There have been times when history has played tricks with man and…has magnified the features of essentially small persons into a parody of greatness. ~ Rabindranath Tagore(on Benito Mussolini)
How is it
that the ruler (Benjamin Netanyahu) of a puny country (Israel) of 8.2 million
(6.2 million Jews) with the 37th biggest economy (GDP in current
prices) in the world dictates war policy and secures the willing
submission of the legislature of the largest economy and most powerful military
empire in the world?
significance does Netanyahu’s speech to the US Congress have, beyond the fact
that he uses it as a platform to attack the elected President of the US, to
denounce US peace negotiations and to demand that Congress adopt policies
designed to precipitate a war with Iran?
There is
only one reason that Netanyahu is received as a Viceroy overseeing and
dictating strategic policy to what clearly is a servile colonial
legislature: over the past quarter of a century, Israel’s proxy in the
US, an entire panoply of Zionist political organizations, government officials,
propaganda mills, media moguls, billionaires and millionaires, have deeply
penetrated the legislature, executive and administrative centers of decision
making. Netanyahu’s arrogance and “brazen” presumption (Financial Times,
3/4/15, p. 6) to dictate policy to the US Congress is rooted in the
pre-existing power base created by the proxy Zionist power configuration.
can sneer, with a crooked smile, at the US President, because, after several
decades of Zionist permeation of the US state, he knows that he comes not as an
outside power but as a leader and spokesperson of an inside power.

The crucial
theoretical point is that the conditions, that enabled Netanyahu to come, to
see and to conquer, were not of his doing. His presence in the US
Congress and his message is derived from the power of his supporters, deeply
embedded in the structure of political power in the US.
who would take serious his delusional military fantasies, his clinically
paranoid vision of peaceful adversaries, conspiring to “nuke Israel” and then
the world, without a single nuclear bomb!
among Netanyahu’s financial backers are a group of prominent Zionist lumpen-bourgeoisie,
billionaires who lent to millions of borrowers at extortionate rates(between
1400 and 4000% ) and played a leading role in the fraudulent mortgage induced
crises of 2009-forward.
They include Al Goldstein co-founder of AvantCredit andCashNetUSA; Sasha Orloff and Jacob Rosenberg founders of Lendup; Daniel Gilbert founder of QuickenLoans ~ a predator subprime lender; Ronald Arnall owner of Ameriquest… They used part of their ill-gotten gains to ease their consciences by donating millions to Israeli and US Jewish causes. Being generous to Israel provides a sort of perverse “absolution” for screwing millions of Americans.
One does not
need much imagination to envision them cheering Netanyahu’s AIPAC and
Congressional diatribes. It is not surprising that the lumpen-bourgeoisie
backs a lumpen-prime minister.
An edited photo of Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu delivering his speech to the United Nations on Thursday depicts the
prime minister as the bumbling cartoon character Wile E. Coyote. Credit : The
Times of Israel
The best and
the brightest among the Zionist phalanx of pundits, professors, lawyers,
economists and financiers have created an aura of gravitas and profundity
around this vulgar beerhall brawler.
This raises
a basic question: Why do upwardly mobile, prosperous and elite-educated
Zionist majorities enthusiastically pledge unconditional loyalty to a crude
authoritarian foreign ruler who humiliates their country of birth?
Why did ten
thousand American-born Zionist professionals stand and cheer, as they did the
day before his congressional speech, as Netanyahu dictated his rabid bellicose
political line to them at the AIPAC conference?
Is it
because they believe he is their Chosen Leader of their Chosen
with all his vulgarity and mediocrity, strikes a deep and abiding chord in the
soul of his Zionist followers. They believe they are the collective
geniuses of a superior species, who need not abide by the legal norms of
non-Zionist states and international laws which hinder his colonial rule over
millions of Palestinians.
What else
but that identity of superiority allows the educated and prosperous, the humane
and the cruel, to bond and welcome Netanyahu, as a modern secular Moses
crossing the Potomac, delivering “the Jews” (for the messianic Netanyahu claims
to speak for “all Jews”) from the mortal threats (Iran) cultivated by gentile
The great
majority of Zionist activists are deaf, dumb and blind to those who criticize
and refute his infantile and grotesque lies, the scrofulous screeds about
non-existing “existential threats” which infest his speeches. Worse they
will terrorize and cow any critic, demand that their employers fire them, as
they have done over the past two decades.
