Happy St. Paddy's Day to everyone!
This is the bridge feminism built. Please enlarge to read. Then remember feminist snow plowing in Sweden....

Because we didn't make up the horrible, anti-American crap Hillary is spewing in the panels above. In India to promote her book "What Happened," Russia's favorite uranium saleswoman launched into this tirade to describe the millions of troglodytes who voted for Trump as hateful, misogynistic racists who would actually have to improve to be Deplorables.
If this horrible woman had won the presidency, it seems very likely that every person who visits Stilton's Place would now be in either an internment camp (the lucky ones) or a cemetery (those who committed Arkancide). Because to paraphrase Sally Field, she "really, really hates us."
And frankly, Hillary, the feeling is mutual.
24 Hours before his passing....
Remember these? Where was the outrage then?
The apartheid mindset seems to attract such hatred.
My local credit union, where I bank, has always had a water cooler available for patrons; I used it every visit; it was missing the other day and I asked why it was available no longer. I was informed that, due to the CARBON FOOTPRINT of shipping in water, the bank had decided to "cut its footprint" down by stopping the water deliveries. Sounds like plain cheapness to me. I immediately termed it "The niggardliness of applied Communism in a socialist nation" which is actually much more appropriate. The carbon tax, from all angles, is no more than that.
Justin Trudeau, former part-time drama teacher, rewrites historical dialogue...
Back to that collapsed bridge in Florida and its feminist roots. Six dead.
Sorry, ladies, not buying the message. Put on some proper footwear and go for a hike.
If you wish to read this poison, the images enlarge.
A lot of photo-shopping went into making this creature look remotely human. Nice of the cheap outlet cheap Chinese good shops to peddle her books for her! A shelf over you might find the Hillary publications...
Fortunately, the Secret Cervix was on the scene.
While in India, an allegedly sober Hillary Clinton took roughly her
millionth spill while trying to stumble down a simple flight of steps.
Despite her painful, legs-akimbo, "the baby is coming NOW!" position, medical experts have confidence that her vagina will be completely recovered should it decide to run for office again in 2020.
Despite her painful, legs-akimbo, "the baby is coming NOW!" position, medical experts have confidence that her vagina will be completely recovered should it decide to run for office again in 2020.
Ugly Swedish creativity. Smelt it down and sell the metal for top dollar.
Including the victims and their families who can be, and some have been, charged with hate crimes for mentioning the races of their captors and abusers.
Before getting all schmaltzy about the passing of Stephen Hawking, please read the following from 2016: NWO Puppet Stephen Hawking Died and Has Been Replaced
The danger of drinking during pregnancy.
A life of lowered expectations.
This definition is as flexible as Israel's borders.
Tell me again how this masculine freak enhances women's existence. This is war on women; there is no other way to put it. Looks like a man with small breasts. If "gender is over", how can they say these things are "women"? Liberal logic fails again. Hugely.
Funny note. I was watching a show last night. One of the protagonists is Jewish and marries the villain who absconds with all his wealth and his heart. The only reference to his Jewishness was minor and not really part of the plot. However, when he was grieving and thrusting his head in the gas oven, yelling "Go away I am trying to kill myself" when the door rings, I lost the plot and laughed my head off. I doubt too many of the viewers of this popular programme laughed for the same reasons as I.
The Russian elections. The electorate is quite happy according to this artist.
Surely this is photo-shopped?
Now you know why the SA Government holds on to the land. Private ownership is forbidden.
Gardening in South Africa.
Weaponized children. Read:
At almost 70, I know my years are limited. All I can do is keep sharing sanity, common sense, and be an influence wherever ethics and values are valued. Planting seeds so to speak.
This is almost too juicy to be real.
All of them include honest civilians, cucks, criminals and those who are paid and bussed in to do their damage. Soros pays well.
Stilton Says: For those who may not be up to date on the most au courant Hallmark holidays, Wednesday was "National School Walkout Day"~ during which students in some school systems were actually compelled
to protest, whether they wanted to or not, under the guise of "showing
support" for the 17 victims of the nightmarish shooting at Florida's
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.
Frankly, "showing support" for the victims isn't exactly an act of radical courage ~ everyone mourns these innocent victims, including the President and every member of the NRA. And yes, everyone would like to assure student safety. So the point of the walkout isn't really to support anyone ~ but rather to flat out protest against the Constitution in general and the Second Amendment in particular. An amendment which, we'd guess, is not being constructively explained in schools which are preoccupied with lockstep liberalism.
Happily, many school districts threatened consequences for students who went AWOL during class time ~ but not all of them. Take Rocklin High School in (surprise!) California, where a history teacher, Julianne Benzel, dared to ask her students if it would be equally appropriate for the school administration to support a walkout to protest abortion. Mind you, she didn't discourage her students from participating in the walkout...but she did ask them to actually think.
