There you are, sitting in your little office on Main Street, Anytown, USA. Life is pretty good. Your kids are thriving, your relationships are good, business steady, an accomplishment in these times. All American life, kids into sports, church on Sundays, family barbeques, just another American living in dreamland. You know from the news that things are not perfect in the world, but for you and yours, there are no complaints.Then war comes to your land. The enemy has invaded your country and things begin to go wrong in your life. You try to avoid politics but it is not possible. Suddenly you are forced to have opinions one way or another on things that heretofore you had never even considered: even worse, these opinions are matters of life or death for you and yours.Family members disappear. Life becomes tenuous at best. Every night you sleep in fear; the effects of war on your country are debilitating and eventually it is no longer safe to remain where you are. Each day brings a new danger and when the economy tanks completely you close your business, sell what you can, and prepare to send your children to safety.Their only options involve travel to safety in South America. You scrape up enough cash to finance the escape of both children and with your prayers they are off to a foreign land where they know not what awaits them ~ immigrants with no money, don’t speak the local languages, dangers you cannot imagine ~ but it is their only hope. Perhaps, if God is willing, if things do not calm down at home, you might join them if things go well... This faint hope keeps you going.One night watching the “news” through a store window you watch as people being led from a battered sloop that looks as if it would sink on a duck pond let alone an ocean.Funny thing about that. Years before, watching refugees from war zones fleeing on shaky crafts ~ Cubans, Haitians, Vietnamese, and so many other victims of imperial wars ~ your comments sometimes had been snide; now you watch the screen hoping for a glimpse of your own children among the skeletal humans wrapped in blankets being led off to prison where they will wait to learn their fate. You don’t see your children and do not know whether to sigh with relief or to continue worrying.The next day on the news you hear of a boat full of American refugees attacked by Mexican criminals and there being no survivors. Then you get the call...
To reiterate. These Syrians
in Egypt pay with lives for European dream. These people just left good lives
and their families, their beloved ancient homeland, because they sought
imprisonment in a foreign country? Death in unknown waters? Hunger and fear
beyond imagining? Life in containment camps full of crime and uncertainty? No
one leaves a decent home voluntarily! These people are victims just as much as
the dead they leave behind in their war torn homelands.
A small part of the solution: We need to stop giving OUR undesirables, and those of every prison in the Middle East, weapons that harm innocent civilians and stop these imperial and territorial wars being fought for money and the formulation of the JWO / NWO.
A small part of the solution: We need to stop giving OUR undesirables, and those of every prison in the Middle East, weapons that harm innocent civilians and stop these imperial and territorial wars being fought for money and the formulation of the JWO / NWO.
By Aya Batrawy
October 13, 2013
A human rights lawyer from central Syria and an amateur soccer player from
Syria's Mediterranean port of Latakia found their fates colliding just off
Egypt's coastline one afternoon. The two had fled their country's civil war to
Egypt, only to flee again ~ this time on a smuggler's boat bound for Italy's
southern shores.
The lawyer
Hassan and the athlete Abdul-Rahman paid around $3,000 each to smugglers for
the voyage, but the ship was barely underway last month when it was intercepted
by coastal patrols. Two people died in gunfire and the rest ~ about 100 mostly
Syrian refugees ~ were hauled to prison in the seaport of Alexandria, they told
The Associated Press.
migrants seeking work or refuge in Europe have attempted the clandestine crossing
of the Mediterranean for decades. But the growing turmoil and bloodshed in the
Arab World ~ including Syria's civil war and political upheavals in Egypt ~
have brought more boats, packed decks and higher risks in rougher post-summer
In the past
week alone, at least 339 people, including many Syrians, died after their
vessel capsized trying to reach the Italian island of Lampedusa. A day later,
another boat went down, with rescue crews managing to save most aboard but
reporting seeing bodies in the water.
On Friday,
12 people drowned in a shipwreck off Alexandria's coast. Another 116 survived,
according to Egyptian state media.
Malta's Prime
Minister Joseph Muscat warned Saturday: "We cannot allow the Mediterranean
to become a cemetery."
