
environment where violence is never far from the surface, this appellation
hangs like Damocles' sword over the child-lover's head. Chronic anxiety
interferes with concentration and judgment, and probably contributes to
physical stress-related disorders over the long run.
Because of
the danger, most "brothers" whose identity as child-lovers is not
generally known, go to great lengths to avoid being "re-outted"
within the prison population. While one hardly can blame them for wanting to
protect themselves, this results in there never being a mutually supportive
network Inside to substitute even partially for the lost relationships Outside.
While some
states have special facilities, units, or "treatment" programs, most
of these are generally for "sex offenders." Ironically, there child-lovers, more often than not the gentlest of souls,
find themselves sequestered with brutal rapists and sex-murderers, who may be
even more dangerous to them than run-of-the-mill prison inmates.
second factor, less immediately apparent, is that we are the
only prisoners not to utilize two of the three primary mediators of group
formation within the prison social system, viz. sexual orientation and type of
(The third is ethnicity, and we frequently will be
in a small minority there too, or be excluded on the basis of middle class
traits of speech, manners, etc.)
about sex, real or imagined, is an immediate common ground for both
heterosexuals and homosexuals everywhere. In prison, where many individuals'
social development is that of delinquent early adolescents, it forms the
stock-in-trade of most conversation. Both ambivalence and fear contribute to
child-lovers being unable or unwilling to seek each other out on the basis of
our common orientation.
Aside from
sexuality, there often is affiliation among those with similar reasons for
their incarceration, e.g. drug dealers, murderers, or those involved in
organized crime. For us, of course, our "crime" and our sexual
orientation are one and the same.
Faced with
the absence of our own group, many of us choose to lie, i.e. to create an
ersatz sexual or criminal history. Not only does this run the risk of violent
or even fatal consequences if discovered, but it also feeds into and
exacerbates the "living a lie" problem discussed earlier.
The other
choice readily available is to remain a permanent loner. Loners are not all
that uncommon in prison, and generally fall into two categories. There are
those with fairly short sentences who are putting up with incarceration while
remaining basically aloof and as untarnished by it as possible.
We seldom
fall into that category, and do so less and less as
sentences for child-lovers become increasingly outrageous.
Then there
are those individuals whose self-imposed isolation causes them to drift ever
further into idiosyncratic and impoverished mental states. Appearing far older
than their years, they resemble patients with chronic schizophrenia or organic
brain syndromes. This is not an attractive prospect.
our sense of isolation is the fact that we are the only prisoners denied access
to what might be called "non-interpersonal" re-inforcers of our
identity. Inmates have the opportunity to view television, individually or
communally, and most facilities show movies weekly or more often.
bonded relationships are displayed frequently and homosexual ones occasionally.
Murder, assault, fraud, drug use and sale, theft, espionage, exploitative sex
and rape all are common entertainment fare. Moreover, the perpetrators of these
crimes often are portrayed in a sympathetic if not approving manner. There is
ample opportunity to watch men or women scantily dressed and in erotic
Also, on
prison staffs, both male and female adults are present "in the flesh"
and have at least superficial real relationships with prisoners, as well as
supplying a framework for their fantasies. Over and above this, one may obtain
books and magazines dealing with crime and/or with sexual behaviour.
In many
places, one may post even erotically stimulating nude pictures on the walls of
one's cell or cubicle. All of that applies to everyone except us. All forms of
visual or literary art dealing with adult-child intimacy either are unavailable
or are specifically and systematically censored. Even depictions of children
which are neither erotic nor intimate could be risky to display or even to
Thus, the
child-lover, now in a state where he should, and must, develop a newly honest,
mature, and profound self-concept, finds himself totally lacking in
"props," cues, test-objects, and feedback to use as tools in this
monumental task.
fourth, and perhaps ultimately the most important factor
that militates against both our adjustment in prison and our making positive
use of our prison time, is that we are unacknowledged political prisoners.
Our enemies
assert that because physical expressions of love between an adult and a child
are defined as illegal, we are criminals.
they would rebut that political prisoners are only those incarcerated for
speech and writing, not for behaviour.
both of these arguments are incorrect. One hundred fifty years ago, an
African-American who fled the site of his involuntary servitude was defined by
law as a criminal. We, however, view his behaviour, correctly I believe, as a
political act.
hundred years earlier, a Judean who circumcised his son was defined by Roman
law as having committed an act of bloody child abuse. We, however, term his act
religious and political (whether or not we agree with the practice).