She was subsequently put on paid suspension because of "several complaints from parents and students involving the teacher's communications regarding the student-led civic engagement activities," which is as ripe a piece of euphemistic liberal baloney as we've heard in a long time.
We'd suggest that in the future, such schools might actually encourage the teaching of history rather than assuring that uneducated students will be doomed to repeat it.
Frankly, "showing support" for the victims isn't exactly an act of radical courage ~ everyone mourns these innocent victims, including the President and every member of the NRA. And yes, everyone would like to assure student safety. So the point of the walkout isn't really to support anyone ~ but rather to flat out protest against the Constitution in general and the Second Amendment in particular. An amendment which, we'd guess, is not being constructively explained in schools which are preoccupied with lockstep liberalism.
Happily, many school districts threatened consequences for students who went AWOL during class time ~ but not all of them. Take Rocklin High School in (surprise!) California, where a history teacher, Julianne Benzel, dared to ask her students if it would be equally appropriate for the school administration to support a walkout to protest abortion. Mind you, she didn't discourage her students from participating in the walkout...but she did ask them to actually think.
She was subsequently put on paid suspension because of "several complaints from parents and students involving the teacher's communications regarding the student-led civic engagement activities," which is as ripe a piece of euphemistic liberal baloney as we've heard in a long time.
We'd suggest that in the future, such schools might actually encourage the teaching of history rather than assuring that uneducated students will be doomed to repeat it.
Some great chuckles in there... Thanks :)
ReplyDeleteShame about the 'hate speech laws' in uk, sigh... :(
Literal definition of 'Police State'.
@DTrump is about the way of the liberal mind (and it is a) set.
ReplyDeleteIt turns everything backwards and claims victimhood.
I would be surprised if you didn't catch the liberal high schooler claiming an ar-15 makes deer explode.
I do believe we must re-characterize the grade school system. As the 12 year indoctrination centers. And the college/university system as. The 4 year finishing schools.
And now we have feminist engineers trying to bend natural law in ways that are incomprehensible. And, Deadly.
I have lived here in Phx AZ for 4 decades. I participated in the building of our transportation system. It boggles my mind that they did not have the center support for the span built before setting it in place. Just like Parkland it is a failure on all levels.
I like your story telling. It says much.
Thank you, Norman. I raised two "feminist" daughters. To them "feminism" meant no holds barred if you could make the grade; no more, no less. None of this crap we see today, but then they do have natural beauty on their sides. The one did well in her career and has chosen the path of marriage and motherhood in a traditional type setting. The other went into high academia. She could build bridges if she set her mind to it but only because she gets on so well with her work companions and has such integrity. Instead she has applied her math skills to helping design programmes for the autistic community. And she is a feminist ... but ONLY in her actions and what she does. And the word "feminism" is NOT part of her vocabulary as such...
DeleteOh and I half home schooled them in family schools where there was a LOT of parental involvement which kept the learning "honest".
The education system is communist indoctrination. Daycare. The younger they can get them, they can charge you for corrupting them while you work hard to pay for the fees and your taxes.... And they can corrupt the young. This time it is younger kids... being weaponized...
BTW the one who said they could make more beautiful or artistic bridges? Er, is she sexist in implying that men cannot create beauty? This is my interpretation! Ugly architecture is the product of Communism decades ago! But for millennia, men have been creating GREAT beauty; that woman is just plain misinformed.
DeleteCouldn't agree with you more.
DeleteResearching history is my job, my work is helping people.
Researching history for the cure to the disease this old world is fighting so the we need not be forced in starting a forced inoculation program of massive amounts of Pb.
But, that is the direction the communists seem to want.
Some tell me they can see a light out there.
I hope its not a false dawn.
I love your site. Where can I find the one where you posted about legalizing Marijuana?
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry but I cannot find it!
DeleteYou didn't miss much with these Noor. Still beating up the LW with a RW club as usual. Keeping the Hegelian Dialectic armed & confrontational. Not going to carry that club all the way to Heaven are you Tweetheart? Like Charlton Heston (Moses) carrying his flintlock rifle with him in his cold dead hands to his grave. LOL It takes 2 to tango yanno. DUMP THE DUOPOLY and let's have DIRECT DEMOCRACY in a One World Order that works for everyone. United we Stand & all that good stuff. Choose the highest third way & stay with Christ. Can't get lost with Him in your heart, can't get to God without Him. Blessings, Peace, Love & Light. As Salaamu Alaykum, Shalom
ReplyDeleteI know I miss far to much but I do my best. As for to my grave, I have plenty of years left to make my mark. As for Christ, well, He has always been there. In one form or another.
DeleteMeanwhile it is spring tomorrow! And soon after that, Easter, another wonderful time.