ED Noor: There are times I effing hate my computer. I just posted this article complete with images and a lengthy commentary and ... damn if it did not mess up and I start again but without all my previous semi-brilliant insight lost. Here we go again...
To fully appreciate the situation, this article, The Islamic State's (ISIS) Destruction of Shrines in Historical Perspective is a must read. Although it addresses the issue from a strictly Wahhabi perspective, the informed reader knows that it would be very easy to manipulate these warped jihadists. They are, after all, no more than tools/fools for the Jewish State known as Israel.
"April, 1802: That day came at last…12,000 Wahhabis suddenly attacked the mosque of Imam Husayn; after seizing more spoils than they had ever seized after their greatest victories, they put everything to fire and sword…The elderly, women, and children ~ everybody died by the barbarians’ sword. Besides, it is said that whenever they saw a pregnant woman, they disemboweled her and left the fetus on the mother’s bleeding corpse. Their cruelty could not be satisfied, they did not cease their murders and blood flowed like water. As a result of the bloody catastrophe, more than 4000 people perished. The Wahhabis carried off their plunder on the backs of 4000 camels. After the plunder and murders they destroyed the Imam’s shrine and converted it into a trench of abomination and blood. They inflicted the greatest damage on the minarets and the domes, believing those structures were made of gold bricks.” [Rosseau, Description, pp. 74–75]"
Nothing is new under the sun. In the meantime, heritages are being lost and we are losing the history of the entire planet, not "merely" individual cultures. One wonders if the pretty diadem below, although found in Iraq, will end up enhancing the history of the world as the Hebrews wish it to be enforced. After all, it is now Jewish property.
carrying out rampages through archaeologically sensitive areas of Iraq, a
pertinent question to ask now is what group’s cultural heritage in the Middle
East is being preserved, and whose is being destroyed.
Over the
past couple of weeks shocking reports have surfaced concerning mass destruction
of Iraq’s cultural heritage at two locations–the museum in Mosul and the
ancient Assyrian city of Nimrud, located in northern Iraq. Both incidents were
perpetrated by the so-called Islamic State. The one at the Mosul museum was
recorded on video.
destruction with sledge hammers, bonfires, and heavy equipment isn’t the only
threat to priceless objects thousands of years old. Artefacts are also being
illegally excavated and pilfered on a massive scale. An enormous black
market in stolen antiquities in fact has arisen in the last four years since
the outbreak of the conflict in Syria, and the general rule of thumb seems to
be if it’s small enough to be carted off, take it and sell it on the black
market; if it’s too large to move, then smash it to pieces. This is what we’ve
seen repeatedly in Syria and Iraq since ISIS took over large swaths of both
By the way,
the trade in looted antiquities seems to be quite lucrative, with some of these
items fetching in the hundreds of thousands
of dollars, while the total black market trade has been estimated at roughly $7 billion per year.
This is not
just Iraq’s cultural heritage that is at stake, of course; it’s all of
humanity’s. If we think of human history collectively as a lepidopteron,
drifting lazily from the flower of the Neolithic past, into the age of proto-writing,
and finally early recorded history, then Syria, Iraq and the Fertile Crescent
stand out perhaps unique among regions of the earth. This is where human
civilization got started, and the looting and destruction of these antiquities
is a loss to all of us.
an exhibition entitled “By the Rivers of Babylon” has now opened at a museum in
Israel, and among its exhibits are a large number of ancient Babylonian
cuneiform tablets–110 of them altogether. These tablets belong to a
London-based Israeli collector by the name of David Sofer, but a controversy
has sprung up, since there seems to be some question about the provenance, or
origin, of the artefacts.
The tablets
are said to be some 2,500 years old and reportedly shed light on the biblical Israelites
during their exile in Babylon (in what is, of course, today Iraq). Sofer claims
he purchased the tablets in the 1990s from a person who supposedly obtained
them through public auction some 20 years previous. However, he reportedly has
refused to name the person he bought them from.
