Who's your Daddy, Bibi?
Bibi sets himself on fire in front of Congress to get attention
Bibi sets himself on fire in front of Congress to get attention
ED Noor: It is rare for me to print a piece
from VT but this one has some interesting historical information I have not
seen before. I plan to do a little research, but for the meantime, take it as
you will, at face value and do your own research on the Khazarian theories
presented. I find them completely plausible as described but then, we really do
have so few clues to dig through. We know well of Bibi's megalomaniac messianic aspirations so this is definitely all very possible. BTW, the references to magic are not at all off the mark when you consider the nature of these satanic cabals. There is a reason this blog has long focused on arcane matters as well as mind control; that is where the spell casting and glamours come in to the human psyche, leaving them open for manipulation. Yes, these things are taken to a high scientific level for the manipulation of large populations (Taverstock, Frankfurt, etc) but are, at their core, inspired by those who would ~ and consistently do ~ use them against us.
Posted by Preston James, Ph.D
March 3, 2015
a very crafty man, is the recognized operational leader of the worldwide
wealthy and powerful Khazarian Mafia (KM) which is based in the City of London
Financial District and which uses Israel as its main action-agent.
he has two serious flaws, the first one is extreme
Hubris which has led him to go too far in his quest to
infiltrate and hijack the whole World for the Khazarian Mafia (KM).
extreme Hubris was especially evident when he gave the go ahead order
for the 9-11-01 nuclear attack on America.
extreme, unimaginable Hubris led to Bibi’s deployment of the Nuclear Attack on America on 9-11-01 using
the Mossad, the PNACers, Top NeoCons, Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual
Citizens living in America, Traitors in the JCS, USAF, NORAD and the FAA, and
the Bush Crime Cabal, all of which who functioned as partners in crime or
assets of Bibi and the Khazarian Mafia (KM).
a nation’s leader has extreme Hubris this can easily lead to narrow minded,
overly confident rationalizing that certain extreme covert operations will
never be found out, such as attacking America with a Gladio-style, False-Flag operation on 9-11-01
and manipulating Americans with false news reports that Islamic radical did it,
thus justifying another set of Mideast Wars for Israel fought by Americans.
such an action would probably have never been found out by the American Public
but for the new worldwide Internet which is becoming more and more popular by
the day.
and his stateside PNAC boys and assets never realized what the full impact of
the growing popularity of the Worldwide Internet would turn out to become.
did not understand that the Internet has become the New Gutenberg Press of the
World. They did not understand that the new popularity of the Internet and
would eventually result in the US Military High Command, most American Soldiers
and the average American finding out that not only did Israel with do the
9-11-01 attack on America with the help of American Traitors.
did they ever conceive that mainstream American would find out that 9-11-01 was
also a nuclear attack using decommissioned W-54 Davy Crockett nuclear Pitts
stolen out the back door at Pantex in Texas.
second major flaw is one shared by most of his Likudist compatriots which is an
extreme paranoid racial delusion that everyone in the World is trying to
destroy the Jewish race and Israel. This kind of a delusion is dangerous when
it produces “first blood” pre-emptive attacks because it can end up functioning
as a self-fulfilling prophecy.
tendency by the Likudist to engage in numerous pre-emptive strikes based on
this paranoid racial delusion has resulted in numerous unjustified attacks on
innocent Palestinians, the covert formation of ISIL, ISIS, Daish.
this same paranoid racial delusion has led Bibi to attempt to manipulate
Israeli sympathizers inside America by delivering a speech based on well
conceived manipulative but clearly false claims.
Khazarian Mafia (KM) is a large Organized Crime Cabal run out of the City of
London Financial District, a separate country with its own Ambassadors, police
force like the Vatican and pays no taxes paid to England.
was Veterans Today’s own Financial Editor Mike Harris who was able discover
this hidden history, almost all of it which has been carefully extracted from
the history books and libraries. The more he has focused on this hidden history
the more facts emerge which explain the intense inter-generational lust for
bloodletting and revenge against the Russian People and the American People for
successfully bucking and defeating the Khazarian Mafia (KM) numerous times in
the past.
