Stilton Says: There's a lot to dislike about the 1.3 trillion dollar omnibus spending bill just signed by Donald "Well, I didn't promise
I'd veto it" Trump. The fact that Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are
doing handsprings of joy over the new tsunami of spending suggests that
this was no win for fiscal conservatives.
Debate rages over whether Trump just screwed the pooch by giving the
Democrats everything they wanted (and more), or whether he's playing 4th
Dimensional Chess and will be able to spend or withhold all that money
any way he wants because it was only an "omnibus bill" and not an actual
budget. We're waiting to see how this theory plays out, though we're
not optimistic by a long shot.
But today, we just want to express our absolute disgust that after all
the talk about defunding Planned Parenthood (especially in light of
their appalling practices when it comes to slicing and dicing the unborn
and selling the parts), the butchers didn't lose a damn nickel.
Nope ~ 500 million of our hard earned tax dollars are speeding their way into the bloodstained hands of Planned Parenthood to spend on abortions.
With just enough money left over to send large political
donations to those in Washington who don't mind spilling the blood of
innocents in return for campaign cash.
Perhaps the sound "one hand clapping" isn't such a mystery after all
Stilton says:
At a recent speaking engagement in Japan, Barack Obama said that he'd
like to spend his post-presidency life mastering the skills to "create a
hundred or a thousand or a million young Barack Obamas," and that this terrifying new race "could take the baton in that relay race that is human progress."
An idea which causes trained journalists such as ourselves to ask: "is Obama a new James Bond villain, or is he just out of his freaking mind?!"
In fairness, he's not actually planning to clone himself that many times, but rather is expressing his fervid desire to use cyber-technology and social media to basically erase the minds and wills of a million young people and reprogram them in his image. Wow, nothing creepy about that!
Presumably the indoctrination process would require the young Obamoids to experience many of the personal and sociological influences that shaped B. Hussein. For starters, all the kids would need to be rejected by their birth parents in order to establish a good baseline of sociopathy and an unquenchable desire for revenge.
Follow that up with some time in Indonesia, attending Muslim schools (and learning to love the sound of the Muslim call to prayer above all other sounds) while occasionally chowing down on a dog or two. .
Next, send the trainees to Hawaii where surrogate grandparents will stuff communism down their throats in much the same way that geese are force fed to make their livers tasty. Also, to ensure hatred of laws and the police, the Obamoids will form "choom gangs" who will smoke dope in sealed VW vans (and do a little blow when they can afford it) while ignoring anything remotely like actual school work or community engagement.
Next up: gathering some university credentials ~ which is not hard to do if they can A) claim to be foreigners when applying for loans ("Congratulations, Mr. Soetoro!") and, B) collect grades without anyone actually seeing them in class.
After that, all the million minions will need is a political launch from the living room of a radical terrorist. If there aren't enough terrorists to go around, the living room of a serial killer can be substituted assuming that guests are kept away from the crawlspace.
And voila! A new master race of self-centered, America-hating assholes ready to do one million times the damage previously done by Obama himself!
No wonder the left is in such a hurry to repeal the 2nd Amendment.
An idea which causes trained journalists such as ourselves to ask: "is Obama a new James Bond villain, or is he just out of his freaking mind?!"
In fairness, he's not actually planning to clone himself that many times, but rather is expressing his fervid desire to use cyber-technology and social media to basically erase the minds and wills of a million young people and reprogram them in his image. Wow, nothing creepy about that!
Presumably the indoctrination process would require the young Obamoids to experience many of the personal and sociological influences that shaped B. Hussein. For starters, all the kids would need to be rejected by their birth parents in order to establish a good baseline of sociopathy and an unquenchable desire for revenge.
Follow that up with some time in Indonesia, attending Muslim schools (and learning to love the sound of the Muslim call to prayer above all other sounds) while occasionally chowing down on a dog or two. .
Next, send the trainees to Hawaii where surrogate grandparents will stuff communism down their throats in much the same way that geese are force fed to make their livers tasty. Also, to ensure hatred of laws and the police, the Obamoids will form "choom gangs" who will smoke dope in sealed VW vans (and do a little blow when they can afford it) while ignoring anything remotely like actual school work or community engagement.