The rise of
ISIS has made it extremely perilous for archaeologists to continue to work in
Iraq and Syria, and most expeditions have in fact come to a halt. But in Israel
these days things are a bit different.
by ISIS marauders, the Israeli Antiquities Authority has undertaken
archaeological excavations in numerous areas of the country, including one begun last year
in the occupied West Bank, where the objective is to recover artefacts dating
back to the King David era. Finds of this nature would, by some views at any
rate, help validate Israel’s “3000-year-old land claim,” as it’s been called,
and thus you won’t be surprised to learn that this isn’t the only such
archaeological dig going on ~ not by a long shot.
In fact, you
can go to the website of the Israeli Antiquities Authority, where no
less than 19 separate excavations are listed as currently active for the year
So what to
make of it all? That’s a good question. All I can really say is that it seems enormous
efforts are being expended
to recover and safeguard Jewish cultural heritage~ this, ironically, as everyone else’s cultural heritage in the Middle Eastis being looted and destroyed.
At any rate,
here is an article recently published about the museum exhibition in Israel
featuring the artefacts in Sofer’s possession.
ED Noor: The "blue washing" of history. Despite Jewish claims that they have been in the Middle East for thousands upon thousands of years, there is a great dearth of proof. One can go to museums around the globe and see cultural remnants of every society that ever existed ~ but Jewish relics just don't seem to exist! So, take it over and claim it as your own, just as was done with the Dead Sea Scrolls. When the infamous Tanenbaum family of Toronto brought the Scrolls to Toronto's Royal Ontario Museum several years ago, despite all legal challenges, the exhibit refused to acknowledge any Palestinian involvement in them, despite the fact that they had been stolen from a Palestinian Museum and had been discovered by a Bedouin lad! The Tanenbaum's are the same family responsible for the creation of Canada Park in Jerusalem.
A new
exhibition in Jerusalem is causing heated debate.
exhibition, ‘By the Rivers of Babylon’, at the Bible Lands Museum, displays
some spectacular examples of ancient Babylonian tablets. On show for the first
time, the 2,500-year-old clay tablets written in cuneiform present artefacts
from an important time in the Middle East.
Experts note
that the collection of 110 clay tablets provides the earliest written evidence
of the Biblical exile of the Judeans in the area of modern-day Iraq. As such,
the Babylonian tablets provide fresh insight into a formative period of early
Vukosavovic, a curator for the exhibition, says the tablets complete a
2,500-year puzzle. Many Judeans returned to Jerusalem after the Babylonians
allowed them to in 539 BCE, but some remained in the area to build a Jewish
community that lasted for two millennia.
descendants of those Jews only returned to Israel in the 1950s,” Vukosavovic
said. As a result, the tablets provide a unique insight into a little known
period of Jewish history.
has surrounded the exhibition however, as the tablets are the product of a
modern, shadowy process. The recently chaotic climate in Iraq and Syria has led
to the rampant theft of the area’s archaeological heritage. Widespread looting
has led to the international antiquities markets being stocked with cuneiform
Many museums
have promised not to exhibit artefacts that may have been looted, as part of an
effort to discourage the illicit trade in antiquities. Cuneiform inscriptions,
however, are a notable exception to this. Since 2004, cuneiform artefacts with
no record of where or how they were unearthed have been allowed to be
transported, in order to be examined by scholars. This is done on the condition
that Iraqi authorities give their consent, and that the tablets are eventually
returned to Iraq.
Some argue
that these precious objects, some of which are the earliest examples of writing
in the world, could be forever lost if they are not looked after by
“We are not
interested in anything that is illegally acquired or sneaked out,” said Amanda
Weiss, director of the Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem. “But it is the role of a
museum to protect these pieces,” she added. “It’s what we are here for.”
It has been
claimed that the Islamic State extremist group and other militants are
part-funding their campaigns through the illegal trafficking of historic
artefacts. Trafficking and looting have, however, been going on for a long
time. Archaeologists were first alerted to the problem during the first Gulf
War, when Western antiquities markets were flooded with cuneiform artefacts.
collector David Sofer, who owns the cuneiform collection currently exhibited in
the Bible Lands Museum, has denied his artefacts were trafficked. He said he
had bought the tablets legally in the United States in the 1990s; and the
tablets had previously been obtained from public auctions in the 1970s.
exhibition at the Bible Lands Museum allows the public to see some remarkable
artefacts and to learn more about an important part of Jewish history. What
must not be overlooked, however, is the damage which can be caused by
illicitly-obtained artefacts.