And now both Russia under Putin and the American Sleeping Giant are both on a collision course once again with the Khazarian Mafia (KM) in a final battle of the ages. It is likely going to be bloody at least in America as the Khazarian Mafias Police State occupation Force Homeland Security run by some of the biggest American Traitors and Dual Citizen “Israeli-first” infiltrators ever start as Civil War against the American People as they deploy their long planned operation to transform America into GAZA II, the World largest open air prison camp and make 90% of Americans the New Palestinians.Then DHS plans to cut off the food and water through some staged terror or engineered weather and then transport Americans to “re-settlement Camps” where the men, women and children will be separated and then progressively and systematically exterminated. All Red list American dissidents and Vets will be immediately exterminated.
run by the Rothschild Family and its close associates. It controls over 90% of
the central banks of the World which are based on phony FIAT money which is
actually counterfeit.
ED Noor: It is not for nothing that the current head of the Rothschild family is referred to as "King of the Jews".
have put a worldwide system of banking in place that is based on ancient
Babylonian Money-Magick which specializes in the accrual of debt from
pernicious usury which is used to make debt-slaves of those under the control
of their fraudulent private central banking system.

first sanction of the Khazarian Oligarchy in 600 AD was for
Khazarians normal practice of robbing travelers passing through Khazaria,
frequently murdering and robbing them, and then falsely assuming their
identities whenever possible.
Khazarian King was given the ultimatum pick one of the three Abrahamic
religions as your national religion and order his people to practice it and
raise their children with it.
Khazarian King picked Judaism, but he and his court secretly continued to
practice a form of Baal worship better known as Luciferians or Satanism.
about 1200 the surrounding nations led by Russia attacked and destroyed the
Khazarian nation. The ruling families fled to Europe and continued their evil
ways, eventually residing in Germany, France and England and taking over Banking.
were able to place Oliver Cromwell in power in England and used him as a
beachhead from which to deploy covert means to infiltrate and hijack the Bank
of England and to eventually hijack the whole nation of England and the City of
High level gangsters....
1913 the Khazarian Mafia (KM) Chieftains were able to establish a beachhead in
America with their induced illegal, unconstitutional passage of the Federal
Reserve System. They were able to bribe enough Members of Congress to get this
law passed, but it was illegally passed because there was no required quorum
Rothschilds plotted revenge against the Russians for destroying Khazaria, and
for helping the American Colonists defeat England, as well as helping the North
win the Civil War. They created Bolshevism and deployed it in Russia in 1917
and proceeded to rape, torture and murder over 100 million innocent Russians as
revenge. They then plotted revenge against America and began their plan to
infiltrate, hijack, asset strip, abuse, tyrannize and then destroy it while
mass-murdering most Americans.
ED Noor: It is historical fact that the Rothschilds attempted to
take the lives of Russian ruling Tzar’s more than once before finally
succeeding through this bloody coup.
the KMs created Naziism to use to create their “Holocaust” Psyop and
“anti-Semitism” Psyop and to form the basis for a large Second World War that
would rapidly increase their Bankster profits and World Power, which it did.
Babylonian Talmudic Judaic leaders would then use the two Mind-control triggers “Holocaust” and “anti-Semitism to block any potential criticism of their post WW2 actions and continue to do so even to this very day.
Rothschilds used their crafty means to deploy the Work-camps in Nazi Germany
where kidnapped Judaics were taken at gunpoint and forced to work on behalf of
western owned or controlled corporations supplying the Nazi war machine.
Then they used their created Psyop terms of “Holocaust” and “anti-Semitism” and set up the nation-state of Israel to be their private enclave and action-agent from which they could proceed to infiltrate and hijack the whole World.
ED Noor: Read that one again, Dear Reader, and tell me if it does not make such perfect sense that you begin to hear your previous confusions clicking into place? I mean almost EVERYTHING!