They believe
that the Palestinians, who Israel bombed into the Stone Age, are threats to
They believe
that nuclear weapon-less Iranians, facing hundreds of Israeli nuclear bombs,
are a threat to Israel.
They believe
there is one “truth”: that all measures, speeches and actions, which
enhance the power and glory of Israel, are virtuous.
It is this
“truth” that motivates hundreds of thousands of “virtuous” Zionists to donate
hundreds of millions of dollars to buy and/or intimidate presidents and
congress people, governors and mayors, university presidents and faculty,
police informers and academic thugs. It is this Zionist power configuration,
which allows a political low-life like Netanyahu to enter and dominate the
legislative chamber and tell US citizens where and when their next war should
take place.
It is for
this power configuration that Congressmen and women “perform” ~ applauding and
jumping up on cue for each and every one of Netanyahu’s emotional ejaculations.
sectors of the Israeli public were immensely impressed by Netanyahu’s capacity
to humiliate the President, by his willingness to dictate policy to the US and
by the hyperkinetic docility and submissiveness of US Congress people.
But this is not surprising: After all, Israelis are used to dominating
Palestinians and torturing them into submission and colonizing a whole people.
shouldn’t they gloat and puff up with pride when Netanyahu speaks and acts as a
colonial viceroy to the US? After all, their leader is dominating a
so-called ‘world power’!
Investigative journalist and Histoiran Gareth Porter speaks at the first American National Summit
to Reassess the U.S.-Israel “Special Relationship”
No doubt the
Israeli empire loyalists will overwhelmingly vote for Netanyahu, even if the
“opposition” claims they also denounce the US-Iranian peace negotiations.
Opposition leaders Isaac Herzog and Tzipi Livni don’t have Netanyahu’s gangster
look, that crooked smile that says to the US leaders: “We lead you by the
nose and you love it!” What the rest of the world thinks of a braying
donkey in Washington led by the nose is not hard to imagine: US world
leadership certainly is not foremost in their minds.
There is
much idle chatter from liberals, leftists and progressives, claiming that
Netanyahu’s ‘brazen intervention’would backfire; that it would damage
relations with the US; that it would weaken and undermine US-Israeli
relations and allow Iran to secure nuclear weapons. Liberal Zionists
claim that Netanyahu’s speech would weaken support for Israel among Democratic
congress people. Liberal Zionists claim that Netanyahu’s speech
would weaken US support for Israel (God forbid!).
These lamentations have no substance; they are mendacious concoctions of minds which lack any capacity to understand power especially the permanent power of the Zionist power configuration.
Even a cursory reading of the political facts which preceded, accompanied and followed Netanyahu’s Congressional dictates, demonstrates the exact opposite.
after Netanyahu’s intervention, Congressional leaders moved ahead to fast track
legislation to heighten Iranian sanctions, to veto any Executive
agreement. The Republication majority and over half of the Democrats
chose to back the “foreign Viceroy” on policies of war and peace.
Far from
“prejudicing” relations with the Obama regime, the Administration in the person
of Secretary of State John Kerry vetoed a measure passed by the UN Human Right
Commission condemning Israel’s savage war crimes against Palestinians… Obama’s
United Nations Ambassador Samantha Power did her usual belly crawl for
Israel at the AIPAC conference following Netanyahu’s rousing diatribe.
US-Iranian “negotiations” in Switzerland increasingly turned on exactly the
issues Netanyahu demanded. US Secretary of State Kerry insisted on
on-going intrusive inspections of Iran’s entire nuclear and military
installations; retaining most sanctions for a decade; eliminating most enriched
uranium …In a word disarming Iran, increasing its military vulnerability to an
Israeli nuclear attack, without any deterrence or retaliatory capacity!
Iran is
formally negotiating with Kerry on behalf of the 5 plus 1, but the agenda and
demands are set by the raucous over-voice of Netanyahu, who is the most
influential invisible presence.