I aver that a political prisoner is one who is incarcerated for an act which he, in good conscience, believes to be right and good.
his belief is not idiosyncratic, but is shared by a number of other persons who
consider themselves united in part by this belief. This still is short of civil
disobedience, as that would require conscious political intent. Most political
prisoners, here and elsewhere, are those whose "crime" is no more
than living their lives as persons of conscience, according to their best
judgment of what is right and good, and without necessarily intending their behaviour
as a political statement or even considering themselves as politically
"involved." (6)
prisoners differ fundamentally from other prisoners in being, not only
well-socialized, but in fact extraordinarily ethical. At the very least, this
is because as members of a persecuted political minority, they have been forced
to consider matters of right and wrong more consciously than the average
citizen. Such persons tend intrinsically to be rule-followers because, although
they think certain rules should be different, they believe in the concept of
rules, i.e. that there are aspects of right and wrong, good and bad, which
override one's personal desires.
the great majority of prisoners at the penitentiary level are
"antisocial," or "sociopathic." Studies indicate that as
many as 80-90% of inmates are intrinsic rule-breakers and lack either an ethic
that transcends their own needs and impulses, or the ability to modify their behaviour
in conformity with such an ethic.
child-lover placed in such a milieu faces a dilemma: to be honest and
forthright and persistently exploited, or to compromise his own values in order
to make his way in prison. (7)
In some societies, political prisoners have been segregated from criminals, and this ofttimes meant that they received harsher treatment. However, two advantages that almost always accrued are solidarity and support. Even where they were termed criminals, and even where they were confined along with criminals, they were acknowledged as political, both inside and outside of the prison system. Although their handling might be severe, they were accorded a certain respect as being prisoners of conscience. Further, they had automatic alliance with their fellows in the penal system, and received support from unimprisoned members of their group or movement, even when such communication was officially interdicted.

imprisoned child-lovers, we experience the worst of both worlds. North American
and some other governments go to great lengths to define the love of children
as a serious felony. In doing so, they have created and financed the
development of an entire pseudo-science, "victimology," which has
co-opted and corrupted the mental health professions to a degree unimaginable
twenty-five years ago. (8)
arrested, we, like political prisoners everywhere, are subjected to a travesty
of the criminal justice system. Usual guarantees are explicitly or implicitly
suspended, e.g. the right to confront one's accuser, the inadmissibility of
hearsay evidence, and the presumption of innocence. As mentioned elsewhere, the
"defense" counsel often supports and surreptitiously cooperates with
the State to produce a "show-trial," the outcome of which is
indisputably pre-determined.
Once incarcerated, the child-lover is told that he is "just like any other inmate," and that "no one cares why you're here." As far as not receiving special privileges, or any attention to the special needs engendered by total lack of experience with a criminal sub-culture, that is true indeed. However, one may soon find that in order to gain parole, one must complete a "treatment" program, and be certified as being "in recovery," as I have discussed elsewhere. (9)
This sounds quite a bit like the "political re-education" programs of other oppressive societies.
Then, one
finds that access to writings, even scholarly literature, on the subject of
intergenerational love, is forbidden; this in an environment saturated with
stories of murder and mayhem, and where racist publications advocating hatred
and violence are freely available. One may find that requests for
inmate-to-inmate correspondence are routinely denied ~ only when both parties
are child-lovers.
So it seems
that while labelled as felons, child-lovers are in fact treated in very
significant ways as political prisoners. That in itself is not unique. It is
characteristic of regimes dependent upon fanatical elements to criminalize the
essential behaviours or rituals of groups whose philosophy and lifestyle are
perceived as potentially subversive to the existing order. (10)

ambivalence also explains the failure of unimprisoned child-lovers to form an
effective support network for their incarcerated brethren and
"sistren." The analogy comes to mind of a boy ~ perhaps a generation
or two past ~ whose brother gets caught
masturbating. He wants to say, "Leave him alone, there's nothing wrong
with it ~ even scientists say so!" However, he says nothing, not only
because he fears that he will be found out himself, but also because there
lurks still at the back of his mind the nagging thought that maybe it really is
dirty and nasty and makes you go blind. (12)
"un-outted" members of other movements for social reform also have
feared for their own security and safety. However, they always found means to
help imprisoned colleagues locate each other; if necessary to smuggle food,
literature and encouragement to them; and to re-integrate them upon release, or
arrange for them to continue their work in exile.
The abrupt collapse of one's personal psychological identity, all or most of one's interpersonal relationships, and all of one's social and cultural roles, precipitates a state of inner chaos that some will not survive. It is akin to traumatic amputation of all four limbs; the bleeding and shock will be fatal to many. Beyond the acute phase, however, living or dying becomes a process in which we may participate.
We are
confronted, for the first time in most cases, with having only ourselves for company.
