What a pleasure the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show is to watch. Two nights of dogs so beautiful you could weep. No big egos. No platitudes or politics! No scandalous clothing! Just beautiful animals vying for the honour of being best in show. All very sportsmanlike and full of history. Decent people whose lips move as they open the ceremonies with The Star Spangled Banner. Did I mention NO POLITICS? Above is the 2018 winner, Honor, a Bichon Frise.
There is more to follow on this atrocity. But warning, some is adult. I put this one up here because the accompanying comment is so very appropriate.
OXFAM sexual abuses victimize both recipient and donor. Theft of innocence, theft of generosity. Haiti, hmm? Look to the Clinton foundation as well.
Happily I am back in Twitter. As a result, I have a lot of "Pearls from Perloff" posted further down the page. Some of his material is placed where it is most effective, but Mr. Perloff was very busy creating during my absence!
Blood on Our Hands
Decide for yourself. See: Cuba Claims Justin Trudeau as Fidel Casto's Son
Story: Frosty Transitions: Beloved children's icon formerly known as Frosty the Snowman has
announced the completion of her transition into a coalwoman named Sooty.
According to Sooty, the change was spurred by years of soul searching and several college courses on systematic oppression by white male capitalist patriarchy. Said Sooty, "I always knew there was something wrong in my life, but it wasn't until I attended college and started delving into left-wing Critical Theory that I discovered the problem."
Sooty came to realize that she had been a victim of white male oppression since the beginning of her life. "I was created by white male children who shaped me into their own image without my consent. My soul has always been that of a black female, and this mismatch has caused me untold grief and psychological harm over the years."
Once Sooty learned the cause of her suffering, she made a New Year's resolution to transition into a coalwoman, and, after over a month of intensive substance replacement therapy, she has finally achieved mind-body-substance-gender symmetry. She exchanged her iconic silk hat for an afro and her red and green scarf for a rainbow-colored one. She has retained only her classic corncob pipe for functional purposes related to her use of marijuana "for medical reasons."
Although Sooty has achieved her goal of personal transformation, she's not stopping there. Sooty continues to promote societal transformation by advancing social justice causes and fighting against threats such as climate change and substancism (discrimination based on substance).
"Rising temperatures have always been a concern to me, for obvious reasons," she said. "Millions of snowpeople succumb to global warming thaw caused by carbon dioxide emissions every year. Coal people are similarly endangered by the threat of spontaneous combustion, which releases even more CO2, resulting in a vicious cycle. Coal is, of course, commonly burned by the energy-corporate complex in an unholy alliance of substancism and climate violence."
Regarding the intersectional relationship between substancism and racism, Sooty explained, "The substancist-racist nature of society couldn't be clearer than around Christmas time. Children are taught to pray to get snow, which is white, and hope they don't get coal, which is black. The association of white snow with goodness and black coal with badness is blatant."
Sooty has, expectedly, faced discrimination for her lifestyle and views, which she claims has been exacerbated by last presidential election. "People commonly misgender and missubstance me, asking whether I am or used to be Frosty the Snowman, and they try to touch me to see if the coal is real, among other humiliating acts. I suspect the so-called 'President' is promoting this behavior as part of his personal vendetta against me. He clearly suffers from psychological derangement, a subject with which I am well acquainted...I majored in the psychology of oppression, after all."
It is not yet known when or how the famous song or children's cartoon will be edited to reflect Sooty the Coalwoman's new identity.
According to Sooty, the change was spurred by years of soul searching and several college courses on systematic oppression by white male capitalist patriarchy. Said Sooty, "I always knew there was something wrong in my life, but it wasn't until I attended college and started delving into left-wing Critical Theory that I discovered the problem."
Sooty came to realize that she had been a victim of white male oppression since the beginning of her life. "I was created by white male children who shaped me into their own image without my consent. My soul has always been that of a black female, and this mismatch has caused me untold grief and psychological harm over the years."
Once Sooty learned the cause of her suffering, she made a New Year's resolution to transition into a coalwoman, and, after over a month of intensive substance replacement therapy, she has finally achieved mind-body-substance-gender symmetry. She exchanged her iconic silk hat for an afro and her red and green scarf for a rainbow-colored one. She has retained only her classic corncob pipe for functional purposes related to her use of marijuana "for medical reasons."