Next up: gathering some university credentials ~ which is not hard to do if they can A) claim to be foreigners when applying for loans ("Congratulations, Mr. Soetoro!") and, B) collect grades without anyone actually seeing them in class.
After that, all the million minions will need is a political launch from the living room of a radical terrorist. If there aren't enough terrorists to go around, the living room of a serial killer can be substituted assuming that guests are kept away from the crawlspace.
And voila! A new master race of self-centered, America-hating assholes ready to do one million times the damage previously done by Obama himself!
No wonder the left is in such a hurry to repeal the 2nd Amendment.
I watched a video shot today in South Africa. In it thousands of black people were standing on a ridge over Hermanus, a small tourist coastal town. It looked like a scene from The Game of Thrones, but these were no actors; they were very real with land seizure and destruction on their minds. Not to forget the usual horrors meted out to the Boer people. The photos will be posted further below.
I live in Victoria. This does not surprise me in the least. They are probably also radioactive considering the state of the Pacific Ocean and the disappearing sea-life of the West Coast.
This woman complains about the situation of Finland for her as a refugee; too many white nationals. Her solution? More migrants. Of course. There is a reason Finland is currently the happiest nation on the planet and she wants to change that.
Germany is a full-fledged police state wielding "justice" for all who offend the PTB. Three Lionesses of Truth are locked up or entangled in their repressive system of political correctness. Now Puigdemont of Catalan is arrested in that sorry nation.
Upset over clear backpacks....
We should be offended also about how heteronormative Solo looks! Or at the diminutive size of the dark fellow!
Right here I am going to suggest looking at the eyes of this kid. He is not sane. Period.
Almost every photo of these two together exhibits strong friendship and a tight bond. No, I am not referring to sexual matters ~ strictly platonic. The fact that Jarrett lives with the Obamas says a lot right there, folks.
Paul McCartney and John Lennon were NOT friends at the time of the latter's assassination. In fact, when informed of the shooting, McCartney merely shrugged it off and carried on his way. Totally cold.
This photo was taken at the last anti gun rally but simply needed to be revisited. It is amazing just how confused these kids are; let alone lost without ethics. Someone failed this child terribly.
This is what my girl was up to last weekend; same lake, same pristine view way up in northernmost Europe. She is a testimonial that one CAN survive a liberal educational environment if one is extremely focused on achievement and blessed with far too much common sense.
Disgusting signage.
(((Tribalists))) really don't want us to have weapons as noted above and below, their mouthpieces.
This, my friends, is me.
The Venus of Willendorf under reconstruction.
The modern angels of the democrats
THIS is what PP is into besides chopping up babies?
My brothers had these.
They were very fussy and did not always work as they should.
Answer at the bottom.
Can you hear that sizzle?
Why do we only see the golden-browed blue eyes when the silver-haired hildebeast was more than responsible as well for illegal activities?
Black South Africans repay whites for generations of
technological advances, innovations, superior healthcare, and wealth by
beating them, murdering their farmers, defacing their cultural
icons, and stealing everything they can.
Post by a South African MP in Parliament
You have been warned.
Meanwhile in Australia.... sigh..
The "remorse" of a military leader for his treatment of a local doctor.
Back to Hermanus, South Africa, earlier today.

Thug player.
That is not the point. Not really.
It is amazing how many people offer Trump voodoo dolls on line!
Bonus mid week cartoons. Awesome. :)
ReplyDeleteIt's a long week and there is soooo much material... Thank you.
Deleteabsolutely priceless....
ReplyDelete...for great are your rewards
I was just wondering where you had been! Thanks. Hope all is well with you.
DeleteGreat work! Thanks much!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Henry. We both do what we can here.
DeleteI'm 42. I used to play with those with my brother when we were kids in the 80s. I guess I'm old as shit.
ReplyDeleteI remember them from the 50's along with those coontailed hats. You are the age range of my kids....
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteI re-posted your meme about Cap Gun caps on Gab and was amazed at the response I got from people sharing their recollections of the things - seems that there are quite a few old farts hanging out on there ... myself included :) - thanks for the memory ...
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure. Yeah, once upon a time we old farts got respect! Now we get HOGGWASH.
DeleteThank you for letting me know you shared... makes me smile.
Thank you for setting up this excellent site.