A little bit
more on the Bible Lands Museum and Sofer’s collection of cuneiform tablets can
be found here. The article
focuses especially on a symposium entitled “Jerusalem in Babylonia” held at the
museum in early February, asserting that the tablets provide “new insights into
the social and economic life of the Judeans…in their own community of Al Yahudu
(Jewtown) and their interrelationships with and assimilation to their West
Semitic and Babylonian neighbors.”
article on the museum display is here and includes the following (emphasis
Sofer said a few tablets from the collection were displayed in a New York museum and a Los Angeles museum in 2013, and their import and export in the U.S. was properly reported to U.S. authorities. He would not name the two museums, or the person who sold them to him.“These things would be lost, and wouldn’t be recognized for what they are” if he hadn’t bought them, Sofer said.As common as cuneiform tablets are, few have been as celebrated as those on display in Jerusalem.
More on
David Sofer (or someone from Israel going by the same name, at any rate) can be
found here in an L.A.
Times article from 1991. It seems he and a fellow Israeli, Nahum Vaskevitch,
were implicated in insider trading in 1987. While the Sofer named in the
article appears to have reached a settlement in his own case, Vaskevitch went
on to be named in a 45-count indictment accusing him of conspiracy and violation
of US insider trading laws from 1984-87.
A New York Times article
on Sofer from 1987 includes a quote describing him as “a financial wizard, a
genius manipulator with brilliant ideas in everything financial,” and reports
that he made his fortune through the Jordan Exploration and Investment Company.
The company engaged in oil development in the Sinai in the 1970s, yet the same
article goes on to also mention investments in real estate in Israel,
“including interests in such choice property as the Dizengoff Center shopping
mall in Tel Aviv and the Ben Yehuda arcade in Jerusalem, as well as in hotels
and other interests.”
additional articles, both from 2008–one here in YNet and another here in
Haaretz–describe a controversy which arose over a Sofer-owned property, a
highly prized piece of Jerusalem real estate known as the Villa Salameh. The
rightful owners of this property were a Palestinian Christian, Constantine
Salameh, and his family, who completed construction on the villa in 1935.
But in 1948
the family left Israel and the property was seized by the new Israeli state
under the so-called Absentee Property Law. The government of Belgium also
entered the picture, leasing the property for its consulate in Jerusalem. But instead
of paying rent to the Israelis, the Belgians made a decision apparently based
upon conscience and sent their rent payments directly to the Salameh family,
who by this time were living in Egypt.
However, in
1983 Sofer (or, again, someone by that name) acquired the property for a
faction of its worth and sued the Belgian government for full payment of rent.
The case was decided in an Israeli court. Fortunately the Salameh family had
some political clout and was able to negotiate a settlement awarding them
$700,000 as compensation for their lost property ~ a small fraction of its
total value.
“The man
(Salameh) sought to appeal his status as an absentee and a discussion began
about his case,” said former Israeli Justice Minister Moshe Nissim. “We reached
the conclusion that instead of being in a situation in which all the property
would be registered in his name, it would be worth the state’s while to
purchase Salameh’s vast property ~ which already then was worth millions of
dollars ~ for a pittance.”
Quite an
interesting story, to be sure, but what does it have to do with the theft of
archaeological artifacts going on today? Maybe nothing. Maybe a lot.
There has of
course been abundant evidence of Israeli support for terrorist rebels in Syria
(see here, here, here, here, here, here, and here, for instance)
and it has been noted that neither ISIS nor Al-Nusra have launched attacks
against Israel, even though the latter, in particular, seems to be active in
the Golan Heights very close to Israel’s border.
And not only
do Israel and Al-Nusra not attack each other, but Israel has even transported
wounded terrorists across the border for medical treatment in Israel.