What kind of companions do we make for ourselves?To what extent can we take over the complementary functions which others, particularly children, have performed for us?How well do we know ourselves?The substitution will always be poor and incomplete. You can't tickle yourself. You can't be your own sex partner.
that is not really the point. The question is whether or not we can provide
ourselves with the bare minimum requisites for making the decision to live and
remain sane.
Possibly the
most important task in working through our relationship with ourself is
resolving the negative aspects of our self-image.
First, we must understand and eliminate traces of self-hatred caused by identification with the culture's rejection of us. This already has been discussed.Second is coming to terms with negative events in our own psychosexual history.

For child-lovers, however, the part of us that is prone to accept society's labels can seize on these shameful memories to "prove" that we really are despicable. Instead of self-acceptance, we wind up with self-loathing.Now that all outward channels are closed, can we focus the tremendous love and compassion we have poured into others on ourselves?Can we regard our past and present selves with the lavish forbearance and instant forgiveness we once bestowed upon the children we cared for?Can we come to see the essential goodness of our nature, and the essential falsehood of our enemies' calumnies?If so, then we will accept ourselves as less than perfect. We will be able finally to integrate and move beyond the memories of those times when, for whatever reasons, we hurt the ones we loved.
If one gets
to this point, one has survived the catastrophic centripetal reversal of energy
flow, i.e. one has avoided psychic meltdown. The quadruple amputee who has not
died from shock can now begin to figure out how it might be possible to control
a computer, or a paintbrush. For us, part of our energy should continue to go
into self-exploration and development.
Many of us are so "other-oriented," such great givers, that we have not sufficiently come to know ourselves.
toward knowledge of ourselves and our place in the universe, through religion,
meditation, or other means, is a lifelong task. Planning for the future after
release also can play a role in the process of renewal. However, we must guard
against excessive preoccupation with fantasy, and there is a tragically large
number of us who cannot count on release in this lifetime. Substantial progress
in personal development may be necessary before one can achieve sufficient
equanimity to emerge from the contracted or imploded state mentioned earlier.
with increased self-acceptance, there develops a desire to re-establish
communication with others. One basic fulfillment of this is through
correspondence and visitation. Some individuals may be able to re-contact
family members or friends. With the passage of time, and finding the prisoner
"sadder but wiser," one or more of these may choose to renew their
prisoners may find new associations through their religious or philosophical
alignments. However, there is no doubt that the most important contacts for the
incarcerated child-lover are with others of his orientation. Only these can
provide opportunities not only for relating with our evolving self, but for
corroboration and validation of our most essential identity.
This of
course requires that there be numbers of child-lovers outside of prison who
also are working on development of their own positive identities and resolution
of their own ambivalences.
Another mode
of communication is through creative expression. For some, it may take
considerable effort and re-training to direct the love energy we previously
have expressed in our thoughts, words and actions directly with children, into
"media." Words that we write, images that we paint or carve, cannot
become real children, but they can provide us with an outlet for our caring and
passion, as well as our yearning and grief. Creative media include fiction and
non-fiction such as this article (I hope).
This leads
to a third means of establishing relationship between the revised self and the
outside world, viz. working for The Cause.
in such work requires further solidification of a positive personal identity
and also firm commitment to the role of political prisoner. Can we resist all
systematic attempts to brainwash us and break our spirits?
Can we, in
the absence of internal network or external support, come to view ourselves as
members of a persecuted minority?
Well, we
can, but as the old song says, "Don'cha know it ain' easy."
Our success,
and indeed our survival, depends not only upon our own work, but also upon
parallel maturational work, both individually and organizationally, of
child-lovers on the Outside.
to survival of outting and incarceration alive and sane are daunting.
obstacles to continued personal growth and re-emergence as productive human
beings are formidable. As in any popularly sanctioned and governmentally
executed genocide, there will be countless direct and indirect casualties.
History will
not ask us why we died, but it will ask us why we died cowering.
It will not
question why our enemies did not help us, but it will demand to know why we did
not help each other.
1. Recently, I showed a friend a photograph of myself and a twelve-year-old boy with whom I was bonded years ago. We are standing side by side with my arm around his shoulder, in what I would consider a typical adult-child pose. My friend took one look at the picture and said, "You were lovers." To my surprise, he pointed out that there was absolutely no space between us. The boy had melded his body so that he was in continuous contact with me from his ankle to where his shoulder fit into my armpit.
1. Recently, I showed a friend a photograph of myself and a twelve-year-old boy with whom I was bonded years ago. We are standing side by side with my arm around his shoulder, in what I would consider a typical adult-child pose. My friend took one look at the picture and said, "You were lovers." To my surprise, he pointed out that there was absolutely no space between us. The boy had melded his body so that he was in continuous contact with me from his ankle to where his shoulder fit into my armpit.