In other
words, there is ample evidence that Netanyahu’s intervention, far from
‘damaging’ US-Israeli relations, further reinforced Israel’s power over the
US. By securing the Administration’s declarations of unconditional
loyalty while humiliating the President and seizing executive prerogatives,
Israel demonstrates to the world that it can and will dictate US strategic
policy and denounce its President with total impunity.
Netanyahu is
far from being ostracized. He has a global platform from which to spew
his rabid chauvinist diatribes against peace and negotiations. His
speech, its content and style, received front page and extended prime time
coverage. His war-mongering resonated with the editorial pages of the
Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post and US News and World Report.
political line inspired AIPAC’s ten thousand ultra-Zionists, who stormed
Capital Hall and demanded Congress people and Congressional staff act on His
message. Not a single dissenting voice emanated from the Presidents of
the 52 Major American (sic) Jewish organizations whose first loyalty continued
to be toward Israeli interests as defined by their Prime Minister.
The voices
of dissent among the few dozen Jews on Capitol Hill, and outside the AIPAC
conference hall, did not register in Congress or among the vast majority of
Jewish community leaders or in the mass media.
Contrary to
the lamentations and claims that Netanyahu has “weakened” Israel, the facts on
the ground demonstrate that he has strengthened his “leadership” among the
billionaires who buy US Congressional leaders. He has demonstrated that
US officials, even ones who he insults and attacks, will continue to support
Israeli war crimes in international forums; regale Israel with $3 billion a
year in military aid to enhance its military supremacy in the Middle East; and
incorporate its demands in any strategic negotiations with ‘Islamic’ countries
like Iran, even if it undermines the basis of any negotiated agreement.

Netanyahu alienated a minority of US Congressional Democrat but mostly on
procedural issues of protocol rather than on the more substantive issues of
mongering for war and sanctions against Iran. Netanyahu’s messianic claim
to speak for “all Jews” did arouse over 2,000 American Jews and non-Jews to
sign a paid advertisement denying his status as the Second Coming of Moses.
But as the
rousing welcome and conclusion to his speech by the Congressional majority and
the unanimity of AIPAC’s thousands demonstrate, Israel’s formidable Zionist
power configuration still dominates US policy in the Middle East.
The ‘debate’
over Netanyahu’s episodic presence in the US Congress and humiliation of the US
President is misplaced. What really needs to be debated is the more fundamental
question of the permanent presence, power and prerogatives of the Zionist power
configuration in the making of US Middle East policy.
No other
visiting Prime Minister or President will be received with so much media
attention and political fanfare as Netanyahu because none possess the
formidable, organized, well-financed and disciplined political apparatus which
Israel possess. This is an apparatus which defends and promotes US wars
on behalf of Israel, Israel’s war crimes, land seizures and torture of
Palestinians. That they support Netanyahu’s gross humiliation of Obama is
not surprising ~ it merely confirms the “Law of the Return”:
that for American Zionists there is only one true state of the Jews –and that is Israel; and that their only “true” leaders are Israelis… As it happens, today he is called Benjamin Netanyahu. And that any US policy, negotiations or agreements in the Middle East have to be in accord with their leader.
knows that.
The “52”
know that.
Only the majority of the American electorate, who still believe they live in a free and independent country, is not privy to that reality, even though Netanyahu’s intervention in the US Congress and gross humiliation of the President should tell them otherwise.
But then we
live in a peculiar sui generis ‘meritocracy’ in which the opinions of the 2%,
the so-called chosen people, counts more than that of 98% of our citizens.
The critics,
Jews and non-Jews, must realize that their problem with Netanyahu requires them
to delve deeper, and that their opposition needs to become more systematic and
more directly confrontational with the Zionist power configuration. Otherwise,
there is no basis for believing that the US can end national humiliations and
regain its status as a free and democratic republic.
Modern barbarians are the lynchpin of civilization and making and disseminating violence is the name of the game with the odd laugh on the goyim for fun. CNN on Friday in their health section; about penis size and looks, well of course 90% of males are ritually cut, so their penises have lost any natural good looks. I feel a bit stooped by bringing this up but I would be even more slighted if I thought,they thought, not one single goy noticed the crude joke.