Around 1240, a Parisian Jew named
Nicholas Donin, who had converted to Christianity, convinced the king of
France, Louis IX, that he would be able to prove the truth of Christianity
through the Talmud. This is the same claim that Pablo Christiani, another
converted Jew, would make in Spain in 1267 in his famous debate with
The Church was always partial to
converted Jews. Donin was very ambitious and had visions of rising high in the
Church. Convincing the authorities that you could prove Christianity through
the most authoritative book unique to the Jews was a sure path up the ladder to
success in the Church for a Jewish convert. By winning such an argument, all
the Jews would convert it was believed.
King Louis’s actions were not
lost on future generations. Wherever the Nazis came to power they burned Jewish
books (and later Jewish people*). For instance, the great library of the
academy in Lublin, Poland, which had over 55,000 volumes and was one of the great
Jewish libraries of the world, was burned by the Nazis immediately upon their
arrival in Lublin.
ED Noor: re: *
remember this is from a Jewish site so of course they have to get in their digs
about the Holoco$t however they can.
Louis ordered the rabbi of Paris,
Rabbeinu Yechiel ~ mentioned many times in the Tosafos commentary of the Talmud
~ to debate Donin. All of the debates in Europe were losing propositions for
the Jews. If they won they lost and if they lost they lost. There was no
freedom of speech. Only Nachmanides succeeded in winning the right to free
speech, and even after he won the debate he and his community faced intensified
persecution for his efforts. In all other debates, one could say nothing that
would be critical of the Church or Christianity, effectively making it not a
debate at all.
Nevertheless, Rabbeinu Yechiel
made such a skilful defense that the king agreed that it was true that one
could not prove Christianity through the Talmud. Nevertheless, he said that the
Talmud was an insult to the Christianity.
Therefore, in 1242, he ordered
the burning of 24 cartloads of priceless Hebrew manuscripts. We have to bear in
mind that in the Middle Ages each book to be hand-written. The Talmud alone is,
in today’s format, about 2,300 pages. They wrote using quill pens and
manufactured ink on parchment (or vellum paper that then began to be produced).
The pure physical labour of sitting and writing that volume of words alone
boggles the mind.
The 24 cartloads amounted to some
12,000 volumes. Louis had all the copies of the Talmud he could get his hand on
collected and burned them. For his efforts, the Church canonized him as a saint
in 1297. (He is the famous Louis after which the American city and baseball
Cardinals are called after.)
King Louis
IX of France forced the Jewish communities under his control to give up their
copies of the Talmud and in 1242 had 24 cartloads worth of Jewish books burned
in the square in front of the Louvre in Paris. For his efforts, the Church
canonized him as a saint in 1297.
That event effectively marked the
end of the Jewish community in France. The king followed it up with an
expulsion of the Jews from France ~ after despoiling them, and taking away
their money and property, of course. The Jewish community in France never
really recovered. It never again became the great seat of learning or even the
great seat of Jewish tradition as it was in the 11th through 13th
Today, the majority of Jews in
France are Sephardic Jews who came from Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco within the
last century. It is not a scholarly or a particularly strong Jewish community.
It certainly never again looked like Rashi’s community, after they burned the
yes the keyword of the jews is "revenge " and the french revolution where they cut off the heads of the intelligensia and nobility, e g the educated people, similarly as Rothschild was forbidden to exploit through usury in russia, so he funded through others the russian revolution, and in germany when hitler threw them all out, they came to britian and new york to geta war going to destroy germany, now its the time for america, and america just lays and waits quietly for it the same as britian did in 1939
ReplyDeleteThis is not a picture of the burning of the Talmud. This is Pedro Berruguete's St. Dominic and the Albigenses, unknown year, Museo del Prado, Madrid.