It is just too simple almost for comprehension but totally common sense considering the entire world is involved in this gang war. If I take away one thing from this article, it is this very simple breakdown of all the horrific wars of the last few centuries and just how successful the plan has been executed so far. Now that we become aware it is our human duty to spread this wisdom. But personally, I will check my history before I shoot my mouth off and find myself cornered from lack of facts.
And Israel has been deployed as the main action-agent of the Khazarian Mafia (KM), causing wars, mass death, incredible mass human suffering and destruction all over the World in the attempts to hijack the whole World and make massive profits from war which is their specialty.
It is just too simple almost for comprehension but totally common sense considering the entire world is involved in this gang war. If I take away one thing from this article, it is this very simple breakdown of all the horrific wars of the last few centuries and just how successful the plan has been executed so far. Now that we become aware it is our human duty to spread this wisdom. But personally, I will check my history before I shoot my mouth off and find myself cornered from lack of facts.
And Israel has been deployed as the main action-agent of the Khazarian Mafia (KM), causing wars, mass death, incredible mass human suffering and destruction all over the World in the attempts to hijack the whole World and make massive profits from war which is their specialty.
Khazarian Mafia (KM) which can also be appropriately referred to as
NeoBolsheviks, under Bibi’s leadership, proceed to use his Mossad and his
stateside assets and Traitors to initiate a nuclear attack on America on
9-11-01 which was covered up by the KM’s Controlled major Mass Media (CMMM) and
by paid-off members of Congressional Intel committees.
now with the worldwide Internet, the New Gutenberg Press, the actual truth of
Israel initiating the 9-11-01 nuclear attack on America is now being published
and broadcast and is spreading like wildfire.
course we now know that the term “Jew” was never even conceived or used until
700 AD and at that time was only applied to one of the twelve Hebrew tribes of
Israel, the tribe of Judah. And we also now know that recent peer-reviewed John
Hopkins genetic research show that:
Approximately 97.5% of Israeli’s have no ancient Hebrew blood and thus have no legitimate ancestral claim to any Palestinian lands, while 80% of the Palestinians do have ancient Hebrew blood and have an ancestral right to all Palestinian lands. What this means is that Israeli leaders are the World’s biggest anti-Semites
person suffering from a paranoid racial delusion does not typically declare his
private plans or intentions. But it is usually quite easy to know what they are
because they typically frequently express them by accusing others of what they
are actually doing.
This practice is best referred to as the psychological defense mechanism of projection.
line, if you want to know what Bibi and his boys are up to in secret, just
listen carefully to his accusations towards others, especially Islamics in
general and specifically Iranians, Palestinians and Hamas which was secretly
started and financed by Israel as a false-flag terror mechanism to justify
Israel aggression against Palestinians and more theft of their land.
ridiculous speech before Congress today was filled with lie after lie, but if
one carefully examines what he actually stated, it also reveals his secret
intentions and the evil he has been directing Israel to do as a nation state.
you take Bibi’s ridiculous speech in Congress which he delivered today and
listen to it carefully or read the transcript and then substitute the word
Israel or even better “The Likudists” every time the word Iran appears, and
substitute the term Israelis every time the world radical Islamics appears or
Hezbollah, you will be amazed how well these substitutions fits. Yes, Bibi was
projecting the secret dirty sins of Israel and the Likudists that run it. And
how did the Likudists get into power?
same way the Khazarian Mafia Kingpins and Cutouts always acquire the
illegitimate power of another nation, they infiltrate it and hijack using the
money power of the City of London Khazarian Mafia Banksters (aka the Rothschild
private World Zionist Fiat Central Banksters) and political influence it buys.
The Khazarian Mafia (KM) knew that in order to expand their influence they had to remain covert. Therefore they set up a worldwide system of Satanism which specializes in Babylonian “black magic”, pedophilia, child sacrifice and other grisly actions based on the Satanic law “Do what thou wilt.”
infiltrated Freemasonry, especially using the Scottish Rite
and the York Rite. Obviously if everyone treated them with their same law
of “Do what thou wilt”, they would be shot down in the streets and
assassinated in their own lairs, being exterminated within a month.