2. This is true in the same manner that being Jewish was the defining characteristic of European Jews during the Nazi reign, whether or not they themselves previously had thought about it that way.
3. One can see here clearly the confluence of various models of suicide, including Durkheim's original anomie, the psychodynamic rage turned against the self, and the cognitive psychologists' helplessness/hopelessness paradigm.
4. I have heard so many accounts, besides my own, of defense attorneys cooperating, either actively or passively, with the prosecution, that I must conclude there is some truth to them beyond "sour grapes."
The hatred of child-lovers in this culture is so deeply ingrained, and so irrational, that it operates substantially at a subconscious level, and biases the actions even of professionals who have trained themselves ordinarily to separate their personal feelings from their work.
5. I'm not really sure of the origin of this
term, but assume it is some obscure reference to hiding in trees or bushes and
then jumping out to attack hapless children.
6. I know that I have defined at least some Nazis and other war criminals as "political prisoners." Fortunately, I am not the first to have done so. Although their politics may be abhorrent to me, I believe that if they acted subjectively in good conscience and their values were shared by their group, then the definition must stand.
7. The "sociopathic society" of prison includes both staff and inmates and is beyond the scope of this article. I ask the reader to "take my word for it" that any adjustment to prison life demands at least some degree of lying, stealing, and other behaviours which on the Outside we would reject as unethical.
8. The author is classified as a violent felon, and so housed and treated, because the law defines sexual contact with a child less than eleven as a violent crime. The irony is profound. The child in question once had to go find his brother to help him remove a bothersome loose tooth because the author couldn't bear to cause him even momentary pain.
9. [Horowitz, A.] Shneur. "And If The Twig Be Broken...," in Gayme, Vol. 1 No. 2 (January 1994), pp. 20-28.
10. The question of why pedophilia is perceived as subversive in contemporary "Western" societies is beyond the scope of this article. Let it be said that this culture is both child-hating and erotophobic. Consequently those who love children receive the proverbial double whammy.
11. Psychologically, this is the mechanism of identification with the aggressor described in classic works by Anna Freud and Bruno Bettelheim.
12. The reasons for Americans being especially susceptible to this kind of pernicious double-think are beyond the scope of this article. Briefly, however, I believe they stem significantly from early and persistent conditioning by the mass media to place conventional, externally imposed labels on experiences, overruling individual instincts, perceptions, and judgments.
Just the circumstances of his being captured at last give lie to all this man's "love'. After fleeing Israel to India (Charges for raping his wife's children) a citizen became suspicious of this strange American hanging around school yards, befriending children with sweets and telling them he wanted to adopt them. It took the individual several days before finding Horowitz's Most Wanted poster on line. But the fact this man fled, was secretive... dear lord, delusional and too twisted for words.
Various rabbinical organizations have made him pariah but only the Rabbi who made him a Rabbi can undo this work and he cannot be found. So he keeps his title.
This article appeared in NAMBLA's Criminal Justice?, whose editor estimates there are 25,000 to 30,000 boy-lovers caught up in the American criminal justice system. Criminal Justice? contains other writings by prisoners about their prison experiences, another article by A. Shneur Horowitz about the growing numbers of adolescent boys imprisoned for loving other boys (many housed in a special unit of the New York State prison system), an article from the NAMBLA Bulletin about the Crime Bill of 1994, and a short story by Russell Kinkade.
ED Noor: I have just had my eyes popped open! In looking for an image to accompany this article I just found that NAMBLA is not alone. There is a FEMALE counterpart to the boy/love association called BUTTERFLY KISSES "celebrating love between women and girls." I am now completely nauseated! They even sell their own line of clothing! Here are some titles of writing offered to these people. I really am blown away since most of this last information emanates from British Columbian and Canadian websites.
The sickness and attempt at perverse social engineering is astounding. This is the kind of thing that many people I know would say "I don't want to know."
ReplyDeleteBut it is still valuable information for those who do. Totally self centred and self delusional.
DeleteHere's a few items from the edge of the wedge. Think Kincaid is the creature working the teacher education system, no?
DeleteHarmful to Minors: The Perils of Protecting Children from Sex by Dr. Judith Levine.
Erotic Innocence by James Kincaid
"the author explains society's need for horrors such as ritual abuse, "kiddie porn," and accusations against clergy and day care workers. Preoccupation with this misguided sexuality allows the public to ignore the poverty, neglect, malnutrition, and poor education that constitute true child abuse. Kincaid suggests abandoning the Gothic model and acknowledging that erotic feelings are a normal part of life that rational adults can control."