"A year
ago, Egypt was like a flower that was opening. It was the start of a new life.
Things were fresh and new and I thought to come here and live," said the
lawyer Hassan, speaking from prison on his mobile phone.
For 22
year-old Abdel-Rahman, Egypt was his only escape from Syria's compulsory
military service. "There was no third option," he said. "They
would have sent me somewhere to fire on people. I would have had to kill or be
The two men
spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity for fear of complicating their legal
appeals. They also asked that only their first names be used.
In Egypt,
the decision for many Syrians to risk the sea journey is sealed by the chaos
since the ouster of President Mohamed Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood-led
government in a July coup, and a new military-backed leadership that has been
far less tolerant of Syrian refugees.
In their
September attempt to reach Italy, Hassan said the boat captain ignored coast
guard warning shots to stop. The shots then hit two on board: a man traveling
with a child and his pregnant wife, and a woman making the journey with her
grown children.
The boat was forced back to shore, where Egyptian soldiers
offered the shaken passengers biscuits, tea and water before taking them to
prison, according to Hassan and Abdel-Rahman.
security officials have declined to comment on the circumstances surrounding
the deaths, though rights activists and a rights lawyer have corroborated what
the survivors told the AP in separate interviews.
Less than a
year ago, Egypt offered a glimmer of hope for Syrians escaping the war, which
has killed more than 100,000 people and created at least 2 million refugees.
coming to Egypt, Hassan ran a small business in the Syrian province of Hama,
one of the most hard-hit by Syria's army. With many Arab countries keeping
their doors closed to Syrians, Hassan chose to come to Egypt where life was
relatively cheap and a decades-old policy allowed Syrian to enter without a
prior visa.
According to
the U.N.'s refugee agency, Egypt is host to at least 111,000 people from Syria,
though the organization says the actual number is likely higher.
The backlash
from Egypt's new leaders ~ as well as worsening economic conditions ~ has
driven many to take to the sea. About 3,300 Syrians, including more than 230
unaccompanied children, arrived off Italy's coast in August and the first half
of September, according to the UNHCR. Most were coming from Egypt.
"We had
no idea that it would be this dangerous," Hassan said.
Like almost
all other Syrians or Palestinians who lived in Syria caught trying to illegally
leave Egypt, they face just two options: indefinite imprisonment or a one-way
ticket out of Egypt.
That choice
is complicated since only a few countries are willing to accept the Syrians,
and even fewer would welcome the Palestinians. In Syria, they will likely face
arrest upon return and in Lebanon, Syrians are given just a 48-hour visa in
most cases. The majority have opted for Turkey, host to more than 460,000
Syrian refugees and sprawling refugee camps. Those with money to spare have
gone on to Malaysia, where Syrians can easily obtain visas.
In a
statement, Amnesty International's head of refugee and migrants' rights, Sherif
Elsayed-Ali, criticized Egyptian authorities for "compelling many refugees
from Syria into life-threatening situations, including entrusting their lives
to smugglers."
An Egyptian
lawyer who works for an international refugee agency told the AP that
prosecutors hand these cases over to state security officers. The lawyer, who
spoke anonymously because he was not authorized to speak to media, said the
detainees then have their visas revoked and are deemed a "national
security" threat.
To deal with
the growing problem, youth activists in Alexandria started the Refugee
Solidarity Network to provide Syrians with food, medicine and baby diapers.
The founder
of the initiative, lawyer Mahinour el-Masri, said several hundred people have
been deported in recent months and around 600 remain imprisoned in Alexandria.
El-Masri's group is trying to reverse government policies that deem the
asylum-seekers as a danger to security, especially since many are children.
government has already created an internal enemy, which is the Muslim
Brotherhood, and an external enemy, which is the Syrian refugees, to recreate a
state of fear," she said, referring to the new regime's fierce security
meanwhile, remains hopeful. He missed an interview with a European embassy in
Cairo for a visa request because he boarded the boat just one week before. He
realizes he may never get a second chance, but insists he has no regrets.
would you do if you had the chance of a lifetime?" Abdel-Rahman asked.
"I got that chance and had to take it."
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