How can
the Khazarian Mafia (KM) be stopped in its inhuman criminal
efforts to take over and control the whole World?
this is a difficult task because the KM owns and controls over 90% of the
central banks of the World. And their Central Banking System is privately owned
by the Rothschilds and a small collection of related “bloodline” families.
the KM can create most of the money it needs as long as it doesn’t put so much
money in circulation that the whole system goes “Weimar” like it did in post
WW1 Germany.
KM has other ways to raise the funds it needs to operate and to pay its
mercenary forces deployed as ISL, ISIS, Daish:
~ international illegal narcotics and weapons trafficking;~ illegal organ trafficking often associated with kidnapping and murder;~ human trafficking;~ kidnapping, sex trafficking (forced prostitution);~ home mortgage scams such as MERS;~ manipulation of the stock market using shorts and induced media reported incidents to drive the stock prices down;~ setting up secret Mossad fronts as DOD and USG contractors to obtain massive US Taxpayer funds as “Corporate Welfare.”
Expose The Perps to everyone you
can: Expose all the Big KM Lies, false-narratives and
propaganda broadcast and published by their six Controlled Major Mass Media
(CMMM). Be polite and reasonable when you do this and it is probably best to
avoid talking about this while at work. This means to tell your friends, family
and other associates who seem open.
good information on 911 that it was a nuclear attack on America and share them, re-post
them on Face-book and other social media and blogs if you use them. The sooner
most Americans find out that9-11-01 was a nuclear attack on America and Israel
did it using stateside assets, and was ordered by Bibi, the better.
Today has published the findings of the previously secret AEC Sandia Labs
investigation of 9-11-01 which was taken by Snowden to the Russian Federation
who dumped them into the public domain and to VT.
Break up the Controlled Major
Mass Media (CMMM): Since their six Controlled Major Mass Media
(CMMM) actually forms an illegal News Monopoly or Cartel, enforce all the
existing antitrust laws and break this News Monopoly up into hundreds of
independent News Bureaus.
Decapitate the KM from it elastic
FIAT Counterfeited money supply: This means: nationalize the
Federal Reserve System, set up a new real money system backed by Gold, Silver
and real assets and commodities, seize all of its assets and records and
transfer it to the US Department of the Treasury. Cancel the phony national
debt, claw back all of the Federal Reserve System Owners’ assets gained through
this massive financial counterfeiting fraud go all the way back to its origin in
there is no statute of limitation for major Fraud like this. Seize all the
Banks empty homes taken by MERS fraud. Then distribute all these seized and
clawed-back funds and real estate and set up a panel of citizens from all
classes and occupation to distribute these assets to those damaged and to all
Americans in the most equitable way that can be reasonably determined.
Serve a Writ of Mandamus to the
US Department of Justice. A Wit of Mandamus is a command to
perform according to legally mandated duties. The US Department of Justice has
the legal authority to enforce the US Constitution as the Law of the Land and
can arrest and prosecute the owners of the Federal Reserve System and any large
Wall Street Bank Principals involved for financial fraud and RICO.
Serve a Writ of Mandamus to the
US Provost Marshals. The Provost Marshals have the legal right
to arrest and prosecute any congressman of USG official or any members of the
US Military who are engaged in espionage inside America on behalf of a foreign
power, in this case Israel. If the US Department of Justice wakes up and agrees
to do its job these prosecutions could be a joint operation. Certainly the two
Political Fixers who called themselves the “Puppet-masters” should be arrested
for attempting to shakedown Ambassador Lee Wanta for billions of dollars and
also threatened his life, all left on Wanta’s DC embassy voice mail.
Call and write your Members of
Congress. These are the folks who are supposed to represent
you. Be polite but explain that you have now become aware that Israel did
9-11-01 and that it was a nuclear even and that you want a new investigation
opened up and the perps prosecute
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