Ed Noor: The same judges, the Sanhedrin, who condemned Jesus are still alive in the teachings you will read below. There seems to be little difference between them and the recently deceased Rabbi Yosef of Israel whose funeral was perhaps the largest attended in Israel's short miserable history.
Dear readers. Here is an important set of screen
shots, courtesy of Nahida Exhiled of the blog Poetry for Palestine. The concepts presented are not new to readers of this blog or anyone else aware of the ways of the Kosherites. One need only look to Gaza to see that these are truly living concepts for the people of the Jewish State. It is at this point, with no frivolity or seriousness of the original intent lost, once you comprehend these realities, the expression "We are all Palestinians" becomes a living breathing concept for all of us.
What Nahida has provided are shots proving to the rest of us in a visual format are their own books and documents, showing us, once again that what goes
on in the Jewish mind is quite threatening to those of us who aren't.
I apologize for the tiny font but I cannot find the glitch and after all of this posting of images etc, there is no way I can redo it. This old PC gets very balky and nasty when made to work hard. Just enlarge the font if necessary it please. I apologize for the woggly spacing between entries.
Additionally, every image enlarges 4X larger for easier reading.
The bonus at the bottom of the page is the copy of the declaration signed by President Bush the Daddy in 1991, incorporating the Noahide Laws into the American education system.
From the previous article, written by a Jewess:
Nothing, absolutely nothing, that you goyim can do for us Jews shall ever cause us to feel for you. Whilst the universal Creator may have forged the firmament and added life where no life lived before, He is yet to add the chambers of love and gratitude to our Jewish brain; for every single Jew, and here I include myself, EVERY SINGLE JEW WITHOUT EXCEPTION carries within himself such a chamberless brain ~ devoid of love, of nobility, of altruism, of idealism
Put on your psychic Hazmat suit before entering.
Source: Poetry for Palestine
This article contains EXTREMELY IMPORTANT links and
screenshots, please save if you can.
I don’t expect such damning evidence to be out in the open for long
Remember, this is NOT the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”, therefore they cannot claim that all these books and articles are forgery
Don’t come moaning about the world’s antisemitism, until you are prepared to man up and face and discuss the rampant Jewish anti-gentilism ideology
“A Jew is intrinsically good. A Jew is a part of God above. Even if at times he strays it is not because he has become evil”
I don’t expect such damning evidence to be out in the open for long
Remember, this is NOT the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”, therefore they cannot claim that all these books and articles are forgery
Don’t come moaning about the world’s antisemitism, until you are prepared to man up and face and discuss the rampant Jewish anti-gentilism ideology
“A Jew is intrinsically good. A Jew is a part of God above. Even if at times he strays it is not because he has become evil”
“a gentile is an impure thing. The entire essence
of the gentile is evil and impure”
“the evil thoughts of gentiles contaminate the
world’s atmosphere and create ordeals for Jewish children”
“completely despise the thoughts of gentiles and to
realize that all their thoughts are only evil”
“the nature of the righteous ones is to hate
“it means not being able to tolerate him, not being
able to stand him, because of his great impurity”
“Jews must hate everything connected to Midian.
Consequently, gentiles, whose thoughts bring upon us ordeals, may be hated”
“a gentile is impure, as we have mentioned, and he
defiles one who speaks to him and this brings evil upon a person”
“it is forbidden to look upon the face of an
evildoer”, because the other side [the devil] {the sitra achra} cloaks himself
in the guise of an evildoer and it is a danger to look at him. This passage
refers to a Jew who has, God forbid, become an evildoer. Certainly, beyond any
doubt, a gentile whose whole nature is essentially evil, looking at his
appearance is defiling”
“if one has connections to a gentile the gentile
can, God forbid, extinguish the fire in the soul. However, if one is separated
in all matters then the Jewish soul will triumph”
Should you be not concerned about -the already established and approved, Jewish Noahide laws,
as the basis of US law?

Above: Good Jewish boy and superior human being, proud owner of the g-d gene according to rabbinical teachings.
ED Noor: About now I start to find transferring all these identical in small size images from Point A to Point B becomes a combination of headache and pain in the patootie. This is no small task, I assure you! Nahida has done amazing back breaking work to take screenshots and post all of this amazing data but it is still harsh work in the retelling for one with not so great vision!
Did they say DECAPITATION?!!!
Decapitation is not pretty in Syria (Christian priest), despite the "horror" videos of bloodless beheadings we are treated to, courtesy of ISIS, the dogs of USRAEL.

Rabbi Schneerson and his followers strolling and spreading their particular brand of "enlightenment".
President Bush Sr. signs in the Chabad papers designating March 26 to be Education Day, USA, in honour of and incorporating into gentile eduction the Judaic teachings of Rebbe Schneerson, a man who detested gentiles as all good Jews are instructed, if you have been paying attention to the work posted above. We have seen the above photo a thousand times, but this is the first time I have seen the actual words of the document. Read them at your peril.... And realize that now even law schools are beginning to teach Judaic law as part of the curriculum.
George Jr. carried on in his daddy's craven tradition.
Many of the excerpts presented are offensive to Jews and Gentiles alike. They are from writings of another time, with harsh and offensive punishments in all societies. The contemporary opinions and declarations of an extremist Orthodox Jewish leader are NOT universally accepted, just as the edicts of ISIS followers are not accepted by the majority of Muslims. Extreme and fringe ideas are just that, and should not be the basis of judging an entire population.
ReplyDeleteI wish I could agree with you but that is not possible. These excerpts are modern teachings and some from current educational formats. Not only that but, when Rabbi Yosef, also a top elected politician, died last year his funeral was one of the most widely attended in the Jewish State's short history. I agree that not all follow these extreme ways, but the fact is ~ these things can and do exist and are prevalent in the psyche of all too many Kosherites.