Although Sooty has achieved her goal of personal transformation, she's not stopping there. Sooty continues to promote societal transformation by advancing social justice causes and fighting against threats such as climate change and substancism (discrimination based on substance).
"Rising temperatures have always been a concern to me, for obvious reasons," she said. "Millions of snowpeople succumb to global warming thaw caused by carbon dioxide emissions every year. Coal people are similarly endangered by the threat of spontaneous combustion, which releases even more CO2, resulting in a vicious cycle. Coal is, of course, commonly burned by the energy-corporate complex in an unholy alliance of substancism and climate violence."
Regarding the intersectional relationship between substancism and racism, Sooty explained, "The substancist-racist nature of society couldn't be clearer than around Christmas time. Children are taught to pray to get snow, which is white, and hope they don't get coal, which is black. The association of white snow with goodness and black coal with badness is blatant."
Sooty has, expectedly, faced discrimination for her lifestyle and views, which she claims has been exacerbated by last presidential election. "People commonly misgender and missubstance me, asking whether I am or used to be Frosty the Snowman, and they try to touch me to see if the coal is real, among other humiliating acts. I suspect the so-called 'President' is promoting this behavior as part of his personal vendetta against me. He clearly suffers from psychological derangement, a subject with which I am well acquainted...I majored in the psychology of oppression, after all."
It is not yet known when or how the famous song or children's cartoon will be edited to reflect Sooty the Coalwoman's new identity.
Sorry, Bill, but when you are insulting the American people with this level of dreck, it is very possible and, in this case, is. I remember watching Oprah when she introduced Obama to the world. My first impression of him was there was nothing to him: he was flat, empty, almost one-dimensional like a sheet of paper. All these years later, we know what he did, what he was, what he does today, but not much real about him.
Artist Comment: The Charred Remains of a Failed Resistance: Sometimes standing up for what you believe in doesn't always go as planned.
Artist Comment: The Vegan Scream: Vegan activists commence a global campaign of intimidation against
patrons of meat-serving restaurants to push their message of an animal
byproduct-free society. Read more here: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/australasia/vegans-steak-restaurant-protest-animal-rights-rare-steakhouse-sydney-australia-a8183831.html
Artist Comment: Girl on Fire: 17 year old Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi. She is being tried behind closed doors. Read more: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/feb/13/palestinian-teenager-ahed-tamimis-trial-begins-behind-closed-doors
Nariman al-Tamimi
Ahed's younger brother, arm in a cast, being arrested. This is the infamous incident where Ahed, her mother, and others managed to pull the soldier off her brother.
Tranny ballet troupe or just a group of jokers? Or the cast of Ru-Paul's Drag Race? Nope. Just did the research. A troupe of drag ballet dancers known as The Trocks. Not exactly high art.
One man's fake news is another man's truth.
Read more here about this not so surprising situation: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2018/02/11/oxfam-could-lose-funding-over-allegations-that-it-exploited-disaster-victims-for-sex/?utm_term=.6fd0808729c5
Ya think?
Seeing a few female Uncle Sams these days. Not crazy about that.
** https://www.cbsnews.com/news/california-assemblywoman-cristina-garcia-accused-of-groping-daniel-fierro/
Artist Comment: Dead Men Don't Tell Tales: In the wake of a plane crash in Moscow on Sunday which killed 71 people,
speculation surrounds one of the passengers, an executive at Russia’s
nuclear agency Rosatom who was due to testify at an investigation
hearing into the Clinton Uranium One corruption scandal, leading many to
question whether this was in fact a straightforward plane crash or a
sinister operation to silence a potentially damaging witness.
The following liberal meme is supposed to paint Trump as a brutal dictator. Little do these historically challenged folk know, Qadaffi was the most liberally progressive leader in Africa or Middle Eastern history. Free education, healthcare, electricity, water. Newlyweds were given $50 000 for a new home. Farmers were given free land to farm. He had created the Great Man Made River Project. We know now that he also kept the brown masses on their own continent.
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