Most people
seem to be of the opinion that the Jewish state’s motivation in all this is its
desire for regime change in Syria, but are there perhaps are a few
lesser-discussed fringe benefits as well?
Back in May
of 2003, after the fall of Baghdad and the looting of Iraq’s national museum, a
large trove of Jewish communal documents, Torah fragments as well as public
records dating back several centuries, were discovered in a flooded basement
and taken to the United States for restoration and safeguarding. Iraqis were
given assurances that the collection would be returned to them at a later date.
the summer of 2014 was set as the target date for when the restored documents
would be handed back over, but this got sidetracked in late 2013 when a campaign was launched to have the entire
collection remain in the US ~ or possibly transferred to Israel.
It is, after
all, Jewish heritage, so the argument went, and since there aren’t many
Jews left in Iraq today, why on earth should the collection go back there?
the position of US officials was that America would honour its commitment and
return the collection to Iraq. But then in the summer of 2014, ISIS took over
large parts of the country, including the city of Mosul, and in September it
was announced that highlights of the archive, rather than going back to Iraq,
would be taken upon a tour of US cities.
The plot
thickened further in January of 2015 when it was reported that one of the artifacts,
a 200-year-old Torah scroll, had not actually been taken to the US at all, but
rather instead had been deposited at the Israeli Embassy in Jordan–and from
there it made its way into Israel.
Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman holds the Torah scroll that was spirited out
of Iraq by US forces in May of 2003.
the scroll is now housed in a synagogue attached to the Israeli Foreign
Ministry, and a ceremonial “Torah inauguration” is said to have been held on
January 22.
By all
accounts the text of the scroll had been copied onto a deer skin parchment
using concentrated pomegranate juice as ink. Supposedly the use of deer skin
was unusual, as most of the Torah scrolls at the time in question were
comprised of cow parchment.
In any
event, the disposition of the scroll, and its ending up in Israel, have
prompted accusations of collaboration on the
theft of Iraqi heritage by the US and Israel.
the rest of the Iraqi Jewish archive purportedly remains in “safe hands” in the
Alas, the
same cannot be said of Iraq’s, or humanity’s, “non-Jewish” heritage, as it
were, the destruction of which continues at an alarming pace. The attacks upon
the Mosul Museum and the ancient city of Nimrud, as well as the earlier
ransacking and burning of documents at the Mosul library ~ these
and other incidents like them exact a dreadful toll. They are, in essence,
“taking us back to the dark ages,” as an Iraqi official
recently described it.
And it
doesn’t seem to be letting up.
Just within
the past several days news has surfaced of destruction at two more sites, Khorsabad, located
12 miles northeast of Mosul, and Hatra, also in the
general vicinity of Mosul though 68 miles to the southwest. Iraq’s Ministry of
Tourism and Antiquities has confirmed reports of ISIS attacks at both sites,
though the extent of the damage is unclear at this time.
destruction of cultural heritage by belligerent parties in war is of course not
unprecedented. But clearly it is now being carried by ISIS to levels heretofore
“They are
killing the diversity of this region,” says Hélène Sader, an
archaeologist at the American University of Beirut.
“This is ethnic cleansing.You throw the people out,erase their history,and you can claim they were never there.”
ED Noor: Saddam was Muslim. He did not destroy.... He did not follow the Wahhabi doctrine of destruction.
of cultural property is covered under several international treaties, including
the 1954 Hague Convention,
though many critics are now
saying that the laws are not tough enough and need to be strengthened
With growing
public outrage at the destruction now occurring in Iraq, chances are probably
good we will see some toughening of international law on the matter. But the
question is whether or not individual nations can muster the political will to
adopt rigid enforcement of any new measures should they pass–and part of the problem
in that regard seems to be complicity on the part of certain museums and
auction houses, if not in the black market trade itself, at least insofar as
knowingly accepting unprovenanced artefacts.
As long as
someone is making a profit or benefiting in some way, and as long as the
geopolitical interests of certain powerful nations are served by continuing the
conflict in the Middle East, the looting and destruction are not likely to let
up anytime soon.
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